Strange | Riggs

By carltoncriggs

1K 56 10

"That's impossible... it's- it's strange." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

56 4 1
By carltoncriggs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: surprise 

1 week later 

Aria Taylors 

I heard the front door open and close. I looked over and Chandler had a smile on his face. 

"Happy much?" I stood up from the couch and walked towards him.

"Yes I am. I have a surprise for you." Chandler put his backpack down. 

"I don't really like surprises." I joked. 

"You'll love this one. You're going to school starting on Wednesday." Chandler told me. 

"What? How did you-" 

"It was easy, I worked my way around it. I told them that you're living with me and you've been homeschooled and you're enrolled." He summed it up. 

"Which also means you'll be around people and you can live a normal life." He added. I smiled a bit. 

"Chandler, that's amazing, thank you." I've always wanted to go to school. 

"You're welcome." He grinned. 


"Aria, come on, wake up." I heard a soft voice call in my ear. 

I bent my knees and opened my eyes. Chandlers dark figure was crouched by my bed. 

It was such a beautiful sight to wake up to. Chandler made me feel in such a way I couldn't explain. 

I felt the corners of my mouth curve up. 

"Come on, you've got to get ready for school." Chandler stood up. I groaned and stretched my body out. 

I then sat up and moved my hair out of my face. I heard Chandler chuckle slightly. 

I stood up and Chandler was already ready. 

"Do you always have to get up this early?" I stretched my arms . 

"Yes. Now pick out some clothes, do your hair or whatever, get something to eat, brush your teeth and then we'll get going." Chandler put his hands on my shoulders. 

I nodded and stretched again. Chandler watched me, a small smile appearing on his face. 

I went to my drawers and sliding one open. I bent down and picked out a gray long sleeved shirt that was tight and showed a little bit of my stomach, a black pair or skinny jeans that had 2 rips in the knees and all white shoes with a vans logo on the back. 

I left the room and went to the bathroom. 

I changed my clothes and looked in the mirror. I looked fine. I just fixed up my hair and sighed. I was exhausted. 

"Hey Chandler, I'm not that very hungry, don't worry about breakfast." I called out as I picked up my toothbrush. 

I started to brush my teeth and then the bathroom door opened. I turned my head to look at the door and Chandler had a granola bar in his hand. 

I thought it might've been for him, but when I finished brushing my teeth, he gently grabbed my hand and placed the granola bar in it. 

"You'll get hungry, trust me." He whispered. His body was incredibly close to mine. 

Our faces were only inches apart, giving me a twisting feeling in my stomach. I moved my eyes to look at his. 

His eyes trailed down for a second, then they looked back up. 

"Alright, come on." He cleared his throat. 

I nodded and Chandler handed me a black book bag. I followed him down stairs and into the kitchen. 

Chandler took ahold of his keys and I slung the back onto my left shoulder. 

"Are you excited?" Chandler asked with a smile. 

I grinned and nodded. 

Chandler just put his hand on my shoulder and we both started walking to the door. 

Chandler put his hand on the door knob, but stopped to turn to me. 

"Hey, when you're there, you might not be with me the entire time. So please, if someone is rude or the wrong people try to be friends with you, just walk away... or if a boy comes up to you and starts flirting, give them a dirty look and say no thanks." He warned. 

I was a little confused for a second but then agreed. 

"Yeah, okay." I nodded. Chandler nodded back and then opened the door. I made my way to the car and let myself in. 

When Chandler got in the car, I saw him, out of the corner of my eye, look at me, smile a little, and then start the car. 

"What?" I put my seatbelt on. 

"Uh- nothing. I just- I'm happy for you." He stumbled on his words. I chuckled and Chandler started to drive. I was nervous, not going to lie. 

I rubbed my palms on my legs. 

"You okay?" Chandler noticed my nervous actions. 

"Yeah... just nervous." I admitted. 

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'll be there with you some of the time." Chandler told me. 

"Yeah, yeah okay." I tried to calm myself. 

"When you get scared, just think of me. I'll be there to make it okay." He knew he was the one thing I could go to for comfort. He knew that if anything was wrong with me I would go to him first. 

"You're going to do great." Chandler said. "If anyone asks, you live with me because you wanted to. Don't mention anything about your parents or your past. They'll think you're crazy." Chandler added. I just nodded. 

