By Sketchbox

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It started with an evil house, a deviant sorceress, a corrupted carnival and now a horrific hotel. After Joey... More

Chapter one-The first floor
Chapter three-Lightbulbs

Chapter two-The rocking chair

740 10 3
By Sketchbox

Previously on Escape The Night season 4: The 10 guests arrive at the dreaded Delamont hotel and learn that they must fix the elevator to go to the next floor. Suddenly, Oli is murdered by demons and the guests are sent up to the next floor of the hotel.


Enjoy the episode!

Liza: "I have no idea what to think, all I know is that Oli is dead and we're in this elevator to god knows where."

As the elevator doors close smoothly the guests are sent up, and creepily unsettling elevator music begins to play. "I still can't believe Oli is actually dead, what's even happening at this hotel?" Timothy states angrily. "Let's just all figure this out when we get to the roof." Rosanna says trying to calm the group down.

Suddenly, only on the fourth of the forty floors, the elevator stops with a clunk, shaking up the elevator and the people in it. Before anyone can react, the doors of the elevator slide open, revealing a dark, damp nursery filled with cots and baby toys.

Gabbie: "Suddenly the elevator STOPS. And then to make things worse the elevator doors open up and we're in some creepy, dark nursery. Great. Just great."

"Oh. My. God." Justine says as the group stares at the nursery. "We can't go in there, right?" Liza adds. "I think we have to, cause I don't think this elevator's gonna go any higher until we figure out how to get it to do that." Joey replies solemnly.

After waiting a few seconds, the group steps into the nursery cautiously. As they all step in they get a better view of the nursery. Across the walls is an old pattern, with blood splattered across it.

Rosanna: "This nursery is literally SO terrifying. There is blood splattered all over the walls and terrifying cots lying all over the floor."

"Well what do we do now?" Manny asks the group. "I kNoW wHaT tO dO..." says a creepy, light voice, coming from the darkness. "OH MY GOD WHO WAS THAT?!" Justine screams. "iM mE. wHo ArE yOu?" The voice replies.

Before the group can react, out of the darkness steps a large doll that looks like a baby, all of its features in different spots on its face. It was wearing a pink flannel shirt with blue overalls and holding a long, blood dripping axe.

"hElLo FrIeNdS. hIdE tO LivE." The doll says, stuttering weirdly. The group shrieks in horror and runs away from the doll, hiding behind and inside cots as the doll limps around the room, cackling with laughter and swinging around the axe.

Joey: "Before I can explain anything to my friends about this hotel, some creepy doll person thing starts CHASING us in this nursery and everyone just screams and hides. And basically hopes they don't get chopped up by this thing."

"fInE. yOu WiN tHiS gAmE. bUt I hAvE sOmEtHiNg ElSe iN mInD." The doll whispers, somehow still sounding loud. Suddenly, the lights in the nursery turn off and the doll begins to sing, getting louder and louder. "Guys what do we do?!" Someone screams into the darkness, but it's too late, a strange gas fills the room and knocks out every, single, guest.

One by one the guests wake up and realise they are in cages, one for each of them. "Guys what's happening?" Rosanna squealed. "How are we supposed to know?" Manny responds. "Let's just figure out how to get out of these damn cages!" With the group frazzled, the doll walks back into the room.

"Why are you doing this to us?!" Mat shouts at the doll. "tO eScApE iT'S uP tO yOu. BeHiNd yOu iS a bOx wItH cArDs nExT tO iT. eAcH oF yOu mUsT pUt oNe NaMe iN tHe bOx aNd tHeN i wIlL dRaW tWo nAmEs. tHoSe tWo pEoPle wIlL hAvE tO bAtTLe tO tHe DEATH. vOtE nOw." Says the doll, making the group shriek in horror.

Justine: "The doll tells us we literally have to vote on people to DIE. All I'm hoping now is that my name isn't drawn."

"Guys who do we vote for?" Alex asks nervously. "Well, no ones been able to prove themselves yet, so I say we all vote for ourselves, so then two names are drawn at random. It seems like the fairest way." Joey states, so used to having to talk about voting his friends to their death. "Well, I guess that makes sense. Let's do it." Liza says seriously. The group nods at each other and turn to face their boxes.

As everyone begins to vote, in Alex's cage he has a different plan. "I can't risk my life like this. I'm sorry Justine but I'm voting for you." Alex whispers to himself as he slips Justine's card into the box. Little did he know, in the cage next to him, Justine saw him put in the card, and she was furious.

