Forbidden / Shayne Topp

thegoddessoftragedy द्वारा

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Veronica Cruz has been dating Smosh's one and only Anthony Padilla for over two years, but for the past few m... अधिक

One: Unhappiness
Two: Shayne Topp
Three: The Party
Four: The Call
Five: Another Talk
Six: Family Time
Seven: Confrontation
Eight: More Witnesses
Nine: Broken Hearts
Ten: Betrayal
Eleven: Sorrows
Twelve: Choices
Thirteen: Second Encounter
Fourteen: The Real Talk
Fifteen: Similarities
Sixteen: Decisions
Seventeen: Lectures
Eighteen: Jealousy
Nineteen: Insanity
Twenty: The Meeting
Twenty One: Then and Now
Twenty Two: Waiting
Twenty Three: Visitors
Twenty Four: After Dinner
Twenty Five: Feelings
Twenty Six: A Daddy's Girl
Twenty Seven: Discretion
Twenty Eight: The Picture
Twenty Nine: The Gathering
Thirty: The Video
Thirty One: A Beauty Mark
Thirty Two: Guilt
Thirty Three: Questions and Answers
Thirty Four: A Break?
Thirty Five: The Morning After
Thirty Six: The Set Up
Thirty Seven: Goodbyes
Thirty Eight: Shattering
Thirty Nine: Numbness
Forty: No Blessing
Forty One: Forgiven
Forty Two: Official
Forty Three: Packing
Forty Four: Bad Surprises
Forty Five: Reuniting
Forty Six: The Big Talk
Forty Eight: The House
Forty Nine: Departure
Fifty: The Book
Authors Note
*Bonus Chapter*

Forty Seven: Sticking Together

475 18 55
thegoddessoftragedy द्वारा

The sound of the ringing on my phone was soothing although the feeling on my cracked phone up against my ear was making it harder for me to enjoy the sound. I don't even know how my phone was even working after last night, but I knew I was going to have to get a new one soon or at least fix the screen to this one. "Elliot Ryder speaking," he answered.

"Wow, so professional," I said to him with a slight smile.

Elliot chuckled and I heard him sigh. "Yeah, well I try to be, but I'm not just all business man. I can be chill sometimes."

"Somehow I don't believe that," I said with a faint laugh. He chuckled and I threw the business card on the bed and ruffled my hand through my hair. This conversation was getting awkward which made it harder to tell him why I was calling.

"So did you call me to tell me what your choice is?" Elliot asked me.

Well that was easy.

"Yeah, I did," I replied, but I didn't know how to say it. I just kept thinking about the argument last night with Shayne and all the shit he said to me when I was thinking about not going, but  now I had no reason to stay here. It's time for a change. "Can I still take the offer?"

"Of course!" Elliot ecstatically said. "I'm actually surprised you want the offer, but this is fantastic." I slightly chuckled and looked down at the blankets on me. "If you don't mind me asking, what made you take the offer?"

I started playing with the string on the bed and tried finding the words to tell him, but it felt like there was something caught in my throat that made it impossible to tell him. Apart of me was definitely struggling to say the truth, but I couldn't lie to Elliot. "Shayne and I broke up last night, and I just feel like leaving here will be better for me. I need the change."

"Well I'm glad you made this decision and I'm also very happy that Shayne won't drag you down any longer," Elliot stated. A tear slowly went down my cheek, but I wiped it.

"Yeah," was all I could say at the moment.

"So I'll send you more details after we get off here, but the next flight to Toronto is Monday night and I hope you'll have enough time to get a ticket since it's Friday," Elliot said.

"I'll get it figured out. You have nothing to worry about," I told him. "I doubt a lot of people in Los Angeles are leaving Monday night to go to Toronto."

"You'd be surprised," Elliot admitted with a chuckle. "Alright, I have to go. I'll send you more information on the flight."

