Step Sister (Camren)

By TheGlassCloset

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Continue or Nah?
Must Read
(1) Missed You
(2) Mood Swings
(3) Shut It Down
(4) Welcome To The Family
(5) Inquiry
(6) Too much to take in
(7) Tables Have Turned
(8) Struggle Of Past Years
(9) Emotions
(10) Upsetting
(11) Steps
(13) First Day
(14) Thirst
(15) Beauty

(12) Ground Rules

516 13 2
By TheGlassCloset

Good day! No proof me with the mistakes. Thanks.

It's been 2 weeks since the Disney land trip. Now here is she sitting in her dorm room, waiting for her new roommate.

Lauren went to Jaureg for her training soon after the trip ended. She had no time to visit Sinu's home before coming back to the university. She is staring at the clock and waiting for a knock by the person that is on her mind every single second.

There are many things in her mind right now which were all related to Camila. This is a new beginning in both of their lives. Should they just act normal when they are surrounded by people in the university? Should they just act like roommates? Should that have ground rules? Should they tell people that their parents are married?

Her thoughts were intrepted by a knock on the door. She smiled and quickly reached out for the door. It wasn't who she wanted it to be but the person's mother.

"Sinu! Hi, what are you doing here?" Lauren asked her taking her into a quick hug.

"It's Camila's first day. How can you forget I did same with you. But you were did good when I told you that I would drop you off on your first day. She is taking a lot worse." Sinu said giggling.

"Speaking of her where is she?" Lauren asked

"Right here!" Camila was holding a carton and set it beside other boxes. "now help me, would you?"

All three women started organizing Camila's stuff that took 2 hours all together. Alfter all the hard work both mother and daughter sat on the bed with a 'huff' sound expressing their tiredness.

"All done ladies." Lauren said who was not tired at all.

"Well, it's then time for me to leave." Sinu said standing up.

Sinu said goodbyes to both of us and soon went out. Lauren waved her hand one last time towards Sinu before closing the door and turning around.

The movement she turned she was caught in a hug that can relaxes her body everytime.

"I missed you so much." Camila said above a whisper.

Lauren pulled her closer to the extent it was possible with a tight grip.

"I missed you too." Lauren said sighing in comfort.

They enjoyed each others touch and presence before they were intrepted by another knock on the door.

"We're you expecting someone?" Camila asked taking a step away from Lauren.

"No." Lauren said unlocking the door to open it.

"Thank god you are here. Ally is all PDA with Troy and I thought you were bailing on me by not coming on the day we decided to be here together." The women game Lauren a hug. "You bailed on me anyway, we were supposed to meet in my room 30 minutes ago. What are you up to anyway that you didn't have time for me?"

"Oh I was helping her move in." Lauren stepped aside so that the girl could see Camila standing in the middle of the room.

The women brushed pass Lauren towards Camila.

"Hi, I am Normani." she said extending her hand to greet Camila.

She shook her hand by greeting back. "And I am Camila."

"Do you wanna join me and Lauren for dinner? We were supposed to go but it would good that you join us." Normani said.

"No. Go ahead you too. I don't wanna mess up your further plans. Thank you for asking." Camila said.

"It's all cool. This bitch has a record for bailing on me anyway. And I also I invited my new roommate, so I think you should come too. Come on, join us it would be good to know a beautiful girl." Normani said taking a step closer towards Camila and Lauren rolled her eyes.


"Great. Let's go. I am starving." Normani said grabbing Lauren's hand and pulling her with her.

Camila followed them and gave Lauren a look which said 'what's with her?' "She is my best friend." Lauren mouthed to her and Camila raised an eyebrow giving a 'really' look.

"You both go ahead and I will meet you their. I have to get a hold of my new roommate okay?"

Both of them agreed and Lauren led Camila to the cafeteria.

"So, she is your best friend?" Camila asked as they joined the cue to take their dinner.

"Yup, she is one of the two of my bestest friends. And don't judge okay? I know if you didn't had all hearts for me, you would have probably ended up in her arms right now. She isn't afraid to use her charm but there are only few who end up in her bed."

