A Different Light (Larry Styl...

By larryfml

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Harry never really got over that stupid crush on Louis Tomlinson, did he? (Friends to enemies to lovers) More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter FOUR~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
Author's Important Question
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
Whats better than a chapter?
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~the real Chap 18~
~Chapter 19~

~Chapter 16~

195 14 137
By larryfml

IF YOU FIND ANY MISTAKES PLS DM ME AND I WILL FIX THEM its late and I haven't finished editing but I wanted to get it out

1 comment = 1 day I don't cry because you didn't comment

"Harry wake up, what the fuck!" Anne yelled. She had come to wake her son up, but ended up waking both her son and Louis, who had accidentally fallen asleep where they were the previous night.

"What?!" Harry shot up, quickly falling out of his bed. Louis also got out and stood up quickly waiting for whatever scolding was yet to come.

"Louis Tomlinson what are you doing here? Does your mother know you're here?"

"Ehm, no, no she doesn't," he replied purposely avoiding the first question.

"Dear god, what am I going to do with you?" she asked while rubbing her temples, "Alright then. I'll call your mum. Did you bring any spare clothes? Of course not, Harry will let you borrow some, won't you Harry?"

Harry quickly nodded under his mom's glare, putting one hand on his face covering the cut that was there from the previous day. Seriously, no wonder she wins all her cases, she must death stare the jury until they give in. She gave them one final look of disappointment before shutting the door rather loudly. They listened for her footsteps trudging down the steps before they started laughing.

"Not gonna lie Harry, your mum scares the shit out of me," Louis said rubbing his face and walking towards the bathroom.

"Yeah me too."

While Louis was in the bathroom, Harry picked out some clothes for him wear and laid them on the bed. He quickly changed, he didn't want Louis to see the aftermath of what had happened the previous day. It was quite horrifying. He didn't need his mom asking too many questions and if she took one look at his face that's exactly what would happen.

He snuck to his mom's bathroom and pulled out the drawer that held the exact thing he needed. He shuffled through her make up bag and by the time he stepped out of the bathroom there was no sign of any damage.

When they went downstairs, there were two plates ready and Anne standing in the kitchen with an expecting look. Harry did the math, and there could be no possible situation where he didn't get grounded. They sat down and started to eat in silence until Anne cleared her throat, making them both look up with their mouths full.

"So Louis, would you care to tell me what you were doing here last night?"

They are so screwed, what can they even tell her? That Harry got beat up so badly at school they had to skip and Louis had to take care of him until they got too close to kissing and they got into a huge fight until Louis came back and things happened and now they're kind of dating? Harry's eyes widened and sat still wanting nothing more than to disappear because really what else could he do?  That was until Louis, who aggravatingly seemed to have a charm when talking to adults (except for Mr. Jenson) spoke up.

"Erm, Anne, it was my fault really, I was dealing with something school related and honestly I didn't know where else to come other than Harry and then he was helping me and we lost track of time. I know I should've told my mum before coming but I got distracted I guess. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble," Louis said letting the words flow naturally almost as if it were the truth.

Harry of course let Louis do the all the talking, he himself was terrible at lying and keeping secrets, but it seemed like Louis was a pro. Which made him wonder if Louis had any secrets, probably. Harry has some of his own. Maybe one day there will a be a time where they have no secrets. He averted his gaze from Louis to Anne and he was surprised to see a smile on her face.

"That's okay sweet heart I'm glad you feel like you can come to Harry. Anytime you need anything, we're here for you."

What? When Anne turned around Harry looked to Louis who smirked and winked. He was impressed but also a bit jealous. Louis had always been able to get away with anything, Harry was the complete opposite, but he figured that maybe Louis's way with words was just another thing to admire about the older boy.

"Okay boys you need to hurry now, Louis you need to go get your backpack from your house, Harry yours is over there, and I need to go now or else I'll be late today," she said walking towards the front door, "Oh, and I talked to your mum Louis and let's just say you're probably going to be taking the bus for the next couple weeks. Love you boys!"

They both walked down to Louis's house and Harry thought it would probably be best if he waited outside for this one. As Harry was waiting he saw Niall get out of his house and run towards him with his back pack slung over one shoulder. He wondered if he had heard about what happened yesterday.

"Awe Harry are you walking with Louis? Or are you waiting for him to look out his window so can profess your love for him like Romeo and Juliet?" Niall said with a smirk. Guess not.

