Hecate's Curse: A Harry Potte...

By dampjofangirl2

3.5K 164 80

"Harry, this blade seems magical. I need to bring it back to the hotel and reference my copy of 'A Study of A... More

Hermione's New Hobby
The Blade of Gods
The Search Party
A Late Departure
Hermione's Theory
A New Lead
Author's Note
Zeus Has Anger Issues, Apparently
Avada Kedavra
More Bad News... What a Surprise
1K Reads!!!
Into the Light
The Sun God's Message

Demigods and Wizards

256 14 1
By dampjofangirl2

Ron's POV:

"Who are you and where did you get that dagger?" The blonde girl had a dangerous glare in her stormy gray eyes. She was tall and muscular, built like a basketball player. She fingered the hilt of... was that a sword?

Hermione, Harry, and I instinctively drew our wands. "Who are you?" Hermione retorted. Behind the scary blonde girl, two more people jogged over to us- a pretty girl with choppy brown hair, and a guy with bright sea green eyes, as if all the water in the world had been infused into his irises. He was, for some reason, carrying a ballpoint pen as if it would save his life. The girl had drawn an elegantly sharp dagger, made of the same material as Hermione's.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry cried, and the girl's dagger flew out of her hand, as did the guy's pen. His eyes flashed with anger.

"Oh, you wanna play at that game?" He held his hands out toward a fountain twenty feet away, as if he were about to cast a spell on it, except for the fact that he held no wand.

"Percy, no!" She grabbed his wrists right as the water from the fountain was beginning to swirl into a mini-hurricane. The water splashed back to the ground.

At the same time, the brown-haired girl was inching backwards to where her dagger lay on the ground. "Put down your weapons," she said in a warning tone. "You want to put down your weapons." A strange sensation rolled over me. I did want to put down my weapon. It was what would be best for everybody. I set my wand down on the ground. Glancing at Harry and Hermione, they were doing the same. Hermione put her dagger on the steps as well.

"I'm going to pick up this dagger, and you aren't going to stop me," the brown-haired girl said. Glancing at Hermione, she added, "Hand me that dagger, too." As soon as she grabbed it, her eyes widened. "Holy Hephaestus. This is Lacy's dagger. What did you do to Lacy?" Her voice was now furious, and despaired.

"We have no idea who Lacy is, but did you just say Hephaestus? As in the Greek god of fire, metalworking, and masonry, the blacksmith of the gods?" questioned Hermione. I detected a hint of 'ha ha, I was right' in her voice.

"Depends," The blonde girl crossed her arms. "What is the Mist?"

"Why?" I asked in utter confusion.

"Just answer the question."

Naturally, Hermione answered the question immediately and in full detail. It almost seemed as if she was resisting the urge to shoot her hand in the air. "The Mist is, in Greek mythology, the supernatural force controlled by Hecate, goddess of magic, which restricts mortals from seeing mythological creatures, deities, and other supernatural occurrences by replacing them with a sight of normality from the perspective of mortals."

The blonde girl's eyes widened in surprise. She turned around and whispered something to her companions. I could only catch one word: "Demigods."

She turned back to Hermione, Harry, and I. "In that case, yes, I was talking about Hephaestus. You're demigods, right?" She didn't bother to wait for a reply. "I'm a daughter of Athena, Percy is a son of Poseidon, and Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite. My name's Annabeth, by the way."

"Hold up." said Harry. "Demigods? And you're a daughter of who?"

Annabeth seemed shocked that her guess about us being demigods wasn't correct. She reminded me a lot of Hermione in that respect. But she recovered from her shock quickly. "Athena, goddess of wisdom. But forget that, who are you? You're obviously not mortal because you can do spells with those wands."

We hesitated for a moment. Was it safe to tell muggles, who we'd just met, about magic? The three of us had a momentary conversation with our eyes, conveying that we believed it to be, at least somewhat, safe. And if the three "demigods" weren't trustworthy, we could always perform a memory charm. Meaning Hermione could.

"We're wizards," Hermione said cautiously.

"Wizards?" Said the green eyed boy. "Great. Another way for us to get killed."

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