The Girl in Black (Rewriting)

By huzailazahid

19.9K 1K 748

[Rank #1 in Action - thriller (12 June , '18) ] Completed 'You know what? I'll be throwing a party once we g... More

Chapter, 1
Chapter, 2
Chapter, 3
Chapter, 5
Chapter, 6
Chapter, 7
Chapter, 8
Chapter, 12
Chapter, 14
Chapter, 16
Chapter, 17
Chapter, 18
Chapter, 19
Chapter, 20
Chapter, 21
Chapter, 22
Chapter, 23
Chapter, 24
Chapter, 26
Chapter ,28
Chapter, 42
Chapter, 43
Chapter, 44
Chapter, 45
Chapter, 47
Chapter, 48
Chapter, 49
Chapter, 53
Chapter, 54
Chapter, 55
Chapter, 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60


166 10 21
By huzailazahid

I helped her up. I knew it was not for my own good as she just beat the life out of me but I knew one thing ; I can't let her die.

Her weight increased but I had to go. That's the only thought that embedded itself in my mind. My legs forgot how to walk in a straight line as my mind started dozing off. The metal rod was too hard on my head. I had no clue how I fought my way to Stella maybe it was adrenaline or anger, but I did achieve what I came here for.

Though the thought of my friends back there dozed off with the nastiest condition in popped in and my head started aching more. I swear I had bore been shot—pain, being poisoned—pain , being scratched deeply —pain, but this one was above all.

I looked forwards and stumbled. The views was surely getting blurry and blurry as must as I tried to think of staying up It seemed impossible. A loud—


Made me jump knowing those idiots were still picking the fire and throwing the grenade. Sirens rang in my ears as I helped Stella but I couldn't do it anymore.

My friends need me...they're probably die or worse...

Shutting my inner voice , I closed my eyes and my arms draped off Stella's shoulder as I fell on the floor. I winced as my head made contact with the floor. A large number of feet were running towards me. Perhaps Fire extinguishers had approached but they faded but by bit and finally, I let my eyes shut.


'Hey! You can't do it!' I protested at my best friend who just kissed a girl on his cheek. Despite the fact that that girl was my best friend, I didn't like it.

'Hey come one now.' Noah—my best friend —protested. 'It was just a kiss.'

'Well it was a kiss!' I stomped my foot on the floor. 'You can't do it!' I protested again.

'Hey it was not like those kisses.' Noah blushed and hung his head low.

I blinked at looked at Emma—my other best friend whom Noah just kissed—too blushing. I tilted my head to my side. 'What do you mean?' I asked innocently.

'Well you like...' Noah trailed off and I tapped my foot on the ground waiting for him to continue. I still didn't get it. What were they talking about? 'Like big people do.'

I blinked again and them blushed crept up to my cheek as well. 'Oh you mean on lips?' Words floated out of my mouth even though I never thought of them.

'Hey, shh... what if Mom hears us?' Noah came up to me and put his index finger on his lips.

Me and Emma giggled. 'I'll tell Auntie Sofia.' I taunted Noah.

His eyes widened at the mention of his mom. 'No no no no please.' He begged. 'I'll give you one too.' He said.

'Nah... you already gave her. I don't want to talk to you.' I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest as I pouted.

'We were playing a game Elsa.' Noah tried to explain but I turned around. 'Please. I'm sorry.'

'No!' I said grudgingly.

I heard him sigh and the next thing I knew was my eyes popping out and blood rushing up to my cheek at a high velocity as Noah pressed his lips on mine for a split second. He ruffled his hair. His face reddened just like mine. 'Happy?' He asked.

'You only kissed for your own good.' I told him.

Distant voices filled in the prolonged silence. Nothing made sense to me. I opened my eyes but met only white light. And then I remembered I hadn't opened them yet. So I struggled again. The light invaded rudely so I blinked the life out of my eyes. They adjusted and as I was able to make up a ceiling. I tilted my head to my side and saw a large window being covered with curtains. The room was dark but I knew who it belonged to.