"Niall you do know Romeo and Juliet died at the end, right? Also, no I'm not 'professing my love' for him because I think we are kind of dating already."

"What?! I knew he was gay, but wait when did this happen, why was I not informed? Also, what do you mean kind of?"

"Well last night a lot of things happened and then I asked him what we were and he said 'I think boyfriends' but now I'm wondering if he meant it or what if it was just an impulse thing in the moment and he regrets it? I mean, he's just accepted himself if that, I just don't want him to feel trapped," Harry confessed keeping his head down.

"Harold, whatever happened last night must've affected him somehow because he managed to come to terms with himself and his sexuality for you. It just shows how much he cares I think. Also, who the bloody hell would regret deciding to be with Harry Styles," Niall comforted pinching Harry's cheek. Then Louis came out with his bag looking very smug.

Harry had a hate-love relationship with that little smirk on Louis's face, he'd seen it so many times coupled with a rude remark yet he wore it so well. Everything about Louis screamed confidence, and it made Harry feel special knowing he was the only one who got to see the vulnerable side of Louis.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Harry asked once the older boy got closer.

"It was fine, it took me a bit more to convince her that it was just homework help and I told her that my phone died, which it did, and I managed to get only one week without the car for 'being an idiot'" Louis said while walking.

Once again Zayn was at the bottom, this time laying down on the bench. They walked up and Harry sat down at the very end next to Zayn's head where there was still space left. He looked down to the boy next to him. He was sleeping, and Harry thought about it, he was pretty sure this was the most peaceful he had ever seen Zayn. He almost felt bad when he saw the bus coming towards them.

"Hey, Zaynie wake up," Harry whispered tapping him.

"No," he mumbled dragging out the 'o'.

"C'mon Z, get up now the bus is coming," Harry said shaking him. Zayn didn't respond as the bus pulled up.

"Zayn! Wake up!"

"Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry," he sputtered standing up rubbing his hands over his face, "Wait, what? What's going on?"

"C'mon mate the bus is here."

They all stepped to the curb and waited for the bus to come to a stop. The last thing Harry heard before boarding was Niall whispering in his ear, "You owe my five bucks, Larry is real bitch."

The bus ride was quiet but Harry didn't really notice because for the second time Louis was sitting next to him. All Harry could think about was what the day ahead of them might look like. He knew Louis probably didn't want to come out, which Harry was fine with. He was just happy to be there in that moment, he turned to Louis, seeing him with earbuds in.

He had never been the bold type, usually he would try and stray away from making the first move or putting himself out there. Usually when he tried it ending up failing. Miserably. Though, this time Harry didn't really feel that afraid, it was Louis. So he reached for his hand intertwining their fingers, making Louis turn his head taking out his earbuds, to which Harry turned the other direction pretending not to notice their hands laced together.

Louis looked at him a smiled, looking around to see if anyone was watching before kissing him on the cheek, being mindful of the cut he knew was there. Louis couldn't help but feel guilty. He doesn't deserve Harry, especially after everything he'd put him through. Yet there he was, holding his hand and stealing his kisses. Harry could do so much better.

"Hey boo, what's wrong," Harry asked softly rubbing his thumb on the back of Louis's hand.

"Nothing, just nervous for the exam in Jenson's s'all," Louis mumbled waving his free hand dismissively.

"Okay, now what's actually wrong," Harry persisted furrowing his eyebrows. He's known and non-creepily watched Louis long enough to know his tells, even though it might work on adults, it was transparent to Harry.

"Nothing, what makes you think I'm lying?"

"You always make big hand motions when you lie. Lou, if you're ever sad about something I want to know, and I want to help. I don't want us to keep things inside and bottled up, especially when we have eachother," Harry said meaning every word.

How do you tell someone that you would do anything for them if they asked? Or that you care about them so much it hurts to see them sad?

"I'm guilty Haz, okay there," Louis sighed.


"Why? Because you're perfect Hazza and I'm literally the worst and I feel like I'm trapping you when you could be out there spending your time on useful things and being with someone who you could be out in the open with. Someone who doesn't care so fucking much what other people think. Someone who could probably make you a lot happier than I could," Louis said with his voice shaking the tiniest bit. His eyes were stinging and he regretted spilling everything right then at 6:45 am.

"You know you never officially asked me to be your boyfriend. So ask."


