Kakashi's Sister?!

By 1aNoNa1

351K 10.5K 4.3K

I don't own Naruto What happens when a mysterious girl with tremendous power comes to the village hidden in... More

Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Kakashi's sister
Part 1 complete
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
New Relationships
Part 2 done
Cursed (cute filler)
Part 3 done
OC Profile
Part 4 done
Teacher and Akasuki
Teacher and Akatsuki
Teacher and Akatsuki
Teacher and Akatsuki
Teacher vs Akatsuki.
Teacher Vs Akatsiki
Part 5 done
The End

Kakashi's sister

13.7K 411 305
By 1aNoNa1

"She's lying! She has a sharingan. She'll kill us all!" Sasuke yelled. The entirety of team seven sent glares her way. They made her internally shrink back. Kakashi's was the worse thought. His red eyes glaring, his sharingan activated as if she would attack them at any second. They were scared of her.

"It's okay sweetie" a soft voice called. Chikako turned around to see her mother standing on their family homes porch with her arms wide open. Chikako ran to her Mom, getting younger and younger as she did. Her short arms wrapped around her Mom's legs. The little girl's whole body relaxed tension she didn't realize she was holding. 

"Why?" Her mother asked in a choked voice. Chikako's mother sniffled and a tear landed in her silver hair, dampening it. Her mothers grip tightened on her to the point Chikako couldn't breath. Once gain she felt like the helpless little girl as her beloved Mom crumbled into a pile of blood and cloth. 

No. Not again!

"You could've saved me! You are a monster" her mother yelled  in a deranged voice and scratched Chikako's eyes with her nails. She let out a bloodcurdling scream as her hands found their way to her bloody eye sockets. 

Chikako jumped up from her futon into a sitting position. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. When she sees snow she always has nightmares. It was something she was used to by now after years of nonstop night terrors. In the winter, though, they always felt more real. 

After gathering herself, she sat on a pillow and meditated. She pushed her dream out of her head and focused on her chakra. She could feel it strongly pulsing through her body and swirling around her body. The chakra was so thick it took physical form. It flowed like a wave as it twisted around her body.

Chikako spent most of the day meditation, but found herself looking out of her window when she realized it was abnormally loud outside. It seemed like they were setting up some kind of celebration. Chikako watched the people all day.

A small knock snapped her out of her daze.

"Hi Chikako! I heard you were with Kakashi-sensei yesterday. Since you won't leave your room we decided to come to you. Can you please let us in?" Sakura called out polietly. Chikako hesitated, but gave in to her request in the end. She opened the door to be greeted by team seven, Shikamaru, the eating boy, a boy with a dog, and a shy girl with purple hair and another that was blonde. They all filed in one by one. As they entered her room, Chikako moved some scrolls and books to make room for her visitors. She then made some tea for everyone.

"The winter celebration is tomorrow. We'll be with our families. We know you came here alone, so we decided to have a small party with you!" Sakura explained. Chikako nodded, but said nothing. She had never been to a party. During holidays when she was little, it was only her and her Mom. After she left, she was too busy surviving to celebrate much of anything. 

"Oh you haven't met these five. This is Hinita, that's Kiba and Akamaru, that's Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru!" Chikako  nodded and pointed to Shikamaru.

"I've met Shika before" Chikako said. Sakura was surprised, but Shikamaru just shook it off. Not caring about Sakura's reaction or being called Shika.

Everyone put down what they were carrying and settled around the table. Naruto and some others revealed some food and drinks they brought for the party and everyone cheered besides Chikako and Shika who simply stared. Chikako saw some chocolate tarts. Stars seemed to shine in her eyes and she snatched them all up and started to nibble on them.

"I guess Chikako really likes sweets" Naruto laughed. Below her veil, a faint blush made its way to Chikako's face. Sweets were her weakness. She could kill all the legendary sages and every single member of the fearsome Akatsuki, yet she couldn't resist sweets.

