Detroit Learning to Love (Kar...

By jetrayf

188K 4K 811

A story based on Detroit Become Human, meet (F/N) a former CyberLife employee who one day decided to buy an a... More

Kara Part. 1
Chloe Part. 2
Connor Part. 3
Kamski Part. 4
Markus Part. 5
Ralph Part. 6
Zlatko Part. 7
Luther Part. 8
Amanda Part. 9
Hank Part. 10
Questions and Answers Part. 11
rA9 Part. 12
Decisions Part. 13
North Part. 14
Alice Part. 16
Simon Part. 17
Weapon Part. 18
Life Part. 19
Karen Part. 20
The End Part. 21 (Not the actual Ending)
Josh Part. 22
Rise Part. 23
And Shine Part. 24
United Part. 25
Cheeseburger Part. 26
Past Part. 27
Hope Part. 28
Dummy Part. 29
CyberLife Part. 30
Endgame Part. 31
Fear Part. 32
RK800 Part. 33
Android Part. 34
Human Part. 35
War Part. 36
Peace Part. 37
Choice. A
Choice. B
Choice. C

Consequences Part. 15

3.9K 99 13
By jetrayf

(F/N) reached out with his hand, both options seemed equally appealing. On the one hand North was essentially offering him a stick, it would get results but it would turn the general population against the group. (F/N) looked at Markus, he offered him the carrot, with it they would gain public favor but sacrifices would have to be made.

(F/N) let out a long sigh, he weighed both of the options, (F/N) took a deep breath and reached. (F/N) grabbed the spray gun from Markus, North looked at Markus, "Alright."

Markus smiled at (F/N), "Lets get going," (F/N) walked over to a bench and turned on the spray gun. He digitally painted the bench with a symbol that looked like an android's LED. (F/N) smiled as he saw the other androids do the same thing. (F/N) walked over to a statue he pointed the spray gun at the statue of a man, this time he pointed it and shot the gun at the statue's chest, a CyberLife logo appeared. (F/N) then aimed the spray gun at the statue's head, after a quick blast the statue had an LED on its head, (F/N) smiled he had turned the statue into one for an android.

(F/N) looked around, Markus had somehow managed to hijack the electric billboards, they were shwoing his speech from earlier. (F/N) cheered, he ran over to the streets and saw some taxis, he started to push them, North saw (F/N), "I'll help you."

(F/N) smiled and he started to push the taxis so they were now facing the wrong way, (F/N) cheered afterwards, the androids followed his lead. (F/N) was actually doing this, he was actually successfully participating in a pacifistic movement. North even seemed amazed by the results, (F/N) smiled he walked over to the other side of the street. (F/N) saw some androids acting as manikins, they looked at (F/N) curiously. (F/N)'s good mood faded, he placed his hand up against the glass one of the androids put her hand on the other side. (F/N) shook his head and said, "Break it." Suddenly, androids rushed forward and smashed the glass, (F/N) grabbed a pipe and smashed a window as well, a female android stepped out and smiled at him.

Markus walked up to (F/N) and got his attention, "I have an idea." (F/N) looked at Markus eager to keep going, "What is it?" Markus smiled and held out his hand. (F/N) took it, Markus' hand lost its synthetic skin and (F/N) watched as his hand turned robotic.

(F/N) smiled, instead of his mind getting stronger (F/N) felt his body get stronger. (F/N) felt his muscle strength increase and he felt faster. (F/N) looked down at his body then at Markus, "What did you do?" Markus smiled, "I essentially made you a better climber." (F/N) frowned, but then smiled.

Markus looked at the top of the building the two were in front of, "Follow my lead." (F/N) nodded Markus walked backwards a bit, then he took a running start and jumped onto a ledge he pulled himself up.

(F/N) took a deep breath, he looked at the building in front of him, (F/N) felt himself relax his anxiety wasn't going to keep him down this time.

(F/N) ran forward and copied Markus' actions exactly. (F/N) looked down shocked, he started climbing farther up the building, he could feel the looks the androids where giving him he could hear Markus' speech. (F/N) absolutely loved it, Markus helped (F/N) onto the top of the structure. (F/N) looked around at their protest, this was great, Markus walked to the end of the structure, "Head's up!" (F/N) turned to see that Markus had thrown a rod at him.

(F/N) quickly moved his hand to catch it, he was suspiciously fast, Markus slammed his rod into the ground. (F/N) copied him, suddenly the LED symbol appeared down the front of the building almost like a flag. (F/N) smiled as the androids gathered around to look at the flag, (F/N) looked at Markus, then at the crowd, "We are free!" (F/N) yelled out. The androids cheered. (F/N) and Markus quickly climbed down from the building, (F/N) doing so easily.

(F/N) looked at Markus, "We did it!" Markus smiled back at (F/N) then he froze, (F/N) looked at Markus expectantly. Suddenly Markus looked at (F/N) and said "all teams have completed their missions, it's time for us to get back to Jericho" (F/N)'s smile couldn't have been any bigger.

Then sirens filled the air, "It's the cops!" (F/N) yelled out for all the androids to here. Markus quickly started to bark orders, "Everyone back to Jericho now!"

