Publish Or Perish

By w-static

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• Latest prompt: August 2018 • Valkyries and Warriors! We welcome you to the arena with open gates! Just a vi... More

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Prompt 1 [Jul '18]
@arty_enigma | Prompt 1 • Jul'18
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Prompt 2 [Aug '18]
@arty_enigma | Prompt 2 • Aug '18
@genieinabook | Prompt 2 Aug'18
@Mellow_Supernova | Prompt 2 • Aug '18
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@arty_enigma | Prompt 3 • Sept '18
@creator_by_heart | Prompt 3 • Sept '18
Prompt 4. November '18
@Mellow_Supernova.. Prompt 4 - November '18

@DishaGhosh3 | Prompt 1 • Jul '18

18 5 0
By w-static

Beginning of the End

by DishaGhosh3 [published on 13-07-2018, word count: 1667]

I once met a guy, something was really strange about him that he would incidents from his past life. He also told me that his name in his past life was Bryan Benjamin. His name was Alex Gordon, he was my colleague in ST. PETERSBURG INDUSTRY. He told me one of the true incidents of his past life like the one which happened with him while he was returning home, at midnight while he was crossing the Ulitsa street, he saw a manhole kind of a thing in the middle of the street as he went closer he was getting creeps, Alex went bit more closer and suddenly the manhole like creature turned into a very big hole in a spick of a second. Alex got frightened and tried to run away but the big hole was attracting him towards the hole. He gradually fell into the hole unconsciously, when he regained his conscious he found himself in a mysterious place covered with smoke, as he was regaining his senses he heard some shrill voices coming from the direction of the faded light. He followed those voices and reached to the city of DEATH, which was under the palace of the monarch's. It was quite a big city to be mentioned but it had no citizens, as the name mentioned it was full of dangers and suspense which gave the travellers thrills. Alex once heard that a construction worker had once met which such a kind of an accident in which he was also dragged into a manhole like this and he got missing and didn't return. He walked towards the city gate and saw something ghostly creatures coming towards him as they came closer to him, surprisingly the creature was the ghost of the construction worker. Both of them were shocked to see each other, the ghost shouted "Good to see a mortal after such a long time in the city of Death". Alex confusingly asked "what are you talking and what is this place?", the man replied with a "It is the city of death". 'Alright let's move on' said the soul, it also warned Alex about the consequences and the danger's on their way which were life risking, Alex replied" I am really frightened, I want to go home" Don't worry boy, there is a way out of here to make you reach home but for that you will have to do a long journey full of dangers with me" replied the spectre with a faded smile. While they were adventuring the forest Alex heard some noises from the bushes he intended to turn back but the wraith advised him not to do so. They kept on moving until they reached the mysterious cave at the break of dawn to take some rest. It was a two-day journey until they came to the phantom's heart where it used to live with his friends, Alex was very excited to see the lava fall which could burn a mortal. But when they arrived there Gordon believed that it was the worst day of his life, as The BEAST of the immortals lived there which the soul feared and as the name suggests the BEAST is one of the deadliest of all the immortals there, it didn't had a control on its temper so it could pick up a fight any day, anytime with anyone it could its best friend also. It hated the mortals to discover and come to the city of death because it would ruin the peaceful afterlife of the immortals so it had also killed the construction worker. The BEAST somehow got to know that there was a mortal and tried to take his life, but fortunately he didn't succeed and they escaped from there. After returning from the mouth of death, he was in a shock. After recovering from the shock, both of them started moving on towards the Palace of The DEMISE. The way to the palace wasn't easy which made the whole journey challenging. After reaching there both of them met the Mighty spirit of DEATH who had a good friendship with the construction worker's soul which caused Alex a lot of help. He got the help in many ways like the afterlife army of the mighty spirit fought in a war with the BEAST'S army who they had fought in the cave. The army of the MIGHT spirit won, the soul with the mortal kept moving towards the Gateway of SHADOW. The place was all covered with darkness and smoke which gave Alex thrills. Alex's biggest fear