Curious and Infatuated // Con...

By rhythmicalsins

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{ infatuated: to inspire or posses with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love } Detective Anna Jane ge... More



535 9 5
By rhythmicalsins

"Lieutenant Jane, have you seen Lieutenant Anderson anywhere?" Connor asks me.

I shake my head no and Connor grunts.

"He's needed for a new case that I just got regarding the AX400 android, it has been sighted," Connor explains.

"Let's go find him then," I say grabbing my jacket and giving Connor a helmet. 

I jump on my bike with Connor behind me, his arms around my waist as we speed through Detroit to find Hank. 

"Where do you think he'd be?" I ask Connor.

"Possibly a bar?" Connor replies unsure of his answer.

I nod and speed towards Jimmy's bar, where Connor and I found him last time. I enter the bar and scan the area quickly, not seeing Hank so I approach the bartender.

"Hey, has Hank been in here recently?" I ask politely.

The bartender shakes his head no, to which I tap the bar and sigh.

"Damn, thanks anyway," I say as I leave the bar and get back on my bike. 

"No luck?" Connor asks me.

"Nup, where was the android sighted?" I ask changing the subject quickly.

Connor gives me the address and I ride to the area to see if maybe Hank is already there. To no avail I don't see him on first look as I get off my bike, Connor doing the same. 

"Ah Lieutenant, Connor, I see you heard about the case," An officer says, approaching us. 

"Yeah, Connor informed me about it," I say still searching. 

A look of worry falls over my face when I figure out about the lack of Hank at the crime scene, the officer we are talking to notices this and tries to find what I'm looking at, or rather the lack of what I'm looking at. 

"You looking for something?" The officer asks.

"uh yes, Lieutenant Anderson, have you seen him?" Connor interrupts.

"No sorry, haven't heard from anyone else about him either," The officer replies.

I sigh softly and walk into the crime scene, Connor following quickly. 

I look around the crime scene and see a little bit of fading blue blood. 

I follow the blue blood as best as I can and it leads to the back door. I look behind me and see Connor right behind me as he nods for me to open the door, I slowly turn the cold metal door handle and pull the door towards us, peering around the door to only see nothing. 

"Deviant went out this way?" I question.

"Or came in," Connor adds on.

"Oh lookie here, the trio but they are missing someone," I hear a familiar gruff voice say from behind me.

"Yes Gavin, hello, what are you doing here?" I question sternly.

"We were told to come as backup for you shmucks," Gavin spits.

I groan and walk towards Gavin, nudging his shoulder with my own and walk past him and out the front door. 

I stand on the porch scanning the surrounding area in hopes of seeing a possible android. The android doesn't have her child... fuck...

"CONNOR WE NEED TO GET HOME RIGHT NOW!" I shout as I run to my bike.

Connor runs after me and jumps on the bike behind me, his arms wrapping around my torso quickly as we speed towards my house, leaving Gavin and the officers confused as to the urgency of the situation.

"Lieutenant what's wrong?" Connor questions as we stop at a red light, my police sirens still going off.

"I was thinking where would an android go if it was running from the cops, especially since they stole her child, I then realised they probably would go searching for the child so most likely she did research on me when she saw I was the one that took Alice and Lilly and Alice could be in danger," I say as we pull up to my house. 

I look at my house, the front door, wide open.


I get off the bike and sprint in through the front door, seeing the android, holding a gun to an injured Lilly who was trying to protect Alice who is being held by the android.

"Put the gun down," I say aiming my gun on the android.

"Why should I? You stole Alice from me, you're the monster! We were just trying to get to Canada so we could live a happy life, safe from people like you!" The android spits as she stares directly at me.

"You killed a man, we can't let that go un-noticed, we had to take Alice from you because you are a danger to society," I explain, my gun now ready to fire. 

"I was defending myself."

"You committed murder." 

"Anna please help me!" Alice shouts. 