My eyes lingered more until they rested on a sleepy Leo on the couch. He was still in his clothes , his shirt unbuttoned and a book rested face-down on his lap. A smile stretched across my face as I took in his appearance. He was fine. And by fine mean , normal. Not that pale and nasty. The moon light peeking from the curtains did do me a little favour of letting relief wash over me.

I tried to get up but a pain furiously shot up to my head. It felt as if my head has been sliced in two. I winced and held it. 'Shit!' I said. My fingers were to rub it but they touched a odd fabric on my temples. Bandage.

I winced again as I tried to get up. I needed to check if other s were OK. 'Oh fuck!' I cried out as the pain doubled and felt a ton of weight been crashed on my head. My head started hammering against my skull and knives started to cut my brain.

My cry shook leo up. He almost jumped and looked around until his eyes landed on me and they widened more. He got up instantly, letting the book fall on the floor and with two strides, reached me. 'Leo...' I said but he shook his head and helped me sit on the bed which hurt like a bitch.

My hands balled from the excruciating pain. 'Hey just lay down.' Leo whispered. He adjusted the pillow and gently helped me lean against the head board.

Just as I straightened, my stomach tightened. The pain from my head and stomach mixed up and set me in flames. It exploded in my stomach up to my head in nano seconds time—faster than I could blink. It brought me to the verge of tears but I held them back. The physical pain ain't gonna being tears to me.

'What happened?' I asked the obvious question.

Leo—who sat beide me on the bed —heaved a sigh. 'Well Elsa, you just escaped narrowly from a head surgery.'

I didn't react. After the word 'escape' I totally blanked out. Well I did survive. That's what matters.

'You head was already healing from the previous incident when you crashed in to the, I'm glad it wasn't serious and then you bruised it again.' Leo said.

'Hello, I didn't bruise it. It was someone else.' I tried to reason with him.

He brushed his hand through his hair. 'Seriously Jewel?Even in this condition you have to argue?'

'Yes.' I replied in a low voice.

The door knocked and before I could answer, the door opened and Austin peeked through it. 'Can we come in? Not that we want to interrupt something.' Austin said as his eyes travelled down the unbuttoned shirt and me.

'Fuck you.' I said disgustingly. 'Bring your ass in.'

The door opened further more and soon Austin followed by Justin, Stephen , Chloe and Greg walked in. They settled themselves on the bed but Chloe remained standing.

'Oh my god guys! I squealed as my face lit up. 'You are alive!'

They all smiled. 'I guess so.' Austin said. 'I mean like I don't think I'm dead.'

'Aww,' I said. 'I love it when you talk funny.' I stretched my arms. 'Can I get a group hug?'

They all looked at me as if I've gone insane but they had no idea how glad they made me just by showing their faces. Austin was the first to jump in and gave me a rib-crashing hug. I didn't wince although it hurt like a bitch. Soon everyone crashed in too. 'I can't tell you how much I love you guys!' I said.

'Yeah, we got the idea when you practically killed yourself.' Chloe said in a matter-of-fact tone.

'Er... that...' I trailed off. I didn't want to talk about it though part of me wanted to know. I fidgeted with the hem of covers and nibbled my bottom lip.

'Guys give her some break.' Leo broke the silence as he noted my awkwardness. 'I guess we'll talk on dinner about it.' He concluded in a tone that left no room for argument.

'Oh yeah I'll make you a burritos.' Austin chirped. He inhaled and twisted his fingers in the air. 'Austin special.'

I chuckled at Austin's childish behaviour. 'I'm looking forward to it.'

He jumped off the bed knocking Greg down. Greg gave him a death glare but Austin simply shrugged. 'You were in my way bro.' He said. 'Come on now.' Austin dragged his brother out of the room before giving me an ear to ear grin.

