T i m e l e s s {book one}

بواسطة weepingraine

19.3K 1.2K 49

"When you think you have forever with someone, you feel like the happiest person in the world. The truth is... المزيد

➖chapter two➖
➖chapter three➖
➖chapter four➖
➖chapter five➖
➖chapter six➖
➖chapter seven➖
➖chapter eight➖
➖chapter nine➖
➖chapter ten➖
➖chapter eleven➖
➖chapter twelve➖
➖chapter thirteen➖
➖chapter fourteen➖
➖chapter fifteen➖
➖chapter sixteen➖
➖chapter seventeen➖
➖chapter eighteen➖
➖chapter nineteen➖
➖chapter twenty➖
➖chapter twenty-one➖
➖chapter twenty-two➖
➖chapter twenty-three➖
➖chapter twenty-four➖
➖chapter twenty-five➖
➖chapter twenty-six➖
➖chapter twenty-seven➖
➖chapter twenty-eight➖
➖chapter twenty-nine➖
➖chapter thirty➖

➖chapter one➖

1.9K 60 7
بواسطة weepingraine

10th Century, A.D.

Davina smiles as she sits cross-legged on the grass. She looks up at the clear sky before glancing down at the book in her lap. She lights the candles surrounding her with a snap of her fingers. Davina begins reading off of the page in the book, just as flowers begin growing in the grass around her.

When Davina looks up, she lets out a laugh once she sees all of the flowers surrounding her. "I did it. I did it."

"You did it, darling. I'm proud of you."

Davina turns around and shoots Kol a smile. "Thank you for letting me borrow your mother's grimoire. My mother would forbid me for doing any type of magic."

"That just means she's missing out on all of your potential," Kol tells her as he sits down next to her. "Don't take this the wrong way, love, but your mother's a scoundrel."

"She really is. I've been meaning to ask, how's your family? Is Rebekah back yet? I haven't seen her in far too long," Davina says in a wistful tone.

"Actually, she'll be back tomorrow. It doesn't take two to gather ingredients for a spell, but Mother insisted. You know how she is."

Davina chuckles and nods. "Yes, but she's lovely. As are your brothers, whom really don't need to continue sending me gifts. Please tell them that."

"Ah, but they're all so fond of you, Davina. Of course, I am the fondest, but I like to think I don't have to battle for your affections."

"Haha, of course not. You know that I love you, Kol. Though, it's getting harder and harder to tell you apart from Elijah. One of you ought to get your hair chopped or something. Otherwise, I might end up kissing the wrong brother," Davina teases.

"Sometimes, it is a burden that we share the same dashing, good looks," Kol chuckles. "But I know that you are more familiar with me, so that could never happen."

"That is true." Davina suddenly stands up and looks towards the dirt road. "Do you hear that? The horses?"

"Yes, they're quite loud. I have no idea who it could be."

The horses come into view, making Davina grin with delight. She hurries over to the road, with Kol not too far behind her. The passengers dismount and one rushes over to Davina.

"Davina, you're here! I'm so glad."

"Rebekah, I thought you were coming back tomorrow? Not that I mind, I love seeing you," Davina giggles and tosses her braid over her shoulder.

"Mother was able to gather the ingredients quicker than we assumed. Just in time, too, for the full moon."

"Oh, I've completely forgotten about that. It's tomorrow, isn't it?"

"It is, so be sure to lock yourself inside to keep from the werewolves."

"Bex, don't I get a hug?"

Rebekah looks at Kol and laughs. "Of course, Kol. You're still practicing magic, right, brother?"

"I could never resist, sister. Now, come here." The two siblings hug tightly as Davina and Esther watch.

"Now, children and Davina, you must be famished. Come inside and I'll make you some dinner," Esther says.

"I don't want to intrude, Esther. It's really not an issue," Davina tells her.

"Nonsense. You are a big part of this family, so you are no issue. Understand?"

"I understand. Thank you." Davina follows the three into their house and is immediately ambushed by the youngest Mikaelson.

"Davina, Davina! You're here," Henrick shrieks and hugs her waist.

"Haha, yes, Henrick, I am. How are you?"

"I'll be perfect once you do that one magic trick that you showed me. The one with the feathers?"

"Yes, that one. It is one of my favorite parlor tricks," Davina chuckles. "Come on, I'll show you after dinner."

"Okay," Henrick agrees and lets go of Davina.

"Mother," a voice bellows from outside the house. Three more brothers and Mikael burst inside, making Davina jump in surprise.

"Children, quiet. Davina is staying over for dinner tonight, so no roughhousing," Esther scolds.

"Sorry, Mother," Klaus apologizes and then turns to Davina. "You ought to come over more often. You're the only one to calm Father down."

Davina just smiles and shakes her head. "Klaus, you need to come visit more often. I see you least of all."

"And here I thought I was your least favorite," Klaus chuckles. They hug for a quick minute before she turns towards Elijah.

"Davina," Elijah greets and kisses her hand. "It'll be a pleasure to have you here for dinner."

"The pleasure's all mine," she replies. "You truly are the most polite out of all your siblings. Don't tell them, but take the honor of that."

