Its A Chase {Luke Brooks Fanf...

By TooMuchCynthia

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When 18 year old Natalia Sanchez finds herself stranded on the streets of LA heartbroken she manages to stay... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chatper 12

Chapter 1

878 17 3
By TooMuchCynthia

My name is Natalia,And im in love with a man i have never met before.That is one of the hardest things to remind yourself everyday but my therapist reminds me to keep an open mind on my situation.Yes i take therapy, but only for my anger.And this man im in love with me loves me back, I just cant wait till I grab the first and quickest flight to LA just to be with him.Bryan Jacob.

"Natalia,Hurry up before you are late for your therapy session today"My mother screams from down the staircase.I sigh and roll out of bed.

"Im coming"As i put on my converse and skinny jeans.Not caring about my looks i put my hair in what seems to be a decent bun,as i throw my navy blue sweatshirt over my nirvana tshirt.I grab my skateboard and glasses.Yes i wear glasses, but only in front of my parents.

"Natalia"My mother screams again.I run down the stairs and give her the best fake smile i could.

"Could i take your car?"I beg.My mother wont buy me a car even though i am 18 years old and just graduated.So i take my skateboard legit everywhere with me.

"You already know the answer to that,Now hurry on your little skateboard and get to therapy"My mothers tone with me is calm even though we argue almost everyday.I roll my eyes and run out the door.I take my glasses off and slide them into my sweatshirt pocket.I skateboard my way down the block and to the left.When i finally arrive at the building i rush in forgetting to sign in at the front desk,like everyother day.I run into the room and the others just stare at me with irriation.

I hate the fact that im sitting in a room filled with teenage girls who eat their heartbreak away.They are all sitting in a circle and the therapist,Carly is her name, just looks at me.I sink into my seat all the way in the corner of the room.They say im stubborn but i just say i know what i do and dont want.I refuse to sit in a circle like a little kid.Im 18 years old i shouldnt even be here right now.

"Late again,Natalia?"Carly my therapist asked me.She took a sip of her coffee which seems to be in a reuseable coffee cup.Carly seems like a young respectable woman but she dresses like such a virgin mary.She wears long skirts,preferably pastel colored.And her long sleeved plain jane shirts.Very prude and modest.

"Sorry lost track of time"I smirk.I drop my skateboard on the ground and sink deep into my chair and close my eyes.Carly dosent really help half these girls in here.She just says the same shit over and over again like''Are you okay'' and ''How dose this make you feel''.

"Well since you came in late i hope you dont mind sharing first"Carly pushes back at me.I open my eyes and give her a glare.I sit up in my seat at glare at the girls in the circle.None of them looked like they have ever had any fun in their lives.I know what they need an it isn't to be here wasting every fucking Saturday morning in therapy. Most of them don't even speak.

"Sure i dont mind sharing.I mean sharing is caring"I mocked her in that sweet quiet tone.One of the tinest girls in the circle giggles but stop as soon as she notices the other girls didnt find it as funny as she did

"So tell us about your "Internet Lover"?How is that working for you?Still single i assume"Carly asked.She can be quite a bitch.The tone of the sarcasm in her voice just cause my anger to grow.

"Well he doing great,thanks for asking Carly.And yea im still single,im thankful to at least have the option.Whats your excuse?"I mock back.I cant help the huge grin plastered across my face.Some of the girls begin to giggle at the fact im right.Carly is single,and always will be cause she is a push over.

"Thats none of your worries.Now we have been threw this dont call me carly.Its Miss.Reign to you."She pointed her finger at me.

"Whatever you say Carly"I look at the clock hanging on the wall.My session is over.I grab my skateboard and walk out of the room out to the sidewalk.I began to skate when my phone begans to ring.I answer my phone and see it was bryan who called.Bryan Jacob.My love,my everything.

"Hey"His vocie is deep but so calm.

Everytime i hear his voice a huge smile appears on my face.I just cant help myself.We have been talking for to years now and i feel he knows everything.I can feel the butterfly in my stomach every time we talk.

"Hey is everything okay?"I asked.He dosent usually call without texting me ahead of time.But i dont mind.He has no idea that im going to be in LA tomorrow,Im gunna suprise him.

"Yea,i just really wanted to hear your voice" he seemed nervous.I can tell when he is hiding something but i just ignored it.

"Thats really sweet, anything new to share?"
"I just wish you were here with me" "me too...well i have to go.."I say trying to end this conversation as quick as i could.I heard him mummble something on the other line.

"Okay,Bye"He hung up.

As i made my way home i knew this was going to be a restless friday night.I went up to my room and began to pack my two suitcases for my flight tonight.

*Hey are you packing for tonight?*I texted Gavin.

Not only is he my best friend but he is like a brother.He was taking a flight to LA also,Ive known him since kindergarten.We met the first day and got in a huge fight but soon realized we were the toughest kids in the class.He became my best friend from that day on.As i continued to pack i got a text from Gavin.

*Yea but be ready by 9.Our flight is at 10.*He is so organized.Sadly it didnt rub off on me.He would always make plans for us and have a schedule.It was okay with me cause i never really knew what i wanted to do half of the time.

