Dear My Sanity (Katsuki Bakug...

By CreeperDreamer

76.5K 1.9K 169

(Yes I'm using this name. I know it's in another story but she's my main Oc so It makes sense.) Joozou Ryuu... More

Chapter 1: Rat!!!!
Chapter 2: PERVERT!!!
Chapter 3: Hello
Chapter 4: P.E
Chapter 5: Story
Chapter: 6 Asked out!?!?
Chapter: 7 Festival
Chapter: 8 A Battle
Chapter: 9 Three in one
Chapter: 10 Long day
Chapter: 11 Hero Name
Chapter: 12 Purple hair
Chapter: 13 Bakugous sister!?!
Chapter: 14 Despair
Chapter: 15 Akagi, and Mr. and Mrs. Ryuu
Chapter: 16 Pity
Chapter: 17 Hey Nerd
Chapter: 18 Confession and Gifts
Chapter: 19 Im sorry...
Chapter: 20 Nothing at all..
Chapter: 21 Two new studnets at U.A. Pt.1
Chapter: 23 Hero suits pt.1
Chapter: 24 Hero suits pt.2
Chapter: 25 Eli's suit/Electrical touch
Chapter: 26 Who's the blond dumbass!!?!
Chapter: 27 Thank you
Chapter: 28 Aizawa vs Joozou...
Chapter: 29 Hitoshi Shinso
Chapter: 30 Broken Cage and Douchebag with nice hair
Chapter: 31 Monoma
Chapter: 32 Under....Where!?!? (Lol puns....;-;)
Chapter: 33 Internships
Chapter: 34 Insecurities...
Chapter: 35 To the hospital
Chapter: 36 It Comes When Shes Scared
Chapter 37: Sin
Chapter 38: Aren't you glad
Chapter 39: You're to good for me / Sincere
Chapter 40: Water Park!!

Chapter: 22 Two new studnets at U.A. Pt.2 :/ shocking accident

1.4K 31 0
By CreeperDreamer

No ones POV

        Everyone went quit as they heard the door from the classroom open. It was quit unusual for class 1-A go get new student since this was a limited student hero course. Some were even scared of being replaced.
        Suddenly an adorable white haired girl with medium length wavy hair, light skin, blue eyes, and deer antlers entered the classroom.
'ELI!!!!!!' Joozou shouted in her head to herself.
         "This is our other new student." Mr. Aizawa announced. He then looked at the girl. "Please introduce yourself." He added as he walked over to his yellow sleeping bad and went inside.
        "H-hello m-my name is M-Megumi Eli its nice to m-meet you all, I hope I don't make a bad impression on you. " The pale girl says as she's shivering with a tint of pink on her cheeks .
        She then looks at someone near the back of the class and smiled.

Eli's POV

       I heard the strange teacher call me to come in. I walked into the classroom and stood at the front
"Introduce yourself. " The strange teacher walked and went into a sleeping bag
'Whats wrong with this school' I thought to myself.
"H-hello m-my name is M-Megumi Eli its nice to meet you all, I hope I don't make a bad impression on you. hero name is The White Maiden..-and m-my quir-" I look at the students they're amazing one boy had a tail and another had tenticles.
"Joozou!...Hendreksen!... " I shouted not finishing my sentence.

Joozous POV

        "ELI!!!!!!!!" Hendrickson, Akagi, and me  shouted as we tackled her.
        "Your here!!!!!" I shouted as I picked Eli up and shook her. "Joo-zou, I'm getting d-dizzy" Eli said as she tried to stop me.
"To loud...Calm down and take your seats." Mr. Aizawa said standing. We looked at him and saw his red glowing eyes and his hair floating in the air with his bandages.
We instantly sat in our chairs and had an uneasy feeling.
"Now let's begin." He added as his hair went down and he gave a bored expression.

