District 9 | SKZ [ Book 1 ]


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❛❛ they say... people are born different... but why does it feel like we're all the same? ❜❜ ❦ | 99SPEARB 201... More

d i s t r i c t 9
D0 ; p r o l o g u e
D9; e p i l o g u e


2.7K 102 39

The small, silvery metal ball hit the glass surface with a slight clack sound.

The scientist looked at each other with knowing looks. each day, their experiment advanced on and on.

They hated the way the Korean government ran things, so they wanted their own utopia.

After researching and gathering information for long periods of time, they finally began their experiment, and here they were now, with a successful experiment. The only thing they needed now was making the project on a grander scale.

They worked endlessly, day and night, every passing day, hour, minute, second. they would not rest until their project was done.

So here they stood now, in their own little utopia. They wrote down all of their research in their notes.

They had basically created a pocket dimension, where a small place could be turned into a very large place within the barrier that could house thousands of people.

The barrier leading to the pocket dimension was placed on the outskirts of South Korea, where the land was desolated and no one inhabited anymore, so they could remain unknown from general society and run things their way.

They often visited the capitol building in Seoul, which was often surrounded by protesters. They would gather the protesters attention and tell them of a way to escape the current government, which was going with them on their utopia. the people would cheer and agree, but the scientists who were now rulers had a plan of their own. their own system, as it would later come to be called. They knew people would not like the way their system ran, so they had plenty of ways to brainwash the people.

The brainwashing was successful. More and more people succumbed to the way the system ran things, and soon, it became their lifestyle without questioning a single thing.

The way ruling worked was kind of like a monarchy. only relatives of the current officials could become the next ruler, to keep everything in check and make sure everything remained the same, keeping the same values and ideals going. The main difference is that they were treated as officials and that's it, no "blue blood". They could marry whoever they wanted, high position in government or not.

In order to keep the outside world hidden from the people so they wouldn't find out the truth, the rulers always kept the outskirts in dark lights, making the people believe that bad things lurked in those areas and that bad things happened to people.

The people were used to the way things ran, so by now most people had no desire to explore those areas.

Years passed and so did generations. By now everyone followed the way the system worked. They were basically puppets, the system controlling every single thing a person did. Everyone had to be the same. No freedom. No uniqueness. Everything was "equal".

A person's profession was chosen by the system. Where they lived based on their profession was chosen by the system. Some lucky to get high paying professions, others... not so much. There was still inequality in social classes, but the system did not care about that kind of inequality. If they wanted to live better, they would push and work harder for it, no? That was the reasoning of the system.

People born left handed were forced to become right handed, but little did they know, that that made the left handed people slightly "advanced", since they could do such things with both of their hands, but shh, the system did not need to know that.

Time passed by so fast, that a century under the system had already gone by. Unlike the government from the outside world which was always changing, the government and ruling system in the system remained the same no matter what. If someone dared go against it it was endgame. They would try and make them reason, brainwashing them (but after years their techniques weren't as efficient as the originals due to lack of knowledge), and if that didn't work, they would face severe punishment and humiliation in front of the population, letting everyone know what would happen if they rebelled.

After the punishment they were kept alive. Death was just an escape from the rebellion they had committed, so they were just sent elsewhere to rot and lose their sanity. After someone was punished you never heard from them again.

When a person was punished, the system made sure everyone knew. If a TV was on, the channel would immediately change to the punishment. if the TV was off, it would turn on, and whoever owned it was not able to turn it off. If a person was out in public, they would either gather them where the punishment was taking place, or display it on large screens for everyone. to. see. what. would. happen. if. they. rebelled.

No one knew about the outside world. A few suspected a different world past the darkness, but no one really acted on it, until the later generations, where a few took their suspicions too far. Literally...

853 words...
October 3 00:56

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