"Go ahead, ask me to be your boyfriend right now."

"Okay, Harry will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, and you know why?" Harry asked smugly.

"Why?" Louis spoke shyly.

"Because I like you. A lot. I've liked you since we were small back when we were friends as kids. And I liked you during the rough patches, and I've liked you even throughout this year with the bullying because I know deep down that you would never let anything bad happen to me. Then when things do happen to me, you take care of me. So, I don't want to hear anything about someone being better than you Louis Tomlinson because no one could make me laugh like you do or smile like you do. No one could ever make me happier than you do Louis," Harry said looking Louis in the eyes, "Now kiss me you fool."

Without hesitation Louis grabbed Harry's sides pulling him closer until their lips met and Harry's hands immediately went to either side of the older boy's face. The kiss lasted about three seconds. Kissing on the bus felt a bit scandalous, there was this seventh-grade couple that Harry gagged at because they always made out. PDA was always annoying to Harry and he didn't plan on becoming one of those couples, but now he'd take a kiss from Louis whenever he could get one.

The bus pulled up to the school and all the kids filed out. Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn walked in a bundle until Zayn caught up to Harry's side and whispered to him, "That was the cutest thing I've heard in my life, also Niall heard it too, and he wanted me to tell you that 'Larry is real' whoever that is."

Harry laughed as Zayn stepped back to walk with Niall again. Once they got to the doors Harry knew this was it, they would have to pretend that everything was normal and the past two days never happened.

Once it narrowed down to just Louis and Harry going to their lockers, they kept a decent space between them but not too far because Louis was still on edge about protecting Harry. They both stopped at their lockers, which just separated by one in between.

"Hi Louis," a voice called coming towards them. They both turned their heads, and as soon as Louis turned around a pair of lips met his. He pushed the person off gently, seeing Eleanor in front of him and Harry gone.

"Eleanor, we need to talk," Louis said taking her hand and pulling her into the library close by.

As soon Eleanor sat down on a table, with Louis standing in front of her, making sure the library was vacant, much to Louis's shock Eleanor started sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry Louis I- I can't do this anymore," Eleanor hiccupped through tears.

"Are... you breaking up with me?" Louis asked trying to hide the excitement in his voice. This would make things so much easier for him, nobody would get suspicious is Eleanor was the one to end the relationship.

"No, no, no. Okay yes."

Louis tried to suppress a smile until he thought about it, "Why?"

Why was she breaking up with him? Sure he never like took her on dates, or kissed her, or showed her any affection, and okay yeah it made sense.

"Be-Because," she mumbled under her breath.


"Because, Louis, I'm gay."

"Gay?" Louis asked, his eyes widened.

"Well, lesbian. I like girls not guys, ladies not gents, vag-"

"Okay! Okay! I get it."

"No, you don't. Every time we kissed it was so uncomfortable and weird and no offense gross. You don't understand how hard it was to do this. To be with you and wake up every morning knowing I have to pretend and put on a show for people," Eleanor said.

"Yes I do," Louis whispered almost inaudibly but the library was silent from its emptiness.

"No Louis you can never understand, I mean how could you?" she asked exasperatedly.

"Because, Eleanor, I'm gay."

Louis couldn't help but think, woah that's the first time I've ever said those words oh my god, I just technically came out for the first time, and to Eleanor of all people. All of a sudden he felt arms wrapping around him, embracing him.

"Oh Louis, this explains so much," Eleanor said pulling away, "Wait does this mean you were using me as your beard?"

"You were using me as your beard too!"

"No, Stan told me that if I didn't date you he would tell my mum about me and my girlfriend. So actually yes kind of."

"Woah, woah, woah, back track a little bit. Stan blackmailed you into dating me? Why?"

"I don't fucking know, he hates me? He's homophobic and you're his best friend who has never had a girlfriend and is rumored to be gay, with good reason of course," she explained, whispering the last part.

Louis wanted to believe Stan was just a homophobic arsehole and that things can go back to normal now and maybe things will start looking up now that he doesn't have to fake date somebody he could never love.

"Mh, weird. But wait you have a girlfriend while you were fake dating me? Wait, does she go to our school? Wait, do I know her?"

"You know that girl who sits next to me at our table that I'm constantly talking to?"

Louis knew exactly who she was talking about, the girl had long brown hair and a pointed face. She was also on the cheer leading team with Eleanor. He was pretty sure her name was D- something. Daniella? Maybe.