The party was enjoyable. Kiba and Akamaru were doing some tricks and they all chatted. Sakura decided to start a dancing contest to song music. She was paired with Sasuke, Naruto with Hinata, Kiba with Akamaru, Choji with Ino, and Chikako with Shika. In the end Kiba and Akamaru won. Chikako and Shika dropped out after swaying a tew times. Sakura was pretty much dancing by herself as Sasuke stood there, and Naruto fell on top of Hinata when he tripped. Chikako let a small laugh escape her as she watched them.

It suddenly got silent and everyone eyes were on Chikako. They looked as if the first Hokage just appeared.

"You- you laughed" Naruto stated in a questioning tone. Chikako blinked her eyes blankly, even though no one could see, and they all jumped on her. Sasuke and Shikamaru didn't jump per say, but instead were tackled into the group. 

"We got her to laugh! I think we should open presents now!" Sakura cheered.

"What do you mean?" Chikako asked. Presents? She only got those on her birthday when she was little, and a from Itachi when she was with the Akatsuki.

"For the winter celebration silly!" Sakura continued. She thrusted a present wrapped in pink with a bow at Chikako.

"We each brought you a present. This ones mine!" Chikako hesitantly took the gift from her hands and unwrapped it. Inside a small box was a blue silk jacket. It had red and white flowers embroidered in it. Chikako's eyes widened and she ran her hands down  the material.

"I hoped you would like it. I have a matching one. When we finally see your face maybe we could both wear these" Sakura suggested. Chikako nodded and laid the silk jacket on her lap.

Next Naruto gave her his gift. It was a small book of free meal tickets from Ichiraku. Chikako thanked Naruto and he scratched his nose with a blush. Next was Hinata gift. It was a beautiful hair pin/ She explained that she never talked to her before, but still tried her best to get her something she might like. It was designed with small silver birds and a copper bell hung at the end by some twine. Kiba gave Chikako a demonstration of a cool trick with Akamaru, and Shikamark gave her a porcelain shogi set. Choji gave her a bag of his favorite chips, and lastly Ino presented Chikako with a tiny hand mirror. 

Chikako went to the back of her room and reached into a wardrobe. She took out a jade box and set it on the table.

"I got these during my travels. You can each take one" Chikako announced. Sakura. Ino, and Hinata looked through some jewelry while Choji and Naruto grabbed one of her many recipe scrolls. He chose the one for a ramen dish she ate in the Land of Lightning. Kiba and Akamaru took a pin that was shaped like claws and teeth that was a set. Shikamaru didn't grab anything, so Chikako went into another dresser. She pulled out a black eye mask with read swirls around the edges.

"I have two" Chikako said handing the mask to him. Shikamaru nodded and put it around his neck.

Chikako looked over in the corner and saw Sasuke. He was fidgeting with something. Her eyes trailed away from his figure and enjoyed the party. It was night by the time everyone left. Sasuke was the only one left now. He was sitting in the corner looking away.

"Sasuke?" Chikako called out. The male sighed and walked over to her. He handed her a ball of black cloth and looked away in embarrassment. Chikako took it from his hands and unrolled it. Her eyes widened. It was a new black cloak, but on the back was the symbol for the Uchiha clan.

"I've come to terms with your existence. You are a part of my clan and I'll treat you as such" Sasuke said. His blush darkened and he loved at the floor. Chikako smiled under her veil and moved closer to Sasuke. She pressed her bare lips to his cheek and pulled away. Sasuke's face burst with red as he internally panicked.

"Goodnight Chikako" with those words Sasuke left the room, closing her door behind him as he rushed out.

Chikako put her jade box back and cleaned up her room before she took a bath. When Chikako went back into her room she eyed the silk jacket Sakura gave her. Chikako shrugged and slipped it on over her black skin-tight shirt and shorts. She slept that night using the Uchiha cloak Sasuke gave her as a blanket. She felt oddly warm that night. It was... nice.

A few more weeks past and all the snow was gone. It was still cold, but there was no snow.

Chikako left her room for the first time since it snowed besides the day she met with Itachi and Kisame. She made her way to the meeting spot for team seven wearing her Uchiha cloak. When she arrived Naruto jumped happily and Sakura smiled; warmly welcoming her back. Chikako didn't miss the small smirk she saw on Sasuke's face when he saw the back of her cloak.