*okay :) * I texted him back.David my younger brother walks right into my room.Doesn't anyone know how to knock.He had his headphones in and gave me a confused look at my suitcase.

"Are you running away nat?"He asked me taking his headphones out of his ears.I mean he is 16,he isnt a little kid anymore that i could trick.To avoid the question i just flipped out.

"What the fuck David!,Dont you know how to knock?"I yelled.I roughly put my folded shirt in the the suitcase and looked at him.

"Nat,you dont even know cant just leave me..what if he isnt the way you imagined"David sighed.He came over and slowly took my shirt and placed it on the bed.

"David you dont understand."

Im trying to explain my feelings but thats really something hard for me.Ive been working on telling people how i feel,and when i dont talk it out i end up breaking shit.

"I love him"I blurt out.

A heavy weight was just lifted off my shoulders.I feel so .. relieved.David squints his eyes and raises his eyebrows.David is taller than me,i looked at him with his big brown eyes.I can tell he didnt understand.I mean he is just a child he dosent know anything about love.But do I ?

"Do you hear yourself?Nat just stay home tonight"David trys to convince me.

"Just get out david.And dont say anything to mom or dad."I say pushing him out my room and slamming the door behind me just cause im dramatic.

I hear my mother yell something from downstairs in spanish.Ugh i sigh as i make my way downstairs to the dinning room.I take my seat and see my father.He looks at me and i look down.I never really liked my dad,he was always there just never paying attention to the little things that mattered the most.He is more about college,work,and all that adult stuff.Tonight would be our last family dinner before i go off to LA.

We sat down and ate the same thing we do almost everyother day.Rice,chicken,and beans.My mom thinks that just cause we are half spanish we should eat spanish food and all that stuff.I remember even having to get a quincerea when i turned 15.I didnt want one though because i wanted a sweet 16.

"So you therapist called today,nat"My father began.And other night i would completely ignore my father and not speak at all during dinner.But today i felt why not speak to him,it is my last night in this hell hole of a town.

"What did she say?"I asked as i began to eat my rice.

David looked at me as if i had two heads.My mother gasp as if a baby as just sopken their first words.When i mean i never speak at dinner,i never speak.But like i told you my father dosent notice,he just continued to shove rice and beans in his mouth like a pig.

"Well she complained about your behavior today,you mocked her in front of a group of patients.Dose this ring a bell?"My fathers tone is serious and deep.

I can tell, that him just speaking to me is even a struggle.

"Yea the bell rings loud and clear."I choke on my words.I know i should keep calm and not give my father a hard time,but if teens arent made to annoy parents i wouldnt even think of having any of my own.

"Well then we wont have this problem again now,will we?"He asked.

I get my anger issues from my father.Im shocked we made it half way through dinner and didnt break any of my moms china tonight.I just nodded my head and agree with my father.I look over at David who seems sad,i never really thought much of him missing me.I stare at my mother who is quietly waiting for my father to finish stuffing his face like a pig so she can bring out the dessert.Then my phone gose off.Shit i mutter under my breathe.

"Natalia!"My father slams his fist on to the tabel causing me to jump.

"Im really sorry.Please excuse me"I say and stand up.I make my way out of the dinning room and run upstairs to my bedroom.Closeing the door behind me i answer my phone.

"What the fuck Gavin! you called during dinner"i began to raise my voice with him.

I could hear Gavin laughing through the other line.

"Well hola to you too"He joked.

He always makes the spanish jokes.I remember when i was going through this phase when i thought bangs were cute and he called me dora.But it only bothered me when other people said it.

"Oh shut up"i giggled at the thought of my hideous bangs.

I mean they were cute for other girls,but i just looked liked dora.

"Did i piss off pops?"

"Yes,Well anyway are you here?"I zipped my suitcase up and had my ticket in my hand.

"Yea hurry up and throw your suitcase down"

"K"I hung up and looked down at Gavin who was standing there.A grin appeared on my face.I ran downstairs to say goodbye.I went up to my father.

"Im sorry about the phone thing.Im gunna head to bed.Night"I said grabbing him into a hug.A part of me wanted to stay but i knew i couldnt live my life worried about the next day.I gave my mom a hug on the cheek.

"Buena Noches"she whispered in my ear.It means goodnight it spanish.Then i looked at david.The frown that was on his face made me want to cry.I would miss him the most.

"Awh dont give me that look and come here"My eyes began to water.David stood up and gave me a hug.Im gunna miss his dark brown curls and perfect brown eyes.

"Be safe"I heard him whisper.We let go and i saw a his eyes water.My parents just looked at us like we were crazy but we arent,i was going to miss him.I went upstairs to my room locking the door behind me.I looked out the window and saw Gavin.

"Oh juilet if i had a rock to throw at your window i would purposely miss and hit your face"He laughed.I threw first suit case down the window.

"Shit"I heard gavin cry.

Serves him right for calling me juliet and all that.

"Ops sorry"I droped the other but heard that one hit the ground.

I grab my glasses and shoved them into my bookbag.I put on my bookbag and put one foot out the window.Ive climbed out of this window millions of times of just sneaking out with Gavin.And my room isnt that far from the ground so i wouldnt die if i fell.

