Dancat "The Imposter"

By RasberryDemon

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Dan and Trayaurus build a clone machine but things go wrong and it creates an evil Dan clone the clone falls... More

The Machine
Night on the Town
Dan meets Dan?
Stampy meets Dan.......Again
Don's Plan
So it begins
Friends Stick Together
Stampy's Struggles
Dan's Anger
the Tears of war
Search and Rescue
We're Going Home
The Wedding

A helping hand

612 15 7
By RasberryDemon

*Stampy's POV*

I woke up groggily I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything "where am I and why is it so dark" I sat up but for some reason I couldn't move my arms and legs. I tried to speak but nothing came out was a muffled sound a large light turned on over me and blinded me for a second when my eyes finally got use to the light I noticed my arms were tied to my waist and legs were tied up as well "WHAT THE?! WHERE AM I" I thought to myself. My eyes darted around the room trying to at least get a sense of where I am. I started to hear light whispers around me, I was about to call out for someone but then I heard a rough voice say "Boss he's awake". I couldn't help but tremble in fear as I heard slow menacing footsteps coming towards me soon a figure appeared coming out of the shadows and stood directly in front of me. The man in front of me was wearing a black hood over his head I could only see his pale skinned chin. "Hello Stampy....." my eyes widened at the familiar voice the figure removed his hood showing an evilly smirking Don. I tried to say something but my voice was still muffled by some sort of cloth around my mouth. "Don't worry Stampy your safe here" he said bending down to eye level with me, I tried to scoot back away from him but he grabbed me by the strings of my hoodie and pulled my face to meet his "oh don't be like that sweet heart I would hate for something bad to happen to you" he said smirking with that evil glint in his eyes. I stared at him my eyes still wide as dinner plates, he stood up and started talking to some other guys that were around me "Ok boys the first step of the plan was successful now comes for phase two. So I'm going to need you to be at your best" he said as a man with a huge scar on his face came up to Don "so what do we do in the mean time boss" the man asked and I had just realized the man was carrying a machete. "Train because if were going to take out Dan and possibly Trayaurus your going to need to tweak your skills in the art of murder" he said like a true crazy person. I started to struggle at the mention of Dan but was stopped by don lifting my chin up to look at him "Don't waste your energy my sweet now you should get some rest you have a bright future ahead of you" I was about to yank my head out of his grip until I felt hard metal collide with the back of my head. before I drifted into unconsciousness I thought of Dan "oh please stay safe Dan" I thought to myself as I finally fell into dark abyss of slumber

*Dan's POV*

I ran as fast as I could back to the lab "TRAYAURUS!!!" I practically busted down the door to the lab and saw Trayaurus in the main area with Barnaby and Grim their tails were wagging when they saw me. "Dan what's wrong? where's Stampy?" he asked with concern written on his face. Tears began to flow down my face as I tried to explain "I was about to finally propose but then he just disappeared in a burst of light!!!" I yelled in panic with tears streaming down my face "woah, woah calm down Dan look I can hack into the place's security system and see what happen. We will find him I guarantee we will alright" he said hugging me which kind of surprised me that he is actually being sentimental. He left the room to hack into the security system, I looked down at Grim and Barnaby they were whimpering and had their ears flat against their heads. "I miss him to guys but were going to find him I know it" I said petting them while smiling lightly but I couldn't help the sadness lingering in my eyes. "Dan I'm in the security system!" Trayaurus yelled from his office I couldn't help but run as fast as I could to his size with Barnaby and Grim right behind me. I stood next to Trayaurus as he put the security camera footage on his computer. "ok lets watch and see how this could have happened" he said as the video played "STOP!" I yelled. He quickly paused the video and there on the screen was a laser beam coming from the shadows of the banister of the second floor of the ballroom. I looked a little closer and saw a figure at the same angle as the laser beam "wait Trayaurus can you zoom in here?" I asked pointing at it, he nodded and zoomed in to the picture. We couldn't help but let our eyes go wide at what we saw it was a man who looked nearly just like Dan with the red eyes of a mad man. "DON?!?!" we said in unison, I couldn't believe my eyes "Why would Don do this?!" I yelled not even bothering to hold back my anger. Trayaurus pulled up something else on his computer it seemed to be a map of the human body but for some reason it's brain had a huge crack in  it. "It seems something went wrong with the cloning process his brain is missing a certain content of the brain gives us sense of empathy of some sorts. Without it, it will make you basically loose touch with humanity and go crazy in which you could possibly kill someone and not care. Or even make you enjoy it" he explained turning away from his computer to look at me "WHAT?!?!" I yelled with even more panic then before "how did he even make Stampy disappear or did he......" I said looking at him my face starting to go pale just thinking that Stampy might actually be dead. "He isn't dead I can tell from the looks of the gun Don is holding in the picture it appears he used one of my old designs. Awhile ago I tried to make a teleportation gun but the fuel system back fired and what I mean by that is that it exploded in my face. So it seems he used my blue prints and made his own teleportation gun and sent him to who knows where" Trayaurus said while grabbing a device off his desk. "Well I have to find him who knows what could be happening to him!!!" I yelled still not being able to get ahold of my calm self. "Well your not going to be able save him if you rush into it you need a plan" he said looking over to me. I sighed I couldn't argue with that he was right if I rush into this I could get Stampy in bigger trouble then he is right now. "what am I going to do......" I said barley above a whisper looking down at my feet. "Well whatever we do were going to need more help" he said grabbing some other blueprints "yeah I guess your r-" I was cut off when I saw a enchanted diamond sword in the corner of the room in one of the weapon cabinets. "I think I know someone who can help us" I said smiling as I ran out the door and grabbed my bag "Trayaurus I will be back in a bit! Come on Barnaby Come on Grim lets go!" I yelled as I ran out of the lab and ran as fast as I could. It took me about an hour to get there I looked at the door in front of me, I took a deep breath before I knocked on it shortly after it was finally opened.

"H-hey buddy...........yeah we kinda have a problem".

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