(COMPLETED)The Storm is Here...

By MicMalHamilton

262K 3.4K 1.4K

(Y/N) of House (L/N) is one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after the death of Ned, (Y/N)... More

Bio & Harem.
Prolouge: part one
Chapter one: Snow and Sweat
Chapter Two: A Heartfelt Reunion
Chapter Three: Wildfire
Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen
Chapter Five: Dragonglass (short)
Chapter Six: White Walkers
Chapter Seven: King's Landing
Chapter Eight: Back at Winterfell
Chapter Nine: Knighted
Chapter Ten: The Night King
Chapter Eleven: A Proper Farewell
Chapter Twelve: Burn them all
Chapter Thirteen: Throne of gold

Prolouge: part two.

26.6K 303 323
By MicMalHamilton


There they were Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark swaying in the water. Robert and Ned decided to have a little reunion and watch over the cargo ships. However they were set up. Tons of pirate ships surrounded them. Killing their men and destroying their boats. The fight(more like a slaughter ) was a massacre.

Ned, Robert and many other survivors held onto boxes to keep afloat. The pirate boats didn't waver from their attacks however. Instead they armed their arrows. One by one survivors turned into casualties.

"What are you waiting for Kill the Kings !"

Robert and Ned knew when the odds were against them. This was clearly that moment. Ned tugged at Robert who looked furious.

" I am your King !!!!"

Ned dragged Robert under the ocean. As they same deeper and deeper couldn't hear anything. They turned to see arrows filling the water. So they waited. And waited. Nothing. Not a sound.

The BOOM an explosion rocked the waters. There was a battle. Ned knew he had to check it out but Robert could get into a reckless situation. Nevertheless, Robert was the King and he couldn't just leave him here.

Ned looked to Robert who nodded and they swam up. They looked to see all of the ships exploding and people flying into the sky. Burn marks on their bodies. Ned was brought out of his astonishment by Roberts excited voice.

"Come on Ned lets show these buggers how to pay their debts to their Kings !!"

They climbed aboard a ship and fought beside mysterious men wearing all black. Stab, slash, cut, swing. A true comeback for the two kings.

When the battle was over and the men were dead. They finally noticed the sigil or the one ship that saved them. It was the ancient House of (L/N). The most powerful house. It was rumored to be....extinct. How are they here then ?

Out stepped...a boy. He wore black boots. Black pair of pants going with his Black and Silver leather vest. Finally to complete his look he had black bracers. The boy looked about 13 namedays and held a confident smile on his face. The few men who fought with Ned and Robert instantly dropped to one knee, heads held low. The boy brushed past them and stood valiantly. Almost as if he were a king. This intimidated Ned and Robert a little.

The boy walked towards the two slowly. Boots clinking on the wooden boat. Not wavering attention from either of them. Finally he was in front of the two with a look of order. Tension was around them for some reason. As if it were a fire. Suddenly the boy laughed hard confusing the two men.

"You should've seen your faces... I'm (Y/N) (L/N) by the way. Prince of the lost lands and King of their armies. Not to mention one hell of a swordsman. I'm guessing you are King Baratheon and King Stark."

Robert smiled slightly.

"I like you boy but we need to cut the chatting so we cpuld get home....it's been a long day."

(Y/N) still smiled and looked at the still bowing members.

"Prepare the sails !!"

"Yes my lord." The men said at once as they stood up and ran around their ships preparing to return.

"We are going to the lost lands that way you can get to Westeros faster. In the mean time....how is Westeros ?"

"We went to the lost lands i...transported the Kings to their respectful regions and here we are."

Catelyn stayed silent. Slowly, processing what had been told. Her husband nearly died. This...man saved his life. This hero. If Ned had died Robb would have been a king at twelve. It wouls've surley shook the kingdom. Even Roberts death mightve had Joffrey in the throne. Catelyn came to a decision. She had to reward (Y/N) somehow. What will he.....that's it ! Catelyn would sleep with him. One, Ned cheated on her long ago and brought a baby home so it would only be fair, Two this man saved her husbands life as well as the kingdoms future. Three, he was quite handsome. Catelyn made her decision.

"L-Lord (L/N)", Catelyn started.
"Please just call me Mr," (Y/N) replied.

"Well Mr (L/N)...i must thank you for saving my husbands life."

"Oh it's alright you don't need to thank me."

"....i do Lord (L/N)...i really do."

(Y/N) gained a confused look before finally realizing what she was referring to. Catelyn stood up and unveiled her robes to reveal her naked form. Her breasts weren't to saggy either. Her pale skin was like a goddesses to (Y/N). Catelyn didn't have many wrinkles either contrary to what others believed. Her pussy was glistening with wetness in the nights light. (Y/N) suddenly stood.

"Wait...Catelyn i-i can't do this to Ned he's..my friend."