"Yeah, Daniella, right? So, is she just cool with all of this?"

"Danielle, and kind of. She knew I wasn't ready for my family to know so she understood why I had to do this, but she is the jealous type so she doesn't really like you," Eleanor said fondly. Though that explains why that girl always gave him death glares, it was starting to creep him out.

Then he thought of Harry. He never really asked how he felt about Eleanor, but then again he never really had the chance. He wondered if Harry was the jealous type, he knew that he himself was obviously not. He remembered how Harry disappeared this morning after Eleanor kissed him. He's going to need to fix a lot of things.

"Anyway, I'm sure you fancy some lad. So spill," she commanded, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Actually I'm dating somebody, have been for about 11 hours," Louis said smiling at the memory of the previous night. Christ, he was lucky.

"Wait you had a boyfriend while you were fake dating me? Wait, does he go to our school? Wait, do I know him?" she mocked teasingly.

"Yes, yes, and not really. You know of him though," Louis explained. He wasn't sure if he wanted to expose his relationship with Harry to Eleanor. But, she did share her relationship with Danielle, he figured he could do the same. Plus telling someone might take a huge load of his chest and it would be nice to have a friend to share stuff with. If you really think about it, Louis didn't have any of those. Harry was his best friend, and as of last night he's his boyfriend. Now Louis figures that Harry's just both.

When it comes to normal friendships is where it goes wrong for Louis. His friendship with Harry was cut short by secondary and since then Stan was all he knew. A friendship with someone who hated everyone like you, and would hate you too if they actually knew you.

Sometimes Louis believed that Stan really cared about him, but most days Stan was rough, and judgmental of what seemed like everything Louis did. He made Louis feel like he couldn't have any other friends, yet these days Stan seemed closer to Chet anyways. He made Louis hate himself and that kind of friendship was what Louis knew.

Was Eleanor his friend though? This was the first real conversation they've had together, but it was a heavy one that involved tons of trust and for some reason Louis knew that he could trust Eleanor. So yeah, this could be friendship.

"Is it Niall?"

"What?" Louis snapped back from thought.

"Oh my gosh it's Niall! You know, I always did catch a gay vibe from him," Eleanor squealed.

"No! No, no, no. It's not Niall. Plus, I'm pretty Niall's straight."

"Oh," she pouted, "then please tell me the suspense is killing me."

"His name is Harry-"

"No. Fooking. Way. Are you serious?" she asked, her jaw dropping, "Harry Styles? That MST sophomore? I thought he was straight. I saw him holding hands and running down the hallway with Jan I just assumed they were dating."

"You thought Harry was straight? Man, your gaydar is def-o broken. Plus, he painted his nails once, you just didn't think anything of it?"

"I don't pay attention to every single person's nails okay! Plus that doesn't mean anything, I'm a girl and I don't paint my nails that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian!"


"Okay, maybe I'm a bad example but still."

Just then the final bell to get to class rung and they left the library and parted ways after Eleanor gave him a hug goodbye. Louis felt nice to be able to hug her without feeling overwhelming discouragement.

He went to his first period which had Stan in it, which he was dreading. He didn't know how he was going to make it through the whole class without punching Stan in the face. He doesn't know how he can ever look at Stan again without also seeing Harry's limp body curled up in the janitor's closet with his eyes visibly red and puffy even in the dark.

He hated the person who had made Harry hate himself. Which meant on top of hating Stan, he hated himself.

Harry went along with his day, looking forward to health class. He tried to forget the image of Louis and Eleanor kissing, it was much more bearable to watch them together before, but now Louis is his. He hoped Louis would break up with her, he didn't know if he could handle another scene like that one.


When he got to health class, he was surprised to see Louis sitting in the chair next to Harry's, talking to Alex. He wondered what they could possibly be discussing. Was it him? No, there was nothing to talk about when it came to Harry. It looked like it was mostly Alex who was doing the talking though. As soon as he sat down Alex immediately pulled him closer.

"Harry, I've been talking you up this whole time. Oh, and I might've told him you were good at football cause isn't he on the team? So, I hope you can play football. Good luck mate."

Harry couldn't help but smile, he felt bad that Alex put this effort in, when it wouldn't really do much. He wasn't sure if telling Alex would be smart, because then he would surely feel embarrassed, plus Niall and Zayn already know. Which Harry wasn't sure if Louis would feel comfortable with if he found out. But if he wouldn't feel comfortable with them knowing, he definitely wouldn't want Alex knowing.

