teared • hyungwon

By thebiasgotmedeceased

154K 10.9K 7.4K

in which a psychiatrist falls for a patient. ©thebiasgotmedeceased extra warnings: if you're sensitive to cer... More

i n t r o
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
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t e n
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t w e l v e
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
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n i n e t e e n
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t w e n t y o ne
t w e n t y t w o
t w e n t y t h r e e
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t h i r t y t w o
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f o r t y o n e
f o r t y t w o
f o r t y t h r e e
f o r t y f o u r
f o r t y f i v e
f o r t y s i x
f o r t y s e v e n
f o r t y e i g h t
f o r t y n i n e
f i f t y
f i f t y o n e
f i f t y t w o
f i f t y t h r e e
f i f t y f o u r
e p i l o g u e
n e w s !
s e q u e l

t h i r t e e n

2.8K 204 165
By thebiasgotmedeceased


"soon-ah? what is that?" his voice seemed both shocked and confused. her eyes widened at the fear of being caught. she knew she wouldn't be able to explain the marks on her arms.

"w-what?" she nervously asked, quickly covering her exposed skin with the bathroom robe.

he stared at her with widened eyes in disbelief. "the shower? babe, you left it open, it's running water." he said walking inside the bathroom and towards the shower, closing the faucet.

soon breathed in relief when she realized he didn't actually saw her. "ah- yes, i was going to do that- she stopped talking when kihyun approached her and held her face between his hands.

"it's okay – he said smiling – i am always around to notice when you leave the faucet open." he finally placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"chicken will be here in 15 minutes, i'll bring it upstairs only for tonight." he said taking a step backwards and winking at her and he walked towards the door.

"i told you i wasn't hungry – she started but he was soon out of the frame.

that night, soon tried at all costs to hide the marks on her arms, wearing a white long sleeved shirt and waking up earlier the next morning, leaving sooner than kihyun.

on her way to the clinic, she glanced at her own arms as she drove, somehow she could feel his hands on her again, as a vivid memory. she could even feel warmth in there, just as if it had happened right now.

she shook her head, trying to shake her thoughts as well.

part of her was angered at hyungwon, upset over what he did. never in a million years she expected he'd grab her like that. patients knew they had to keep some certain distance with their doctors and hyungwon or whoever that was, broke that rule.

as she walked towards her office, she noticed kyunji smiling at her, waiting with a cup of coffee. "good morning dr. park."

"good morning kyunji-ssi." she said with an awkward smile. somehow soon felt as if anyone could notice the marks on her arms and she knew it was stupid since she was wearing that day a black turtle neck under her white medical robe, but still that's how she felt.

as she walked towards the door she stopped on her feet and turned to look at her assistant. "please cancel hyungwon-ssi's therapy for today, thank you." she said and quickly walked back inside, not giving kyunji time to say nor ask anything about it.

she acknowledged it was a stupid decision, probably immature but she thought it was better off this way.

the event was still fresh and she truly didn't want to sit with him in the same room, not after what happened.

she knew she shouldn't be afraid of him, after all, hyunwoo was always behind the door. a single scream from her, he'd come inside and tackle hyungwon down.

the negative side was that that would probably be fatal for hyungwon's medical record. he'd probably be sedated for the next weeks, and he'd have his hands tied for at least a month.

of course, soon didn't want that for her patient. she didn't want to see hyungwon suffering but she also needed to feel safe in order to help him.

soft knocks were heard on her door. she gave the green light and soon kyunji appeared on her door. "patient lee is here to see you dr. park." she just nodded and a few seconds later, hyunwoo walked inside, followed by the patient.

she noticed he smelled fresh and that his hair was slightly wet. his hair looked shorter and she couldn't help but smile at his cute. "jooheon-ssi... i see they chopped your bangs." she complimented him.

he sat on the couch and tilted his head, clearly in a flirty mode. "do you think i look handsome dr. park?" he said licking his lip. soon couldn't help but laugh when hyunwoo smacked his head.

"yah... show some respect to dr. park."

"it's fine hyunwoo-ssi... you can leave us now." he glanced at her and sighed. "okay." he simply said glaring warningly a jooheon and finally walking out of the door.

"are you causing trouble jooheon-ssi?" she asked with a curious voice. he just smiled. "are you dr. park?" he said checking her out.

"although judging by that... i guess you are." he said lifting his eyebrows, shamelessly flirting with his doctor.

she shook her head in disapproval but still a smile laid under her glasses. "here says you've been behaving just fine... how have you been feeling lately?"

"happy when i see it's thursday and friday morning." he clearly refeared to the time when they both have these therapy sessions together.

soon wanted to hide all her laugh but it was hard when jooheon was around. he was shameless and careless. he'd say something to her, compliment her or just flirt with her and he wouldn't care at all. in fact, he loved to make her blush.

