Under the Elms

By voxofp

33.4K 1.8K 2.9K

Prince decides to try to rekindle a romance he dropped years before when it was inconvenient. Sofia Brown is... More

The cost of winning
Author's Note
Once Upon A Time
January 18th, 2008, 11 p.m.
First Date Reboot
Act II
The Beautiful Experience
The Beautiful Experience, Part II
Where were you?
The only woman
New Normal?
Trying again
Second Date
Snow Magic
Third Date
What am I gonna do?
Where are we going?
Prince Airways
The Sun, Moon and Stars
Captain Crunch
Candid Camera
Morning glory
Avoidance and Intimacy
Love in a Garden
All Eye Want Is You
Happy Endings
Time to fly
What do you Believe?
Surprises, Good and Bad
Catching Up
Reality Bites
Wait, what?
Ready for inspection?
Tea Party

Cherish and deeply respect

638 33 53
By voxofp

'Here, Sofia, take a look in the mirror. You look like a princess!' Auntie Vi smiled from ear to ear, looking at Kim's handiwork.

'That was easy, Aunt Vi-I had lots to work with here!' Kim replied, turning to Jen. 'It's your turn now, lady fair. You ready for the diva experience?'

Jen giggled, which seemed incongruous coming from someone who had greying hair. 'Yes, this takes an item off my bucket list. I've admired your work for years.'

'Thank you ma'am. Let's get started.'

All four women were gathered in the Presidential suite at the Millenium hotel in downtown Minneapolis. When questioned about his choice, Prince's only reply was a raised eyebrow and a cryptic 'You'll see.' He was ensconced in the suite next door, but had made sure a champagne buffet was made available for the ladies, giving Kim the warning, 'I know how you get on champagne, Kim. I want to see my bride, not some hair show refugee coming down the aisle!'

'Wouldn't you like some champagne, Sofia? I'm sure Prince picked it out for you.' Jen waved the bottle in the air with a happy smile. The almost full bottle of Cristal clinked slightly as she placed it back in the wine chiller.

The sumptuous suite was the 'girls' staging area for the wedding, filled with dresses, shoes, and accessories. Sofia, still leery after her 'food poisoning', wasn't taking any chances. 'I don't want to be at all impaired during the ceremony,' she responded with a big smile. 'Most people say it all goes by in a blur, anyway.'

'Most people are right,' Aunt Vi interjected, holding out her flute for a refill, which Jen happily obliged. She had been a happy and excited maid of honor ever since the party. Jen had not been informed about Sofia's poisoning. The police investigator felt it was best to continue on as if nothing had happened. Prince had his regular bodyguards installed outside the door with keys, ready to intervene if anything should go awry.

'I should get my gown out and enjoy looking at it while y'all get ready,' Sofia said, excited at the prospect of seeing the gorgeous creation. With a wide boat neck, long sleeves, princess seams and small train, it was modest and alluring at the same time. She had fantasized about the design for years, and Prince's team was able to create it in heavyweight duchesse satin. 'Practice your walk!' Aunt Vi called out as Sofia rose from the oyster colored, deep cushioned sofa. She immediately slowed down. Prince hadn't felt a rehearsal was necessary, which added to his typical mysterious aura.

'I was surprised you wanted something so plain,' Jen mentioned, as Sofia crossed the extremely large living room toward the bedroom where her dress was ensconced, hanging from a special elevated dress rack, so the train didn't touch the floor. There was a padded footstool in the room so Sofia could reach the zipper of the garment bag. Turning back toward Jen, she smiled. 'That is the part you haven't seen yet. I'm wearing the veil my great grandmother brought with her from Greece as part of her dowry chest. It's got a handmade lace edging that is at least two inches deep in the back. It's exquisite, and the perfect 'something old'.' Opening the double doors to the adjoining room, she walked around the corner toward the garment bag. The next thing the other women heard was a blood curdling scream.

Kim got to the door first, and yelled, 'Get security!' Sofia was held from behind by a man with crazed eyes, a box cutter pointed at her throat. She was wide eyed in shock. 'Jim, what are you doing?' she asked in the calmest tone she could muster.

