My Enemy Love

By JuneBaby92

11.2K 101 9

Harley Evermore wanted her Senior year to be the best yet. Over the summer her boyfriend of one year cheated... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 & 7(bonus)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chpter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

896 7 2
By JuneBaby92

Here the first chapter please comment and let me know what you think.

This song describe Harley and Parker relationship through the story the best Ithink---------->


 I smile to myself as I walked one block to my friend Ella Ellen’s house.  Ella been my best friend since third grade; it was the first day of school and our teacher had wanted us to draw a picture of what we did over the summer.  Yet I didn't have any crayons so Ella came running up to me, smiled, and said, 'You can share my crayons if you wish.'  Even since then we've been inseparable.  More like sisters rather than best friends, even my parents treat Ella like a daughter and vice verse.  This is why I let myself in without knocking.

"Ella?" I called as I open her front door.

"Upstairs, in my room," I heard her call.

I climbed the stairs and skipped down the hall to Ella's room. "Hey Babe," I said to Ella.  She was standing in front of her full length mirror in her bra and panties holding up several different outfits to her. Ella was about an inch taller than me, with blond hair with light brown highlights that reaches mid back, and great big warm brown eyes with thick lashes.  She is said to be the third prettiest girl in our grade.

 "Sexy flower panties there Ella," I said joking her.

"Shut up, I can't decide what to wear.  What do you think?"   She asked holding up two outfits.  One was a dark blue pair of skinny jeans and a V-neck blue top with black lace around the neck line and hem of the shirt.  The other was a black skirt and red low cut top with to gold chains the attached to the shirt that would lie across the breast.

"The skirt will make you look like you have longer legs," I said.

"Okay, is that what you’re wearing?" She questioned me.

"Yeah, what wrong with it?" I asked looking down at my black top that read ICE QUEEN in white letters, and washed out blue jeans as she begun to get dressed.

"Nothing but this is our first day of our senior year; don't you want to make an impression? What happen to all those clothes we bought over the summer, I thought we agreed making this year the best, including a whole new wardrobe." She asked.

"No, you agreed to the new wardrobe and dragged me along forcing me to buy all those clothes for me." I said to her pointing a finger at her.

"Sure you do, here throw this on." She said throwing me the skinny jeans and blue top, and sat at her vanity doing her make up.

"But," I started but stopping knowing not to fight with her and dressed in what she threw me.

"See you look so hot in that," Ella squealed as I looked in her full length mirror and I had to admit I did look good, damn good. “Okay now sit here and I’ll do you hair and make-up."

"El, I don't want to be all dolled up."

"I'll only doll you up enough to make Jackass Josh wish he never cheated on you with that slut."

Josh Arlington.  He stands at six foot, and has short dark blond hair and glowing blue eyes. He is caption of the soccer team and was my boyfriend for a year.  Then at his middle of the summer party that he throws every year I found him in bed with the school slut Alanta.  Alanta has brown hair and light brown eyes, she thin and very pretty.  She said to be the school slut since she slept with about every guy from freshman year up. However she doesn't look the part, I’ve always kind of thought it was just an act until this summer. 

About ten minute later Ella had finished she left my hair alone just leaving it down and did only a light coat of foundation, eyeliner and lip gloss.

"Okay now can we go?"

"Yeah just one last thing," She said rummaging around her closet tossing me a two pairs of just simple black heels.  "Pick one and I’ll take the other." I took the ones that zip up in the front and she took ones that tie around her ankle.  I then grabbed my purple book bag and El grabbed her leather hippie brown one and we walked off to school.

It's about a twenty minute walk to SunPride High, Home of the Lions.  We walk into the sea of other students returning to school as well.  Groups of friends form and chatted about their summers, jocks slapping hand and doing that guy hug thing, girls giggling and telling secrets, couples met up lip locking in seconds.  We walked the front steps of the school and stood in line at the office to get our schedules and locker numbers.

"My lockers on the first floor,” Ella said.

"Mine’s on the second," I replied.  "So I guess I’ll see you homeroom, we both have Sager right?"

"Yeah, see you in a few," She said and took off down the hall I headed up the stairs.

Once I got to the second floor I began walking along the lockers looking for mine, "1106, 1109, 11..."But I was cut off by the sight of my ex, Josh and Alanta making out blocking some of the lockers and unfortunately one of them was mine.  "Um...excuse me," I said but they ignored me.

"Let me guess your lockers in there too," a voice said beside me, a voice I knew too well.

"Parker,” I say.