Soon we pulled up to a big building. Many buildings. Chandler went into a parking lot and parked. 

We both got out of the car. I clutched the strap of my book bag tightly. There were so many people. 

"Come on." Chandler gave me a smile, putting his hand on my back 

"Welcome to etowah high." Chandler welcomed me as we stepped up the stairs and entered the school. 

"Chandler my man!" A boy walked up to Chandler as soon as we entered. 

I looked around the school. There were teenagers everywhere. Some smaller than others. There were lockers on the wall. 

"Hey dude." I felt Chandler take his hand off my back. 

"I didn't know you had a sister. She's beautiful as hell." The boy whispered to Chandler. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"She's not my sister. This is aria, she lives with me." He introduced me to the oblivious boy. 

"Aria, pretty name for a pretty girl." He held his hand out. 

"Thanks." I put my hand in his for a handshake but he lifted my hand and kissed the back of it. 

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Chandler. 

"Nice to meet you." He let go of my hand. I just crossed my arms again. 

"Kyle, you're freaking her out. Back off." Chandler gave him a slight warning. They exchanged different expressions. 

"Oh, dude I got you." He gave him a smile and patted his shoulder. 

My eyebrows furrowed and I just continued my gaze on Chandler. 

"Well I got to get her to the office to get her schedule. See you later." Chandler held my arm and we started to walk. 

"That was weird." I tried to laugh it off. 

"You're going to get stuff like that a lot since you're pretty." 

Since you're pretty. 

He thinks I'm pretty. 

I smiled a bit and bit my lower lip hiding the fact that I was blushing incredibly. We walked into a bigger part of the school which I'm guessing is the office. 

"Hi Chandler, how can we help you?" The woman totally discarded me. 

"My friend that I was telling you about, she needs her schedule." He pointed the attention to me. 

"Oh yes. What's your name, sweetie?" She was freakishly nice. Her smile was wide and scary. 

"Uh... Aria Taylors." You could hear the nervousness in my voice. 

"Taylors, Taylors." The woman repeated to herself as she shuffled through papers. 

"Ah, here we are." She held out the paper. I took it and looked at it. Chandler leaned over and looked as well. 

"Good news, we've got 7th together, bad news, that's the only class we have together and it's the end of the day." Chandler said. I sighed and looked at him. 

"You'll be okay. I'll show you how to get around." He walked out and of course I followed him.  He showed me around until the first bell rang. 

"Okay well I'll see you later, be careful and make sure not to do the mind thing." He whispered the last part. I nodded and sighed. 

"You'll be fine. Ive got to go to class and so do you." He chuckled before disappearing into the crowd of kids rushing to class. 

I decided I needed to stop at my locker and learn how to do the combination by myself. 

I was locker number 4050. fun fact that's my irl locker number. 

When I found it I struggled maybe 3 or 4 times to open the locker but I finally did it. There were kids looking at me weirdly as I did this. 

I just shook my head and closed it. I had to find my class now. Room 214 F. Upstairs in a totally different building. Though the buildings were connected and it was all an inside school, it was still hard as fuck to find. I blew out air and started to walk. 

For the life of me I could not find this building. I was looking down at my paper, reading over all my classes as I walked. 

I then felt my body run into another. Cliche. 

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I looked up to see a tall, skinny boy with light brown hair, almost blonde, it wasn't too long but it wasn't short, and blue eyes. Ethan cutkosy as fuck bc he's daddy. 

"No worries." He backed up a bit with a smirk. 

"I'm Dylan Hiley." He introduced himself.  "Aria Taylors." I gave him a smile to be nice. Chandler said it was best to smile to make friends. 

"Where you heading?" He stepped a little closer. 

"Oh uh room 214 F. I'm new so I'm kinda lost." I admitted. 

"I'll show you where that is. Come on, follow me." He was interesting. Mysterious, really. 

"Thanks." I simply spoke. 

"Aria. Italian for air, right?" He looked back at me. 

"I'm not sure." I shrugged a little. 

"It's also a solo melody. Interesting." He didn't seem typical. 

He pushed some doors open and then started hopping up some stairs. I walked up them just behind him. 

His cologne swept through the air and it was strong. 

"214 F, here you go." He pointed to a door. 

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I flashed him another smile.
"My pleasure." His smirk kept playing along his lips and he walked away. 

