Love at First Tweet

By FlyingPinkCupcake

83.9K 1.5K 394

Who knew a celebrity could crush on a girl over Twitter? More

Love at First Tweet
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Seven

4.2K 82 17
By FlyingPinkCupcake

Isabella's POV**

I woke up in an empty hospital room. Tubes and other crap were in me and the pain started coming back. Where is Lauren? I sighed and looked at my body. It was a terrible image. I had cuts and bruises everywhere on my body. It must've been hard getting all the glass out of my skin.

I closed my eyes gently and tried to wait for a nurse or doctor to come in here. The pain was getting worse. Let me tell you, this sucks major balls. Why me? Why did I have recieve that message? Why did I run out like that? Hell, why did I ever think Niall Horan would ever in a million years like me? 

I heard footsteps walk into my room and I tried to smile. "Lauren?" I asked with a weak voice. My eyes were still shut. There was no answer. Please tell me there isn't a murderer in here. With my luck it is! I tried to open my eyes but it hurt too much. Damn.

"I'm sorry," The stranger said with a familar Irish accent. Niall. I froze and suddenly got mad. How dare he come here after what he did! How dare he even think that I would even enjoy his fucking company! "This is all my fault," I heard his voice crack. Was he crying? It breaks my heart to see him cry. I could feel tears run down my face. I felt something wipe the tears away. "I'm so sorry," He said again and put his hand on mine. 

"It's o-o-okay," I tried to make words come out of my mouth. 

"No, no it's not okay," He said. "I do like you, I just lied," He finally said. I was shocked, surprised, yet  confused. Why on earth did he lie to me? 

"Why?" I said as I opened my eyes, refusing the horrible pain. I looked straight into his eyes, wanting an honest answer. "Tell m-me," 

"I like you, Ella. So much that it hurts to say no. I just can't date you. I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I'm playing with your feelings because I'm not," He took a deep breathe and finished his sentence. "I'm trying to protect you," Everything made sense now. But something did make me confused.

"Why didn't you just tell me? Instead of making me feel like I wasn't good enough?" I asked. That day when he told me he didn't like me, it made me feel horrible about myself. Like I was just another fan girl. Like I was just another regular girl. I understand that he was trying to protect me, but why lie?

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I truly am," He said quietly. I could tell he really meant it and I'm glad he finally told me instead of ignoring the situation. 

"I forgive you," I smiled at him. In that moment, I realized that Niall was no longer a celebrity to me, but a close friend. Even though we have known each other for a few days, I still care and have feelings for him. He returned the smile and I saw his face move closer to mine. Was he going to kiss me? I felt the space between us almost disappear. But sadly, the moment was ruined when I saw Lauren walk through the door.

"You!" Lauren shouted at Niall and headed straight for him. Oh god. "This is all your fault! Go choke on some Lucky Charms!"

"Lauren!" I shouted with all my might. The pain was getting worse but I needed her to stop yelling at him. "Don't yell at him. We're fine now," I said, while getting angry. I'm still upset that she got in the middle of out almost-kiss. 

"Oh, sorry b-" Lauren could finish her sentence. Her face was shocked when four british guys walked through the door. There they were, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Lauren of course starts fangirling. 

"Hi Isabella," They all said while Louis sets flowers on the desk next to me. How sweet! 

"Oh my god!" Lauren is still freaking out in case you haven't noticed. "It's Harry Styles!"

"Yes, it's me," Harry laughs and hugs Lauren. I could tell she was going to faint any second now. 

I looked at the door and saw a nurse who seemed to be about 30 come in. She was surprised to see One Direction, but said only two visitors in at a time. I sighed as Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn said goodbye then left. Lauren and Niall sat down on the couch next to my bed. 

"You are very lucky, Miss Miller," Said the Nurse. She seemed to smile and said,"You can go home tomorrow," I was relieved but then frowned when I heard her next sentence. "You did break your right leg. So we are going to put it in a cast then you're free to go. Be sure to talk your medicine. The doctor told me to tell you to take these pain killers every morning for a month." She explained everything.

"Okay, they are going to put a cast on you in about an hour. Then you can go home tomorrow," Lauren said cheerfully as the nurse left. I'm glad I was going home tomorrow. It seems such a surprise, but cuts and bruises won't get in my way. "Plus the doctor said since your not fully healed, you're going to have to stay in bed for about a week until your cuts go away,"

The rest of the night was very quiet. I got my cast on and it's purple, my favorite color. Niall had to leave because no males were aloud to visit after nine. It was just me and Lauren. We pretty much watched movies on my tv for the rest of the night. I seriously couldn't wait to leave tomorrow. It's going to e hard to survive the next month, but hopefully it goes by fast.


Sorry it's short, just wanted to upload for you guys! Thank you for supporting me! Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan! ;D <3 


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