Total Drama Pahkitew Island

By LongingForYesterday

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Welcome to Total Drama Pahkitew Island! And, since they were starting anew, it only seemed right to bring in... More

Total Drama Pahkitew Island
Chapter 1: My Name's Lilith
Chapter 3: Balloon War
Chapter 4: Truth Be Told
Chapter 5: I Don't Like Bears
Chapter 6: I. Hate. Max.
Chapter 7: All Alone
Chapter 8: A New Enemy
Chapter 9: Closer to Shawn
Chapter 10: Shattered
Chapter 11: Bye-Bye Jazz
Chapter 12: My Talent
Chapter 13: The Final Challenge
Chapter 14: Everything Changes

Chapter 2: Piggy Day

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By LongingForYesterday

Chapter 2: Piggy Day

That night, I got ready for bed. I took off my combat boots and socks and changed into my night clothes. It consists of a black tank top and sweat shorts. I pulled some things out of my bag that I would most definitely need, like some snacks for the whole thing. I thought Chef would feed us, but I guess not. Good thing I came prepared!

"What is that?" I turned around and saw Amy.

"What's what?" I asked back I confusion.

"Is that food?" She looked closer.

"Well, not exactly. It's just some snacks that I brought from home in case Chef's food that we might eat. Guess not though. Good thing, at least. I can let you have some if you promise not to tell?" I said.

"Promise!" She said with a squeal. I handed her a Debby cake and both of us ate in peace. "Oh, you are so my new best friend!" She grinned at me.

"Um, okay then?" I said unsure. I didn't think she was serious though. I mean, she only wanted my Debbie's and Snapple's. That was surely it. I'm sure she didn't mean that she was really my friend. No one really has been except my best friend David I met online once, and he was a bit weird though. I still liked him though, but we just never seen each other face to face. We're still pretty close even if we haven't and we have a lot in common actually.

"How did you get these? What happened to your bags?" She asked.

"That is my bag. And it's the best one in the world. I've used it for my travels a lot and I take it with me every time as it can hold practically everything I need. Especially on survival like we are now." I said.

"Awesome!" Amy squealed once again.

"Well, good night then," I said and got into my bed. I didn't exactly like this though. "Never mind. I'm going to build a hammock." Then I got up and grabbed a hammer and some nails with some rope.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked me.

"Building a hammock. That bed isn't exactly comfortable." I said.

"Yeah, you're right on that one." Amy agreed. I grabbed my bag before leaving as I never trusted anyone with it. I weaved some rope together to shape it and built a hammock right underneath where Jasmine was sleeping. I built my hammock large and wide so it could hold my backpack along with it and also so I wouldn't fall off. I then took out a blanket that I always take on my travels that was in my backpack and I wrapped myself in it before quickly falling asleep. This was so much more comfortable.

I woke by a thump on the ground. Did I fall? I woke up still on my hammock. Ah, that's good then. I jumped down onto the tree house silently, which was completely opposite of howJasmine did so. Maybe it was her boots? Yeah, that could be it.

"Good morning, Jasmine." I said with a yawn as I stretched.

"Good morning to you, too." Jasmine said with a smile.

"Ugh, what are you doing?" Amy asked annoyed. She was already dressed. I need to get dressed as well before the challenge starts.

"I'm going to forage for some food," Jasmine said.

"Oh. Forage? Is that dangerous? Do you want some help?" Amy asked. I knew she was speaking directly about Samey.

"Four hands is better than two," Jasmine said. Amy soon left.

"Samey! Wake up!" Samey was pushed out when she was still half asleep in her pajamas. "Go with Jasmine and get me some food. And don't be all lazy like you were when you were born!"

"Okay, that was harsh." I said when Amy walked away.

"Yeah, I know." Samey said and just rubbed her arm nervously. We changed into our normal clothes and got off the tree house and walked through the forest with the baskets I weaved. I had to make extra for everyone since I only grabbed two from the pile of junk.

"You did a great job with these baskets, Lilith." Jasmine complimented.

"Thanks, Jasmine. My dad taught me all of these things when we went camping for a whole summer! I learned a lot." I said.

*"Back at home when I was younger, my father took me on so many camping trips that I was completely hooked with it. Did you know that you can make travel coffee bags out of coffee filters and dental floss? Brilliant! Especially since I just love coffee."*

I began to walk off and pick out some berries and fruits from bushes. I let Jasmine have her talk with Samey while I walked past the little apple of death tree. What's that doing here?

"Ooh, apples!" I heard Samey say. What?! I quickly turned around and saw Samey pick up the dangerous apple and was about to take a bite out of it.

"No!" I shouted and quickly did a high kick to the apple as it flew out of her hands.

"Wow! I would've given you a bite if you'd ask." Samey said.

"That's not any apple, Samey. That's the little apple of death." I said.

"She's right," I heard a voice from above. I looked up to see the other team player, which I didn't remember his name. He jumped down near us and landed on his feet. Whoa! And that was like almost eighty feet tall!

"Wow, cool moves." I said impressed.

"Thanks," he said back.

"It wouldn't have killed you but it would've made your mouth blister to something awful." Jasmine said.

"My hand! It's so itchy," Samey said and scratched her hand.

"Don't scratch it!" I said. "It'll worsen." I held her hand down away from her other and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Congrats, Princess. You just got your first lesson in survival 101. Know your flora. 2. Soak your hand in water. Scrub it with sand. Sand, gone!" He said.

"Oh. But I'm supposed to help you two with the foraging." Samey said. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. Besides, it would be hard with your hand in that condition." I said.

"She's right. You can't help with your hand swelled up like a wicket keeper's glove." Jasmine said. There was no reply. "Cricket? It's a game." Nothing. "Just go."