I look at Alice, her fear struck eyes looking at me. 

"You stole Alice from me."

"She doesn't even want to be with you right now, listen to her!" I shout.

As I shout that Gavin and his partner burst in through my front door, Connor stopping them from doing anything stupid.

"I'm taking her back and killing your friend here," The android says as she shoots at Lilly, who dodges the bullet but it gets her in the stomach.

The Android grabs Alice and sprints out my back door. 

"SHIT!" I shout.

"Save Lilly, I'll go after the deviant!" Connor shouts running after the android.

I rush over to Lilly, inspecting the wound, seeing that she is losing a lot of blood and quickly. I think quickly, no time to get a proper first aid kit right now. I rip my shirt off over my head and apply pressure to the wound with my shirt. 

"AH! PUT A SHIRT ON!" Gavin shouts, Chris, his partner, covering his eyes.


I look at Lilly who is crying. I smile weakly at her, which she returns.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, you are going to live," I promise.

Gavin hands me the first aid kit and smirks at me, which I shake my head in response and start applying first aid to Lilly's wound. 

"Gavin don't act like you haven't seen me without a shirt on," I say sternly as I am still tending to Lilly's wound.

"Gavin!" Chris exclaims, staring at his partner in shock.

Gavin ignores Chris and focuses on me. 

"Yes, but I didn't expect you to rip your shirt off just then," Gavin says.

"Well always expect the most unconventional things to happen when it comes to me," I say. 

A few minutes later, once I've finished tending to Lilly's wound the ambulance arrives and so does Connor. The paramedics take Lilly away to hospital and praise me on my efforts to keep her alive. 

Connor wanders into the house, with a concerned look on his face as he sees me talking to the paramedic.

"Lieutenant, how's Lilly?" Connor asks me and the paramedic.

"She's in stable condition thanks to Anna here, but she will need surgery to remove the bullet," The paramedic says smiling at Connor and I.

Connor nods and looks at me, his eyes slowly drifting down my torso, before realising I'm just in a sports bra and my work pants. Connor's cheeks flush a soft tone of blue as I smile, pushing him playfully. 

"Grow up Connor," I say wandering to my room, with Connor close behind me. 

I can tell he is checking me out but honestly I don't really care.

Connor's POV

I didn't notice Lieutenant Jane was shirtless until I actually looked at her. I looked down her body, seeing her black sports bra, her toned stomach and works pants that were thankfully still on. 

I noticed her tattoos, on her arms and shoulders, she has a full sleeve on her right arm, with things that are significant to her in certain ways littering the skin. 

I slowly brought my eyes back up to her face as she turns her head to the paramedic next to her, as I see her piercings, a helix and two earlobe piercings on her left ear and her belly button piercing. 

I am not going to go deviant for this girl again.

Anna's POV

I walk into my room and gasp, it was completely wrecked. All my clothes ruined, they were all ripped to shreds, my furniture broken, my bed almost none existent. My precious belongings are thankfully at the office, but it's like a tornado ripped through my room. This android really had it in for me.

"Lieutenant?" I hear Connor ask me.

I turn my head over my shoulder and smile weakly.

"Yes Connor?" 

"What happened here?" Connor asks me. 

I wish I knew.

I look at my window and see that it was smashed in, but the android came through the front door, maybe it had accomplices'?

"The window's smashed, the android clearly came through the front door so I'm thinking that it had an accomplice or two that ran out the back door when they heard the sirens, but the main android couldn't leave because of Alice and Lilly," I explain. 

Connor hums in response and I turn to go into Lilly's room, tripping over a couple things in my room, including a small box. I pick up the box and open it, it has a key and a necklace in it. I look at Connor and he takes the box from me and puts it in his pocket. 

I wander into Lilly's room and see it's just as smashed as mine, Gavin is in there looking at the smashed windows confused. 

"They wrecked my room the exact same way," I mutter, mostly to myself but Gavin, Chris and Connor all heard it. 

