It Started with Skinny Jeans

By nikkichicky

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Aria Jenson had been excited to be returning to Art Haven, a summer art camp she'd been attending since her p... More

(Ch1) It Started on the First Day
(Ch 2) It Started with a Critique
(Ch 3) It Started With an Assignment
(Ch 4)It Started with a Pottery Lesson
(Ch 5) It Started With A Midnight Dip
(Ch 6)It Started With a Sweet Gesture
(Ch 7) It Started With A Surprise
(Ch 8) It Started with Heartbreak
(Ch 9) It Started with a Helping Hand
(Ch 10)It Started With a Distraction
(Ch 12)It Started with an Apology
(Ch 13) It Started with Forgiveness
(Ch 14) It Started with the Unexpected
(Epilogue) It Started with a New Beginning.

(Ch 11)It Started with a Confrontation

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By nikkichicky

It Started with a Confrontation

A gentle wind danced along the trees, making the leaves and wind chimes sing. The sound flittered along the breeze through the open windows, cooling the air. Soft music played from my portable radio as I brought to life the sketch of Scott I’d drawn what seemed like a life time ago.

I sat back and admired the use of watercolours. It was a complete likeness of him. The long flowing dark hair, the slight smile that had all the girls falling for him – had me falling for him – the smouldering charcoal eyes that held mystery, a story untold.

I’d mistaken this look for arrogance, but as time went on I’d realised it was all a façade, a wall that blinded others from the truth. Scott was lonely, lost and confused.

As I set my paintbrush down, studying the portrait before me, I knew then just how I would portray this lost soul.

Deciding first to add my final touches to the portrait, I became consumed by the events of last night.

Scott had vanished, completely. Okay, so he’s probably somewhere on campus. I’d tried looking for him in the usual places after I’d changed, but there had been no sign of him.

Eventually I’d had no choice but to give up my search. The winner of the fashion show was to be announced soon and I was needed back at the show. We didn’t win though, but Jess and her team were pretty happy about the second place positions they’d achieved.

I’d felt bad. I knew it was probably my fumble on stage that lost them points, but in the end they’d all reassured me that achieving second place was more than they expected and we’d agreed to celebrate at tonight’s bonfire and barbeque.

Raina, Tommy and even Blaine, who wasn’t usually the chatty type, continued to excitedly retell the tale of how I’d made my debut as a model, this morning at breakfast. Tommy’d joked saying this could be the start of my career on the catwalk. I’d laughed it off, slightly embarrassed, but it was meant as a compliment – in a weird way.

I’d been silently grateful when nobody questioned my sudden turn about on the stage. One thing that had been discussed, the fact that it was clear I’d been about to dash off of the stage. They’d been more concerned about the fact that I had stayed and made pretty good statement with my attitude change.

Of course my gratitude was short lived as the ever observant Blaine questioned what had made me decide to give it a go.

I’d hastily made some lame excuse about not wanting to disappoint Jess and the others, that they were counting on me. I know, it’s a terrible lie, but what was I supposed to say to them?

I couldn’t very well tell them about the weird and unexplainable connection I’d shared with Scott. I mean how could I when I was freaking over it? I knew I still had feelings for him, but last night, the way I felt… it was like none of the drama we’d gone through happened. It felt like when we’d been together, before he’d broken my heart.

I was just so confused.

I’d considered going to find him after breakfast, but then my control freak brain stopped me. I knew how it would look to him if I came crawling back to him, begging him to talk to me about last night, which I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want to.

I hate this. I hate that I wasn’t able to move on like I thought I would. How was I supposed to when so much about what we had still lingered, still confused me and hung over my head.

I knew I needed to clear my head and order my thoughts before I even considered going to talk to him. So after I spent the morning with Raina, I’d made my escape to the Jackie’s classroom.

I wasn’t sure what I was doing until I came across the picture of Scott. Something about it struck a cord and I knew I had to give something more to this sketch.

I sat back and took in my completed work. Would it be crazy for me to say that even his painting drew me in?

I closed my eyes letting the music and the gentle breeze carry me away, right into his arms. He was smiling at me, as his hand ran along my arm, making me shiver at the touch. He had a way of making me feel beautiful with just one look.

My hand cupped his face, scalding where our flesh met. Without warning his lips met mine, making me sigh with joy. His kisses left me breathless, wanting more.