"ah... so you like our therapy sessions?"

"i wouldn't call it... therapy sessions?"

she tilted her head confused. "no? how would you call them then?"

he narrowed his eyes as if he was trying really hard to find a suitable name to it. "dates?" he finally asked with his eyes sparkling.

soon laughed. "dates?" he just nodded.

"jooheon-ssi... that would be innapropiate, don't you think?"

"why?" he asked confused.

"well... first of all, you're my patient." jooheon listened carefully but then shrugged.

"i'll ask for a change of doctor. i'll say i don't find you suitable for the job."

her eyes widened. "would you?"

he nodded. "alright... but then there's another part."

"which one?" he quickly asked, sitting straight. "well... you see, i am engaged." she said with a wide smile.

he rolled his eyes. "no you're not."

soon laughed. "yes i am." she said showing him the ring. jooheon glanced at it with envious eyes. "i can't see it from here, sorry, it's too small." he'd always complain about the size of the diamond, ever since he found out that soon was engaged and getting married soon.

she couldn't help but chuckle at his cute and funny antics. "well... but i can assure you, it is there." she said with a sweet voice.

"dr. park, come on.... you and me both know you don't want to marry this douche bag."

soon's eyes widened as she took her hands to her mouth. "he doesn't care about you, you know? plus... he's like, this tall." he said placing his hand at least a meter from the ground.

soon found the whole thing funny. "he's about your same height jooheon-ssi."

he looked offended. "what? of course not! how tall is he?"

"about 1.76 mt?"

he opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it. "i am still taller." he said like a kid. "2 cm taller." he crossed his arms on his chest as soon tried to hide her laugh.

with jooheon therapy sessions were easy. he didn't have serious issues, he was just hyper most of the times and suffered from depression episodes now and then. but he was more than determined to get better, he dreamt with being a rapper and soon thought he definitely will be one in the future.

he had been there only for a couple of months and had only a pair of months left. she knew she'd miss him after all ended.

after checking two more patients, she finally took the free hour for lunch. she decided to eat quickly a sandwich that kyunji ordered for her and took some rounds to check on her other patients. personal visits to the ones she wouldn't see today personally.

she walked towards the 7th floor and walked around, glancing now and then to the doors. the small glassy side provided her with plenty room to see inside each room. it was security measures that the clinic implemented.

she stopped in front of one of the doors and looked inside. lee minhyuk seemed peacefully sleeping.

his body was resting on top of the bed. he was wearing and all white outfit, provided by the clinic and he was half- covered by the same-color sheets.

she noticed how his chest rose and fell slowly, it was more than obvious he was profound asleep.

soon wished for ways to help each of her personal patients. she knew that minhyuk's case was one of the most difficult ones because in first instance, he refused to talk about his main issue, his family.

and even if he had revealed just the peak of the iceberg, she still needed more information from him, but she didn't want to torment him in the process.

she sighed as she stared at him a few seconds more, checking on the folder right outside his room, realizing he had been given his daily pills at the right hour. everything seemed fine, nothing out of the usual.

she smiled once more at his sleeping image and kept walking towards the rest of the rooms.

in the next corner, she walked and passed at least 30 more rooms until she finally arrived the other one she was looking for.

as she glanced inside, the image almost made her peed herself from laughter. she saw changkyun's back facing her. he was wearing the clinical robes that were provided by the clinic, only his exposed and naked bum was the only thing she could see.

he was apparently reading a book as he walked around the room, giving his back to the door.

changkyun never realized the doctor was there since he seemed extra focused on the book. she noticed how his lips moved softly as his eyes traveled the words.

maybe he was used to nurses stare inside his room, and maybe that's why he didn't bother in turn around.

she noticed the clinic clothes were scattered on the floor and she laughed at his funny choice of wearing the piece of almost paper as a robe.

she shook her head as she checked his folder as well, just making sure he was given his respective pills and reading if there was something out of normal but everything seemed fine.

soon checked a few other patients and finally decided to go downstairs, to see if the nurses were around. she always liked to ask them personally about each patient just to double check if everything was fine.

as she walked inside the 6th floor, she wandered around, hoping to bump into hoseok or hyunwoo but they weren't around to be seen.

she found a few of the female nurses of that area and asked for them but they said they were on their free lunch hour.

since soon didn't want to disturb them on their free hour lunch, she decided to check around a few of her other patients.

her feet stopped when she noticed the door with the red sign right in front of her.

