Curious and Infatuated // Con...

By rhythmicalsins

45.8K 977 401

{ infatuated: to inspire or posses with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love } Detective Anna Jane ge... More



528 10 0
By rhythmicalsins

I'm sitting at my desk, half listening to Hank talk to me about the evidence and information about Jericho and the revolution. 

"Are you even listening to me?" Hank snaps.

I shake my head and look at Hank, giving him an innocent smile.

"Course I'm not, my brain is fuzzy at the moment," I reply looking at Connor who is mechanically typing away.

"What's up then," Hank asks coming around my desk to sit next to me on my desk. 

"Connor, has been acting like he's been reset and Elijah has been flirting with me so I'm just ultimately confused," I say, resting my head in my hands.

I feel a hand on my back and look up to Hank who gives me a weak smile.

"Connor was completely reset last night, it's as if he is a new android," Hank says with a sad undertone.

 I look at Hank, jaw open, eyes wide as I look at the android opposite me. 

"What, why?" I question looking up at Hank.

"Apparently Amanda thought that he needed to be focused so she removed all deviancy," Hank explains.

I sigh in disappointment and accept what has happened, knowing that I can't change it. 

"Lieutenant?" Connor asks his eyes not leaving his terminal screen.

"Yes?" Both Hank and I respond. 

"Oh uh, I was asking for Lieutenant Jane," Connor says finally looking at both Hank and I.

I stand up, giving Hank a mischief smile and wander over to Connor's desk.

"What's up Connor?" I ask leaning on his desk next to him.

"The deviants are taking to the streets, weapons in hand, it's resulted in an all out war," Connor reports as I watch the news coverage on Connor's computer.

"Shit..." I whisper as I stand upright, grabbing my jacket. 

"Where are you going?" Connor asks me.

"To stop this war, before it gets too out of hand," I say running out of the station and to my bike.

"Lieutenant wait!" Connor shouts to me as he chases me. 

"Why? Why should I wait, people are going to die Connor!" I shout back as I sit on my bike. 

"You need backup and protection," Connor says. "It's too unsafe for you to go out by yourself, you'll get killed!"

"Well, bring some protection and let's get going!" 

Connor nods and runs into the station once more, taking a few minutes to get stuff and he returns with other police officers, weapons and protective gear. 

Connor jumps onto the back of my bike and the officers get into their cars as we speed down to where the human soldiers are waiting, guns trained onto the androids. 

The deviants are taking a stand, their weapons slowly raising to the soldiers, I watch on as both sides threaten each other. Markus, the leader, has a grenade in his hand, ready to throw it. 

I watch as his arm moves backwards in the air as he pulls the key from the bomb and throws it forward into the soldiers, the soldiers scatter like cockroaches as they jump for cover from the explosion. 

"Fire!" I hear the SWAT Captain shout and watch the soldiers fire their guns at the androids, killing many of them.

I go to defend the androids but I feel Connor hold my arm, I turn my head over my shoulder and look at him.

"What are you doing Connor!" I shout over the noise of the gunfire.

"Keeping you safe!" 

"But they are slaughtering them!" I reply.

"But you can't risk your life for them!" Connor shouts in return.

I sigh and accept Connor's orders, my head snapping to the noice of gunfire and shouting as I watch the deviants and soldiers charge at each other, blood flying everywhere. 

I feel tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks as Connor holds me tight while I try to escape to save the androids. My hearing is faltering, and my heart rate is rising, watching so many people die is tragic. 

"Connor let. me. go!" I shout as I rip from Connor's grasp.

I fall off my bike and run towards the SWAT Captain, grabbing his arm and pleading for him to call the fight off. 

"Please stop! THEY'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG! THEY ONLY WANT TO BE FREE, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!" I shout as the SWAT Captain pushes me away. 

"Are you crazy?! They are trying to kill us we have to fight!" 

"But if you just talk!"

"NO! Get away before you get killed!" 

I get pushed back into Connor's arms and just sit there, thinking of what I can do to actually help the deviants. 

I have to sacrifice myself, it's the only way.

I feel Connor walk into the fighting, his pistol aimed at Markus who is hiding from gunfire.

"Connor! What the fuck are you doing?!" I shout. 

Connor ignores me.

Hypocritical much? He doesn't want me interrupting but he goes and interrupts himself...

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" The SWAT Captain shouts. 

The soldiers stop firing, keeping their guns aimed, firing at the occasional android that threatens to shoot them.

I watch as Markus and Connor fight, throwing punches and trying to kill each other.

There's no one to stop me, so now's the only chance I have. 

I get off my bike, making a sprint for Markus and Connor, my vision and hearing blurred, adrenaline taking over my limbs. I see Connor and the police officers yell for me to stop but I can't, I have to do something. 

I hear a gunfire from my left hand side, I hear people shouting, I feel one final shot of adrenaline as I feel something lodge itself into my side, throwing me to the ground. 

To be continued... 

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