Curious and Infatuated // Con...

By rhythmicalsins

45.1K 963 396

{ infatuated: to inspire or posses with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love } Detective Anna Jane ge... More



543 13 4
By rhythmicalsins

I get out of Hank's car as we pull up to Elijah Kamski's place so that we can figure out the cause of deviancy, it was Connor's idea. Hank knocks on the door and a blonde android, about my height appears to greet us, maybe slightly shorter, she's wearing a deep blue dress that looks incredible.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The android asks.

"Uh, we are here to see Mr Elijah Kamski?" Hank says cautiously.

"Of course, wait in here, I will tell him you want to see him," The android says as she wanders into a room while we wait in the main entrance room.

I look at the large photo that he has of himself and smile, creator of Cyberlife, retired ten years ago and has a massive photo of himself in the entrance to his house... of course he would..

I turn away from the photo and approach Connor who is looking at a picture of a woman and Kamski.

"Who's that next to Kamski?" I question as Connor looks at me and smiles.

"Amanda, she was Mr Kamski's mentor," Connor explains as I smile at the picture.

Finally, a face to the name.

"Is she who is always telling you what to do?" I question as the blonde android returns.

"Elijah will see you now," she speaks softly.

Hank follows after Connor and I as we enter a large room with floor to ceiling windows, a blood red pool and modern furniture. It was a very nice room with a good temperature considering how cold it is outside. I wander around the pool, not noticing the man swimming in it and I look out at the snow outside, jaw dropped open due to the spectacular view.

I am so distracted that I don't notice the man get out of the pool and greet Hank and Connor. I turn around to point out the view to Connor when I see a man behind me in a robe, his chest slightly exposed. I tilt my head upwards and see it's Elijah Kamski.

"Like the view?" he asks, his voice is smooth but rough at the same time.

"o-oh, yeah I love it, it's pretty impressive," I say looking over my shoulder back at the view.

"I'm glad you like it."

Elijah walks away from me and I feel cold all of a sudden, I didn't realise he was keeping me warm until he left, I watch him walk over to Connor and Hank to ask why they are here, he just accepted my presence, assuming I came with the guys.

"We were wondering about Deviancy and why it occurs, Anna here actually had her house broken into last night by a deviant android with possible accomplice's," Hank explains as I wander over to Hank who is holding a hand out to me.

I smile at Elijah and he returns the smile graciously.

"Well then, Anna tell me more about this break in that happened last night and I'll tell you all you need to know about Deviants," Elijah says with a smirk that makes me blush.

"Last night, Connor and I were alerted about a deviant case that we had previously received, we unfortunately failed to catch the android the first time we encountered it, but I captured the child that the android was with and adopted her into my home, but the call we had last night we went to the crime scene and the android wasn't there," I begin to say as I look to Connor, then hank and then finally my eyes land on Elijah who smiles at me softly as if to say go on.

"So immediately my brain went to the child and Connor and I rushed home to see my front door wide open, inside was the deviant, holding the scared child - who didn't want to go with the deviant - as it was threatening my roommate, once the deviant stole the child and ran, Connor ran after them while I tended to my roommate. Once Connor got back we investigated the bedrooms only to see they were trashed, all clothes torn, furniture broken and the windows shattered but our thinking is that the android has accomplices because of the fact that the android had the front door wide open and we think the accomplices ran away as soon as they heard my sirens but the deviant had to stay because it was threatening my roommate," I continued and finished my story.

Elijah contemplates what I said and approaches me slowly, taking my hand and pulling me away from the boys. I look over my shoulder to Connor and Hank who smile at me, which calms my nerves.

"You have had a large and possibly life threatening experience with Deviants then haven't you?" Elijah asks me as he looks me in the eyes.

"Yes, you could say that," I say smugly.

"Anna in fact has had many life threatening Deviant encounters," Connor speaks up.

Elijah looks at him with a head tilt, confused as to what Connor just said.

"I'm Adriana Jane," I say quietly, but loud enough for Elijah to hear.

Elijah's eyes flicker to me quickly and I look down at the ground as fast as he looked at me.

"You're the famous deviant hunter?" Elijah asks me, his eyes extremely wide.

"Yes," I whisper.

Elijah puts his hand under my chin and lifts it up so I'm looking at him and he gives me a soft smile.

"I've heard a lot about you," Elijah adds.

I blush at that comment as he removes his hand and moves to Connor and Hank.

"Now, you want to know everything I know about Deviant's correct?" Elijah asks the guys, while leaving me standing to his left, facing the pool, my ass almost touching the drawer set behind me.

"Yes that is correct Mr Kamski," Connor says properly.

"Well, I have a test to do first," Elijah says.

