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By wond3r-lust

33.7K 712 120

โ† ๐™„๐™๐™„๐™Ž ๐™‡๐™€๐™‘๐™€๐™Ž๐™Œ๐™๐™€ realizes she's special, just like most of her friends in beacon hills. she finds... More

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3.9K 86 15
By wond3r-lust





"YES, I understand, the pastel blue shoulderless top with the denim skirt and the Louie Vuitton ankle boots," Iris said into the phone, getting out the specific outfit, that the queen Lydia was requesting. Iris held it up to her figure for a second, before setting it on her dresser. "Remember, Iris, just a slight show of belly button. We don't want to look trashy." Lydia told Iris, who then made a very unladylike snort into the phone, "when am I ever trashy." Lydia humming in agreement, "I forget I was talking to the pure, innocent Iris Levesque, oops prude too." Iris huffing into the phone, "and, I'll have you know, I'm very proud of that."

"Speaking of proud, Jackson is here now." Lydia breathed into the phone, as Iris made a sound of disgust, Lydia's tone made her want to gag. Her nose scrunched up. "Use protection," before hanging up and throwing her phone onto her bed. And then, throwing herself onto the bed too. She glanced at her alarm clock, seven fifty-eight, her father was working late again and wouldn't be home until the middle of the night. Her father had been picking up late shifts a lot more, which worried Iris, financially. Were they running into trouble, but her father insisted she shouldn't have to be concerned about anything to do with that. That he would handle all of that.

Iris decided on taking a relaxing, hot bath. She turned on the light switch in the bathroom, letting out a hiss, the light blinded her for a second. She rubbed her burning orbs, she felt herself growing hot, but cold at the same time. Iris turned on the sink, waiting until the water was freezing, before splashing the water into her eyes. She let out a sigh of relief, the pain began to dim. Iris, however, let out a gasp at her reflection. A platinum blonde, almost a white-colored streak in her hair. It was small, but it being her hair she noticed, her eyes filled with confusion. She needs to cut that off soon.

She set out a white top, that was cut open on the sides and Nike leggings to change into after she was done with her bath. Iris undressed, bent down, and was about to turn on the water–when a sound caught her attention. She froze, changing into her clean clothes, grabbing her spare lacrosse stick from her room. She reached for her phone to call someone, she wasn't going towards the sound–fuck that, the lacrosse stick for a worse scenario situation. She crept around her room, being as quiet as possible, her back to the window.

However, the bang on the window, caused her to scream and leap back, tripping over the air, her ass hitting the carpet. Her scared eyes looking upward and meeting, the shit-eating grin that was plastered on Stiles Stilinski's face. He nodded at her happily. She narrowed her eyes, his grinning falling at the scary look that was on her face, as she stomped to the window. She ripped it open. She looked down, confused on how he managed to climb up to her second-story window, noticing he used the wall of plants and the metal stands that held them.

"Why can't you just use doors like normal people?" She hissed at him, hitting him on the shoulder, which was returned with a girlish scream of pain. He struggled to pull himself up, glancing up at Iris for help, she sat with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. Taking that as a no. He used all his strength, groaned, and ended up pushing up too hard, and he lost his balance. Stiles ended up flipping onto the floor very ungracefully. He jumped up swiftly, as if it never happened, "because I'm Stiles Stilinski," he replied to her question, pointing at himself proudly, and a smirk on his face.

Iris rolled her eyes. "You're lucky, you fell forward, and not backward," She told him, her hands on her hips, letting out a deep breath. He exhausted her. "So, why are you here?" Iris asked him, his face breaking out into a mischievous grin, her eyes widening. "Well, first we're going to get Scott, because the trio, even though we both know he's the least important one, and then we are going to find a dead body." He told her happily, picking up her lacrosse stick off the floor, that flew across her room when she fell. She shook her head, not in disbelief, but as a no.

