The Key: Sails and Tide

By D_Preacher

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To uphold his Lords name and redeem his honor, and even so, save his own life - Elreal must plunge into the a... More

Chapter 1: The Ghost
Chapter 2: The Tempest
Chapter 3: The Man Goor
Chapter 4: Two guns, Twelve blades and a Bow
Chapter 5: Pledge Voyager
Chapter 6: The Revolt
Chapter 7: Wolf Captain
Chapter 8: Truth Told -001
Chapter 10: The Rebellion
Chapter 11: Coldly Harbor
Chapter 12: The Bargain
Chapter 13: Troubled Times
Chapter 14: Broken Rebellion - 001
Chapter 15: Broken Rebellion - 002
Chapter 16: Black Flag
Chapter 17: Deaths Curse

Chapter 9: Truth Told. 002

21 9 0
By D_Preacher

On a normal instance, he would go over each lines he was yet to render to his audience, in his mind to get versed with them. But this moment was different. Their was no true speech he held at heart for the men who were rallied down awaiting him.

Few descent pace from the captains quarters, Elreal came upon the open deck. Standing high upon the aft deck, Elreal was welcomed by the gazes of difference; that of questioning, scrutiny, inquest, loath, detest and many more. But Elreal knew exactly what he had to do. He had to embrace this moment and face his true demons -- the fear of being rejected.

Over the years he might have evolved into many things -- student, soldier, warrior. But a leader? He would have sworn this day would never come.

"We want answers! Where now is our destination?" A cry encompassed by loathe broke from crowd and was yet supported swiftly by mumbles and murmurs.

The un-taming cry of the seamen was becoming preposterous. Even at that moment he contemplated a new decision -- to retreat back to his quarters and shut his face from the anxious men.  But Jerther's gaze wouldn't set him free. The man was starring at him intently as he muttered words. Elreal could hardly make the words, but he sensed them as encouragement.
How Jerther still staked hope in a man like him astounded him. But in his mind that battle persisted -- that contest of will and challenge of resolute. Then again the urge for responsibility was consuming and Elreal knew himself not to be a coward.

He wouldn't be intimidated by these seasmen. In an instant his hands shotnto the air and in a roar commanded.
    "Silence now!"
The thunder of his voice sent a strange shiver into them -- absurd wave of terror washed over them. Shifting his weight to the other leg, he addressed the muddled seamen.

  "Sailors of the Ghost," he started "few days ago we defeated Goor and his accomplice and delivered safely the men and women who had boarded this transit, to their destination. This vessel and the men of her indeed have suffered great trials, yet your triumph in them proves your strength. " he took a sudden pause while sweeping gaze through the now silent men.

"The Ghost is back to being what it used to be, although it had come at a heavy price for us all. I yet know you men expect us to be back at the the harbor and in the proceedings of this vessels usual cargo duty. But what you have now failed to understand is that when I decapitated Goor's head and offered it to his supporters and in so doing forced their surrender, I then took possession over this vessel."

With another brisk pause Elreal studied the state of the current men. Mumbles and murmurs could not be evasive, but what did he care. With little cognizance to their demeanor he pushed on with his address.

"As you all can now see, I am captain over this ship, and since the incidence of Goor I have been choosing course for this vessel. Captain Helsher is dead, and then again who is more qualified to be captain than the very person who spearheaded your freedom." He took a pause and frowned. His eyes were darkened, reveling a coldness the entire Ghost had never seen in him. It was ominous.

"But it has come to my hearing, and as I have even witnessed, that some of you....or better said, most of you dare speak against my governess. Not that I owe you an explanation since you are not in my circle, but since I feel responsible enough for everyone's safety and peace of mind, I will tell you all the plain truth. Goor and his accomplice were thieves but they were smart."
Haven told this Elreal went silent again whilst this time bringing out the gold key from his black sleeved tunic.

The sudden appearance of the strange yet magnificent piece, swept its awe through the incredulously watching crowd.

"This key in my hand as you all can see is pure gold. I have studied its map and made researches for years. Their is a destination for which this key plays vitally. It would open to us unimaginable riches. But the simple question remains...are you all ready to make wealth?' With an open handed gesture, he pushed the question to the muddled crowd.

"I now invite you all to join me in my quest and be bonded with me by tides of water and riches. Still each man with his choice. I yet invite anyone who thinks my course a stray one and the prize for risking his life not a sufficient one, to step boldly forward. I promise no harm would come to such a fellow. We shall dock at the closest port and allow such person go his way."

"And go where......the Ghost has been our lives and home." A man abruptly shouted from the gathering of men.

"Believe me brother when I tell you I would leave no man empty. I would pay such men all their wages for their struggle on the vessel. But this vessel can only have one cause. Anyone against this cause is enemy to this vessel......he should leave in peace and let us be rid of his presence or face my fury." Though his tone remained mild and calm, everyone could yet affirm the profound threat nested in his words.

"I invite anyone like this again, to step forward."
All the while He spoke, Elreal took to his one even dared shift. Not that he threatened anyone but their was this shadow of unbelieve for which the men who hold their doubt yet.

"I am not Goor, " Elreal began again once the silence was unending "I will never be Goor. I will not kill and risk innocent lives for nonsense. I feel guilty tasking you all with my cause and taking the Ghost as mine......but in my heart still, I feel I have paid the needed price for it. And yet I am comforted because all your efforts would be rewarded with riches. this key can turn all your lives from crumbs hustlers to something better. Imagine then a vault of Gold. Please join me. "

While Elreal spoke, his audience now maintained a changed demeanor. Their repulsiveness had declined drastically, and they were now even seeming thoughtful.

Yet in their silence, Elreal managed to find his answer...the whole of the Ghost' crew would indeed be with him.

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