Elijah motions for the blonde android that let us in to come over to him. The android obeys and she gets put into position by Elijah as he is speaking.

"Now I'm sure you are familiar with The Turing test, no matter the outcome I will give you the information you need," Elijah says as he turns to me and winks. "But Connor, this is to see where you stand."

Elijah moves towards the drawers next to me and pulls out a pistol, similar to the one that is in my belt. Elijah then moves Connor in front of the kneeling blonde android and hands him the gun. Elijah moves Connor's arm as he aims the gun towards the android's forehead.

"Now, my information will be limited depending on whether you decide to risk the life of this android for your investigation or let the android live if you see something in it," Elijah explains.

My mouth is hanging open as Connor glances at me with reassuring eyes. I give Connor a weak smile as he looks back to Elijah who is explaining what he is expecting Connor to do.

"Connor, don't shoot it," Hank says sternly.

"Please don't Connor," I add on.

"Shoot it Connor and I'll tell you everything I know but unless you want that information to be limited, let Chloe live," Elijah says looking to the android.

Connor looks at Hank and I and takes a sigh, as best as an android can, and closes his eyes before handing Elijah the gun.

"Interesting, Cyberlife's last chance to save humanity, is a deviant itself," Elijah inquires as I take a deep breath, glad I didn't need to see the death of an android.

Elijah puts the gun away and smiles at me warmly before turning to Connor and Hank.

"You felt empathy Connor, that is an emotion, deviants only feel emotions," Elijah starts.

"I'm not a deviant," Connor interrupts.

Connor's already been through this whole deviant path and doesn't want to go through it again and he most certainly won't.

Hank drags Connor out of the building while I go to follow but Elijah grabs my arm and stops me.

"Adriana, I need to talk to you for a few minutes, got some time?" Elijah asks me.

I look from Elijah to the door and back to Elijah and nod as he smiles and takes a seat.

I go to take a seat opposite him but he stops me and sits me down on his legs.

I gasp at the sudden movement and he chuckles.

"So, you are the famous deviant hunter, I've heard about you and honestly you are quite remarkable," Elijah praises.

"Why thank you," I reply smiling.

"Now the reason I wanted to keep you back was because I wanted to talk to you about this deviant situation you had last night," Elijah says softly.

His voice sends shivers down my spine as he lowers his voice.

Elijah brushes my hair behind my left ear, revealing my piercings which he admires.

"What do you want to talk about in referral to that?" I question.

"I wanted to ask about who do you think could possibly be helping that android," Elijah says.

"Well there was a deviant that we interviewed a few months back that was sent to the dumpster, but it could possibly be a revenge mission," I trail.

"Hmm," Elijah says as he remains silent.

"There were some deviants at the strip club in town that Connor didn't shoot so it could also be them getting revenge on me for some reason, but that wouldn't make sense," I explain.

Elijah looks at my collar bones that are poking through the top of my black shirt.

"Quite possibly, but that wouldn't make much sense as you said," Elijah says as his eyes slowly lower down my body, taking in the features of my body that are present with what I am wearing.

I have my signature tight black t-shirt on that is tucked into my navy blue police pants with my belt around my waist - which contains my gun, radio, phone, keys, badge and I.D - my shirt hugs my features tightly, which means my breasts, waist and stomach are on show, but through fabric. My collar bones stick out the neckline of my shirt which almost every guy looks at immediately.

"Yeah, so I'm not sure who else would have been involved, unless it could be someone who was helping one of the deviants that I took down within the past few months," I mention.

"That could be a possibility," Elijah says as he plays with my long blonde hair.

I let Elijah play with my hair because I don't really mind when people do it as I don't feel it that much.

"I probably should get back to the precinct as Hank and Connor will be wondering where I am," I say quietly and quickly.

"Of course, sorry to keep you so long," Elijah says as I stand up.

"Oh don't worry about it, thanks for having me and helping me with my deviant problem, if you ever need or want to talk to me here's my number and address," I say handing Elijah a piece of paper that I scribbled down my number and address on.

"Thanks," Elijah says smiling. "I'll stop by tomorrow if you want help fixing your place."

"That'd be great, I'll see you tomorrow then," I say leaving the building.


I exit Elijah's house and walk to Hank's car where both the guys are still waiting. I hurry to the car, apologising profusely as I get into the front seat.

"He likes you," Hank says as we drive off.

"Yeah obviously, he was checking me out, anyway I'm so sorry I took so long guys," I say looking behind me at Connor and smiling.

"Don't stress."

I relax at those two words coming from Hank's mouth and I slump back into my seat, listening to the music playing on the radio, hearing Hank care about me and tell me not to stress is one of the only things that gets me to relax because Hank is so asshole-ish all the time.

1K reads!! Ahh thank you! 

Arrow xoxo

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