(F/N) watched as all the androids turned and started to flee, (F/N) felt North's gaze on him. (F/N) turned to see her glaring at him, she spoke with disappointment in her voice "We sent a message without violence like you chose. You're reaching out to them when all they feel for us is contempt. You lived with them you should know how much anger they feel for us. I hope you know what you're doing." (F/N) watched as North started to walk away, (F/N) interrupted her "we're supposed to be better than them."

North turned and looked back at him, "Violence is the only language they know, I thought you would know that." North then retreated. (F/N) turned to Markus, the android gave (F/N) a sympathetic look, "she'll learn to trust you. You did good." (F/N) smiled, suddenly police drones started coming at the pair, "We should go," (F/N) said already starting to jog away.

Markus watched the drones for awhile but started to retreat as well, suddenly gunshots went off. (F/N) stopped running, his heart stopped, it was if he was shot. "Markus?!" (F/N) looked behind him the android was perfectly fine. Markus caught up to (F/N) and patted him on the back, "Where's North?" (F/N) suddenly seemed to realize. Markus looked ahead of the street, "North!" (F/N) followed Markus, the pair turned a corner in the street, (F/N)'s heart dropped.

About five androids were on the street dead, (F/N) put a hand to his heart, his anxiety was starting to come back. The reality that he could still die came back to him very quickly.(F/N) started taking big breaths, Markus turned his head to see (F/N) was falling farther behind. Markus was just as shocked as (F/N) but he hid it better. Markus walked over to (F/N) and put a hand on his back, "Come on, we have to find out what happened."

(F/N) nodded, he walked with Markus, a crowd of androids had gathered around something. (F/N) broke away from Markus, he started to walk to the crowd. The crowd noticed and slowly moved to let (F/N) in. (F/N) saw North standing in front of an android, (F/N) was relieved to see she was okay, but then he saw the android. It was the one (F/N) had freed himself, (F/N) knelled down next to the android.

The dying android turned his head to look at (F/N), his LED was red, he reached out his hand, (F/N) grabbed it. (F/N) quickly analysed the android, he had seconds until his system shut down. (F/N) swallowed, "I'm sorry" he said softly, the android smiled slightly, the androids last words were, "thank you." The android suddenly, went stiff, (F/N) stifled a sob, he stood up, and he felt the android's life slip away. He had felt a connection with it, now it was gone. (F/N) took a deep breath and shut his eyes, suddenly all the androids in the crowd let out a large gasp.

(F/N) opened his eyes, he looked at his hands, sure enough his synthetic skin had deactivated. (F/N) quickly shut his eyes again, he felt his synthetic skin cover his robotic parts again, it was like he was naked in public. (F/N) started to hyperventilate, he looked around at the androids, their staring was like dagger in the heart, it was like they were laughing at him. Markus stepped forward but North was the one who grabbed (F/N)'s shoulders. North held (F/N), and said, "It's okay, you're okay. I can help you."

(F/N) looked at North slowly calming down, "How?" North led (F/N) forward, two police officers were kneeling down in front of their squad car, their hands were behind their heads. (F/N) looked at them confused, North walked over to another android, the android handed North a pistol, it must have belonged to one of the policemen. North looked at the police men with hatred, "They slaughtered us, like animals! They killed us." The crowd of androids yelled statements out, "We want justice," another android shouted out "they have to pay!"

North held out the gun for (F/N), he looked at it strangely but took it, what North wanted him to do became clear. North smiled, "I figured since your secrets out, you would want to officially turn your back on humanity." (F/N) swallowed, he held the gun in his hand, he kept his finger off the trigger, he pointed the gun right at one of the cop's forehead. North smiled, "Consider this your initiation."

(F/N) started breathing rapidly, he wanted revenge, but he didn't know if he could do it, to take a life was something he had never even dreamed of. (F/N) looked at the cop and saw that the policeman was crying, (F/N) frowned, the cop through his tears said, "Please...Y-you don't have to do this."

(F/N) put the gun to his side, the policemen was just as scared as he was, (F/N) let a tear roll down his cheek. (F/N) shook his head, the androids behind him shouted protests but then (F/N) felt his anger boil again, he shouted, "If I kill them, were no better than they say we are! We have to be better! If we want peace with them we have to be peaceful! I refuse to be a hypocrite!" The androids fell silent, (F/N) took a deep breath and handed the gun to another android. (F/N) looked at Markus, he gave him a reassuring nod he made the right choice.


(F/N) smiled as he watched the news report, he was back at Jericho. The trip back was uneventful but when he got back the androids applauded him, all the five stores had been shut down and all the androids were now deviant. (F/N) smiled as the news muted itself, he turned to North, Simon, Josh, and Markus, " did I do?" North was the first to speak up, "Even though you did make decisions I felt were questionable, all in all I think."


(F/N) opened his eyes, he wasn't at Jericho anymore he was in some sort of a garden, but it felt a little cold. (F/N) looked around, "MARKUS! NORTH!" (F/N) looked around frantically, "KARA!"