Samey walked off confused of Jasmine's words. "Huh, nice score. You're quite the outdoorsman." She said as she looked at the boy's bag of all kinds of berries. Wow, that looks delicious.

"Gotta know stuff if you wanna survive a zombie apocalypse," he said. Did he just say apocalypse? Wait. Zombies?

"Right, but what were you doing up in that tree?" Jasmine asked.

"That's where I'm sleeping. No shuffler can get you up there." He said.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," I smirked. We fist bumped which was kinda weird.

"Campers! The only good thing about this morning is gonna get worse. For you. Ha ha. There's a path heading in the forest. Follow it to today's hurt-tacular challenge!" Chris said.

"Guess we gotta head back. It was nice meeting you." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, you guys too.Jasmine and Lilith, right?" The boy asked and we nodded. "I'm Shawn by the way." He said and ran off.

"He seems normal than almost everyone here. Besides the zombie apocalypse though." I said and we both laughed as we walked back to our team.

We handed out the berries to everyone and began walking to the forest. "Glad you got berries, Amy. All the antitoxins ants give my skin that healthy camera-worthy glow." Topher said.

"I got the berries, not Amy!" Samey said.

"Oink, oink. Spot the attention hog. I was the one, like, made you go!" Amy said. I just rolled my eyes at how ridiculous Amy was being.

"Clam up, campers! Pick up the pace!" I heard Chris yell and began walking faster till we reached where Chris was.

"Welcome, victims, to the oof-stacle relay race of hilarious hurts!" Chris said.

"Great name. Total props, Chris." Topher said.

"Thank you, Topher." Chris said back. "Now, each player takes on a different oof-stacle, starting with: the greased log over a thorny bog! That gets you to a greasy zip line over the ravine to the next player. Then, a quick and painful journey through the greasetacular tubetacular.

"Next up is the grease tires and then a pass off to the greasy wheelbarrow race. And the last lucky player climbs a rope up the greased wall or tries to and falls. Which is way funnier."

"That's a lot of grease. It's very greasy. Like, all of it greasy!" A boy on the other team said. He kinda reminds me of someone, but I wonder who?

"Yep. Now, I was going to have you pass a relay baton, but couldn't find any." Chris said.

"What are you going to make us use instead? Oh ho ho! This is going to be so good!" Topher said.

"You'll be using greased wild boars." He said. Pigs, seriously? "Not so much as batons as ba-cons." Okay, I'm officially grossed out now.

"Good one, Chris!" Can I punch Topher?

"Thank you, Topher. First team to cross the finish line with their boar, wins."

"But there is only six obstacles and we're a team of eight." Scarlett said.

"Three of you will have to double up on one section of the race. Now, decide who's on what oof-stacle. 'Cause the race is about to start!" Chris said.

"I'll go with Samey, if you want to?" I said. Samey grinned and nodded her head at me.

"Psh, no you don't. I'll go with her. No one would ever want her anyways. She's horrible at everything." Amy said.

"But I insisted on partnering up with her anyways," I said. What did Amy not get? Is she deaf or something?

"It's fine, Lilith." Samey said as she looked at the ground nervously. I felt really bad for her. How dare her sister just treat her like that?

"I'll team up with you, Lilith." Jasmine said with a smile.

"Okay then," I said back.

"Rodney goes first. Topher second. Scarlett on tires, Max on the wheelbarrow, and Lilith and I'll take the wall." Wow, my middle name sounds cool in her Australian accent. "Go! Go! Hop to it like kangaroos!"

Jasmine and I ran all the way to the back of the end of the course of the greasy wall. When we heard the horn go off, I knew it was starting. I just hope we win this. Well, if we beat this so-called wizard over here. Piece of pie. At least we don't have one of those, especially when I heard that they built a wizard's tower. Oh, that would have sucked.

Jasmine and I waited for Max to bring us the pig in the wheelbarrow. Dave already got there before Max did and the wizard Leonard got the pig. When Max did make it here, the pig practically flew off the wheelbarrow and landed on the ground with a weird device around it that smashed.

"Alright, come here you little ragbag!" Jasmine said. The pig did a squeal. "Come down, little guy. Take it easy. Easy." She then gave this weird look that I couldn't comprehend. The pig seemed entranced of her voice. The pig then rolled over on it's back and she began to scratch it like it was a dog.

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" I asked in amazement.

"It's something I learned back home. Right, now we got a challenge to win." Jasmine said. I helped pick up the pig and put it in Jasmine's arms as it was really heavy. We ran over and climbed over the greased wall and dropped to the floor.

"This just in: wizard beat my amazon!" Chris said. "The Pimâpotew Kinosewak win!" We all cheered and Jasmine and I high-fived. "And tonight's winner's meal is provide by Jimmy's Beaks and Feet. Our chickens walk the walk. Talk the talk. Then we put them in the fryer. Now, that's evil."

We all cheered and ran back to our tree house. I was walking right beside Jasmine and Amy and Samey.

"Jasmine, that pig thing was totally cool. How'd you do that?" Amy asked.

"Just a little trick I learned back home, no biggie." she replied.

"But I just -- can not, right? I mean, bye!" Rodney said and just dramatically ran off. Okay, weird?

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I don't know. I never know what that farm boy ever says." Jasmine said.

"Boys can be so weird at times," I sighed.

"You got that right," Jasmine said and we laughed. We walked into the tree house while they all are the chicken. I stuck to my berries and nuts. I'm going to need more food to survive this. I can't just live off my snacks and the berries. I'm going to need something else other than that.

Oh well, I'll plan this out in the morning. I went outside the tree house and went foraging for another bit since I was out of food. I still had my snacks, I just didn't want to waste them. I got a few more berries and nuts and went back to my hammock, just laying there relaxing in the cool air.

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