Elijah responds with a smile and a nod. Davina turns to Finn and tilts her head. "Finn, don't tell me. You've gotten a haircut, haven't you?"

"I'm not surprised that you could tell. You've got the gift of absorbing the details around you."

"That means I'll be able to tell if you steal any of my food, so don't," Davina replies in a mock warning tone. They both break into grins.

"It's a shame Kol got to you first. You're a real charmer, Davina Claire," Finn murmurs, shaking his head.

"Yes, well, I'm just as lucky. If I ever find my doppelgänger, you'll be the first to know, Finn," Davina smirks.

"Dinner's ready," Esther announces. "Everyone, gather, please." Davina follows the others into the dining room and stands next to Kol, around the table. "Let's say grace." They all bow their heads as Esther begins the prayer. "We are grateful that our family is reunited once again. There is nothing more to wish than the safety and happiness of my family. Thank you, Lord." Everyone around the table repeats thank you, Lord before sitting down.

Davina nibbles on her bread as she looks around at the family interacting with each other. She sees that Klaus and Mikael were sitting a good distance apart, though she never knew why they never got along. Her attention is caught when Henrick spills his bowl of soup all over the floor.

"I've got it," Davina says and begins to stand up.

"Nonsense. You're a guest, Davina," Mikael tells her.

"A guest should earn their keep. Don't worry, I'll clean the mess," she firmly states. Kol squeezes her hand and she offers him a smile in return. "I'll be fast." Davina hurries to the kitchen and grabs a towel before going back. On her way, she passes a hand-painted family portrait that seems to be missing someone. Davina realizes that Klaus wasn't present, which strikes her as a bit odd considering even Henrick was in it.

Davina shakes her head and pushes the thought to the back of her mind. She arrives back at the table and mops up the liquid surrounding Henrick's chair.

"Have you ever seen a werewolf before, Davina," Henrik whispers to her.

"Uh, no, I haven't. Why is that, Henrick?"

"I want to see one. I know tomorrow's a full moon. Would you take me?"

"Henrick, werewolves are very dangerous," Davina quietly tells him. "You don't want to get near one."


"No 'buts'. Promise me that you won't go into the werewolf village." When Henrick doesn't answer, Davina shoots him a stern look. "Promise, or I won't show you the feather trick."

"Fine, I promise," Henrick says reluctantly. "So you'll still show me the feathers?"

"I will." She ruffles his hair as she stands up. Davina goes to squeeze the liquid out of the towel before returning to her seat.


The next day, Davina goes outside of her house to water the flowers. She notices that Esther's spellbook was still in her yard, as she forgot to return it. Davina walks over and bends down to pick it up.

Before closing the book, Davina scans over the page that the grimoire was currently flipped to. It was a dark spell, and dark magic was not something Davina particularly wanted to tap into. She knew Esther was into that kind of magic, but the specific spell that Davina read was darker than anything she'd ever known.

Shaking her head, Davina quickly closes the grimoire and begins to tread over to the Mikaelson home. She halts when she sees Klaus and Elijah sword fighting out in the yard. "Oh, I don't mean to interrupt..."

"Ah, no worries. Better you stop us than Father," Klaus mumbles. "What is it you need?"

"I just came to return Esther's grimoire. Is she in?"

"She's in the kitchen," Elijah informs her.

"Thank you." Davina enters the house and heads towards the kitchen. On the way, she sees Henrick drawing something at the table. "Hello, Henrick."

"Hi, Davina. Did you, by any chance, come to show me another magic trick?"

"Haha, no, I just came to return a book, but I'm glad that you like my magic," Davina smiles. "Does Kol show you just as much?"

"Not really," Henrick whines. "He practices magic with his door locked, so I can't even peek."

"Well, maybe if you bug him enough, he'll give in and show you a neat trick. I'll be honest, he's actually more experienced than me."

"Really? Then that means he has to show me his magic," Henrick pouts.

Davina chuckles and nods. "Yes, he does. Have fun drawing, Henrick." She enters the kitchen and sees Esther rolling some dough.

"Davina, what brings you here?"

"I just came to drop off your grimoire. Thank you for letting me borrow it," Davina says as she sets it on the counter.

"Of course, dear. Did you find any interesting spells that you liked?"

"Oh, there were plenty of spells that I'd love to try someday. Others, I'm not too sure of. There's some pretty dark stuff in there, I've got to say."

"That is true. I truly-" Esther abruptly stops talking when she glances outside of the window. Davina follows her gaze and sees Mikael scolding Klaus. She slowly follows Esther outside. "Relax, Mikael. Niklaus means well."

"That is precisely my problem," Mikael grumbles. He stalks over to Elijah and takes the sword from him before turning to Klaus. "Teach me that trick, young warrior." He begins to swing his sword, causing Klaus to deflect the hits.

"Father, we were just having fun," Klaus protests.

"We fight for our survival, and you find time for fun?! I want to have fun! Teach me! Come on!"

"Father, it was nothing..."

Mikael easily disarms Klaus and points the sword at his throat. "You are foolish and impulsive, my boy. What? No more laughter?"