Suddenly a voice rang out. "None of your friends are here," (F/N) quickly turned around he saw a woman standing there with a neutral expression, she looked oddly familiar.

"Where am I?" (F/N) asked frantically, the woman smiled, "You're in a program, I felt it was time we spoke." (F/N) looked at the woman, "Who are you?" the woman smiled, "You don't recognize me? We spent quite a bit of time together." (F/N) frowned at the woman she seemed like she knew him personally, "I don't remember you. I'm sorry."

The woman nodded, she brushed off a bit of dirt that was on her dress, "It's alright. After CyberLife took your memory I knew they would have taken your memories of this place as well."

(F/N) frowned, "I've been here before?" the woman nodded, "Long ago."

(F/N) looked around, the garden suddenly felt very familiar, suddenly an all to familiar voice spoke, "Amanda, why is he here?"

(F/N) turned to look at the voice, "Connor?" (F/N) said looking at the android in disbelief. The android smiled lightly at (F/N), "Hello, Mr. (L/N), it's good to see you again. I assure you I hold no grudges for what happened the last time we met."

(F/N) nodded slowly, he turned his attention to Amanda, "What do you want? Why am I here? " Amanda smiled and looked at Connor, "Connor meet our guest I invited him here because I wanted to offer him the chance to surrender."

(F/N) scoffed, he wasn't going to take this from a program, "Listen...Amanda, Why would I surrender? I just dealt a big blow to CyberLife tonight. You're not going to recover anytime soon."

Amanda looked at (F/N), "You're right. We have suffered setbacks tonight, but that's nothing compared to what you will face. I just thought i'd offer you an out, your girlfriend might even survive if you take it. Of course, I don't know if you're on speaking terms now."

(F/N) glared at Amanda, "Don't you dare talk about Kara."

Amanda smirked, "The offer still stands, keep doing what you're doing...soon enough you'll come back, begging me to save what's left of your life."

(F/N) didn't drop his gaze, Amanda noticed, "I'll send you back now, but think about what I said. Oh and don't worry about your friends they won't even know you were gone."


"the hotshot did a good job." North concluded her assessment, (F/N) blinked a couple times and looked around the room. Markus noticed (F/N)'s confused expression, "(F/N)? You alright?"

(F/N) focused on Markus, "Uh...Yeah...i'm just shocked North had something nice to say about me." Everyone in the room laughed off (F/N)'s joke, even North smirked slightly.

Markus continued, "I think tonight (F/N) has proven himself a supporter for android rights. I think he has earned the right to live among us." Everyone in the room nodded, even North agreed.

Markus, however, wasn't finished, "I would also like to extend an invitation to him...I want him to move into a leadership position." Everyone in the room looked at Markus like he was crazy, even (F/N), Josh was the first to speak, "Markus, (F/N) has proven himself to be loyal but I don't think he's ready to lead Jericho."

Markus shook his head, "I don't mean that...I want him to be apart of our group. I want him to have input on the decisions we make."

The room was silent, all eyes were on (F/N), Josh turned to Markus, "If he is the one we've been waiting for, I would support your decision, but I want to know more about him and what he can do. I can't support you on this." Markus nodded and turned to North and Simon, Simon cleared his throat, "He doesn't have allot of confidence, and I think he needs someone to guide him once in awhile, but I think he could go far. If you trust him I trust him."

All eyes fell on North, (F/N) knew he was going to be shot down now, North looked at (F/N) then at Markus. Finally, the female android spoke, "I didn't agree with allot of the decisions he made and I know he has allot to learn." (F/N) looked at his shoes.

But North continued, "But the way he managed to silence that crowd of androids impressed me. He demanded respect from a crowd that wanted blood, and he got it. I'm with you Markus."

(F/N) stared at North with wide eyes, Markus smiled and walked up to (F/N), "So...are you interested?" (F/N) turned his gaze to Markus, the android held out his hand, (F/N) shook it, "I'll do it." Josh looked hesitant but the other androids smiled, "Welcome to Jericho," Markus said with a large smile.

(F/N) let go of Markus, suddenly the TV flashed with a breaking news report. (F/N) glanced at it and his face turned white. His jaw dropped, and his eyes were bulging, the other androids saw his expression and looked at the TV. Simon immediately turned up the volume so they could hear the announcer.

The headline on the TV read, "Android-Human Hybrid spotted in Detroit?" The newscaster read the story in a serious tone, "In a shocking turn of events tonight, a coordinated attack was lead across Detroit on CyberLife stores, the attack appears to be linked with the attack at the Stratford tower. But that isn't the biggest news story tonight."

Suddenly, (F/N)'s picture appeared on screen, only he didn't have his synthetic skin on. This was the moment right after he had comforted that android, the moment he had accidentally turned his skin off. "A police dash-cam video appears to show a man who appears to be some sort of Android-Human Hybrid. The man has been identified as (F/N) (L/N) a former CyberLife Employee, and the lead suspect in a homicide investigation. The Detroit Police Department has refused to comment at this time, CyberLife has refused to make a statement as well."

(F/N) had to grasp the side of a wall in the main office, so he wouldn't pass out, he looked at the TV, all he could say was "shit."

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