I opened the door and I saw a man standing in the front. I peered to the left to see an entire class. 

"Hi, I'm sorry I'm late. I kinda got lost. I'm new." I explained myself. 

"You must be aria. Nice to meet you, I'm Mr.fields. Take a seat in any open desk." He seemed nice. 

I nodded and looked around for an empty seat. If the day wasn't already cliche enough, the only empty desk was dead smack in the middle. 

I just made my way to the desk and sat down. Mr.fields went on with talking. 

I felt a poke on my shoulder and I turned around. A girl with beautiful brown eyes and shiny brown hair sat there. 

"Hi, I'm Layla." She nicely introduced herself. 

"I'm Aria." People were a lot nicer than dad told me. 

"We're now friends." She chuckled a little. I just smiled and nodded before turning back around. 

The entire first period went by so fast. When the bell rang I just stood up and grabbed my bag. 

"So, meet anyone besides me?" I heard Layla.

"I mean I live with Chandler, I'm not sure if you know him and I met this boy in the hallway, his name is Dylan." I simply responded. 

"Oh Dylan, yikes." She laughed a bit. We both started to walk out of the class and into the hallway. 

"Why yikes? He seemed nice." I shrugged, folding my arms. 

"He's a fuckboy. He'll do anything to get in a girls pants. He may seem nice and innocent, but he's not. Trust me, half of the senior class fell for it." She explained. 

"Did you?" She was really easy to talk to for some reason. I barely knew her and was already having a full conversation. 

"No, I'm not dumb like the rest of them." She shook her head. 

"Anyway, I'll see you around, new girl." She waved. I waved back. 

The rest of the day was boring until 7th period. 

I had made it there in time and before Chandler. 

"Well look at you, finding your way to class." Chandler smiled and sat in the desk next to mine. 

"I'm learning." I laughed a little. 

When it was time to start the class everyone went silent. 

"As you all must notice we have a new student joining our class. Her name is aria, make her feel welcome." The teacher welcomed me. I just crossed my legs and leaned my cheek on my left hand. 

"Okay, today w-" the teacher was cut off by the door opening. It was the boy from earlier. Dylan. 

"Mr.Hiley, late again?" 

"As always mr.k." Dylan laughed. 

"Just take a seat, don't bother anyone and leave the new girl alone." Well if you wanted him to leave me alone you shouldn't have pointed me out. 

His eyes shifted to me and he gave me a smirk. I turned my head and looked at Chandler. 

He was looking at Dylan and watched him intently. Dylan made his way to of course the empty seat next to mine. 

"Of course." The teacher whispered. 

Mr.Kal started teaching and about half way through we were supposed to work with partners. 

"Ay gorgeous, wanna be my partner, it don't got to be for this, either." Dylan leaned over to me. 

"I'll pass." I rejected kindly. 

"Oh I hate him." Chandler clenched his teeth. 

"I see why." I chuckled a bit. 

"Anyway, how'd your first day go." Chandler leaned against his hand, squishing his cheek a little. He was so adorable. I smiled, admiring the gorgeous boy infront of me. 

"It was fine. I like it here." I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. 

"That's good. I'm glad you like it." Chandler said. 

After school 

Chandler and I went inside and I dropped my bag. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. 

"Hey aria?" I felt chandlers presence get closer to mine. 

"Yeah?" I turned around to look at him. 

He walked even closer to me. I held the water bottles in my hand. 

"You okay?" I asked. 

"No." He whispered before placing his hands on my cheeks and placing his lips on mine. 

My eyebrows furrowed. I didn't know what to do. 

My mind was spinning and I couldn't keep up with it. My heart was beating a million miles a second. 

This was all new to me. 

Chandler slowly pulled back and his eyes opened.
"Oh shit I'm really sorry. I- I have no idea why I did that." He stammered. 

I was just confused. I didn't understand why he did that. 

What I was taught from my dad is that when someone kisses you they feel attracted to you and they want to be more than friends. 

I was just trying to process why. But while I was processing, he walked away. 

I was just utterly confused. 

"You know what, I'm not sorry." He came back around the corner and walked to me again, this time almost slamming his lips on mine. 

His hands held my waist tightly and I just closed my eyes, resting my hands on his cheeks because it felt right. 

Chandler pulled away from the kiss. 

"I won't ever be sorry for that." 

Well he kissed her tada

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