I felt the corners of my lips twitch into a slight smile as I continued to dream of a romance I could never have. How could something that was a lie feel so right?

Shamelessly I was about to bring my imaginary Scott’s lips back to mine when I was interrupted, and tumbled right back to earth.

My eyes snapped open and I felt my face go scarlet. I was absolutely mortified as I looked back at Scott, who had a slight winkle in his eyes, though his expression gave nothing away.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. I didn’t know someone was using the room.” He explained.

I covered my finished work, diverting my gaze. “No, it’s fine. I’m finished here. I just need to clear up.”

He nodded, not looking at me I noted. I gathered all my stationery, but kept peaking at him from the corner of my eye. I figured he’d wait outside or something until I was done, but to my surprise he walked over to his usual work station and began preparing for whatever it is he’d be working on.

I met his gaze uneasily as I headed over to the basin, which happens to be near his work station, to clean my paint brushes.

My heart hammered in my chest. Why? I had no idea. It was clear that Scott had other things on his mind. He hadn’t looked at me since walking into the room. I knew this because I hadn’t taken my eyes off of him.

Part of me knew this was the best opportunity I had to bring up last night, but as I watched him from my peripheral vision, doubt swam its way into my head.

The glass jar I’d been cleaning suddenly slipped from my hands and I jumped back in surprise. Well, at least the unwelcome shock to my system had earned me the attention of one guy who seemed determined to ignore me.

“You okay?” his question stunning me.

“Yeah, it just slipped from my hands.”

Okay Aria, you might not want to admit it, but you know you desperately want to question him about last night. But I can’t use a direct approach. I need to be sneaky about it.

I cleared my throat. “So – err – did you enjoy the show last night?”

He was quiet and I thought he wouldn’t answer me until I looked up to see him… I don’t know… agonising over what to say. “Yeah,” He finally said, “it’s not really my thing, but it wasn’t too bad.”

Short and too the point… figures. So, he wants to avoid the obvious. Than so will I.

Drying off my hands and brushes, I did my best not to blow my top. He was annoying me so much right now. All I wanted was to get out of there. I headed to my station, but was stopped when I heard his voice.

“You looked –” he hesitated, “you looked great out there last night.” he declared, making me stop in my tracks. “I never thought I’d see the day when you’d willing get up on a stage to model.”

I turned and saw the humour in his eyes. He wasn’t faking this. “You and me both. I was just doing it to help out someone in need.”

He let out a humourless laugh, unpacking his art supplies. “That sounds like you. Always helping where you can.”

I couldn’t help it, my heart softened toward him, the annoyance slowly seeping away, as a smile threatened. “I have to admit something though.”

“What’s that?” he looked up at me again.

“You’re the reason I got through all that last night, the reason I had the courage to walk on that stage.” I confessed, though I had no idea why.

He eyes grew wide with shock. “I was?” I somehow knew that it wasn’t because of the confession itself, but more the realisation that I was going to bring up what happened last night.

I crossed my arms over my chest, a defence mechanism. “You seem shocked by this?”

“Well, considering everything we – everything I put you through I figured I’d be the last person to give you a confidence boost.”

“True, but it wasn’t so much you as the advice you gave me a while back.”

He nodded. “And what advice would that be?”

My breath caught in my throat. When had he stepped closer to me? I knew taking a step back was safe and the right thing to do, but instead I inhaled the musky scent that was Scott. It was like I could smell the nature on him.

I swallowed – no, more like gulped when I brought my eyes up to meet his. “Don’t think.” I replied and took a step back, clearing my head. “Though, the second part of that advice didn’t really apply for that specific moment.”

I saw the glint in his eyes as he stepped closer to me again. “I guess that would be right.”

My heart leapt when I saw that familiar glint. It was pure sensual desire, the way he’d look after a marathon make out session. It thrilled me and awakened yet another part I had no idea could be awakened.

He’d always opened me up like this, had so many tricks up his sleeve and I’m sure one would have worked if we’d… stayed together.

I was suddenly woken from my haze, the spell of his bewitching eyes broken. After everything, he had the audacity to think if he smiled pretty and lulled me into submission with his smouldering looks, I’d just willing fall into his hands.

Before he could take another step closer, I held up my hands, pushing him away. “What do you think you’re playing at? As I recall you’re the one who called things off with me, so what is this?”

