The Broken Girl

By Asterizm

185K 5.8K 422

... I didn't know what to do... so I did nothing. There I was, sprawled onto the ground. Just looking at the... More

1 ~ Zara
2 ~ The Bully
3 ~ Smell
4 ~ Rogue
5 ~ Fight Club
6 ~ Hiram and Markus
7 ~ Waiting
8 ~ Found
9 ~ Beloved mate
10 ~ Abomination part 1
11 ~ Abomination part 2
12 ~ Wayne
13 ~ Lightning
14 ~ Emotionless
15 ~ Sick Note
16 ~ Savage
17 ~ What?!?
18 ~ Did I Mean It?
19 ~ The Going Away Present
20 ~ Pine
21 ~ It's not acting it's called dying
22 ~ Suffocating
23 ~ The Alpha
Author Note ~ Happy New Year!
24 ~ Crazy Jane
25 ~ Accidents Happen
26 ~ The dress
27 ~ The Problem With Heels
28 ~ Ceremony
29 ~ The Prank That Went Wrong
30 ~ The Sleepover
31 ~ Batmans The Best
32 ~ Whisper Thank You
33 ~ Don't be stupid
34 ~ Who Are You?
35 ~ Inevitable
36 ~ The Phone Call
37 ~ The Phone Call: Part 2
38 ~ The funeral
39 ~ Doves
40 ~ Buried Alive
41 ~ I was Home
42 ~ The Piggy Back Ride
43 ~ We Gave It our All
44 ~ One Man's Weakness Is Another Man's Strength
45 ~ This Means War
47 ~ The Truth
48 ~ The First Battle
50 ~ My Biggest Enemy, My Greatest Fear
49 ~ Wasps Nest
51 ~ To be Selfless or Selfish
52 ~ The War to End All Wars (Part 1)
53 ~ The War to End All Wars (part 2)
54 ~ Fairy Tales Aren't Real?
Hello Readers!

46 ~ Tranquillity

1.5K 52 3
By Asterizm

~ Zara's POV

He can't know... Not yet...

~ The night before

I was in the same place as last time. The same tree where I saw the phantom of my mother still standing tall, and the lake next to it still glistening with beauty. Nothing had changed, not that I thought it would've.

"Ah, Zara, you're finally here." A familiar voice remarked  from behind. Immediately I knew who it was, one could not forget such a prominent voice.

"Moon Goddess, why am I here?" This time I am a lot calmer when I turn to face her.

"I need to warn you." But I though she already did...

"About what?"

"The rogues. They're very dangerous, and only you can stop them."

"But you told me all of this before, why do you need to tell me again?" Something was wrong, I could sense it.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I looked at the Moon Goddess bewildered, she looked back in fear and trepidation.

"Zara, they chose a different fate, now instead of wiping out all the werewolves they want to enslave them to take over the humans. Any of those who oppose their view will be killed." Well that doesn't sound good.

"Who is they? The hunters or the rogues."

"I'm a afraid it's both, when the rogues come to find you all they won't be alone..." There was a strong wind suddenly over taking both of our thoughts. "We don't have much time! Zara you need to be careful because tomorrow isn't the last fight. You need to save yourself for it, but know that before that last fight you must put your affairs in order because..."

"What, because of what!" I knew exactly what she was going to say, but I needed confirmation that i was wrong. But before she could answer I was awoken.

Sigh... what the hell am I supposed to tell the others.

You don't.

Oh... great your back. Nice to see you at I look at the clock... 4:48am. Sigh.

The Moon Goddess finally let me go. She said I couldn't leave until she could speak to you.

Well it's nice to have you back at least. I looked around to see my surroundings, I was in my room. I must've drifted off to sleep whilst on my phone, given that my phone looked as if it had just fallen off the bed.

The sun was still down and darkness consumed the whole room, yet much to my dismay, I was wide awake. Unfortunately these visits from the Moon Goddess are poorly timed, especially if I'm supposed to be fighting a battle on only a few hours sleep.

Sighing tirelessly, I flipped on my back and attempted sleep once more. It felt like I had laid there, staring at the ceiling for ages until sleep was gradually taking me over. At that point I was in complete tranquility that was until...

"Training is about to begin all huddle up!" Oh no! I looked at my clock 6:20, why? Do these people hate sleep or something?

I had completely forgotten that this morning the pack troops were doing training on the field, which just so happens to be right by my window, lucky me.

Although I'm not on the third floor their booming voices still travelled right up to my window. "In order to stay alive you must be smart." Why can't he have a quiet voice? I get that he's an alpha and everything but come on!

In frustration I got out of bed and slammed my window shut, praying that they heard it and got the message. The I grabbed my pillow and squeezed it tightly around the back of my head so that it's able to covered my ears. Of course, being a werewolf and having great hearing defeats the whole purpose of doing this, but by this point I was willing to do just about anything to get some sleep.

Realising that nothing was going to work I groggily got out of bed and began to start my day.

~ Present

"Yes alpha."

"As for everyone else get out of my sight, I'm disappointed in all of you.Wait there Zara I need to talk to you." My head shot up in surprise. Still feeling sleep deprived I glumly walked over to his desk. This could only mean bad news.

"Right, I need to know what time you came across this note."

"Um around 7am ish. Is that all you wanted?" Please, please, please! I really want to go back to bed!

"No, now take a seat. I need to talk to you about your powers. Do you still have all of them?" Urg why?

"Um... I'm not really sure. Maybe... or maybe not." I knew I still did but also knew that I couldn't let anything jeopardise the final battle, him knowing might make him stop me and he can't do that, not when all life as we know it is at stake.

"I see, well how are you feeling at the moment you certainly seem to be looking better." Except for tired!

"Yeah, well I've been eating more and everyone has been really helpful." But non of them are letting me sleep, hint, hint.

"That's good. Look Zara I can see you're a little distracted so I'm going to let you go but I will need to speak to you at some point." I nodded my head and ran out the door discretely closing it behind me, finally sleep!

Running up the stairs to my room I contemplated the conversation. I noticed how unaccountable I looked and wondered if Zack would question it. The thought makes me shudder.

He can't know... Not yet...

The memories of that dream, come rushing back to me, infiltrating my every thought. What the hell am I supposed to do now?


And that concludes this chapter! Hope you enjoyed!
Wednesday 11th July 2018

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