'I guess we should help them.' Chloe said and walked out the room followed by Greg. Stephen looked awkwardly between me and Leo while rubbing his the back of his neck. 'I guess I should Er... leave ...I mean help them...' he didn't bother to complete his sentence before he stormed out of the room.

I chuckled at his awkwardness until my laughter died when I saw Leo staring intensely at me. 'What?' I asked him.

He shook his head 'Do you wanna go downstairs or want dinner here?'

'Downstairs.' I said. 'Obviously.'

He gave me a loop sided smile and got to his feet outstretching his hand for me. 'Come on then.'

I placed my hand in his and he instantly wrapped fingers around mine. The warmth spread across my body. I as slowly as I could , carefully not to hurt myself like before, propped myself up. I stood on my feet dangerously close to Leo's bare chest . He didn't even take a step back. I forced  my eyes to look in his but gave up. For a brief second they trailed down his abs until shot back up only to see a smirk on Leo's face.

'Like what you see?' He asked with a smug look.

'Nah.' I replied.

He let go of my hand to button his shirt up and I almost felt bad for it. 'Happy?' He asked as he was done with his shirt.

I narrowed my eyes in slits and bit the inner of my cheeks. 'Not really.' I murmured and he chuckled.

We started walking and after twenty minutes we were just in front of the door in the room cause of the bay steps Leo offered me to take. I couldn't take normal steps as it hurt and baby steps were too frustrating. I huffed and threw my hands in the air. 'Can you pick me up?'

He quirked his eyebrow as he looked at me. He shrugged before picking me up in bridal-style in a swift move. 'I was waiting for it.' He said in a low voice.

My eyes widened but I chose to look away.  'You're such a flirt.' I murmured.

He chuckled as he began walking downstairs. 'Yeah but only for you.'

I looked at him totally flustered by his words. 'Shut up, idiot.' Was all I said.

When we reached downstairs, Austin whistled and I looked at Leo expecting him to put me down but he didn't rather he walked up towards the bar stool and gently placed me down. 'You okay?' He asked.

'Yeah, Thanks.'

He kissed me on my temple. 'No problem Jewel.' He said racing my heart.

I looked around and saw Austin and Justin actually cooking burritos and Leo helped them. Greg was as usual on the couch, with his head phones on and hidden behind his laptop. Chloe was chewing a gum and was watching tv. My eyes trailed to the training room where strange sounds were coming.

I tried to get up but failed at the very moment. 'Hey did anyone hear that?'

I got up again and ignored the burning pain in my body. I was half way there until Chloe came around and stopped me mid way. 'What are you think you're doing?'

'Nothing just checking it.'

'There's nothing to check.' Chloe answered.


'—Leave it.' Chloe snapped.

'What exactly happened?' I asked her.

'Nothing much.' Chloe answered abruptly.

'You were in the hospital badly hurt.'Stephen stood by Chloe and folded his arms over his chest blocking my way.

'We brought you back home from hospital because we thought it wasn't safe there.' Chloe answered my unasked question. 'And you're having dinner.'

'Yeah I am just... just give me a sec.'I said. Stephen and Chloe exchanged nervous glances with each other. 

'Hey what's going on here?' Leo came from behind and paled his hand on the small of may back. 'Come on dinner's ready.'

'Elsa your burritos ready.' Austin called from behind.

I looked at Chloe and sighed. 'Ok we'll have dinner.' I walked towards the table.

The dinner included Austin talking about how bitch Stella was and how we mistrusted her. Justin sadly nodding and stealing glances of training room. And everyone else were quietly eating.

It was finally over. I remained seated as everyone cleaned the table. Thinking about the little piece of information I just got. They were hiding something which I was damn sure. I got up to my feet thinking to check the room by myself as curiosity was begging me to.

I looked back, everyone was  busy in their own works so I turned on my heels and started walking towards the training room. 'Hey Elsa!' Austin called me from behind. 'How did you like my burritos?'

'Awesome they were.' I replied honestly and stepped forward to continue my path.

'Do you want something for dessert?' He asked.

