My Infinite With Mr. Alpha

By I_Am_Forever

479 15 5

Meg is a werewolf but doesn't know yet until her mate comes to find her. Her mate even makes her werewolf com... More

Meeting my mate

My Infinite With Mr. Alpha

268 6 1
By I_Am_Forever

I have dreampt the same dream every day for 16 years. A werewolf that looks all black with raven fur and has cobalt blue eyes that sparkle in the moon. My dream always takes place at night and not during the day time. I always wake up on the part where I leave off every time.


I wake up from my usual dream which consist of a werewolf with black raven fur and cobalt blue eyes. I stare at the alarm clock and see that it is only midnight. I rub my hands through my hari which is all sweaty. I look down at my sheets which are also sweaty.

This cant keep happening. Every single night I do the same thing, I wake up from the same dream around midnight. I feel like I want to cry because I feel as if I cant control what I think at night. What Im meaning is your dreams are suppose to be what you think while you sleep. This must mean I think about the werewolf that is black and has cobalt blue eyes.

I decide that I need a drink of water and maybe by the time I come back to my room my bed will be dry of all the sweat. I get out of my bed and walk down the old crinky stairs and walk down to the kitchen. I walk to the cabnet and grab a cup. I go over to the fridge and get some water.

I end up finishing my water within 15 minutes. I look around my house and I see a black marble counter and stainless steel apliances every where. Now that I think about it I never really noticed how small my kitchen was.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a car alarm from outside go off. Whats funny is that it sounds like its coming from my drive way. I quickly sprint over to my front door and look out the side windows. I am greeted with two pair of cobalt blue eyes that looks from me to my car.

Before I realize what im doing I am opening the front door to go outside and look at my car but as I near my car I see something that looks like a dog but with the same cobalt blue eyes run off. I stop dead in my tacks and look the way I saw the thing run. At the end of my drive way there is a light pole so I am able see a shawdow run by but I get a good glimpse of the tail color, the tail color is all back.

I can still hear my car going off but I am still standing out in my driveway looking like an idiot. " My gosh Meg, turn off your car alarm ." I hear my dad say even as he threw my car keys to me.

" Im sorry daddy ." I say as I turn my car alarm off.

" What ever Im going back to bed and you should to ." My dad says as he turns and leaves with the dorr still wide open.

I walk over to my car and look for anything out of the ordinary. I dont see anything till I come up to my wind wheel wipers. I see a yellow envelop with a pretty crest with the symbol of a werewolf on it. I grab the letter and open it. The letter only says the word MATE in big bold capitol letters.

I dont know what came over me but I am holding onto the letter for dear life. I look around my street one more time to make sure this isnt just some kid playing a prank. I dont see any body so this means that the letter must not be a prank.

I hurry up and run back inside and slam the door. I lock all the locks even the chain lock. I look out the window again to make sure no one is there. I respect my daddy's wishes and hurry back to my bed. I put my keys on my night stand and then look at what time it is. I see that it is nearly 1:30 a.m.

I climb into my now dry bed and try to go back to sleep. I realize that im not going to be able to sleep because of that note. I look at my note that never left my hands and read only one word MATE. I try and think about any possible ways that maybe this isnt meant for me or that it maybe is still a prank. That also makes me think then why would it be only on my car and nobody elses.

My mind keeps racing to the cobalt blue eyes and the black raven fur tail that I also saw. Whats even more funny is that my dream has a werewolf that has black fur and cobalt blue eyes. I know that this couldnt be my dream coming true so I think it could be a dog with huge blue eyes that I could see in the night.

I end up staying up to about 3:00 a.m. with the same thought on my mind about the werewolf. I eventfully fall asleep and i start to dream of the same dream again but this time I have a little bit of more information. One word though. MATE


Authors note.

Hey guys, So I am knew to wattpad so I hope you guys will give this book a chance.

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