"Okay, thank you," I said to him. I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung the phone up, but when I looked up from the phone, I looked to see Tristan standing in the doorway. How do I never hear him?

"You're actually moving to Canada?" Tristan asked me.

"Yep," I said as I got up from the bed. "You heard what Shayne said last night. He doesn't care if I leave so I will."

"You're doing it as a revenge thing?"

"No, but I am just trying to have a better life, Tristan. I deserve it."

"Yeah, with Shayne," he added.

"No, not with Shayne," I stated. "I didn't choose to end things; he did and I'm not going to sit on my bed crying my eyes out over a guy who doesn't want to be with me." Tristan just looked at me and I could feel my heart starting to hurt. "I just have to move on, Tristan. And you never know, maybe something can come in the future, but I doubt it. If Shayne and I were suppose to be together, then we would be, but he was right about one thing last night; it was too good to be true."

I reached under the bed and pulled out the suitcase and pushed it over the the dresser. I walked over to the dresser and sat down while I opened the suitcase up, but I looked back over at Tristan who was still looking at me. He didn't know how to handle this and I hated that because he is still a very big part of my life, but I just had to do this. It wasn't worth staying here knowing that Shayne and I ended things for wrong reasons, but leaving was just going to make things worse too.

"If you can't accept me leaving, then-"

"I'm going with you," Tristan blurted out.

I looked at him and said, "No, you're not."

"Yes the fuck I am," Tristan stated.

"Why?" I softly said.

"Veronica, we've been best friends since we were twelve years old. If I didn't want to be your friend, I wouldn't have told you were pretty. I just would've said you were just ugly and that your mom was hot," he joked. I laughed and shook my head. "You mean more to me than anyone here in Los Angeles so why stay? I have no good reason to stay here without you."

"What about your family, Tristan?" I asked him.

"Yeah, they'll miss me, but I can visit whenever and make sure I keep them updated which will get annoying, but it'll work out," Tristan replied.

"Okay, I'll give you that and I know sure as hell that your mom is going to be blowing up your phone everyday so be prepared," I told him. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "But what about Boze?"

"What about her?" Tristan asked. Huh?

"Won't it be hard not being around her? Knowing that the feelings between you two are-"

"Veronica, stop," Tristan interrupted me. "Nothing is going to happen between Boze and I anyway."

"Obviously not now since you both are stubborn but-"

"No, Veronica; listen to me when I say nothing ever going to happen between Boze and I," Tristan admitted. He sighed and looked at me. "Because something already did happen between us."

"What?" I asked in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

He put his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. "Boze would kill me if I told you this or she would just deny it since she wished it didn't happened and wants to forget about-"

"Tristan," I said. This was dragging more than it needed too...

"Boze and I had sex when we left Lasercorn's party." My eyes widen and my mouth slightly dropped. "I know that sounds fucking crazy and unbelievable, but you know me, Ron, and you know I wouldn't make that kind of shit up."

"H-how did-" I was speechless. I was trying to wrap my head around what he said, but I was lost for words. "What lead up to it?"

"She brought me home and laid me in bed, but I was starting to sober up a bit since you know tequila doesn't phase me for that long," Tristan joked. I shook my head and looked away from him. "But she was going to stay over since she had no other ride home so she was going to sleep in your room. When she told me goodnight and kissed me on my forehead, I just looked at her and she looked at me. It was like this spark between us finally happened and I leaned in to kiss her. After that, it lead up to being something more."

"I'm just confused," I said to him. "You said just before the story that Boze wished and wanted to forget it happened, but that next day after the party, Boze told me at the restaurant she was mad over the girls who were all over you."

"In that moment she probably was, but I woke up the next morning to Boze already getting dressed and wanting me to take her home," Tristan admitted. "I hadn't talked to her until she showed up then."

"I'm still trying to process all of this..." I said as I put my hands on my head.