He backed up, putting space between us and swore profusely under his breath, stunning even me. What the hell is going on with him?

After a moment, he turned to look at me again. He looked slightly remorseful, a look I wasn’t accustomed to seeing on his face. I could see the way his jaw tensed as he waged an internal battle with his thoughts.

“I’m –” he paused and swore again. “I – I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just so hard for me.”

Was he serious? “Hard for you? All of this has been hard for you? If I’m not mistaken I was the one who put all her emotions on the line, giving her heart to guy who took it and stomped all over it. So tell me, how is this hard for you?”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have come on to you.” he avoided my question. “It was wrong of me, but when I think of what I’d actually wanted to say and do, I freaked.”

“And what exactly is it that you wanted to say and do?” I questioned really wanting to know the answer.

He stared at me for a long moment, too long. My patience was wearing thin. I didn’t need to wait around for his answer, to give him peace of mind. I owed him nothing. Making the decision, I walked over to my things, stuffed my paintbrushes in my box and picked up my painting.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” I retorted. “I’m leaving.”

I headed for the door, but his hand encircled my wrist stopping me. “Wait, please let me finish.”

“Why?” I spat. “So I can let you hurt me again.”

“No,” he threw out angrily, but softened his voice when he said. “So I can apologise.”

“Then do it.” I hissed, holding back the tears that threatened to brim over.

I could see the struggle flick across his features. “I don’t know how.” He whispered.

I ripped my arm from his hold. “Than you best figure it out, because I want nothing to do with you Scott Grayson until you do.”

I glared angrily at him one last time and then turned, making my escape. How many times hadn’t I fled from him in anger and I’d felt no pain, but then why did it hurt so much to walk away now?

My tears blinded me as I tried to make a hasty retreat.

“Wow,” I looked up startled not even realising I’d walked into someone until I felt my face collide with their chest. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Tommy smiled back at me, but that smile vanished the moment he took in my upset state.

“Aria, are you okay?”

I hurriedly wiped at the tears. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

I made a mistake then and looked over my shoulder. Scott stood at the threshold scowling at Tommy and me. It wasn’t a surprise when Tommy followed my line of vision and spotted Scott too.

“Okay that jerk’s going down.”

“No!” I griped his hand, making him turn to look at me. “He’s not worth it. Please just leave it alone.”

The vain in his neck pumped as fury built in his eyes. “One day he’s not going to have you around to stop me.”

“Let’s just go, please.” I urged wanting to put as much distance between Scott and myself as possible.

Tommy sent Scott one last warning glare and then draped his arm around my shoulder, hugging me close for comfort as he steered me away from my personal nightmare.


 “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. We could hang out, just the two of us.” Tommy offered as we headed to the lake for the bonfire.

“No, I want to go. I’m not going to let Scott spoil my fun or yours.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

From a distance I could already see the huge wood structure that would be lit after the sun went down. It was an Art Haven tradition, one I wasn’t about to miss. We’d been looking forward to this since the beginning of the summer, there was no way I was about to have this all spoiled by one bad encounter with a jerk.

By the time we arrived at the lake I could see most of the students had already arrived and were already enjoying all the activities set up for the night. Faintly I got the smell of smoke and turned to see the instructors preparing the barbeques for the hamburgers and hotdogs.

My tummy growled just thinking about it and I realised then I’d missed lunch.

“There’s Raina and Blaine.” Tommy pointed out. Together we made our way over to the couple who were cuddling by the waters edge.

“Hey, lovebirds.” I joked in greeting.

Raina blushed slightly, something that’s not accustomed to her, making me wonder if we’d interrupted an intimate moment.

“Hey guys, we were wondering where you were.” Blaine said, most likely a cover.

“Mm-hm, I’m sure you were.” I winked at him, making him laugh. Well whatever’s going on here I’m sure I’ll get the full story later from Raina.

“So,” Raina jumped in changing the subject, “what are we doing first?”

‘You’re playing a round of volleyball with us.” Came Jess’s voice.

“Hey,” I greeted the curly haired blonde, a broad smile lighting me face.

“Hey,” Jess greeted in return, surprising me with a hug.

“Wow, um, you having a good time so far?”

