Fifty Shades of Andley (Disco...

By BVBGirl1234

43.3K 527 182

When Andrew Biersack moves to the busy streets of Manhattan, he doesn't expect the stone cold boss of his new... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter Two

5.9K 68 16
By BVBGirl1234

Andy's P.O.V

I woke in the morning with a splitting headache, an empty bottle of red wine lying beside my bed. I groaned and sat up in bed, wincing as the movement caused the banging inside my head to increase feverishly. Slowly I inched my way out of the cocoon I had made myself in my bed and padded barefoot to the kitchen, I needed some paracetamol and fast. I opened the medicine cabinet and rooted through its depths until my hand closed around the box in which the paracetamol was stored.

I chased two pills down with a gulp of water then glanced at the clock.

“Shit! I'm late!” I gasped, chucking the rest of the water down the sink. I ran into my room, striping off the baggy shirt that I always wore to bed as I went. I hunted down the skirt and blouse that I had wore to work yesterday and shoved them on, next I fiddled around trying to find another pair of tights. But to my dismay I couldn't find any without ladders or holes in them, cursing I rummaged through my underwear draw, tossing everything out in my desperation to find the item I needed.

“Aha!” I shouted triumphantly as my hands found the unopened pair of stockings. Now I didn't usually wear these garments, in fact I avoided them completely the only reason this particular pair were in my draw was because Christian had thought it a good idea to buy me them for Christmas one time. Needless to say I was not impressed but my boyfriend at the time sure was.

Mentally thanking Christian for his unwanted at the time gift, I groaned and ripped open the packet. I seized the glossy fabric and gently pulled them both on then to complete my outfit I shoved on my black heels. I glanced at myself in the mirror and nearly cried with relief that I looked halfway decent despite sleeping in my make-up, except my hair which resembled a birds nest. I cursed and shoved a brush in my bag, deciding I'd brush it when I was at work.

“Chuppy!” I called, slamming my bedroom door shut and running into his bedroom less then a second later. “Chuppy, Wake up I need a lift to work!”

Reluctantly Christian's sleepy form rose, he glared at me playfully then swung his legs out of bed. I tried not to look too impatient as he washed and dressed, but I couldn't stop the hurried tap of my foot as I watched him.

“Okay I'm read-” he broke off into a shocked gasp as I pulled him out of the apartment, slowing down only to let him grab his car keys off the counter top.

About ten minutes later I finally made it into work, quickly saying goodbye to Christian then slamming the car door shut and racing as fast as I could towards the entrance. I hurriedly fumbled inside my jacket pocket, trying to find my ID so I could get into the building but to my horror found that it wasn't there.

Oh No! I've left it on the counter top at the apartment!

I growled in frustration and stamped my foot then realising my childish behaviour was not acceptable, I started to walk calmly towards the security guards.

“Good Morning Sir,” I cooed trying to act sexy. “I'm afraid I have left my ID at home and-”

“Then I'm afraid you'll have to get lost,” he sneered, my attempt at being flirtatious crumbling before me. “No ID, No entry,”

I glared at him, narrowing my baby blues. “Now you see here-”

“It's alright, He's with me,” a new voice entered the conversation, making me whirl around.

The sex god was standing behind me, looking even more gorgeous then yesterday. He still wore the same suit that he wore yesterday but he had pulled his long hair back into a ponytail and those beautiful brown eyes were covered by thick sunglasses.

“Oh, I see you can go in then,” the security guard looked taken back and stepped aside to let me and the sex god pass. The sex god stepped inside first, of course, and left me to totter beside him. As soon as we got inside and summoned for an elevator he turned to face me.

“Your late,” he teased.

I was about to say something back to him when the sound of the elevator arriving interrupted. The doors opened showing a small crowd of people already.

“Oh, it's okay we'll take the next-” I trailed off in a short gasp as the sex god grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the elevator with him. I was about to protest when the doors slid closed and the lift started its descent.