'Sofia, you know the only person you're supposed to marry is me,' replied her coworker, Jim. The PE coach at her school, he'd been working even harder than Walter to convince Sofia to date him. His general demeanor with children was fine, if a little abrupt, but Sofia's gut instinct was that something was off. He openly stared at her during lunch and any meeting they attended together. Whenever he was asked why, his reply was always non-committal, alluding to the fact that he was so deep in thought he hadn't realized where he was looking. She thought it strange that he hadn't spoken to her at the party at Jen's house the week before, but was also relieved that she wouldn't have to have a 'close encounter'. Now the encounter was verging on deadly. He turned both of them toward the dress rack, revealing a dress that had been sliced right down the center, rendering it unwearable. Sofia's gasp resulted in a tightening of his arm.

'Why did you think I would let you go so easily? You know you are meant to be mine; I've told you often enough. I thought making you ill would get you to postpone the wedding so I could finally convnce you. Oh, god, he's the one who poisoned me! 'We'll get you a prettier dress, one covered in the finest lace. Only the best for my Sofia,' he crooned rocking them both side to side, yet not moving the box cutter away from her trembling neck.

'Oh, Jim, I'm sure whatever you choose will be lovely,' Sofia responded, attempting to distract him into turning his back to the door while continuing the conversation. 'Where do you want the ceremony to be? Oh, look, it's snowing! Do you think that would be romantic?'

Jim took the bait, turning them toward the plate glass window, where snow fell. It's what I always thought a winter wedding should have, and I'm not going to let him take it from me.

'Oh, no. A winter wedding isn't practical for us. Two teachers? We'll get married the first weekend in June, and then honeymoon all over the world.' Spinning her around, he shouted, 'Get away from us! We're planning a wedding!' Kim, Jen, and Aunt Vi backed away from the doorway. 'They thought they were so smart, but I saw their reflections in the window. They can't get anything past me.'

His comment was cut short as he was grabbed from behind, and his arm pulled away from Sofia. The box cutter barely caught her collarbone, making a small cut, as she ran into the main room. 'Why are you letting this happen, Sofia! Come tell them what's right and true! You know you're mine! You've always known deep in your heart!' Jim shouted as he was wrestled to the ground by two bodyguards. They had entered the room through a connecting door when Jim turned away from the windows.

In the main room, Prince, already dressed in his pale grey silk suit, took Sofia in his arms, crushing her to him in a protective, comforting hug. She clung to him for a moment, then stepped back. 'Wait, honey, I think I'm-oh no! I've ruined your suit!' she exclaimed, realizing the cut on her collarbone was bleeding. Prince pulled her back in. 'No suit is more important than you, baby. Are you okay? Let's get that cut tended to.' Walking her over to the sofa, he kept murmuring a string of endearments into her ear, to pull her focus away from Jim's shouting as he was escorted from the other room.

Getting first aid from Kim, who was mumbling curses under her breath, he gently blotted, disinfected, and bandaged his bride. 'I'm so thankful it isn't any worse,' he said. 'Kirk felt like that crazy guy was ramping up, and wanted to intervene before that happened. Guess he was right. What do you want to do now? We can reschedule.'

Sofia snuggled into Prince's side, her mind whirling. 'I just want to get married,' she replied in a small voice, afraid her suggestion would be met with resistance from her mega-planning fiance.

'Then, that's what we'll do. Go get dressed,'

'My dress! He ruined my dress!' Sofia cried, the reality of what she'd seen in all the mayhem sinking in.

'Not to worry,' Prince reassured her, wiping a lone tear from her cheek. 'I ordered a different dress as a surprise for the reception. You can wear it for the ceremony, also. Kim, will you go across the hall and retrieve it, please?' he requested, tossing her a keycard. She caught it mid-air and smiled. 'Shoulda known you'd pull a stunt like this. A surprise wedding gown? Only you.' Shaking her head in amazement, she left.

'But your suit!' Sofia wasn't completely out of shock, Prince could tell. Gently stroking her upper arm, he purred, 'We'll shout it out. Right, Kim?' he continued, his eyes never seeming to leave Sofia's face.

'True, Prince,' Kim replied, holding a garment bag in one hand and a suit coat in the other. 'I wasn't surprised to see an identical coat hanging next to the dress. Afraid you were going to sweat out the one you're wearing?'

