Trust me. ~ a Leonetta fanfic

By violettastory

34.4K 982 87

When Violetta is 17 she wants to leave the country. Leon, her boyfriend, doesn't come with her. After four ye... More

Leon and I
The end of everything?
The return
A Kiss With Consequences And A Return
An Awkward Date
The Question
A Date With Alex
Karaoki And Two Kisses In One Night
Tomas, Francesca and a Leonetta obsession
With him
Last rehearsal
Abrázame y verás
He feels the same way
Let's see Madrid!
Arguing and unexpected
More unexpected
Back home
Tears and Leorico
It's official
The talk
Friends again? (Camcesca special)
The end...or is it just the beginning?

The show

3.9K 53 2
By violettastory

Violetta's POV

Gira el mundo, gira, quien lo puede parar, un avion cada dia y viajar y viajar, giran las estrellas, ya lo puedo sentir, rayos y centellas todos quieren venir, ooooh es la adrenalina del show...

Oh, the show is finally over. Wow...every time I go on stage, I like it even more than before. Singing on a stage, the crowd is excited and waits to listen to you. It's just an amazing feeling. Actually, where is Leon?
"Hey, I'm here. You did a great job!"
"Just like you."
*Leon hugs Violetta*
"Tomorrow we'll fly back to Buenos Aires."
"Yes I know, this was our last school. The new school year will begin so soon. Our last year."
"Yeah, how fast evreything least we still can be together after that, Vilu"
"I hope so"
We were about to kiss when the others came in. As always! Why do they always come then when I and Leon want to kiss?!?
"Are we disturbing?", asks Fran.
"Actually yeah", asnwers Leon. Yeah, that's just the truth.
"Should we leave?", asks cami.
"No, it's ok" I actually wanted me and Leon to be alone. We weren't alone a long time because of the tour. I don't even know why I replied that.

(At the airport)
"Leon, have you got your ticket?"
"Yeah, you yours?"
He is so cute when he smiles.
"So, where do you sit, Vilu?"
"21, A, you?"
"7, E"
"Not next to each other..."
"Well, we can sit later in the bus together."
Again he smiles. He is so beautiful.

I sat next to Maxi, but I slept almost the whole flight so nothing really exciting happened. Now we're already at the studio. We'll probably talk about the new school year.

Pablo: The tour was very sucessful. I don't mean only money, I saw how you used your talent and showed everyone that you are talented. That was great. You're now professional singer. And this year there will be more professional shows of course. This year there are more new students. We also have a new teacher. You'll get to know them later. Now just relax a bit after the flight and I'll see you tomorrow.

"Wow, I'm so excited for the next school year."
"You can't wait anymore, can you? I see it in your eyes. You're very special, you know."

There is Diego. I still can't forgive him. What he did was...horrible, how could he do that to me?!? He wanted to help Ludmila to throw me out of the studio. For knowing who his dad is. I can understand why he did that. But not that he really did could he...

"It's hard, I know..."
"No, you don't know...he said he loved me but he was working with Ludmila...against me..."
*Leon hugs Violetta*
Maybe Leon can't help me with his words...but he knows that a hug always helps me.

It's already afternoon. The sun isn't even shining but I sat down on a bench to listen to some music. Right now I'm listening to "En Gira". It's a beauitful song...we didn't only sing it on our shows, people can even download it on iTunes, and actually a lot of people did that. I still can't believe that we all are stars, it's just so amazing...
Actually...why is that guy there staring at me?
"Hey! What do you want? Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Sorry, it's I know you from somewhere?"
"I don't name is Violetta, does that help?"
"Oh my gosh! You are Violetta Castillo! I saw you on You-Mix!"
"Is that a reason to stare at me?"
"...what is your name?"
"So, Alex, I don't know why you were staring at me or whatever you did there, but I have to go now..."
Ok, that was strange. Very strange.

*a phone rings*
"Hey, Fran! Why are you callling?"
"Problems with Marco"
"Yes, I know, it's horrible. I always try to talk to him and do you know what he does?"
"He plays with his phone! All the time! It's so annoying!"
"That again?!? Why don't you just tell him?"
"I did, and do you know what he asnwered? 'What did you say? Sorry, i didn't listen' and then he took out his phone again and argh, I'm sooo angry!!!"
"Should I talk to him?"
"I don't know if that helps...maybe Leon could talk to him..."
"Just ask Leon, I'm sure, he'll do it."
"Can't you ask him, please?"
"But you and Leon are friends, where is the problem?"
"You're right, sorry. Bye."
"See you tomorrow."

(The next day)

"Hey, Fran! And, what did Leon say?"
"He'll do it."
"Good, have you seen Cami?"
"No...where is she actually?"
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking."