"What? Even if I didn't have feelings for you, I am quite sure I would have ended up with them anyway. I mean look at my new roommate." Camila fanned with her hand in front of her face expressing hotness.

"How could I forget about Cabello charm."

"Well, this charm is specifically only for you, you know that?"

"Same goes for you."

"Well, don't lie. What was that when you flirted with 10 girls in our small trip to Disneyland?"

"That was normal talking. My special charm is only reserved for you." Camila rolled her eyes and took the seat at the table where Lauren led her to.

"Now stop flirting with me because the charm you are telling me is special for me isn't enough for getting you laid any time soon."

"Say the girl who was grinding herself on me a week ago." Lauren shot back but immediately regretted it after seeing the hurt expression on Camila's face.

"Camila, I was just kidding. I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Lauren tried to take a hold of Camila's hand but she flinched and pulled her hand away.

"You still doubt and that's okay."

"No it's not. Camila, you know I did what you asked me to do. I thought about all of it and I am so close to accept and understand all of it. The training at Jaureg helped a lot. But I can't do it if you are distant with me in anyway."

"Lauren I won't go anywhere when you need me." Camila said staring in Lauren's eyes.

"I know but I need you in every day of my life. After so much of thinking I am sure that I have no reason to doubt you but to maintain it we need to talk and I think it's time if you are ready because I am."

"I am ready too but don't say things you don't mean. A blind man can tell that you don't need me everyday of your life."

"The distance I am talking about is not the gap between us physically but emotionally. Like right now, it really hurts."

Camila let out a sarcastic laugh. "You didn't say that 2 months ago. And you have to-"

"Ugh…only 20 minutes are left. How am suppose eat in peace?" Normani said keeping her tray on the table.

"Where were you?" Lauren asked shifting a little away from Camila.

"The new hot roommate of mine decided that she should invite her best friend with us. I agreed and offered to walk with her to her best friend's dorm room. But she didn't remember the number of her best friend's dorm and we ended up going to the way she came from after waving her bff goodbye. After 30 minutes of failure she gave up and we came back."

"Where is she then?" Lauren asked.

"Oh she still in the long cue for some weird kind of food. But Camila, why are you so angry face?"

Camila again let out a sarcastic laugh and said. " Ohh. I don't know may be you were flirting with me and hour ago and in that hour you were flirting with another playing with feelings of others. You all are the same. Excuse me I need a damn pizza." Camila stood up and went away.

Normani narrowed her eyes towards Lauren before muttering "What the fuck?!"

"I will explain later. Be right back." Lauren said before running in the direction Camila went.

Normani started eating her salad before she felt someone sitting beside her.

"Where are your friends?"

"They will be back."

"My bestie still didn't replied to my texts."

"Don't worry she, did I mention this snap back really suits you."

"Thank you."

"Cheech!" Camila said hugging Dinah from behind.

"Chanch! Why aren't you answering your phone?"

"Oh, I forgot it in my dorm. Sorry."

"It's OK. Here meet my roommate, Normani. And this is Camila." Dinah introduced the two.

"We already met." Normani said it a monotone.

"Normani, I am sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. You would have noticed that I was angry before you even started explaining why you were late. You know it was bad timing."

"It ok I didn't mind thought it was kinda hot seeing you all angry at me because I flirted with anyone else." Normani said with a wink and Camila rolled her eyesand sat across Dinah.

"Normani when I said I didn't mean it that means I didn't. I really don't care who you flirt with."

"Whatever you say babe."

"Hey! Don't babe her." Lauren said standing behind Camila with a slice of pizza in a tray.

Dinah stood up and took the tray from Lauren's hand after greeting her. Lauren rolled her eyes and Normani made a confused face.

"We fucking need some ground rules." Lauren said

"What?" Normani said.

"Yes, I will tell yours later. But the main ground rule for you is Camila is off limits of your flirting." Lauren said sternly.

"What? Where did that come from?"

Lauren ignored Normani and said "and you two follow me now before my head blows up."

The three left to Lauren's and Camila's dorm leaving a confused Normani alone.

Lauren opened the room and turned around and saw Camila and Dinah both were carrying their food with them.


"What? We were yet to finish" Camila said walking into the room and Dinah followed her.