-time skip-

        I put my pencil down after an hour of notes. P.E is next and I'm so drained from work....
        "Joozou, did you hear!! Class 1-B and a couple of other students from 1-C are joining our class for physical training!!" Someone shouted running up to me.
        I looked up and saw Ashido smiling wide. "Yeah, I think there are 2 from class 1-C. If I'm correct." I said as I thought it over.
        "Yeah, Two!!" She shouted as she jumped up. I smiled and talked to her more about how   we might be doing a class against class fight. However I doubt it.
        "IF WE DO, I'LL GIVE IT MY ALL!!!!!!" She added throwing her fist in the air.
        Along the line of talking with Ashido, all of the girls joined in. Eli didn't and instead left somewhere.
        I need to get her in a bit because we are all waiting for All Might to get here and pick us up.
        It was kinda weird seeing him the first time a while ago. He looked cool but stuck up. However since he talks big and can back it up, I respect his cockiness in a way.
        "And remember, during the sports festival, when Bakugous had to be restrained." Tsu said adding to the joke Hagakure made after we stopped talking about P.E.
        It was funny to watch it on the TV. I can't imagine how hilarious it would have been to be there.        
        We all laughed and my hair actually exploded a bit causing some of the girls to smile wide. "HOW CUTE!!!" They shouted.
        "It actually happens randomly. Usually when I'm over happy, laugh, sneeze, or get extremely blood boiling angry." I said threw laughs as my hair did it again.
        "That's so adorable!!!" Uraraka shouted clasping her hands together as my hair went down like normal again.
        "WATCH OUT MAN!!!!!" Someone shouted. Suddenly someone bumped into my back a bit and I was electrocuted.
        "JOOZOU!!!!" Mostly everyone in the class shouted.
       When it stopped I turned and saw Kaminari backing away from me kinda afraid as he stumbled and fell to the ground. I just stood there like nothing happened.
        Suddenly the girls began to check if I'm ok. I then noticed my hair was spiked up like it normally is. "IM GONNA KILL YOU, YELLOW HAIRED JACKASS!!!!" Bakugou shouted tackling Kaminari.
        He was then grabbed and held back a bit. "Don't kill him!!" Kirishima shouted trying to hold Bakugou with some help.
        "I'm fine, it's fine!!" I shouted as I stood in front of Bakugo and tried to calm him down. My hair turning soft. "NO ITS NOT!!!! HE ELECTROCUTED YOU!!!" Bakugou shouted angry.
        "MY MAGNETIC RELEASE ALSO EXPANDS TO DIFFERENT BRANCHES!!! AS WELL AS ELECTROMAGNETS!!! Electric currents don't harm me...I just absorbe them..and I can release them.." I said trying to get his attention then talking softer at the end. 
        He blushed a bit and calmed down. He then yanked his body away from the guys who were holding him. "I must admit your tempers are quit identical.." Akagi said from beside Hendrickson.
        "SHUT UP!!" Bakugou shouted using his quirk a bit.
        I sighed kinda pissed as I pointed my finger at Akagi like a gun. He put his hands up in defeat and chuckled a bit. "Joking." He added.
        "WHATS WITH ALL THIS COMMOTION!!!" Someone shouted coming in.
        We all looked and saw All Might. "ALL MIGHT!!!" Most people shouted.
        I just looked at the ground and winced a bit but since everyone looked and talked to All Might they were distracted.
        I kinda felt a pain in my chest. Suddenly I felt a bit dizzy and fell back but someone caught me in their arms.
        "Joozou what's wrong..?!?!" Ururaka shouted as she went to me. All Might looked and everyone got closers.
        "I'll take her to the infirmary." The person said who caught me. I looked and saw Bakugou pick me up bridal style. "Good idea young Bakugou. What a good hero!!!" All Might said putting his hands on his hips.
        "Did she faint!?!" Kiminari shouted getting a bit closer to me.
        "Get the fuck away from her before I brake your arms.." Bakugo threatened. "Never mind..." All Might whispered...
        I then noticed Bakugous words were stern and he didn't yell. He then passed All Might and left the classroom.
        "I'm sorry. It usually doesn't hurt me. But I haven't really used it, or been shot with an electrical current lately. However I doubt the fainting had anything to do with the electrification." I said sincerely as I snuggled Bakugos chest as he kept walking.
        "You're an idiot." He said as he sighed. I looked up at him and saw him blushing a bit as he looked forward.
        I smiled knowing he cared. "'re blushing." I said innocently at him while giggling a bit.
"Shut up before I drop you." He said as he looked down at me.

Bakugous POV

         As I looked down I saw her smiling. Her soft features looked so warm and welcoming. I could hold her in my arms forever.
        I felt so angry that the yellow shit even touched her. Now shes hurt. I'm gonna beat the shit out of that yellow haired bastard...
        After a while we got to the nurses office and went in. Recovery Girl was siting at her desk and turned to see us.
        "She was hit with an electric quirk. One of her quirks allows her to absorb electric currents, but this time she just fainted." I explained as I looked down at Joozou.
        "I'm fine, really. I just was just caught by surprise and it's been a while. However I'm not convinced being electrocuted would make me faint." She said as she rubbed her neck.
        "Let me examine you just to be sure your ok. Come now, set her down here." Recovery Girl said as she got off her chair and walked over to a bed.
        After the normal checks Recovery Girl looked at Joozou. "You're fine. Just some fatigue is all. I can't find anything else wrong.." Recovery girl said.
        I was relieved and scratched my head. "Good." I said as I looked at Joozou stood up.
        "I'll wright you two a note to get back to class. I'm guessing class 1-A is out at the field today for P.E. I wouldn't want you both to be late." Recovery girl said as she walked over to her desk.
At least Joozous ok...

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