Pablo: So! The new students, enter please. This is Macarena.
Macarena: Hey.
She seems to be nice.
Pablo: We have only 2 new students. The other one is Alex. Alex, please enter.
I: YOU?!?
Alex: YOU?!?
Pablo: Is there a problem?
I: Eh, no, of course not.
And now Alex is standing next to me. Great. And Leon is looking at me like he doesn't understand what just happened. How could he understand it anyway? I haven't told him about Alex, maybe it's better like that, maybe not, I don't know. And that guy is staring at me again! Like yeesterday...does he have any problems with me?!?
Pablo: And we have a new teacher! This is Milton!
Everyone: Hello Milton.
Pablo: In 30 minutes you have a singing class with Angie.
Pablo: Yes, she came back from France, didn't you know that?
Pablo: Yes. And guys I have to go now, see you later.

Alex: So, now I see you again.
Leon: Again?
I: Oh, Leon, I met that guy yesterday. It all was pretty weird.
Leon: And you didn't tell me?
I: I don't think that it's that important that I have to tell you that.
Alex: And why does she have to tell you?!? You aren't her dad.
Leon: Not her dad, but her boyfriend!
Alex: Oh...
Leon: Yeah, oh...
Alex: I knew beauitful girl like you probably have a boyfriend. He is very lucky to have a girlfriend like you.
But that said Alex so that Leon couldn't hear it.
Leon: So, Vilu, do you wanna meet later?
Leon comes closer to me...does he really have to do that in front of that much people? It's like he wants to kiss me and everyone is staring at us. Or...i don't know...he wants to make Alex jealous and show him that I'm his'?!?
I: Eh, yes, sure, where and when?
Leon: Where is a surprise and when at 5 'clock. I'll pick you up at your home.
I: Haha, okay.
*Leon comes that close to Vilu, that their bodies almost touch and he leans in to kiss Vilu*
I take a step back, I can't.
Leon: Vilu, what...
I: No, Leon, explain me, what are you doing? I know this isn't because you love me. You don't have to show everyone that I'm yours, this is about Alex or not? Sorry, Leon, but I can't do this. I'll see you at singing class.
Leon: No, Vilu, wait!

Leon's POV

Vilu is right...I can trust her, why did I do this?
Alex: So, your girlfriend doesn't want to kiss you? Doesn't sound like a that great relationship.
I: Just let me.
Alex: No, Leon, wait...I didn't mean it like that. Sorry.
I: It's ok...
Alex: Ok...see you.
I: Bye...
It's not okay actually, what was that?!? Anyways...I should better go to the singing class.

When I come in, I see Vilu and Angie hugging. When Vilu sees me, she goes away and takes a seat next to Fran and Cami.

Angie: you see, I'm back! And I've got an exercise for you! You'll get a partner and with him or her you'll write a new song or you take an already written song and change it a little bit. You can't choose the partner, we'll draw the partners. Girls, write your name on a piece of paper.
Angie: Okay, now that everybody's done we can begin. Broduey works with Cami! Federico workes wiith...Francesca! Leon workes wiiith
Who with, please Violetta, please!
Does she even want to work with me?
Angie: Ludmila!
Okay, I think Vilu wanted to work with me, she looks a bit sad about that...
Angie: Diego workes with
What if Diego works wirth Vilu! Oh my gosh, please not!
Angie: Nati!
Angie: Macarena and Violetta are left. Andres workes with Macarena. So Diego or Alex, somebody of you has to work with Violetta, who wants?
Diego+Alex: I want!
Angie: Okay...that can get difficult...we'll just do it like that. One of you has to work with me. I'll write my name on a piece of paper and we'll see who workes with you.
Angie: Okay, done, Diego workes, so Alex and Violetta work together.
That guy?!? Really?!? Why him?!? Then better Diego...
Vilu doesn't look happy about that...sad not either...probably she's daydreaming...about what?!?
Angie: So, the class has ended, bye!
*Angie leaves, almost everyone of the others too*
I: Vilu...I'm sorry for that what just happened...
Vilu: It's okay...I just don't understand why you did this...
I: I'm sorry...I guess I was...kinda jealous...and that guy...I don't know...I'm afraid he likes you...
Vilu: Can't guys like me?
I: I don't mean in the way like friends...the other one...
Vilu: Oh...I don't think so...
I: I you still want to go out with me today?
Vilu: I don't know...I think Dad, Olga and Romallo will celebrate that Angie is here again...and I don't want to miss that.
I: Chocolate cake?
Vilu: Haha, yeah.
I: May I come with you?
Vilu: I have to ask you know what? Yes! I don't have to ask my dad if you may, you are my boyfriend! you know that your smile is beautiful?
I: Hahaha, Vilu, yours is even more beauitful. I would do everything for that smile.
Vilu: Let's go?
I: Yes, let's go!

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