'Turns out I was right, and before the wedding even happened. I've never been so afraid in all my life,' Prince replied, gently kissing Sofia on the cheek. 'It's all over now. You go get dressed, and we'll get married.' He stood, helping Sofia to her feet, and walked her to the bedroom. Sofia shook her head. 'I know it sounds silly, but I don't want to go back in there.'

Jen bustled up behind them. 'No worries,' she remarked, walking around the couple. 'That's what maids of honor are for. I'll bring you everything you need while Kim touches up your hair. It needs a little attention, I think.'

Turning back to the living room, Prince said, 'May I stay? I don't really want you out of my sight at this point.'

Aunt Vi rose from the damask chair she'd been sitting in, simultaneously stopping their progress and interrupting their conversation. 'You most certainly may not! The danger is past, and it's time to get on with the wedding. Shoo! I can take care of your girl for you. See you in there.' She used the lace fan she'd been calming herself with to lightly bash Prince on the shoulder, then prodded him from behind toward the door. 'I mean it, now! My niece wants to get married, and no one is going to get in the way of that, especially not you!'

Prince laughed, kissed Sofia on the cheek once more, and, taking his coat from Kim, sauntered toward the door. 'Aunt Vi, be thankful I'm feeling generous right now, otherwise I'd be taking that fan from you!'

'No you wouldn't, you were raised better, and you know it. Now, git!' One more laugh, and Prince was out the door.

'Now, let's see what he thought was appropriate for you. Frankly, knowing what his dancers have worn over the years, I'm worried,' Aunt Vi tittered, continuing to try and lighten the mood of the room. Opening the garment bag, she gasped. 'How did he know? It's almost an exact copy of mine!' It was her turn to wipe away tears.

Inside the bag was a silk satin dress almost identical to the one Sofia had chosen, with a sweetheart neckline instead of a boat neckline. Hanging from the padded hangar was a silk drawstring bag. Opening it, Aunt Vi pulled out a beautiful diamond pendant, elegant in its simplicity. 'He even thought to accessorize for you. That man!'

'I don't know how he did it, but I'm surely grateful right now. Let's get this show back on the road!' Color had returned to Sofia's cheeks, and the light of excitement graced her eyes as she gazed at the exact copy of her aunt's dress. Her mother had also worn the dress, and Sofia had seen it in pictures for years. The Louisiana heat and humidity had rendered the delicate silk unwearable years before. 'I mentioned it to Prince, once, as we were looking through a photo album. He's right, he remembers everything!'

'Ready?' Aunt Vi asked a few minutes later, as they were lined up, ready to enter the venue for the wedding. Even with all the drama, they were starting only 20 minutes later than planned.

'Yes, ma'am. Let's do this.' The hotel staff opened the doors, and Sofia and Aunt Viola, arm in arm, stepped into a living snow globe. Hundreds of votives gave the room a soft glow, as snow fell all around them outside the glass dome of the magical space. All the guests rose, and music Sofia thought she recognized began to play. They walked slowly behind Jen up the velvet covered aisle, joining Prince and Morris at the front, Larry beaming at the lectern, Bible in hand.

Larry followed the format of all Jehovah's Witness weddings, and smiled inwardly. He noted Prince's protective and solicitous behavior as he held the Bible so Sofia could see the passages being referenced during the traditional wedding talk. He hoped being yoked to a true believer would be helpful for his friend. He felt Prince truly deserved happiness and a mate who could keep up with him.

As the ceremony ended, and Prince and Sofia turned to head back down the aisle, Stevie Wonder's 'Signed, Sealed, and Delivered' began. Sofia, startled, stopped in her tracks. She realized the music was live, even as she watched Morris hustle over to the side to join the band.

Prince grinned. 'When Stevie offers to sing at your wedding, you don't refuse. Another reason to have the wedding here.' They walked down the aisle, out the door, and into Prince's room, where he took her in his arms. 'My wife. The love of my life. Why the frown?'

'I'm still trying to place the name of the song you used as my processional? I'm sure I've heard it before.'

'That one's easy. I wrote it about you, actually. It finally came true. The title is 'Until U're in My Arms Again'. And, here you are.' He pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Breaking it off, Sofia replied, 'And here I'll stay.'

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