"Harry," Louis whispered waving his hand, motioning him towards him, "I think your little friend has a crush on you, which is completely understandable, but you're mine. Okay?"

Harry nodded and blushed, which made Louis smile. Harry didn't know why everyone was whispering to him today, but he guesses there's always whispering when there's a secret.

Health class droned on but passing notes and little touches here and there, hidden from Alex's view of course. He managed to not bring up Eleanor because no matter what Harry knew that Louis liked him, not her and he trusted Louis more than he trusted his jealousy. Louis on the other hand didn't mention anything, he didn't want to tell anyone about Eleanor and Danielle when frankly it wasn't his business, but he planned on telling Harry that they did break up later.

It was lunchtime after a little while and Louis wanted nothing more than to sit next to Harry yet he still found himself sitting in his same old seat surrounded by people he despised, well, except for Eleanor and her girlfriend, who both kept on glancing up at him then whispering to eachother.

"So Louis," Danielle spoke up, "I heard you and E broke up. Is that true?"

Louis looked at her suspiciously wondering where she was going with this. Nobody around them was listening in on their conversation, so he nodded.

"Erm, yeah."

"And I bet you're happy about that," she said smiling.


"You could even say you're gay about it-"

"Danielle! Stop it" Eleanor scolded giving a disapproving look.

"It's fine," Louis said looking around to see if anyone might've heard it. Luckily the other guys at the table were too busy talking about the next match coming up, it's a couple games away from the final match so everybody's buzzin'.

Louis didn't feel fine, he didn't tell Harry about Eleanor and Danielle even though he wanted to. Why did Eleanor have to break his trust as soon as he gave it to her. He decided he should try to not care as much.

It was just Danielle right? Her and Eleanor were the only ones who knew, which gave him comfort. Well, besides Niall, because if Louis knew his boyfriend, he could safely assume that Harry told Niall. Louis was fine with that seeing as how Louis told someone, it was only fair that Harry could tell his best mate.

The rest of lunch felt a little bit awkward for Louis, he kept feeling like he was being judged. He looked up to find comfort, sitting across the cafeteria. After a little while their gaze met and Harry gave him a big goofy smile, which made Louis feel a wave of relief flush over him. He returned a funny look.

They exchanged silly faces until Louis felt someone hit his arm. He turned towards source to see Stan giving him a confused look.

"What're you doing with your face mate? Are you looking at something?" Stan asked trying to look at the direction of Louis's previous glance.

"No! Um...just eh-"

"It's anti-aging stimulating face exercises. It's all the rage lately," Danielle said smartly with a convincing smile.

"Duh, it's in like a hundred magazines. Dani and I were just teaching Louis some," Eleanor added confidently.

"Yeah, I need to keep my youthful appearances, you know," Louis replied.

"Oh, okay I guess. Maybe you should just do it when you get home though, you look kind of retarded."

With that Stan returned to the conversation with the other lads and Louis put his focus on Danielle and Eleanor, both looking at him.

"Thank you."

"No problem, think of it as my way of apologizing for the gay joke," Danielle spoke first.

"Yeah and I'm really sorry for telling Danielle, it was really inconsiderate of me. If it helps you can tell Harry and make it even-"

"Wait no way Harry Styles? That kid's in my English class, aw what a cute couple," Danielle cooed at the new information.

"Sorry, I keep accidentally spilling stuff. I promise from now on, no more secrets will be spilt," Eleanor said.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well speaking of english class, we got a massive project and we have to have partners. You know I think I could use this prime opportunity to make friends with my new best friend's boyfriend," Danielle said.

"New best friend?" Louis scoffed playfully.

"Yep, I know one of your deepest secrets and you know one of mine," she explained, glancing at Eleanor, "that automatically makes us best friends."

"I'm not sure that's how that works," Louis said.

"Okay best friend, I have to bounce but me and Eleanor will be cheering you on at the game, see you later E," she said and tapped three times on the table.

"What was that?" Louis inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"What was what?" Eleanor asked back innocently.

"That tap, tap, tap thing she just did."

"Oh, it's our secret way to say 'I love you', I'm not really sure where she got it, she reads a lot of fanfiction so I assume from there, but I thought it was cute," she confessed.