If I thought the last time of being in an elevator with the sex god was bad, then it was much tamer compared to this. This time, instead of being a fair distance away we were just <i>inches</i> away, if I had breasts they would be crushed against his chest, that's how close we were. The heat, Oh yes the heat I felt whenever we were near rushed over me tenfold, it filled my cheeks and snuck in-between my thighs. Oh Jesus get me out of here.

Mercifully the elevator came to a stop and I dashed for the doors, almost tripping in my haste to get away from that tempting man. He exited the lift last, watching me through his sunglasses, I could almost see the amusement painted on his smug face as I wheezed and spluttered.

“Hot?” his mocking voice snuck into my brain.

I nodded meekly and stood up straight. “I think I need a glass of water,”

“There's a water fountain in my office?” he offered. “You might as well come since you need to attend a meeting,”

I breathlessly accepted his offer and wordlessly followed him, we walked straight past Jake's office, which was empty and continued north until we reached yet another elevator. He pressed the button and mere seconds later the doors pinged open, allowing us to step inside. Luckily for my body temperature this ride was short and the doors re-opened smoothly to reveal another office, but this one was different then the others in this company. From every crevice in this room oozed power, riches and fame, it was the kind of office that very very famous film directors longed for but never got.

“Andy!” I heard my name being called and spotted Jake waving at me from the centre of the room, he was sat at a large table, surrounded by other posh looking men. I waved at him and rushed over to the spare seat which was beside him.

“Sorry I'm late,” I gushed, as I sat down. “Traffic was a nightmare,”

“I can well understand,” chuckled Jake. “Jinxx bites everyone's heads off in the early morning traffic, he cant stand it,”

“If you two are done gossiping,” the sex gods voice sunk into my pores. He was slowly removing his jacket as we walked to the head of the table. “Maybe we can get down to business,”

My cheeks flared with the embarrassment of being sort of told off by him, whereas Jake seemed father unaffected by the sex god.

He sunk down into the only empty chair and the meeting began. Within minutes I was bored stiff, I hadn't a clue what any of them were talking about, bare in mind that I was only a secretary so I guess I didn't need to know these things. Whilst they were discussing some particularly boring facts I decided to close my eyes for a split second, then suddenly I was being roughly shaken awake again.

“Wha-” I was jolted out of the sleep, that I hadn't even known that I had fallen into.

“Andrew, you fell asleep,” the sex god's voice murmured. “Are you feeling okay?”

He knows my name!

My subconsciousness screamed at me like a cheerleader who got asked out by the most popular guy in school.

“Oh, yes I'm fine,” I murmured, brushing his hand away even though I secretly wanted it to stay resting on my shoulder and...other parts of my anatomy.

“You don't look it,” he teased, a familiar heat began to crawl up my body and seep into my cheeks.

“I-I-I'm fine,” I squeaked.

He grinned then dropped his hand, looking around I realised we were the only ones here.

“Where are the others?” I asked.

“Coffee break,” the sex god murmured. “The meeting will continue again soon,”

I nodded at him, showing that I understood then stood up and reached across the table to grab his empty mug plus several others. I was very aware of his eyes on me, watching my every move. I blushed harder and hurriedly trotted off to the cupboard of a kitchen that was situated in the corner of his office, I set the mugs down and was getting ready to leave when I felt another body behind me. I watched with bated breath as a tanned, muscular arm reached in front of me and place two more mugs into the sink.

“You forgot some,” the sex god whispered, his hot, heavy breath gusting onto the back of my neck.

“Thank you,” I croaked and twirled clumsily around so I could try and ease out of the tiny cupboard kitchen before I did something that I would regret. But he stopped me with two hands on my hips.

“Andrew,” he groaned. “I need to ask you something,”

I looked up into his eyes and noted that he had discarded his sunglasses, his chocolate brown eyes now baring relentlessly down into mine. “Y-Yes?”

He took deep breath. “Are you sleeping with anyone?”

Instantly my cheeks flared at his boldness. “What's it to you?” I demanded. “Why do you want to know?”

“Because I want to fuck you Andrew and I need to know if anyone is standing in the way of me doing so,” he murmured, tightening his grip on my pelvis just enough to make me squirm.

Oh My...

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