"Right after you left, I kept trying to talk to her about it since she wouldn't, but she finally told me out of annoyance that there was no reason to make a big deal about it since nothing was going to happen and that no one needed to know. She hated that it happened and now we just do what we normally do; annoy the hell out of each other and flirt as if that night never happened. And it sucks because I did like her; hell, I might still do, but what can I do? If she doesn't want me, I can't force her. But I always wished she felt the same way about me and it's a shame she doesn't. That's why I wished that night didn't happen either."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Boze and Tristan? Something I've been wanting to happen since Tristan had first mentioned his stupid crush on her, but come to find out that they had something for only a quick second and Boze's fucking pride got in the way of it. Her commitment issues needed to stop and it's crazy to know that Tristan's would've pushed his pride away for her. I knew he had it in his heart to be with somebody and be happy. I guess Boze wasn't that somebody...

"Moving will help me move on because I'll be getting away from something that isn't going to happen," Tristan admitted. "At least we both will have a better life."

I sighed and looked at him. "Okay," I said with a nod. "Elliot said that the next flight to Toronto is Monday night."

"I'll look into it," he said to me. I nodded my head and he shut my door as he left the doorway of my bedroom. I looked over at my computer desk and got up off the floor to go to it. I sat down at my desk and scooted my chair up as I turned my laptop on and went to my camera. As I turned the camera on, I sighed and smiled lightly at the camera.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.

"Hi guys," I said. "It's so weird saying that since I haven't been posting much and I know I just recently posted a Q&A on here, but a lot has happened since then." I looked down at the desk and took a deep breath. "A lot of you have been asking me the same question on my pictures about Anthony and I since the pictures of us are gone on my page and I'm guessing on his too. I'm hear to tell you that the rumors are true and we are in fact not together anymore.

"I don't know if he will do what I'm doing and let you guys know this, but I'll make the job easier for him and post it on my channel and tell you guys we broke up. I won't say why since that's too personal, but it's what's best for us both." I exhaled and looked at the camera. "I don't want you guys feeling like you have to take sides or have to hate one of us because you shouldn't. We just weren't meant for each other and I only hope Anthony finds the perfect girl." I chuckled and shook my head. "I mean good girl; not perfect since there's no such thing.

"No one is perfect and if anyone thinks that, they're wrong," I stated. "I've seen a few of you guys comment on my pictures saying how perfect I am, but I'm here to tell you I'm not perfect at all. I'm not even close to being perfect; I have my downs more than my ups and that's okay because I'm human and us humans make mistakes." I bit my lip and shook my head. They'll probably know what I did, but at this point I didn't care. It needed to come out and I needed to open my eyes to the truth finally.

"Now I know at this point, you guys are wondering how weird it would be to work with an ex and you're right; it would be weird, but who says I'm still working there?" I asked. I wiped under my eye and sighed. "I quit Smosh this past week and it has nothing against Anthony at all. It was just something that needed to happen and I don't regret that it did happen. Because right now, I'm living with my best friend Tristan temporarily, but when Monday comes around, I'll be on a plane heading to Toronto, Canada.

"A lot of you know my backstory and know that I was adopted when I was twelve years old and that I knew nothing of my real parents, but a couple of days ago, my biological father came back into my life and offered me a job in Toronto. It took a lot of thinking and even arguing." Shayne. "But I decided to take the offer since I have no other reason to stay. I don't have a job, I don't have my own house, and I don't have a significant other anymore so moving is the best choice for me. Which means that this will be probably be the last video I ever make for this channel."

My eyes started to water and I looked away from the camera. This was so hard to process and the thought of Shayne wasn't helping either.

"It pains me to say that, but with a new job and new responsibilities, I won't have time to make videos. I guess this ended up being an apology and goodbye video more than me telling you guys everything," I stated. "I'm sorry to everyone who has stuck through and supported me to make these videos. I'm sorry to Anthony for our relationship." I sighed and looked straight into the camera this time. "And I'm sorry, Shayne, for everything."

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