Naruto and Sakura asked her question after question about her cloak and why it had the Uchiha symbol on the back. Chikako pulled out her book, but even then they didn't stop.

"My mother was an Uchiha" Chikako said. Naruto and Sakura flipped out while Sasuke walked next to her and stayed there.

"Why are you so calm Sasuke?" Naruto yelled.

"I found out weeks ago. I saw her eye" he explained. This caused Naruto and Sakura to freak out even more. Kakashi soon arrived and greeted his team.

"Nice to see you Chikako. Since everyone is back I was planning on letting you spar. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto have all learned a new jutsu, and now that we know Chikako has the sharingan it will be good to test everyone's strength." Kakashi explained. The four kids nodded. Naruto jumped up blabbing about how he was gonna beat Sasuke. That got Sasuke riled up and they both butted heads as Sakura yelled at Naruto.

"I want Sasuke to go up against Chikako first" Kakashi said. Naruto pouted as the two took their spots on the field.

"You both have sharingan. I want to see how well both of you can control it." Kakashi explained. Both Uchiha's nodded and took a battle stance. Chikako planned out the whole fight in her head before Sasuke moved.

Chikako dodged Sasuke's kunai knives and jumped into the air before he could land a blow on her. Chikako turned her body in the air and landed a kick to Sasuke's head when she fell down. Her white shoes didn't even make a sound as they touched the ground. Her loose sleeves blew in the wind as they settled back into their place. She had taken her cloak off before they began fighting in hoped of keeping it save.

 Sasuke stood up wiping he blood from his lips before charging again. He jumped in the air and quickly did the tiger hand signs. Chikako copied Sasuke and they both sent a cloud of fire at each other. The attacks cancelled each other out and Chikako swiftly moved forwards. Using taijutsu, she hit Sasuke's neck making him fall to him knees coughing.

Chikako picked up Sasuke and carried him to sit next to Kakashi. The two Uchiha sat there watching the match between Sakura and Naruto. In the end Naruto won. Sakura and Sasuke fought next and the winner was Sasuke. The last battle was Naruto and Chikako.  Naruto was excited. Chikako beat Sasuke! That means she's stronger. If he beats Chikako that means he's better than Sasuke! Chikako could read the blond boys thoughts clearly from his giddy expression. 

They both took a ready position. Naruto charged first creating multiple shadow clones to surround the girl. Chikako fought off every clone with a single hit and avoided the boys kunai attack at the same time.  Going back and forth with Naruto's shadow clones, she noticed that  he began to mold his chakra into a spinning ball. Naruto's last clone disappeared and he charged at Chikako with his rasengan. Naruto's attack made contact and Chikako was sent flying into a tree. When the smoke cleared they saw a small puff of smoke and she was gone.

"A clone! When?" Naruto yelled. Chikako sighed and jumped down from the tree putting her book away. Naruto was shocked and started to create his rasengan again. He once again let  his clones attack Chikako. She easily took out the clones with a single move. Her hands moved skillfully to create hand signs before creating a similar breath attack to the one she used against Sasuke earlier, but with wind. All of the clones disappeared and she moved to where the real Naruto was standing. She could end it with less than 15% of her chakra, but she didn't want any eyes on her. So 5% will have to do.

She slowly jumped out of the way and let Naruto's kunai hit her left arm. The pain was the same as a light flick, so she paid no mind to it as it dripped blood. Naruto was now panting and leaning over her knees. Chikako used her taijutsu to land one kick to Naruto's upper back and the match was over in a similar fashion to her first. 

They ended training once everyone regained their energy. They all went out to get ramen.

"Foods on Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled. Team seven enjoyed their ramen and went back to their rooms. Chikako was meditating when Shizune barged into her room without knocking. This alerted the silver haired girl. The woman was always polite and knocked before entering her room. 

"The village is under attack!" Chikako immediately ran out of her room and to the Hokage.

"Where am I needed?" She asked.

"Orochimaru has come to take Sasuke. The jōnin and genin are currently fighting. Come with me. I need you to back up Sasuke" Lady Hokage ordered. The two of them exited the room with a their jackets blown in the wind.

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