was darkness from childhood which he needed to cope up with. The third main character in this story is the hollow girl with whom Alex became good friends who Alex met on his path inside the Gateway of shadow. "So how did you reach here?" asked the hollow girl, "well its a long story for me to tell" replied Alex, "ok" said the hollow girl. "lets move on" said the hollow girl, three of them were walking through the dark path when they suddenly noticed a beam of bright light in the middle of the path .The Hollow girl suspected something wrong followed the beam of light. "such a bright light hurts my eyes" said Alex but they were surprised to see the scene behind the light. "what is that" asked the soul surprisingly, Alex asked surprisingly " haven't you seen these type of things in here before?", the phantom replied in negative," I haven't come in this part of the city before". "Alright, it looks like you no nothing about here" said the Hollow girl. After hearing this statement the soul was in a confusion whether to trust the Hollow girl or not but he didn't let Alex know about his doubt as he didn't had any proof. They continued following the Hollow girl as they didn't had any other choice but to trust the Hollow girl. Walking on foot the whole time now Alex was tired, he wanted to rest and needed some food badly. Suggesting the Hollow girl advised Alex and the spectre to rest under a Croacrine tree as it was safe and they could also get some wild fruits to feed on. They agreed to her. For the day they retired under a croacrine tree. The next morning they carried moving but now their journey was to the Hills of Black Magic which was filled with superstitious mortals who would hypnotise any mortals going their and would kill them using magic spells and it was the one and only way to the fall of Blood,(it was made from the pure blood of unicorn), (it was the shortest path of exit which was through the Immortal city and to the Human World). Which made Alex fear the mortals their, The Hollow girl accompanied them. When they reached the Hills of Black Magic there, they couldn't their eyes that the place was actually all deserted and there was no way to the Waterfall of Blood. The Hollow girl couldn't believe what she saw so she rechecked the place. But she failed to see anything there, suddenly something came to Alex's mind and he told the Phantom and the Hollow girl to see for some clues. He thought there would be some hidden doorway to the Waterfall of BLOOD and fortunately he was right. They got the way to the Waterfall of Blood through a tunnel covered with thick bushes and shrubs. Alex was shocked to see the bloodful scenery of the fall, the whole place was covered with a bloody red colour. Alex had to jump down the fall of Blood while the Phantom and The Hollow girl would go through the fall of blood. After they passed the fall of blood, and now they were in the territory of the Immortal city(where the mortals weren't allowed ).The guard of the city had understood that they were mortals so he decided to pick up a fight with them. As there was three mortals so it was decided that they would win but the fight was very dreadful because both the creatures had a strong fight where there was use of magic spells which could tear someone apart and take one's soul apart. During the fight Alex got a lot of bruises and a scar on his forehead. But there was no option but to continue moving towards the exit which would lead him to the human world. They entered the Immortal city secretly, on their way they passed through the Palace of Angels which was very similar to heaven, but the mortals had never seen such kind of a thing before. Then passed through the Gateway of light, which was covered with bright light and greenery all around and from there they went to the Purest Waterfall. Finally they reached their final destination the exit to the Immortal City which lead the path which got connected to the Human world. They travelled the rest bit of the way and reached the Human world entrance from were The Spectre and the Hollow girl couldn't go further. So now Alex decided to say goodbye to the ghost and the hollow girl, when he was moving towards the entrance he felt something on his body and he suddenly realised that blood was flowing out of his body due to a sword which was stabbed by none other then the Hollow girl. He turned back and said with tears in his eyes" Why did you do this?"and The Hollow girl replied with sigh" I'm sorry but I had to do this as this is part of my job." Alex died on the spot and the Phantom was filled with tears because he didn't want anyone else to get in a situation like he did and he also did took revenge from The Hollow girl by taking her out and throwing it into the Lava fall. This was end of Alex's past life.


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