'Er... no thanks.' I answered and took another step.

'Hey would you like chocolate ice cream?' Austin halted me again. 'I have some in the fridge.'

'Hey that will be nice actually.' Stephen joined in the conversation.

'I'm not—'

'And what about watching movie?' Chloe piped in.

'That'll be fun.' Leo said.

'I want to—' i was interrupted again.

'Yeah that totally would be.' Stephen agreed.

'I'll choose the movie.' Austin raised his hand in the air.

'Basically guys—' No one paid attention.

'I guess we should start it now.' I lost my temper when Greg —the least expected —spoke up.

'Ok shut up!' I said loudly and my head banged. I closed my eyes and inhale a hand full of air. 'I know you don't want me to go to the training room but you can't stop me now as I've already decided. So back off.' I said rather calmly.

Their mouths snapped shut and I smiled knowing they won't interrupt me now. I took more steps forward.

'What about the ice cream?' Austin called from behind earning a death glare from me.

Leo moved forth and helped me to the training room. He didn't open the door and looked at me. 'Are you sure?' He asked.

'Deadly.' I answered and twisted the door knob. I heard Leo holding his breath.

I opened the door and my eyes popped out.

Stella was there on the chair tied up with a duct tape. Her hair were a total mess and dirty. Her eyes were blood shot. Her mouth had tape on it. 'Ever since Austin find out what she did to you and us, he had her tied up here.' Leo explained.

'What happened?' I asked him.

'Well as you know our drinks were jinxed so we all dozed off. Stella woke us all up and told us that you're in hospital. We reached there and you were unconscious there. Stella told us every single thing that happened and how you risked your life to safe us and we haven't let her go since then.'

'How long had I been unconscious?'

He shrugged. 'Two and a half days I guess.'

'Stella saved me?' I asked him.

'Apparently yes.' Leo answered.

'And you still have her tied here?'

He shrugged again. 'Austin won't let her go.'

'Can I... can I have a minute with her? Alone.' I asked him. His eyes flickered between me and Stella. 'I promise I'll call you if something wrong happens.' He tensed up for a second until he nodded and left the room.

I walked up to Stella and and took a seat in front of her. 'Why did you save me?' I Inquired and sticked off the duct tape from her mouth.

She took a breath of relief and angled her jaw. 'The question is Elsa, why did you save me ?' She said.

'I don't know.' I said casually. 'I just did.'

'But why?' She pressed the question. 'I literally killed you.'

'I know you did.' I said in a matter -of-fact tone.

'And you still considered to save me?' Stella asked.

'I guess.' I said. 'I didn't think straight at that moment.'


'—Listen I have no explanation for why I did what I did.' I cut her off. 'Those men were mad and no matter they'll blow you up in any second so I just went to help you. It's really not a big deal.'

'You're just like your mother.' Stella stated after a long silence.

I snapped my head up to look at her. 'You've met her?' I asked getting interested in the topic.

'Couple of times.'

'Where?' I asked her.

'At Hades'.' She said.

'Hades'?' I asked.

She nodded. And then I asked the question I had been dreading to find an answer for.

'She's... she's alive?' I hesitated and nibbled on my bottom lip.



Hey guys! A little slow update but something is better than nothing right? Well how did it go?
Thoughts about Stella?
Do you think Stella is playing with Elsa again?
Do you think she might be lying?
And what do you think about the little Elsa—Leo moment?

Vote if you liked and comment me your thoughts in the comment section.

Also, this is an  another note to tell you that I'm stop writing . This was it. The story maybe remain unfinished cause I don't know either It's writer block or the absence of my motivation but I have decided now and there's no going back . So this is it. Thank you so much for reading the story.


Actually no.

Ha! Kidding again.


No seriously guys, I'm kidding.

I'm just here to tell you that my story will be on hold for a couple of days like since 28th of July because of my damn exams .

I'll be back soon.
And finish what I started.
Thank you for everyone who have read my story so eagerly.

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