"highly dangerous" the white words printed in the red sign that hung over the door.

she knew right behind that sign were the 10 most dangerous patients in the clinic.

soon had been there previously but never alone. she knew the risks and she had been inside only with the company or either hoseok or hyunwoo.

but she swallowed hard when she noticed almost her feet walking by themselves.

the curiosity hit her like a rock and soon she wanted to be inside, she wanted to see again.

after all, she was used to deal with patients of this kind, so she did. she pushed the door opened and walked inside.

these rooms were different from the rest. the rooms were wider and lighter, they had natural light and during the nights, the lights were gradually adjusted by the nurses, depending on each patient's liking.

there were only 10 rooms and most of them were full. each one next to the other and only a concrete wall in front of them, pretty similar to the hannibal lecter's cell, where they kept him locked.

she thought the resemblances were surely creepy but also these rooms were more comfortable than the rest.

a few of them walked towards the 6cm width glassy wall and stared at the doctor. some of them remained calmed and some of them started doing weird stuff like dancing around or touching themselves at the image of the young doctor.

she rushed her steps as she finally arrived the last cell, the 10th . she noticed there was no one on the 9th but the 10th was occupied.

her eyes widened when she noticed the tall one standing in the middle of the room. his figure remained still, giving his back to the glassy wall.

she noticed he had broad shoulders and a height that every man would envy. his extremities were finely shaped and his hair grew longer and darker somehow.

a soft warmth entered her robe as her skin burned with the memory of the previous day. the places that he had touched now burned like flames.

he didn't move, he remained motionless, staring at the brick wall, as if he was a dead man standing.

she glanced nervously at the door at the end of the hall, somehow scared of being caught there by a male nurse and quickly returned her eyes to the cell. he was still there in the same position.

she took a step towards the glass, wondering if she could be heard behind that thick glassy wall. she knew these rooms were designed to keep these patients inside and to lock any sound from the outside.

but she stopped when she noticed him turning around slowly. his big and intense black eyes fixed on her when he opened them softly.

his hands rested on his low belly entwined one with the other. his whole image remained calmed as he stared at the doctor with what seemed to be curiosity and something she couldn't quite decipher.

soon didn't know for how long she was inside that area nor for how long they stared at each other without saying a word.

she knew if she said something, he wouldn't be able to hear it.

but what was curious the most was the fact that she knew hyungwon had been placed previously in the other rooms. she didn't expect to see him in this area.

for a second, she thought about running out, looking for hyunwoo to ask him what have happened but somehow hyungwon's eyes were hypnotizing, she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

she swallowed hard when she felt her heart racing at the intensity with which he was looking at her.

soon never felt like a happy meal until that day. it seemed as if she was some sort of gourmet dish served beautifully for him, a starving man, a man who hadn't eat in ages.

somehow when he took a step closer to the glass, she instinctively took one backwards and that's when she saw the smirk that popped on his full lips.

he tilted his head, shaking if slowly as if he disapproved of her reaction. finally he took a few more steps and stood right in front of the glass, just a few millimeters away.

soon felt the cold brick wall behind her and she knew there was no more space to go from there.

hyungwon took his hands to his back and tilted his head, his dark eyes never leaving hers.

they remained quiet and motionless for the next few seconds until he smiled at her. a smile she couldn't quite describe.

it was the first time she'd see him smile like that and she couldn't help but think that wasn't exactly hyungwon, she couldn't even know if that was one of the identities she knew. she didn't know anything about this man.

and somehow he knew she was nervous, he knew.

soon, his lips parted and he showed his teeth in that malicious smirk and soon she remembered he had a personality that had never manisfested at least not directly with her. nam gun.

her memory flashed the notes she read previously from his last doctor and she felt the fear running through her veins.

aggressive, violent, rude, alcoholic, blood thirsty, psychopath. 22 years old. playboy.

it was exactly what dr. kang had wrote down and staring at him now, the way he smiled at her with that shark-like smile, full of teeth. the way he moved his head to each side slowly like a predator.

she knew hyungwon was not like this, surely haejun wasn't either. she didn't know if this was part of that new identity she didn't know or if it was nam gun itselft.

she swallowed hard and managed to motion something with her lips. "who are you?" she asked.

the patient she knew as hyungwon smirked again and softly leaned towards the glass. he opened his lips and exhaled right in front of the glass, leaving a cloud of white, plastered right there.

he took one of his fingers and moved them slowly through the glass.

nam gun, he wrote as slowly it vanished into the air. 


a/n: hey guys! i am around here this weekend. i am on a wifi zone that's why i am updating now. i'll try to post one chapter each day. i posted one yesterday, today and hopefully tomorrow. i am still sorry about the troubles caused. i used to update almost daily but now it's kind of difficult to me. please enjoy this story. we have plenty more chapters to come! 


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