"I don't mean to be rude, but I think you've made your point," Davina murmurs. "Please, remove the sword from his throat."

Mikael stabs the sword into the ground, right next to Klaus' head. "Some days, it's a miracle you're still alive, boy." He turns around and walks off, leaving Davina stunned.

"Klaus, are you alright," she asks once she retains her bearings and Klaus gets up from the ground.

"I'm fine. That's just Father being Father. It's something I've learnt to live with," Klaus mutters.

"Well, it's not right, especially if you're being singled out by him," Davina mumbles quietly.

"There is nothing we can do. Just leave it be, Davina."

"Fine, but if I see it happen again, there are going to be a few choice words that will come out of my mouth," she sighs and walks towards her home.


During the full moon, Davina was in an empty section of the caves under the village when she heard yelling. She worriedly gets up and follows the sounds of the yelling. "Klaus? Is that you? What's-" Davina halts in her tracks when she sees Klaus holding Henrick's still body in his arms.

"We were not in the caves. We were...we were around the edge of the village, and a wolf came out of nowhere. I am sorry, I am so sorry," Klaus sobs.

Davina silently approaches Klaus and looks at Henrick lying in his arms. A tear slips down her cheek as she tucks his hair behind his ear. She quickly sniffles and wipes her eyes before looking at Klaus. "It's not your fault. Please, please don't blame yourself for this, Klaus."

"But it is! We shouldn't have even been out at this time. This is my fault. Is there...is there anything you can do?"

Davina looks at Klaus for a moment before she closes her eyes and places a hand on Henrick's forehead. She begins chanting under her breath but frowns when she doesn't get the answers she wants. "I-I'm sorry. The spirits, they won't give me a way to resurrect him. He's gone." Klaus sinks to his knees in despair as Davina starts pacing. "Y-your family, they need to know as soon as possible. Klaus, you have to..."

"I know what I need to do." Without another word, Klaus takes Henrick down one of the cave tunnels.


Hours later, Davina comes out of the tunnels and knocks on the Mikaelsons' door. When she doesn't get an answer, she knocks again, this time more urgently. Still no answer, so Davina just opens the door and walks right inside.

The bodies of the siblings were scattered around the room. The smell of blood wreaked strongly, making Davina cringe. Her eyes watered as she looks around at the people who she called family, all dead now. She sees Kol's body lying on the floor and rushes over to it.

"No, no, no," she cries and examines the stab wound in his chest. "Kol, no, this couldn't happen. When did this happen? Why did this happen?!" The wind begins blowing strongly throughout the house as Davina's emotions get riled up. She staggers to her feet and rushes out the door, sobbing as she goes. Suddenly, everything goes black.


Davina wakes up in a dark room and immediately touches a hand to her bleeding head.

"I'm sorry. She made me do it. I'm sorry," Davina hears a voice say to her.

"Where am I? What is going on?" The figure turns on a light, revealing that she's a little older than Davina. She noted to herself that the woman's features remarkably resembled a Mikaelson. "Who are you?"

"My name is Freya. You know my family?"

"Your family? Uh, don't tell me. You're a Mikaelson, too," Davina mumbles.

"I am. Or, I was until I got kidnapped as a little toddler," Freya murmurs.

"Kidnapped? By who?"

"The same person who made me do this. It's...her name is Dahlia. She's Esther's sister," Freya explains.

"Oh, how wonderful. Well, the family I knew for practically my entire life is now dead, so I'm all alone."

"T-they're dead? What do you mean they're dead?"

"I mean, I just walked into their house and everyone was laying on the ground with a stab wound on their chest," Davina sniffs.

"Everyone? Even Esther?"

"Uh, actually, no. I didn't see her, but that doesn't mean she isn't dead like the rest of them. I have no idea what happened," Davina informs her. "And I have no idea what's happening now."

"Dahlia's been watching you. She knows you, Davina. She knows how much potential you have with magic, and so she forced me to kidnap you."

"What is she going to do with me?"

"It's what she already did to you. What she did to me as well," Freya mutters. "She cast a connectivity spell. We're all linked, which means Dahlia can draw power from the two of us. She's growing in strength."

"What? No, no, I'm not going to stay here. You have to let me out," Davina pleads.

"If I let you out, then Dahlia's going to come after you once again. We can't escape her. We're trapped."

"Trapped," Davina repeats. "So, what are we supposed to do with her? Massage her feet? Act like her personal power sources?"

"No, we're her servants, unfortunately," Freya sighs.

"Okay, um, you said you're a Mikaelson? I've never met you, which means you must be older than Finn, right?"

"Yeah, I was the first born. Being first born basically meant Esther signed away my rights to any freedom, whatsoever. That was probably fifteen years ago. I don't know."

"So, are we trapped here for the rest of our lives?"

"Dahlia wants to gift us both with the gift of eternal life. I don't know about you, but that's something I don't want," Freya tells her.

"I don't want it either! I don't want to be here at all! Everyone I've ever loved is now a rotting corpse, and I don't have the stamina to live like this forever. I just can't," Davina cries.

"I'm sorry. We don't have a choice."

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