Twin Moons

By Christian-James

58 2 0

Qwinn Williams is accidentally transported to another dimension when his sister misuses a stolen book with ma... More

The Stolen Book
Rants to a Journal

Bad Dream

24 2 0
By Christian-James

Day five, First entry.

I wish this was all just a bad dream.

For all I know it very well could be; just a really, really, bad dream.

To be honest, I don't know why I'm even writing this (no one here can actually understand me, or what I say) but for whoever wants to take a crack at it, I will try my best to explain what the hell has been happening to me.

As far as I can tell, I have somehow been transported to another world (strait out of some fantasy sci-fi crap). My sister would love this sort of thing; it's just like one of those corny shows she watches. Not me though- no-sir! This is like living in hell (if hell was covered in deep dark jungles).

I have no idea how I ended up in this Amazon rip off- I'm not even me anymore!

Well, I mean I'm me, just not me fiscally.

Let me try this again; my name is Quinn Williams. I'm 19 years old, and I attend Stanford University with my twin sister, Jinx. Rather, I used to attend before I ended up in this strange place, and in this (for lack of a better word) "foreign" body.

It's been five days since I found myself in this unbelievable predicament. Like I said, at first, I thought it was nothing but a bad dream; finding myself as the opposite sex is not something I (or anyone else that I can think of) could take any other way, especially when one fiends themselves in the bowels of a decrepit ruin.

I guess it's not a dream, because I'm still here, wherever here is.

The last thing I remember was getting home from a late night of studying with the others in my class. We have (or had) tests coming up for the mid-term, I guess that would have happened by now. My class was socked in with endless review work that the professor wanted us to crank out before judgment day.

When I got to my sister's and my apartment, I found her on the ground in the middle of the living room convulsing on the floor. She was lying in the middle of a pentagram of some sort that I can only assume that she had made. Jinx had always been a book worm and a history nut. Her latest obsession had been with the art of witchcraft, magic, and its history, but I didn't think anything of it. Of cores, I began to worry a great deal when I saw her there flopping around like a fish out of water. I dropped my bags and rushed to her side. But then things got weird (well, weirder then they already where).

I remember a looming shadow over the two of us (more behind us really) and someone with an ugly voice crying out in gibberish. Beyond that everything faded away, like going through tunnel vision before blacking out. That's the best way I can describe it.

The next thing I knew; I was on my back with a heavy weight on my chest.

I couldn't see clearly. Everything had a hazy quality to it. Probably didn't help that my head felt like the time I had cracked it on the diving board at the swimming pool (Only there was no hot lifeguard helping me out when I came too).

Instead, some guy stood over me in a drab hooded cloak. He said something, but my head was still ringing, and I couldn't make it out. Whoever he was, he had the same annoying voice that I had heard back in our apartment (like some cartoon strait out of my childhood).

A loud noise caused the hooded figure to run away, but I was too dazed to really comprehend why. By the time I could see clearly, I realized what I was staring up at was a bunch of stone columns covered in vines.

The second thing I noticed was that I was a girl.

It wasn't until I sat up of cores, but it's hard to miss when you got two large growths on your chest (and your missing something further south). The only thing that I wore at the time was a simple black slip, with a thin cord tide around my waste, and another around my neck holding the fabric in place. I was sitting in the middle of a diagram drawn out of some kind of white powder (vary similar might I add to the one that my sister was laying in) surrounded by candles and what looked like blood splatters at the points (reminded me of all of those satanic horror movies Jinx always tried to get me to watch, even though she knows I hate those things, not that I'm against them or anything, they just give me the heebie-jeebies).

There was however little time to be... distracted, by my new shape or my surroundings. That loud racket that scared away the squeaky-voiced guy echoed through the enclosure again (A lot closer than before, sounding an offal lot like something big and unpleasant out of Jurassic Park).

I turned to look toward the sound, to see a large hole in the wall directly behind me. Several lizard-like things popped out of the collapsed wall and proceeded to try and eat me.

It was only by shear dumb luck that I managed to escape that hot mess.

I sprang to my feet, and with an embarrassingly shrill shriek, blindly ran as fast as I could the opposite direction of the dragons.

To my own credit, I am fairly well coordinated, and back in my own world, I was very good at extracurricular activities that involved running (thanks to my time on the rug beet team) however, this is not my world (And this is certainly not my body!).

I think that this body is actually slightly shorter than mine (which stood solidly at a "lofty" five nine), couple that with my center of gravity being somewhere I wasn't used to, and running for my life from a bunch of ravenous lizards from hell on uneven ground, I was not as sure footed as I normally am.

Put simply, I tripped.

And a darn good thing I did, for when I stumbled, I went head over heels into a summersault and rolled down a large fisher in the stone floor.

Though I hate to admit it, tripping down that shaft saved my life. That, and falling conveniently into an underground river that swept me away from my pursuers didn't hurt either.

The river sent me cascading out into the surrounding woods. I have no idea how I survived that unforgiving body of raging water, but however it happened, I'm glad it did.

When I came to, I was alone along the banks of the river, lodged in-between several roots of the strange twisted trees that occupy the deep jungle here (These things by the way are taller than our eight story apartments that me and my sister stay at).

I was pretty sure my wriest was sprained or broken, as I could hardly move it without excruciating pain. But all things considered, it was minimal as to what could have happened, considering the two-hundred-foot slide down the ruff stone to the water below.

Shivering from the freezing water, I dragged myself out of the river to only be met by two bizarre looking rabbit men. I don't know how else to describe them, because they didn't look like rabbits really, but that's the closest thing I could think of to describe their strange fetchers and bodies. They looked as though they were just as surprised as I was, for we all stood there for a long moment just staring at one another.

After the confusion lapsed, the rabbit men made the first move. They tried to flank me, planning to bind my limbs with some kind of hemp rope that one of them had.

Luckily (if you can call it that) the lizard monsters showed up again. I guess that was a good thing, because the lizards began to attack the rabbit men rather than me. Between them fighting, I managed to slip away with a stone knife that one of the Rabbit men had dropped (when he was grabbed by the first dragon). I didn't wait around to see who won. First chance I got I ran for it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is all somehow Jinx's fault.

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