"Harley, you look good." He said and i scoffed.

"Asshole," I muttered.

 Parker James is well what can I say, he's Parker.  He’s tall, stand at Six foot one, has medium brown hair and really unique greenish brown eyes.   I guess I could say he's the school bad boy, and my worst enemy.  We use to be well not exactly friends but playmates when we we're younger.  We went to the same daycare and all the way up through school together.  We’re we friendly toward each other sometimes and other times he would make my life a living nightmare and I try to get revenge.  Then in fifth grade he did something so humiliating that I vow to hate him forever, and from that day forward he's been my mortal enemy.

"Hey, you two move it," Parker said thickly as Josh and Alanta broke apart.  "You’re blocking the locker, our lockers to be exact."

"Sorry," Josh and the whore said in unison moving a few lockers down.  "Looking good, Harley, how was your summer?" Looking me up and down.

"It was good, Josh.  Yours?" I asked opening my locker and smiling at the fact that he said 'looking good’ to me.

"It was good.  Alanta baby, why don't you go to homeroom I’ll be there in a second.  I need to talk to Harley for a minute." Josh said as Alanta walked off but watching me carefully before turning the corner.  "Listen Harley, I’m really sorry about that night I was drunk and I was thinking that maybe you could give me a second chance?" Josh said grabbing my hand.

"Dick," We both heard Parker muttered.

"What did you say?" Josh said meaning.

"I said you're a dick, first to cheat on a wonderful girl like Harley, drunk or not, with Alanta none the less.  Then have the nerve to ask her for a second chance when only second ago you were so clearly making out with the whore herself. To even speck to her after what you've done.  That’s a dick move, plus you’re out of luck.  You want to know how Harley's summer went.  Well it went perfect after you because she found someone who will treat her like the goddess she is, me." Parker said snaking an arm around my waist shocking me to where I was speechless, then Parker slammed mine and his lockers shut grabbing my hand dragging me around the corner.

Once out of sight of Josh and I regain my voice, I grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall, "what the hell was that?" I yelled at him.

"Now, now, Harley no need to be violent. I have a proposal for. We could help each other here." He said smiling and I look at him confused.

"I’m listening." I said letting him go.

"I purpose we fake date." he stated.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I questioned.

 "Look I can see it in your eyes you want Josh back, and I want my ex back. However a few rules.


1. We must not tell anyone, not even our closest friends.

2. In the presence of others we must act like a real couple.

3. It will last as long as I choose, and I must be the one to break up with you.

4. And in volition to any of these rules will result in the fifth grade incident all over again.

"Wait first off asshole for the fifth grade thing, and why do you have to be the one to break up with me?" I question him.

"Because princess it will make you look more desirable, guys always want what they can't have. So all the guys will want you because I have you and when i break up with you they'll want you even to help build you up including Josh.” He explained.

"Fine. Deal." I said sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"Oh, and one more thing, don't fall in love with me Harley." He said just as the bell rang, we're late.

"Not going to happen," I said as he took my hand intertwining our fingers and as we walk to homeroom together.  We walk in holding hand and Parker pulled me to the middle of the room where they were two empty seats.  We sat down and the whole class looked at us, as I looked at Ella who was sitting up front with her boyfriend Tyler, who is about five eleven, has dark brown hair and brown eyes, and has a baby doll look to him. They both looked at me worried and confused and I mouth to 'tell you at lunch,' then our Teacher Ms. Sager walked in taking roll.


"What is going on girl?" Ella asked as we stood in the lunch line.  "When did you start dating Parker?" I flinched as we both grabbed a piece of pizza, an apple, and water.

"This morning," I said as we sat down at our usual table, and Tyler sat down next to her.

"How?" was all he said, When suddenly Parker came and sat next to me kissing my cheek and I forced a smile.

"Hey babe, hey Ella, Tyler," He said.

"Hey man, how you and Harley get together?  We thought you hated each other." Tyler asked.

"Well we never hated each other; we just teased and insulted each other. Plus you know what people say, guys are always mean to the girl they like.  Anyways you know how our fathers work together, well their company had a lot of family function over the summer and well we kind of became friends.  And when I saw her this morning I decide to tell her that I liked her and here we are." He said smiling adoring lying through his teeth.  Our father did work together and had a lot of family functions but we never spoke to each other at them barley even saw each other.

"Here we are," I said forcing a smile back at him, hating that I had to lie to my friends.  I've never lied to Ella before, we tell each other everything and hiding this from her is going to tear me apart.

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