"Really? That makes no sense," Gavin comments.

"Accomplices'," I reply. 

Gavin nods and I head back out to the living room and sit down on the couch. The living room is the only room that did not get trashed. 

"Connor, I don't know what to do, my house has been ruined by deviant androids, Alice was taken away by her deviant android, Alexander is somewhere in the country and Lilly is in hospital," I say conflicted.

Connor sits down next to me on my couch and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Let's go back to the precinct shall we?" Connor suggests.

I nod and head to get on my bike, doing up my leather jacket to stay warm and modest. 

Connor and I enter the precinct, my jacket now undone and just hanging over my shoulders. People stare at me as I walk to my desk and lean on it. 

I see Hank, possibly hungover, resting his head on his desk. I walk up to Hank and slam my hand on his desk, Connor and the whole office watching us. 

"Hank Anderson. Where the fuck where you this evening?" I shout. 

Hank looks up at me and groans.

"I was at home, drunk," Hank replies angrily.


"Because I can! Get off my fucking tail!" Hank shouts at me. 

"I'm not on your fucking tail, I'm making sure you do your fucking job, Anderson," I exclaim.

"Well I don't want to do my fucking job, ever thought of that?" 

"Yeah I have, and I don't give a shit."

"Also put a fucking shirt on, Richards," Hank says.

Hank puts his head back on his desk and I leave in a huff, Connor following me to my desk. 

"Can I speak in private with you for a second Lieutenant?" Connor asks me quietly.

I nod and follow Connor to a quiet meeting room in the precinct.

"What's up Con?" I question, giving the android a quick smile.

"I think I'm going deviant again, I'm having thoughts that I shouldn't be having Anna, Amanda is trying to control me but these thoughts keep slipping through," Connor explains.

"Well what are these thoughts?" I question as I sit on a table, still shirtless.

"I-I can't say them," Connor says.

Connor usually says everything to me, even his deviant thoughts so this is weird.

"You can't say them for fear of Amanda knowing or they are inappropriate because I didn't think androids could have those thoughts," I say questionably.

"The latter..." Connor stumbles.

My jaw drops open and I remain silent, Connor looking at the ground, cheeks now a fluorescent dark blue. 

"I don't want to know more, but I kinda do," I say quietly. 

"they've been about...." Connor starts. "you...."

Connor mutters the last word of the sentence extremely quietly but I can still hear it.

"Connor, I thought you said-" I being to say.

"Yes, but they have returned after Amanda reset my thoughts and feelings," Connor says stumbling over his own words.

I stay silent, my mouth now finally closed but I am speechless, unsure of what to say, that is until Connor moves in to kiss me.

"We shouldn't do this," I say pushing Connor's chest away before he can do anything. 

Connor nods shamefully.

"But hey, don't feel bad about it," I say grabbing Connor's jaw and force him to look at me.

Connor nods softly before he speaks again.

"I do have to remain mechanical unfortunately until this whole deviant thing blows over," Connor says.

I nod quietly before I go to leave but get stopped.

"Anna, take my shirt and put it on," Connor says.

"What? Is this some weird android kink?" I say scoffing. 

"No, you need a shirt," Connor says bashfully as he takes his shirt off and puts it on me, buttoning the buttons and letting me tuck it into my pants.

"Thanks Con, but you need a shirt," I say as a new shirt shimmers onto his body.

Right, that's enough android-ness for one day.

I sigh and leave the room quickly as I return to my desk. 

"Where'd you get the shirt?" Hank says confused.

I point to Connor who appears behind me.

"What did you do?" Hank questions.

"No, no, no, Connor wanted to talk to me about the case and also give me a shirt to wear," I explain quickly as Hank chuckles.

"I'm teasing ya."

I glare at Hank and return to my desk, thinking about what happened at my place.

Is it the start of the revolution? 

Quite possibly.



Only partly edited. 

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