Catelyn was silent for a moment. She was conflicted. How was she going to respond to that ? In order to convince the Lord of the lost lands ?

"....(Y/N)...please just this once i beg of you....Ned has dishonored me once...even then you have saved my husband and saved the kingdom from an inevitable war. Please let me reward you...the way you should be rewarded...Ned won't ever find out about this you have my word as a Stark."

(Y/N) thought for a good minute or so before answering the practically begging Catelyn Stark.

"Fine...but only once."
"Of course," Catelyn responded.

(Y/N) sat back down as Catelyn slowly walked towards him. Once she was close enough she sat on his lap, their faces centimeters away from each other. 'gods...forgive me'. Their lips inched closer until they latched. Catelyn moaned from the taste of him while (Y/N) continued the makeout session. He removed their lips and kissed her neck. Once reaching her sweet spot Catelyn moaned loudly. What is promising to be a long night.


The Next Morning, (Y/N) walked around Winterfell. Confliction swelling in his soul. Should he tell Ned ? This was the man who shared secrets with him that not even Catelyn knew. Yet he slept with his woman. That wasn't supposed to happen. Of course when it did it was good. In fact he fucked Catelyn into next year. She limped and winced when she walked clasping her fingers as to keep from screaming. She blushed whenever she saw him around. It was insane and if others noticed he was screwed.

As he was walking around a barn he bunped into a figure who fell flat on the grass. Yelping slightly.

"I'm sorry i wasn't watching where i was going."


The woman brushed herself off from the grass and gave (Y/N) a slight glare. However it seems like she didn't realize who he was until at that moment. (Y/N) had the same effect. As he looked closer he realized it was Cersei Lannister. The Queen of Westeros. (Y/N) offered his hand in which she took, rising off the grass never taking her eyes off of (Y/N). Weirded out (Y/N) tried to start a conversation with the queen.

"I don't believe i introduced myself...i'm (Y/N) of House (L/N) the soon to be King of the lost lands and King of their armies. Not to mention one hell of a swordsman."

"Yes i know i'm aware of who you are. Nevertheless, i'm sure you know of me." Cersei eyed (Y/N) like a lion eyeing her meal. (Y/N) knew this look when he saw it. He just fucked a wife and didn't intend to do another. He needed to escape.

"Well if there isn't anything you need I shall be on my way then."

Before (Y/N) could fully turn around he heard her soft voice speak again.

"Actually...there is something i want of you Lord (L/N).

"...Yes ?"

"....i want you..to fuck me."

(Y/N) fully turned back to her in shock. 'Cersei doesn't waste anytime does she ?' 

"No way".

"Fine...i guess Robert shall find out that one of his closest friends knocked down his wife ?"

Instantly, (Y/N) strolled to Cersei and grabbed her by both her wrists. Lifting them into the air and slamming them into the outside wall of the barn.

"You. Are. Playing. A Dangerous. Game,"he gritted. Cersei for once looked...afraid ? (Y/N)'s eyes held a dangerous power within them. A power not to be messed with. Nevertheless, (Y/N) knew that if he screamed or harmed her in any way other than consensual he would severely ruin his friendships.

Smashing his lips to Cersei's he moved his hands towards her breast and gave them a squeeze. Cersei moand and latched her arms around his neck. The makeout continued for about ten minutes. Cersei slid her hand down (Y/N)'s pants and found his rock hard thirteen inch cock. Cersei held in her gasp to conrinue on the task at hand. Cersei kicked down the door and dragged (Y/N) in. What was sure to be a long morning.


After that...meeting, Cersei as well could barely keep a straight figure. Cersei in the middle of conversations would jave chills whenever (Y/N) entered the room. Cersei could barely walk straight but nwvertheless pulled through. Thankfully neither husband was aware of their wives antics with their trusted friend. On the day Ned was leaving for Kings Landing Robert asked (Y/N) if he would like to join them. (Y/N) declined but made a promise. After his mission was over he would journey to Kings Landing and reunite with the two kings. In the meantime he had a message to give. When he was leaving the girls were hertbroken. Especially a particular four.

Sansa, wanted to cry. Her first kiss was leaving all for some stupid message he had to give. It wasn't fair. Sansa just hoped she would see him again. If he wasn't married would be better. Well...at least she had Joffrey.

Arya was in love. It was weird that at her age she would have an...attachment to an eighteen year old man. Once she heard he was leaving she was heartbroken. Arya hugged him one last time before scampering off to gods know where. Little did anyone know she went to cry in her quarters not wanting the charming man to go.

Catelyn held a devestated heart. During their time together she felt like Ned AND (Y/N) completed her. However, she was wed to Ned and she already felt guilty enough. Before he left Catelyn gave (Y/N) one long last kiss alone. To set him on his way. If only she knew that was the last time she will ever she the Lord of the lost lands.