He could surely use that, not her tap, tap, tap, thing and not any "I love you"s but something special to show Harry that no one else could understand. After a little while he shifted his mind to English class and how he needed a partner. He remembered that one guy Zayn that rides his bus, that's friends with Harry, is in his class. He doesn't talk much, and he sits in the back, but that was perfect because Louis talked a lot.

When lunch ended he walked a bit faster to try and avoid the typical route to math class with Stan. He caught up with Harry within a crowd filled of people. Harry didn't seem to notice Louis's presence which Louis planned to use to his advantage.

"Boo!" Louis whisper-yelled, grabbing the other boy's sides.

"Ah!" he hissed, holding his sides at the sharp pain. The loudness of the student-filled hallway drowned his cry.

"Shit, I forgot about the bruises. I'm sorry love," Louis apologized. Harry smiled at the pet name and tried not to show any sign of being in pain even though it hurt. He knew Louis felt bad enough.

"S'okay, you just shocked me," Harry said with a laugh. Though Louis could see through, he remembered what he was thinking about at lunch and decided that now would be a good time to show him.

"So, I was thinking since we can't exactly be public about us, I thought of a little way to communicate," Louis said taking a hold of Harry's wrist and shaping into what looked like a thumbs up.

"This is a way in sign language of showing affection, and it's the sign for sweetheart. I remember me mum taught it to me once when I was little and now it can be our thing."

"Aww, maybe this will be our always," Harry said holding the thumbs up sign up to Louis's arm.

"You're so cheesy," Louis laughed but returned the motion.

Once they all settled into their seats class began. It lasted for about five minutes until the school phone on Mr. Jenson's desk started to ring. He picked up, talking discreetly into the phone before hanging up.

"Stan, Harry, you're both wanted in the Principal's office, take your things please."

Harry doesn't look back when he leaves the classroom. Though he can feel the eyes of all his classmates watching his every move. Thankfully the principal's office was just a couple doors down from their class, which was very lucky for Harry because now he could just speed walk there and avoid any interaction with Stan.

Once they were both in the room, standing awkwardly in front of Ms. Arshad. She glanced up from the paper work in front of her and looked at them, confusedly.

"You know you can sit down, right?" she said with an eyebrow raised.


They sat down, and Harry could feel his heart beating in his chest, it was so loud he was surprised no one else could hear it. He knew exactly what this was going to be about.

"So boys, I received an anonymous tip telling me that there's been bullying going on and there was a fight, and as you both no there is a zero-tolerance policy against bullying. So, I want to know what happened."

Damnit Louis. Harry asked Louis not to tell anyone about what happened, which Louis obviously objected to, but Harry didn't think he would actually tell.

Harry looked at Stan, and shockingly Stan looked back. There was something in his eyes that begged Harry not to say anything. What was Harry going to do? A part of him was angry that Stan would even attempt to stop Harry from telling her everything that happened. That he would dare try and take away the power to tell and explain how Stan made his life hell. But, the majority of Harry felt bad.

Harry was a good person, even if Stan wasn't. Stan was a senior and the year was a bit over halfway done. What good would expelling him do? Maybe save Harry from another beating but he could get himself out of that.

"Nothing. Nothing happened," Harry stated calmly, causing the jaws of the both Stan and Ms. Arshad to drop.

"Really? Mr. Styles are you sure, because now is the time to speak," she spoke slowly.

Harry hesitated before saying, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Very well, then sorry for the interruption, you can both return to class."

They weren't in the hallway for very long when Stan first spoke up.

"Why'd you do that?" he asked avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, what? No thank you for saving me from expulsion?" Harry retorted.

"Um, thanks but why did you do that? I'm just trying to understand the logic behind it."

"The logic is that I'm not an arsehole!" he snapped.

"Okay, fine, thank you."

"But I want you to understand something Stanley," Harry said, finally feeling like he had the power between the two, "if you ever, ever, even look in my direction, I will not hesitate to uncover every single bruise you left."

With that Harry stepped back into the Math class, all heads immediately snapping in his direction. Stan entered shortly after, and they settled down. The rest of the day carried on and a lot of the school was excited for the game after school. Harry was excited too but he didn't get what the big deal about this one was.

The most important one was the last one which is always followed by winter formal. Harry went back to passing notes with Louis in study hall. He read the note in his hand about five times before looking up at Louis.

"You broke up with Eleanor?" he whispered

"Well, I was about to, but then she broke up with me," Louis explained.