She wouldn't put it past Stiles to come up with an idea like this. He pouted sweetly at her, "but the trio, Iris," he whined. She groaned into her hands, "still using that pact we made when we were nine against me," peeking through her fingers at him. He nodded, not ashamed in the slightest. Iris huffed, throwing her hands down, "I'm going to regret this, but fine," she mumbled, he grinned at her. He went to flip the lacrosse stick, to end up hitting himself in the face. He leaned against it smirking, trying to play his clumsiness off again.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he slowly walked towards Iris, his eyes narrowing. Her breath got caught in her throat. Stiles reached up, his hand running through her hair, holding an individual strand. The streak. He subconsciously played with the streak, "is this a gray hair," he pointed out. Iris became flustered and a warm feeling overcame her body, smacking his hand from her hair. She stuck out her tongue at him, before ripping a couple of strands of the streak out of her head. The feeling suddenly disappeared.

"Let's go get Scott."

Getting Scott was another thing, Stiles decided to sneak up on Scott as he did Iris, as Iris sat in his Jeep, happily switching radio stations and jamming out. Iris turned down the radio at the sight of her two best friends walking out of McCall's household. Stiles bouncing happily and Scott walking reluctantly behind Stiles. Scott hopped in the back seat, his mood instantly brightening up seeing Iris. "Hey, Scotty." She greeted him. He smiled at her, "Hey, Iris," as Stiles shut the door to his precious jeep, "thanks for not leaving me with this dumbass." Scott told Iris, pointing to Stiles. Stiles gasped, whipping his head around and glaring, he looked offended, "I believe it's the other way around." The two of them bickering the whole drive, as Iris would interrupt if she felt it necessary to spice up the fight if it got too boring. They were honestly her entertainment.

Once arriving at the forest, Scott began to become skittish. Stiles jumped over the chains dramatically, Iris scoffing as she stepped over them calmly, Scott following behind her. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott called out in disbelief, Iris shook her head, how could Scott expect anything less than a best friend like Stiles Stilinski. Stiles stopped walking, turning around, shining the flashlight into Scott and Iris's eyes.

Both of them hissing at the intensity of the light. Pain from earlier began again in Iris's eyes, however, once the cold air hit them, the pain disappeared. "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles responded, continuing to walk again. Iris followed behind Stiles, who acted on the prowl for this dead body, as Scott shivered from behind her, his teeth chatting. He rubbed his arms.

Scott sped up beside her. "How are you not cold?" He questioned her, Iris letting out a small shrug, the cold has never affected Iris much–except that one time during her mother's funeral. Iris felt a wave of sadness hit her, before she decided to shake it off—it was not the time for that. Scott groaned, "I was trying to get a good night's sleep for practice tomorrow," Stiles then stopped again, letting out a snort. "Aren't we all," Iris mumbled, "however, mine for actual reasons." Scott shot her a look. She shot an innocent look back. "Right, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles muttered, continuing to walk again. Scott mumbled profanities under his breath.

"No, because I'm playing this year," Scott stated, trying to sound as confident as possible, coming to a complete stop and clearing his throat. "In fact, I'm making first line." Stiles and Iris shared a swift look. Scott stood with his chest puffed out and his arms crossed. Stiles wrapped his arm around Scott's shoulder, "hey, that's the spirit," patting him on the back, Scott perked up a bit, "everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles finished, Iris bit her lip holding in a laugh. Scott pushed Stiles off of him, grumbling under his breath. She did notice how much this meant to him.

The trio walked for a couple of minutes, when Scott blurted out, "Just of our curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott questioned. Iris now the one coming to a complete stop, Scott noticed stopping as well, but Stiles didn't. He was trailing happily along with the flashlight, "Stilinski." Iris growled out, watching Stiles tense up now stopping. He turned slowly, scratching the back of his head, "I didn't mention that information to you, Iris,"  His tone tried to sound surprised, giving her an innocent look, before he looked at Scott, "huh, I didn't even think about that."

Stiles glanced at Iris, "I knew you wouldn't come if I told you that part," he mumbled. Iris let out a huff.

