Changing your life (Lauren/yo...

By MaxBattle

23.5K 539 50

It's my first story, so i hope you will enjoy it ;) Y/N Y/LS is a famous producer and writer in Music industr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Venice we are coming!!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 : Real Friends
Chapter 5: Meetings
Chapter 6 : Revelations
Chapter 8: Explanations
Chapter 9: "oh so there is someone you like..."
Chapter 10: unexpected meetings
Chapter 11: "Yes,It's all perfect. Don't worry"
Chapter 12: First step
Chapter 13: Surprise me
Chapter 14: the date
Chapter 15: The Album

Chapter 7: a fresh start

1.5K 33 0
By MaxBattle

Y/N p.o.v
"Y/N, finally you are here...let me introduce to the girls..." my assistant said while i entered in my studio. When i entered i saw Lauren,but she gave me a bad look...I should have tell her who i am. But who i am? I am just a boy who wants to demonstrate to his parents that music isn't a waste of time, just like Lauren. She wants to be known just for herself.
After that i look at the others, one by one greetings me. The first one was Dinah or Dj like she call herself.
"Yo Dawg, i am Dinah Jane,or Dj. I am a super fan of yours...Have you worked with Beyoncè for real?" She asked me with big eyes but I couldn't answer that because Normani gave me an hug and asked about the same things. I started to laugh...ok later i will call her...and ask her a favor
"Yes,Actually me and Queen B are great friends...we worked a lot together and for her i wrote Halo...also others but that is the most famous..." i said proud of myself. Dinah and Normani were looking at me...frozen...than they started to jump and asked me about her and if i have some cd or videos of the queen herself. I started laughing because they were so fun,and of course i have to call Beyo. I excused myself and i went to Elisa in the reception.
"Elisa,quando hai possibilità chiama QB e dille appena può di chiamarmi..." i told her smiling (trad: Elisa, when you can please call QB and tell her to call me when she has some time free). After i come back to the room i greeted the other member of the group, Ally. She is full of energy and funny... "The ball of sunshine"...and then of course Lauren. She decided to not stand up,but to stay still in the sofa,watching her phone...ok i am sorry Lauren...I didn't mean to lie to you...i only nodded and saw the girls look at her with disbelief in their eyes.
In that moment i saw another figure after Lauren...a big man called Frank,the bodyguard... he was tall with a big tattoo on his arm and shoulder."Nice to meet you all,now that i met every one,are you ready to start? Simon told me everything i needed to know and he asked me also to involve you girls in the writing and the creation of the music..."i told them smiling" but i have decided before to get you know better so that we can become friends and start to create things that represent you, and not only what people want you to be...what do you think girls?" I asked smiling, but first that the girls can respond, Lauren spoke "Actually i would rather coming back friend with Camila than with you Y/N..." she said while coming out of my studio...great, just great...
I decided to follow her outside. "Lauren! Please listen to me..." i said while i took her forearm making her turn in my direction. " i don't want to speak to you..." she said removing her arm from my hand.
" Than don't, but please listen to me Lauren. When today we met, i had no clue on who you were, just like you with me, but passing with you this day we started to get to know us. The real us and not The Lauren Jauregui, the singer in Fifth Harmony, but just Lauren, or not The N/D, the producer, but just like Y/N Y/LN, a normal guy that want to be himself, without other people that wants him to fail and laugh at him. No,i want to prove people the exact opposite...
Lauren,i know that i have lied to you, but nobody knows my real identity,not even my family. They want me to be a doctor or in the Army,but i cant i am in love with music. This is my life, and not my parent's. I'll make it up to you Lauren. I promise you this, and also i would like us to be friend again...What about a fresh start? But if you don't want i understand. You don't trust people twice. I am sorry to hear that.'' I said sadly and than went into the studio again. The girls approached me worried, but i played cool. " What about if i show you a little bit of this crazy city? Have you been to San Marco Square?" I asked interested. Lauren came back to join us, and Ally told me what they did in the San Marco's Square..." then we must go there if you are not tired" i said smiling. All agreed so we start walking outside,but before Frank came out, i stopped him and asked to tell Elisa to take the day off. When he went inside to search for my assistant, we started running away to take my boat, but before that Normani stopped me" Why we just did that? Simon will be pissed..." " Girls you don't need a babysitter to take care of you...and about Simon...he doesn't have to know every our move, he only needs the album with the music and he knows how i work..." i told them while starting the motor of my boat.

(This is Frank with his huge tattoo on his shoulder ^)

Writer corner
Sorry everyone for the long time, but i went abroad without internet.
What will happen next? Will they like Venice? Will Lauren have fun?
Will they find Camila?
Check out also my other story on my other account elyzone , This is me a Camila/you story.
See you in the next chapter :)

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