REVENGEFUL ROSE(neglected and...


52.7K 570 911

Y/N rose a happy little boy with the dream of becoming a huntsman like his family but they crush his dream by... More

TEAM DMNS(dimensions)


9.8K 143 316



Me and Glynda were waiting for Y/N and ryuko cause I had got a call from ryuko syaingthat they took a detour

Glynda: what is taking them so long

Ozpin: patients Glynda they just hit a small detour

Then the ground burst into flames and a motorcycle came riding out of it and went over us and landed and we saw Y/N with a hug smile and ryuko with look as if she's seen death himself then she smacked e back his headg

Y/N: OW! what the hell was that for!

Ryuko: for almost killing me again!

Y/N: oh come on I caught you

Ryuko: after you let me fall from five stories!!

Y/N: but still caught you

Ozpin: ahem

Then they both looked at me and Glynda

Ozpin: sorry to interrupt you love birds but you have an initiation remember

Ryuko: WE AREN'T DATING💢!! I wish we were though

I just smiled

Y/N: okay ozpin but the detour that we had was not only demons but finding two people

Glynda: like who

Then Y/N got off his bike along with ryuko an go his chain and whipped the ground in his right then his left and two portals were created in the right one we saw a man in green armor and had a killer intent and he was holding a double barrel shotgun

And in the left portal a women with a bust like Yang's and same hair came out and her outfit was a lot more revealing than Yang's and she was a lion faunus

Y/N: ozpin, Glynda this is the team I gathered for our initiation on my right is the most brutal man in the universe the doom slayer just don't look at him straight in the eye or you might die and on my left is another good friend Leone together we help other dimensions

Ozpin: hmm interesting his did you meet these people

Y/N: well for doom I was riding around hell one day until I heard gunshots and demons screeching so I road over and saw him killing the demons in the most brutal was possible and it was beautiful but he wasn't doing that good so I helped him and he did try to kill me but I befriended him and as for Leone she died and when Lucifer tried to make a contract with her I stopped it and brought her back to life free of charge well I did have to fight an angel for her soul but still free of charge

Leone: you didn't tell me about the angel

Y/N: cause it wasn't important

Glynda: I have a question to Ms. Matoi

Ryuko: what is it

Glynda: why does your sailor outfit have an eye

???: cause fuck you that's why

Ozpin: it can speak?

Ryuko: you can hear senketsu?

Ozpin: if that what your sailor outfits name is then yes

Senketsu: for fuck sake finally someone I can talk to other than Y/N or ryuko!

Ozpin: well then now that I have met the rest you follow us for your initiation you will be fighting another team to be specific team rwby

Y/N: okay ozzy lead the way

He started to walk and we followed until we got to glynda's class and we saw her students and the team we were going against

Red: so ozpin is this the team that's going into beacon

Ozpin: yes now team rwby just because they're new don't go easy

Yellow: don't worry oz we won't

Ozpin: now it will be a one on one match first is doom slayer vs Weiss schnee

Weiss walked onto the arena and then so did doom

Weiss: oh come on why do i get the big guy!!

Red: you can do it Weiss represent team rwby

Glynda: ready

They both nodded

Glynda: FIGHT!!

Weiss charge doom while he stood there and when she tried to stab him but her sword broke on contact

Weiss: uh oh

She looked up at doom

Weiss: hehe um truce😌


He punched her once and her aura was fully depleted

Glynda: well that was fast doom is the winner now its time for ryuko vs Blake

Theymwalked onto to arena and ryuko go out her scissor blade and Blake got out her sword

Glynda: FIGHT!!

Blake rushed ryuko and she swung her blade but Blake blocked it an then she zipped around and tried to cut ryuko but when she landed the hit nothing happened then ryuko reached for the pin on her glove and pulled it then there was a bright flash light and when the light disappeared all the boys blushed and whistled at ryuko cause she was using senketsu

And yellow covered reds eyes and while all the boys were looking at ryuko with a perverted look ryuko charged Blake and when she swung the scissor blade it made contact with her blade but Blake was launched back then when ryuko went for one more strike she switched the scissor blade to decapitation mode and hit Blake causing all her aura to deplete and then I ran onto the arena and covered her with her cloak

Ryuko: thanks

Y/N: no prob

Glynda: next is yang vs Leone

And then that's when it hit me little red was ruby and the bimbo was yang and I got pissed and before Leone went onto the arena

Y/N: Leone

She looked at me

Y/N: show no mercy

Is gave me a thumbs up and went the arena

Glynda: fighters ready

They both nodded

Glynda: FIGHT!!

Yang and leone charged each other an there fists collided causing a small shock wave and then they both released a barrage  punches but there fists kept colliding but when Leone tried to claw Yang's face yang tried to punch Leone in the face but they dodged each others attacks but everyone saw a strand of hair land in front of yang and then one in front of Leone

Ruby,Y/N: oh no/shit

Both of there eyes turned red a there hair caught in fire and they released another barrage of ounces but they weren't colliding and one the last hit they not punched each other in the face and knocked each other out

Glynda: um tie I guess next is the last two ruby vs Y/N

Ruby: Y-Y/N

Y/N: damn it Glynda that was supposed to be a surprise

Ruby: i-it can't be you I watched you die

Y/N: well little red its me

I smiled and then tackled by a red blur that could only be ruby and she was crying so I hugged her

Y/N: okay ruby I know you missed me and I missed you to but we need to do my initiation

Ruby: no! I don't want to fight my brother I barley got you back

Y/N: ruby

Ozpin: dies that mean you forfeit Ms. Rose

Ruby: YES!!