"They're going to find another dead body in this forest, and it's going to be you, Stilinski." Iris seethed, watching Stiles gulp, and let out a nervous laugh. Iris continued to stare at him. Scott stepped towards Stiles, his eyes on Iris, so he can move if she decides to pounce on Stiles. "And what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Scott questioned him again, the trio began to walk again, Iris seething behind Scott and Stiles, her glare on Stiles's head. As Stiles would constantly turn to see if he had to protect himself. She scared him. "Also, something I didn't think about," Stiles replied. Iris let out a noise of rage, "I'm going to kill–" She started to lunge at him until she noticed Scott bent over, and his breath became frantic. "It's comforting to know you've planned this out," Scott retorted breathlessly, the sarcasm still sharp on this tongue. Iris ripped–well-tried to steal the flashlight from Stiles. "Maybe, the serve asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight," Iris told Stiles, however, he shushed her, she felt her blood boil as she went to snap, but she heard the noises too.

His eyes widen at her. She shook her head at Stiles, but he took off anyway. "Wait, come on." Scott called out to Stiles, beginning to pick up the pace, "Stiles!" Scott tried to yell louder. Iris gritted her teeth before she grabbed Scott's hand to pick up both of their paces. "Wait up! Stiles! Stiles!" Scott continued to yell, Iris pulled him and her against a tree, watching Stiles keep running. She shook her head and groaned. She held her fingers to her lips to indicate to Scott to be quiet, who nodded in response, both of their breaths labor. She heard dogs barking loudly and they began to sniff around.

Male voices crept closer, hearing the distinct one of Stiles's dad, Noah Stilinski, who also happened to be the sheriff. Which is honestly how Stiles probably heard about the half of a body in the woods. "Hold it right there!" One of the officers called out to Stiles, prepared to detain if needed. "Hang on, hang on, this little delinquent belongs to me," Sheriff Stilinski sighed out, walking towards his son. Scott and Iris poked their heads from the tree slightly, trying to get a better look.

Stiles let out a surprised gasp, his eyes widening, "Dad, hey, how are you doing?" Stiles let out a small chuckle, looking around in confusion. Iris let out a sigh, smacking herself in the forehead, at her idiotic best friend. Sheriff Stilinski's eyes narrowed, "So, do you listen to all my phone calls?" His dad questioned. Stiles snorted, "No, not the boring ones," he replied honestly. Sheriff Stilinski rubbed his forehead. "Now, where are your usual partners in crime?" He looked at Stiles, who furrowed his eyebrows in fake confusion again before his mouth made an o shape in realization when his dad didn't look convinced. "Who, Scott and Iris? Scott's home, he wanted to get a good night's sleep before the first day of school tomorrow, and Iris claimed she was doing 'girls things,' I didn't question that. It's just me. Alone. In the woods." Stiles lied to Sheriff Stilinski, covering for his best friends.

Iris and Scott held in a breath, seeing how Sheriff Stilinski was going to respond, knowing that both of their parents would shit their pants at what the pair was doing right now. Iris would never see the sun again. Sheriff Stilinski raised an eyebrow, coming closer to the pair, his hands on his hip. "Scott! Iris! You out there?" He shouted towards the trees, shining the flashlight near Scott and Iris, however a big clap of thunder caught his attention, and sighed before turning around back to Stiles and the other officers. Sheriff Stilinski grabbed Stiles's neck tightly, pushing him in the other direction, "Well, young man, I'm going to walk you back to your car." He started, before pulling Stiles back, who looked like a rag doll, "And you and I are going to have a conversation about something called an invasion of privacy." He and Stiles walked away, the rest of the officers following. Iris and Scott shared a look. Iris let out a sigh of relief.

The pair slowly back away, taking in their surroundings, once the adrenaline wore off. Iris could barely see anything, it was silent and eerie, only crickets and crunching branches, and leaves from under their feet could be heard. Iris was starting to wish she gave herself up and had a nice ride home. Scott grabbed her hand to make sure she was close just in case something happened. "We're okay," Scott reassured her, Iris nodded at him letting out a small sigh. However, she stopped them, hearing Scott struggling, "Scott, inhaler," she told him. He nodded, beginning to shake it before a sound caught both of their attention.