I would just break a couple of bones.

"Just hurry and jump.I gotcha dont worrie"I heard gavin whisper.I threw my other foot out and held onto the window sill and my left foot reached for the pipe that was at my left.Converse arent the best climbing shoes.Something told me he would catch me if i fell.I grabed onto the pipe and held on.I knew it couldnt hold me for long so i jumped.I fell and as soon as i knew it i was in Gavin's arms.

"awh my hero"I said kissing his cheek.

He made a sour face and droped me on the grass.ouch.I could tell he was wiping my kiss out his cheek.I stood up and wiped the grass away that was on my butt.I grabed a suitcase and he grabed the other as we put it in his car.

Its a old BMW.I hate his car but it has took us pretty much everywhere and comes with many memories.I call his car"Old piece of shit that likes to break down at the most worst times".Yea long nickname for a car.Gavin calls it his "Baby".

Every thinks me and Gavin would be a perfect couple but i think we are like brothers and sisters.It would never happen so thats why i dont worry about how i look or what i say in front of him.He likes older woman,and i like any one who isnt gavin.I look in the trunk to see Gavin only packed on suitcase.

"Only one suitcase?"

"You know i dont have alot of stuff"He says as he clears his throat.

I just shrugg as he puts the keys into the car.The engine makes a funny noise.He trys again but this time there is no noise.

"Well it looks like it time for plane B"Gavins smirks.

I hate plan B.I get out of the car and get behind the trunk and begin to push.

"Push when i start the engine"Gavin says.

He puts the key into the engine and twist the key.I hear the engine roar and i begin to push the car with all my strength.Plan B always works.The car drives in a jogging pace.I run after the car and Gavin leans over to open the passenger door.The car is still moving in its cruise pace as i jogg up and jump into the passenger seat slamming the door shut.I lean back in my chair and pant out of breathe.

We continue on our way to the airport.The car in front of us dosent bother to use their turning signals causeing Gavins car to come to a full on stop.Gavin reacts and puts his right arm over me and presses the breaks.

"Put on your seat belt"He rolls his eyes.

I feel stupid and should have saw that coming.I do as he says and put on the seat belt.He flips off the car that was infront of us and continues to drive.Gavin is one year older than me and always tells me what to do.Yet i dont mind it,its kinda sweet to know he cares about me.We sit in an awkward silence.

"Im sorry"I say,i look at him and see how concentrated he is on the road.

He just shakes his head and runs his fingers threw his brown hair.

"Its okay,just put on a seatbelt next time"He sighs.

I make him very umcomfortable and stressed sometimes.But im so thankful to have him putting up with my bullshit.

"So Bryan called me today"I began to tell him.

I love how he always listens to me even when i dont think he is paying attention he is.

"Oh,what did he say?"He rolls his eyes.

He hates when i talk about bryan sometimes.I know this cause it makes him nervous and he plays with his eyebrow piercing.Just as i thought he begins to pick at his eyebrow piercing.

"Nothing much,just that he wanted to hear my voice"I yawn and recline the seat back.I throw my hands behind my head and began to daze off.The closet airport is a 40 minute drive.

"You know your so preditable"I continue to speak trying to keep myself awake.

"I am huh?"Gavin smiles to himself probably admiring the fact i notice these things.

When we arrive at the airport i am wide awake but i can see the bags under Gavins eyes.He seems exshausted.We get in and are about to board our plan when we have to go through the metal detector.As i walk through it i turn around to see Gavin dazing off in line.

"Gavin"I mutter.He shakes it off and enters through the detector which gose off.

"Dammit Gavin,you dumbass"I laugh.

He puts his hands in the air and smiles at me.The security rushes over and pat him down.They found a metal necklace in his pockets.I gasp at the sight of it cause its beautiful.Its metal chain and its vinatge color.It has a yin-yang symbol at the bottm of it.

"All clear"One of the officers says into his walkie talkie.Gavin walks towards me and hands me the necklace.

"Its was supposed to be a suprise,kind of a goodbye gift"He smirks and Puts the necklace on my neck.I smile and give him a huge hug almost knocking him down.

"I love it so much!"The smile on my face seems to grow more and more.

We walk onto our flight and i grab the window seat.I cant fall asleep during half of the flight so i just sit calmly as Gavin next to me falls asleep on my shoulder and snores.I smiles to myself.I cant believe I'm going to see Bryan.I wonder if he is going to be happy to see me.

When the very long flight over we stand there and look at eachother.This is our goodbye.Yea we will both be in LA but i might not see him for a while.I jump on Gavin and give him a big hug not letting go.

"Ugh im gunna miss you."I sigh.I can feel my eyes water.

I always seem to tear up when me and Gavin are separated.He dose too.Every year for christmas break i cryed for half of the week cause he left to visit family.

"Ugh Nat,dont do this to me."He gave me a hug and put me down to look up at him.He wiped the tear that trickled down my cheek with his thumb.

"Im overreacting"I laugh as more tears trickle down my cheek.He is my best friend and we havent been separte for longer than a week.

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