“Yeah, the other girls are already celebrating.” She pointed in the direction of the lake where both her team mates danced on the deck to the upbeat music they had playing.

“Who are the guys?”

She shrugged. “Just some guys they know. So, are you guys up for that game of volleyball?”

I hastily waved my hands. “Oh, no thank you. I believe we want the other team members to walk away from the game unscathed.”

Everybody laughed. “I think I’ll join Aria and sit this one out.” Raina added.

“I’m up for that game.” Blaine added enthusiastically earning an agreement from Tommy.

Raina and I took up a comfortable spot near the game and cheered, encouraging our friends on.

I had to admit both sides were giving each other a run for their money. Even though this was just a friendly game, you could still feel the competitive energy in the air. Though as exciting as the game was, my mind still wondered to Scott and what happened between us.

I was still confused about what I felt for him and then there was the part that wondered if he actually apologised sincerely would I be able to forgive him. But why would he want to apologise? Hadn’t he made it quite clear the night we’d broke up that he wanted nothing to do with me, that I was just some girl he wanted to use and abuse.

I wanted to tell Raina everything that had happened. She was the only one I trusted to confide in and always seemed to know just the right things to say. But as I turned to see her bobbing up and down as she cheered not only our friends on but Blaine specifically, I knew I couldn’t spoil her fun.

I could talk to her in the morning. Tonight was about fun, forgetting all your troubles and that was exactly what I intended to do.

I focused on the game again and quickly caught on that out guys were in the lead. I cheered, sending a wolf whistle their way, which surprised Raina and had her bursting into fits of laughter.

“I had no idea you could do that.”

“Well, even I still have some tricks up my sleeve.” I winked at her.

The game quickly coming to a close, as the sun lit the sky in a pinkish haze. I cheered as Blaine, Tommy and Jess beat their opponents, shaking hands in a good sportsman like manner.

What surprised me though was Jess jumping into Tommy’s arms. Now to anyone else who wasn’t looking closely, it would seem like a harmless celebratory hug, but I had a close look and it was clear as day that Jess was crushing on Tommy and he was just too blind too see it.

I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed this before. The way she looked at him, the flirty yet subtle way she touched him, trying to get his attention and of course then there’s the way she laughs at his jokes. Trust me, Tommy might be goofy at times, but his jokes aren’t that funny.

I grinned broadly when Tommy jogged up to us, Blaine already holding Raina’s attention.

“What?” I arched a brow, “Why are you grinning like that?”

I leaned in closer. “What do you think of Jess?”

I looked over at Jess as he took a swig from the bottle water I gave him. “I don’t know. She’s fun, up for anything. She’s seems like a really nice girl. I like her.” He said on a shrug. “Why do you ask?”

“Can’t you see it?”

“See what?”

I sent him a deadpan look. Men are so unobservant. “She has a crush on you.”

His eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Na, you’re just pulling my leg.”

“I’m not pulling your leg. You seriously can’t see the way she smiles at you or laughs at your jokes.”

He frowned. “What’s wrong with my jokes?”

“They’re not that funny.” I said under my breath.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing,” I said hastily and turned him in Jess’s direction. “Look,”

As soon as Jess noticed Tommy was looking her way, a warm smile spread across her face and she waved in our direction, though that wave was more intended for him I could tell.


As if it hit him then he said, “Oh…”

I chuckled. “You should give her a chance.”

A slight smile played at him lips. “I could, but there would be no point when I have my sights set on someone else.”

His gaze connected with mine as he lifted his hand to sweep a strand of hair behind me ear.

I stood for a moment frozen and speechless. I knew I should have had that talk with him. Why, Aria? Why do you get yourself into these situations? Better yet, how do you get yourself into these situations?

“Tommy, I –”

“Come on,” he interrupted me, “lets see if the foods done yet. I’m starved.”

He made to take my hand in his, but instead I stepped back. “You go on ahead. I’m – err – thirsty. I’ll meet you there.”

He hesitated, but thankfully didn’t offer to go with me. “Okay, sure.” He studied me for one last minute before he turned and headed off in the direction of the food. Suddenly I no longer felt hungry.


Two chapters in two days, I’m on a roll lol

Hope you enjoyed all the Scott and Aria time. Those two have some serious issues to sort out.

I’ll probably upload this weekend again if I have the time.

Thanks for all the support guys :D

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