Lauren rolled her eyes and closed the door. She waited for few minutes so that they could finish their food.

"Now, Dinah listen carefully. I won't repeat myself okay?"

"Okay, Your Majesty."

"Here no one knows who I am. Do you want to reveal that?"

"No, of course not."

"That's why you have to work on controling your actions. You can't do what you did back in the cafeteria."

"I am sorry but I can't help myself."

"I know and for that we need code words that will help a little."

"What kind of code words?"

"Like in my case with Camila, a sense of relief washes over me if she says that she is 'safe' or 'no harm'. But that only works when you trust the person completely in the area. Now do you trust me?"

"Yes, you were my first best friend. Of course I do."

"Good. I think it would be a little easier because your vow involved that you will assure my comfort whenever you are around me. And Of course there can't be that people can cause me bar entering my personal space. Umm… I think 'I am all comfy' would work for you and I promise I won't lie to you about it. Just when I say that line trust me and don't do anything that will lead others to question. Okay?"

"Yeah, I will work on it."

"Good. I know that you can do it. And now Camila, can you help me with what to do with her saying 'Your Majesty' and permission for leaving."

Camila brought a index finger up signaling to wait as she swallowed her food.

"We can do same coding thing with this too."


"Like she can call you princess instead of something else. We can say it's a nick name back from high school that stuck. Now the way we all reacted in cafeteria you gotta tell Normani something. You can say we all know each other from high school."

"That is a good reasoning but no way I am giving myself princess as a nickname. I am anything but a princess."

"How ironic you are an actual princess but you don't act like one on normal basis at all. I think you have to work with that we have no more options, Princess." Dinah said chuckling.

"Haha funny. Okay call that till the time I think of anything else. But avoid it as much as possible."

"So what about leaving permission as its time for me to leave." Dinah said standing up from the bed.

"What about 'Go now' it's better than 'you may leave'."
Camila said.

"Go now" Lauren said with a smile.

Dinah walked to the door chucking. "Good night Princess." and closed the door behind.

Lauren turned around and ran towards Camila before jumping and landing on her.

"And you Missy. Your first ground rule, I want a good night kiss every night." Lauren said.

Camila made an deeply thinking expression and said

Lauren chuckled before sitting up.

"By the way, The talk we had in bathroom is enough or you want to add up some more ground rules?"

"We will see."

"Okay, now the serious thing. Why was Normani saying babe to you?" Lauren asked

"I don't know, I think she just said it playfully. You should know better, she is your best friend."

"Yeah you are right, it would have been playfully." Lauren said and Camila shrugged.

"So are you ready for facing me tomorrow?" Lauren said walking towards her closet to find some nightwear.

"What do you mean?" Standing up from the bed for doing the same.

"You forgot? New day, new place, new people." Lauren said smiling and entered the bathroom for changing her clothes while Camila did in the room.

After she finished she knocked on the door and Lauren yelled 'it's open'.

"How can I forget? It the day or I can say the week in which sexy Lauren turns into mama Lauren." Camila said putting paste on her toothbrush.

"I hope Dinah shares classes with you. Just try making some friends over there who I can trust and then we are settled. I won't act weird all the time." Lauren said rinsing her toothbrush in the water and putting it back in the stand.

"Did I ever tell you that I secretly love your protective side but also hate it to." Camila said drying her hands with the towel.

"Yeah I know." Lauren said wrapping her arms around Camila's waist.

"Presently it is 95% love and 5% hate."

"Oh yeah?" Lauren carried Camila to her bed and gently laid her down.

"Yeah." Lauren laid Camila down on her bed before going to hers.

When they were coming back from Disneyland 2 weeks ago, Lauren told Camila whatever was coming in her mind at that movement. She also told her the reason why she was not able be with Camila for last two years. To her surprise, Camila already knew. She said she was still angry that Lauren didn't tell her sooner because before Camila figured it out the silence without any reasons was killing her internally. Lauren apologized time and again but Camila said she can't give fake forgiveness so Lauren must wait for it.

"Tomorrow would be new start of our lives. Our normal lives." Lauren said after getting under the cover.

"Yeah, it will. Good night Lauren."

"Good night Camila."

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