Cersei held an indifference of sorts. Yes, getting fucked by (Y/N) was one of the best things in her life so far. However, her heart belonged to her brother Jaime. Her freedom to that pig Robert. Cersei however, wouldn't admit that seeing (Y/N) leave had her conflicted. Now the journey began.


Daenerys sat in her quarters. Alone. Her brother Viserion was selling her off like a cattle and it hurt her deeply. She was to wed a Dothraki man and she's barely kissed a boy. Let alone fuck him. Now she has to do both in one day. She felt useless. Vulnerable. Tears fell down her cheeks as she wept knowing her complete freedom would be gone. Forever.

"Hello there", said a voice.

Daenerys jumped with a gasp.

"I know it's scary having a man appear in your room like this but please...i have a message."

"What message that possibly couldn't wait till morning when i'm not alone ?"

"Honestly would your brother allow me seeing you without sometype of offer ?"

Daenerys went silent after that. She knew that this mysterious man was right.

"Can you at least...come out of the shadows ?"

The man stepped out and she blushed. The man was absolutely handsome. He held a gorgeous godlike physique. He smiled at her which just warmed her heart. It was love at first sight for her.

"Who are you ?," she asked.
"...My name is (Y/N) (L/N) soon to be king of the lost lands and their armies. Not to mention one hell of a swordsman."

"Are you here to kidnap me ? Rape me ? Beat me ? Violate me in any way that you can ?"

"Absolutely not Daenerys. I came here to tell you that....you're wrong."

"What ?," Daenerys said standing up suddenly.

"You...feel as if you're not worth it...that your only place is at your brothers feet."

Daenerys bowed her head and clapsed her hands behind her back. (Y/N) walked to Daeny and lifted up her head up with his thumb.

"You are special. You are beautiful. You are fierce. You are Daenerys Targaryen. One day...you will prove that to the world."

Daenerys didn't waver eye contact with him. As if in a trance. This was her savior. Her guardian angel. Her guide.

"Are you here to rescue me Lord (L/N) ?"

"No...not that either...but when you need me most...i shall be there...goodbye Daenerys Targaryen."

As (Y/N) was going to walk away a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Wait....i am getting married with a man i do not love...i promised for at least my first kiss...be with a man...that i love."

"Oh please we've been talking for what two minutes ? You can't be in love with me."

"I always thought love at first sight was...a fools tale, something that eased women into thinking they are with the right one but....i am positive that i want to be with you Lord (L/N)."

'not again,' he thought. First it was Sansa and Arya. Then, a horny Catelyn and Cersei. Now, an in love Daenerys. 'let's just get this over with'.

"...alright but...close your eyes." Daenerys nodded and slowly closed her eyes, blushing madly. (Y/N) walked up to her and lifted up her chin. As well as grabbing her waist. Thus, he began to makeout with the soon to be queen. Daenerys was new to all of this but this feeling inside her. It made her wet. However, before she could continue, all that was left was air. Opening her eyes she saw nothing but darkness in her room once more. The Lord had left. One question that floated in her head was....is he even real ?


(Y/N) was now in King's landing. After DAYS of walking and ship riding he finally made it into capital. However what he noticed was....everyone seemed to be gone. However, he knee where they were since loud noises littered the streets. So, following the noise he went on. Once he found the ENTIRE civilians in one spot he had one question on his mind now. Why ? He heard what seemed to be a speech and screams of either anger or despair. This had him a little worried now. He had to see what was going on. (Y/N) climbed up a statue to see....Ned. The moment he laid his eyes on him his head was gone.

(Y/N) fell off the statue. Despair raiding his entire body. His legs wouldn't move his eyes could barely wonder. His lungs could hardly breath. This had to be a nightmare right ? He had to still be on the ship riding to King's Landing. He couldn't believe it. At least Robert was alive. He would know what to do.

Two young boys about fifteen namedays were laughing and walking as if the day was grand.

"That Stark got what he deserved !! Betraying King Robert like that !!"

"Yeah, at least we have King Joffrey he would help us in these times. But gods...curse those wretched Starks!"

They walked away conversing while (Y/N) still laid on the ground...Robert too ? This can't be. This was...unbelievable. Two out of Ten were gone. Ten of his real true friends.

He barely remembered signaling the lost armies with his bracers. He barely comprehended the fact that he was on a boat riding back to the kingdom. He couldn't bother himself with town memebers bending the knee. He could barely feel the bed under his skin. He welcomed the feeling of his eyes becoming heavier and eventually escaped from this wretched reality.

(Y/N) of House (L/N) soon to be king of the lost lands and their armies was depressed. As he closed his eyes no one wouldve guessed it would be many years until they were opened. Everyone thought that the King would forever be in this deep sleep. Nothing could bring him out of it..........or so they thought.

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