Ozpin: alright then Y/N is the winner by default

Y/N: oh come on! Why don't I get to fight anybody

Ozpin: actually Y/N you will be fighting Mr. Winchester

Ginger: why do I have to fight him he's probably weak

Y/N: say that again I'm gonna put my flamin' foot up you ass

Ginger: your weak

Y/N: ozpin get him down here so I can beat his ass

Ozpin: Cardin come

He walked into the arena with a mace and I also walked into the arena with my chain

Glynda: FIGHT!!

Cardin rushed me while I stood there and he his mace and it collided with my head but I was still standing there then I grabbed his mace from his hands and broke it in half and he looked terrified but then he tried to punch me but i grabbed his fist and broke his arm and he screamed in pain but i punched him in the face to shut him but also knocking him out cold 

Ozpin: Y/N is the winner and our team shall be known as TEAM DMNS welcome to beacon 

I nodded and walked off the arena only to be tackled by my sister again and then my team laughed at me well not doom he just stared 

Ruby: I'm so happy your back and at beacon now we cane be together again 

Y/N: yup I can't wait to see summer again

Ruby: .....

Y/N: whats wrong ruby

Ruby: Y/N I'm sorry but mom is dead she dies two years ago 

Y/N: ........


Ruby: Y/N?

I got off him and he stood up but his head was hung down then ryuko and leone started to pull me back and i saw smoke started to come off of him 

Y/N: so she's been dead for two years and you had to live wit those assholes 

His voice sounded more demonic and all i could do was nod and he started to breath heavily and then he screamed and his body burst into flames and doom guy protected us with his body and when the flames died down i saw what my brother had become 

He released a roar and then a flaming motorcycle burst through the door and stopped in front of Y/N then he got on it and drove away through the wall and into the emerald forest 

Ruby: w-where is he going

Leone: who knows 

I stared at the wall that Y/N went through and started to wonder where he went and what happened to him 


Its been three hours since Y/N left and glynda finally fixed the hole in the wall that Y/N left but then I heard the roar of an engine and Y/N burst through the wall again 

Glynda: dammit!

I laughed but then i looked at Y/N again and he was still the flaming skeleton and when he got off his bike he walked towards me and when he was in front of me he picked me up and put me over his shoulder and walked back to his bike and when he put me on his bike he put a helmet on me right after then he got on the bike and started to drive full throttle and it caused me to grab on to him and as we were driving he drove towards the cliff that we had for initiation and when he drove off the cliff I screamed for my life but he grabbed his chain and whipped the wall of cliff and pull his bike to it and we started to drive down the wall but we were reaching the ground and when we gonna hit the ground he used his chain again and whipped the ground causing a portal to open up and when we drove in we were on a road but when i looked around i saw that we were in hell 

Ruby: why are we in hell!

Y/N: faster travel

I didn't answer i just nodded and held on to him tight and he was going extremely fast as if he was driving away from something then i heard demonic laughter and when i looked behind us i saw demons and they were catching up to us and when i was about to say something to Y/N he gave me a double barrel shotgun and then i aimed it at the demons and shot at there bikes and caused them to crash and i kept shooting and for some reason his gun had infinite ammo but then some demon were on the side of us and Y/N used his chain to whip around us and it made the demons crash and then he made another portal and we drove through and ended up in patch where mom was buried and we kept driving until we got to the cliff mom was buried at and he parked his bike and i hopped off and walked towards mom's grave and felt like crying but then y/n walked right next to me and i saw his flames turn blue and he got on his knees and put his hands in the dirt and pulled out moms coffin and then he gently put it on the ground and when he opened it we saw mom's body she hadn't decomposed yet but her skin was gray but then Y/n took off his glove and i saw his skeleton hand cress her cheek then he inhaled and when he exhaled he breathed fire on her corpse and all I could do was watch but the fire didn't burn her instead it all flowed into her mouth and once it was all in her skin started to get its color back and then her eyes shot open and she shot up 

Summer: *GASP* *COUGH* *COUGH* w-where am i 

She looked at me and her eyes widened and when she looked at y/n her eyes widened in horror 

Summer: r-ruby how am i alive and what did you do 

I didn't answer i just ran to her and hugged her and cried then she hugged me back and also cried 

Summer: how long have i been dead for the last thing i remember is that i was on my to visit Y/N's grave and i was encountered by grimm and i was encountered by the white fang and killed and who is that 

She pointed at Y/N and his flames started to die down and his skin and hair grew back and he looked normal again 

Y/N: hey mom 

Summer: Y-Y-Y/N-N

I let her go and helped her up and the she walked up to y/N and touched his face and ran her fingers through her hair and then she hugged him and burst into tears but Y/N wasn't crying but i could tell he was sad 

Summer: how are you here we watched you die

Y/N: well when i died, i was dead for nine years and then i ended up the purgatory where i met man named lucifer but he was the devil and he made a contract with me to bring me back to life so i signed the contract but he didn't tell me that it would turn me into the demon of vengeance the ghost rider which was the flaming skeleton you saw

Summer: did he take anything from you 

Y/N: yeah he took my soul 

Mom let go of him and we both looked at him in pure shock he had no soul so that means he didn't have a semblance or an aura how is he gonna protect himself 

Y/N: but its fine he may have my soul but he doesn't have my spirit

He smiled at us and then we hugged him again and I'm glad my mom and brother are alive now we can be a family again


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