"What? Why?"

"The same reason I was going to break up with her."

"Wait, does that mean she's-"


"Woah. That doesn't make me dislike her any less though," Harry concluded.

"Aww, don't be jealous Hazza."

"Oh sod off," he said making them both laugh. The bell rung cutting their conversation short, but Harry was still happy. For some reason now they felt more real. Now, he didn't have to share him with anybody, even if it was just for show. They left the classroom and started to walk down the stairwell to the bottom floor.

"Gotta get to the field early love, I'll see you there though right? After your official newspaper responsibilities."

"Right, I'll be your secret cheerleader," he laughed, and Louis smiled before showing the sign he taught him earlier and running towards the locker rooms.

He knew Louis was probably stressed because some scouts were coming to look at seniors and the coach was deciding who would be team captain for the next year. Harry also knew the coach was hotheaded and got mad if you were late or absent or anything other than perfect according to Louis.

Harry entered the little room where the club met. Ms. Cross sat at the teacher's desk in the middle of the room, watching all the students find their places. They were about to get started when that one girl Briana raised her hand.

"Um, can I leave early today, I have to cheer at the game," she requested in an American accent. Apparently her dad was British and something happened to make them move all the way here and live with some relatives.

"You can leave when you finish your section. If you finish your section early, you can leave early," Ms. Cross replied lazily, not looking up from the crossword section of her own newspaper.

Harry turned to Niall and decided now would be a perfect opportunity to tell him all the stuff that'd been going down.

"Ni, Louis and Eleanor broke up. Well, Eleanor broke up with Louis," Harry whispered.

"Eleanor broke up with Louis!" Niall exclaimed, shocked.

"Wait, Eleanor Calder broke up with Louis Tomlinson? What the fuck?" Briana gasped, turning towards them.

"Watch the language," Ms. Cross mumbled barely.


"No, no, no I said Niall broke up with Jan, but we're back together now aren't we sweetheart," Niall rambled, throwing his arm around Jan who sat beside him.

"Oh get off Horan."

"Ugh, fuck off leprechaun, isn't your name Niall anyway? Why would you talk in third person? You," she said looking at Harry, "it's Harry right? Did I just hear that Eleanor Calder broke up with Louis Tomlinson?"

"Erm, yes?"

"Why the fuck are you so interested anyway?" Jan asked.

"Um...it's all for the paper. I'm trying to get done early, and Harry and leprechaun here just gave the biggest gossip since that one girl Jessica fell down the stairs and everybody said I pushed her. Why would I do that? I was bound to be cheer captain even if she didn't fall down the stairs, obviously since she's so clumsy."

They all just blinked at her before turning back to their own writings. Harry just hoped Louis wasn't too mad that because of Harry, the whole school would know that he didn't have a girlfriend anymore.

OKAY GUYS I STAYED UP WAY TOO LATE. Right now I'm in a weird state of mind where I kind hate myself. Like I don't hate myself because Im a good person and all but I just kind of hate my personality. Like certain aspects I mean. For example I'm a really jealous person and I hate that about myself and I wish I wasn't but it just stems from my deep rooted trust and abandonment issues along with my atelophobia and athazagoraphobia. But like im fine ya know. Its just if those could just skidattle that'd be awesome. And I didn't even always have trust/abandonment issues over time things happen and their given to you by other people. And I get mad sometimes at those people for making me like this and then I think well its my fault for trusting them which gives me even more trust issues.

ANYWAYS enough about me. I just want to apologize for not updating in 7 billion years and I think im going to try and make the updates just a tiny bit shorter JUST A tiny bit in order to update quicker. I made this one longish (6,127 words) to make up for my slowness but I hope you like it and im so excited for this story.

Love you more than sprinkles,

Ten <3

PS. I had a dream that me and my godsister went to a Harry concert (which we actually did just two weeks ago) and I bumped into Harry and he was wearing his little glasses and then we became best friends and he kept inviting me to his concerts and then eventually I got the courage to ask him about Larry, so we were backstage and I asked him and he started breaking down crying and he said they broke up a long time ago and it was just a little fling. And I was sad but then he continued and he that he was in love with Louis and all he wanted was to get him back. I was like I'm gonna play match maker >:D but then I woke up. I didn't even get the chance to asked who topped jk but seriously though I was mad and sad when I woke up it was a lot

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