The ground began to rumble underneath their feet, Iris's eyes widen, as a whole herd of deer came running at them. Iris let out a scream, she felt Scott grab her hand and pull them to the ground. Iris was on her knees, covering her head, as Scott was doing the same except he was covering her with himself. Once they could only hear their hard breaths, they both stood up slowly. Scott glanced at Iris as she glanced back at him, her face was bruised and scratched slightly. Scott opened his mouth to speak, however, she cut him off, "I promise, I'm fine," she told him.

Scott nodded, reaching in his pocket before letting out a gasp, Iris glancing at him in confusion. "My inhaler." He told her, getting out his phone turning on the flashlight, she joined helping him find it. However, both of their phone flashlights stopped coming upon something pale and rotten, covered in leaves and dirt, Scott used his foot to push the leaves off. Iris let out a small scream as cold, lifeless orbs stared back at them. Iris trailed down, in shock, seeing that from the waist down the girl was missing. Scott began to panic as he jumped back. Iris turned to see Scott lose his footing as she watched him tumble down into a ravine. "Scott!" Iris screamed, running to the edge, narrowing her eyes trying to look for him, quickly realizing that wasn't working. Iris shined her phone flashlight around, looking for Scott, however, a small gasp left her mouth as bright, abnormally bright blue eyes popped up, and heard a spine-chilling growl.

She heard the animal stalking closer, she backed up, slowly. Iris let out a small cry as she stumbled backward, her phone flying out of her hands. She stared up, it was standing in front of her, she could see the outline of the.. wolf. Her breaths became short and frantic as it stalked closer like she was its prey, which essentially she was. However, the wolf tilted its head to the side, before it sniffed her and let out an indescribable sound running off.

Iris finally grabbed ahold of herself, she crawled around for her phone, letting out a small cry of happiness once she found it. Iris got up, dialed Scott's number, and let out a sigh of relief when he picked up. "Scott, holy shit, you're okay, thank the–" However, she stopped talking hearing him let out a small scream. "Scott, what's happening?" Iris asked in a panic, her body began to shake. Then, she felt as if she was going to freeze to death. Iris screamed, falling onto her knees, hearing Scott's voice crying out but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Her whole body shot with chills and her skin began to burn, but she still felt as if she was going to freeze. She heard a loud, pricing roar and a painful scream. That's when it all stopped, the pain, the chills, the ringing in her ears, everything. Iris bent over, coughing onto the dirt-covered ground. What the fuck just happened?

Hard breathing and a painful groan, snapped her out of her trance as she picked the phone back up, "Scott," she whimpered. "Iris, something... it bit me, it burns." He groaned. Her eyes widened, "Scott, can you see anything, anything that would help me get to you?" Iris cried out. Scott pants, Iris's hearing the leaves and branches crunching under him as he ran. "Iris, I can see the road." He breathed. Iris sighed of relief, before realizing she was stuck, all alone. The rain began to pour now.

Iris felt herself getting soaked. "Iris, I'm going to scream, as loud as I can, okay, I won't stop until you hear me," Scott reassured. Iris nodded, even though he couldn't see her. Iris muted the phone as Scott began to yell, Iris closed her eyes and began to follow the sounds of his yelling. Iris let out a breath of happiness seeing sweet Scott McCall screaming his breathless heart out in his soaked hoodie, his abdomen bleeding.

Iris called out to him, she ran to him, giving him a hug carefully. "Thank god." Iris whimpered. The pair went to walk towards the road when a loud howl was heard from the woods. The pair shared a scared look, before using the last of their energy, to take off running. The dirt was now mud and their clothes stuck to their bodies, and the hard raindrops blinded their eyes.

Twisting and tumbling before reaching the road. However, a white light blinded them. Iris put her hands up in front of her face to help dim the bright light. Iris gasped, a speeding SUV, skids, and barely misses both of them. Scott and Iris both shared a look of complete horror, "that has been the second time I've almost died tonight," Iris breathed out, Scott nodding in agreement. Iris pulls out her almost dead phone, checking the time, nine thirty-seven, it read.

And this was the worst night of Iris's life and the night she almost died twice in the span of two hours.

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