"oKaY, tImE tO dRaW tWo nAmEs. tHe fIrsT nAmE dRaWn iS, JUSTINE." The doll says, making the group gasp. "Well, if I get back I have a bone to pick with one of you." Justine says, staring at Alex dead in the eyes. "tHe sEcOnD nAmE dRaWn iS, MANNY." The doll states. "You guys are so going to regret sending me in there." Manny says darkly. "iTs TiMe fOr ThE cHallEnGe tO bEgIn. aS fOr EvErYoNe wHo Is SaFe, yOu aRe NoW fRee tO gO. WaIt iN tHe LoUnGe UnTiL oNe pErSoN rEtUrNs." The doll adds.

Manny: "Oh sis I'm fuming now."

Suddenly, all of the cages are sucked into the ground and all of the safe guests walk into another room of the floor. Sending good luck messages and goodbye hugs to the two chosen guests. "aS fOr yOu tWo. fOllOw mE." The doll says, waking off with Justine and Manny.

"tHe cHaLLeNgE bEgInS wHeN yOu fInd iT." The doll says. "What?" Justine asks. The doll does not respond, leaving Justine and Manny standing awkwardly in the nursery.

Justine: "I have literally no idea what we're supposed to do. So Manny and I kinda just stand there waiting for something to happen."

"Wait! Maybe there's a secret passage or something?" Manny asks. "Oh yeah! Look for anything out of the ordinary!" Justine says back. So the pair of them begin to frantically run around the nursery, looking for anything that could lead to their challenge.

Suddenly, when Justine takes a rest and sits on a rocking chair, a loud cracking noise suddenly comes out of the room, making the pair squeal in fear. As the noise stops, an entire wall of the room begins to slide into the ground, revealing a massive room stuffed to the brim with dolls. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Justine screams.

Manny: "I have no words."

"yOuR cHallEnGe bEgIns tHiS wAy." The doll says pointing at the room filled with dolls. "Well, what is our challenge?" Manny asks. "yOuR cHallEnGe iS sImPle. FiNd tHe BluE dOll aNd yOu gEt tO liVE. tHe LoSeR bEcOmEs mY nExT vIcTiM. YoUr cHaLLENGE sTaRtS nOw." The doll says excitedly.

As fast as they can, Justine and Manny sprint into the room and begin to search their hearts out, all in hopes to survive.

Manny: "Finding this damn blue doll is so much harder than I thought! But I'm not going to let myself die in this challenge."

Justine: "As I'm frantically digging my hands through the piles of dolls, my heart stops. I find the blue doll."

As Justine suddenly shoved the blue doll up in the air, tightly clasped in her gloved hand, Manny cries in anger. "WHY! THIS ISN'T FAIR!" He screams.

Manny: "I'm furious. I physically can't believe I'm about to be killed. It's horrifying."

Justine: "As much as I feel totally horrible for Manny, I'm beyond thankful I get to see another day."

"oH mY fRiEnD. iT nEvEr wAs fAiR. TiMe tO fAcE tHe tRuTh. gOoDbYe." The doll says in a heartless tone, as it suddenly sprints towards Manny, making Manny wail in fear. Although Manny tries to escape from the doll, he doesn't stand a chance. The doll corners him within a matter of seconds and pulls out what seems to be at least 10 knives. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! JUSTINE, PLEASE STOP THIS THING! THIS WASN'T MEANT TO HAPP-" Manny screams.

Before Manny can continue pleading, the doll shoves the first knife into Manny's trembling body. Manny screams in unbelievable pain and loses all feeling as the other 9 knives are stabbed into him, faster than the click of someone's fingers. After Manny screams his final scream and falls to the floor, his body a disgusting mess of blood and knives.

"Oh. My. God." Justine says, her voice beyond trembling. "gO. yOu aNd yOuR fRiEnDs cAn nOw gO tO yOuR nExT fLoOr. GoOdBye." The doll says, a massive smile on it's face. "Wait, the next floor? Do you mean we have to deal more with this hell hole? I thought we could escape after this!" Justine shouts at the doll. The doll simply dosen't respond, and before Justine can realise, it sinks into the floor, leaving Manny's disgusting corpse lying on the floor.

"What the hell is going on here..." Justine mumbles to herself angrily as she heads back to the group. "Oh my god! Is Manny dead?" Liza says gasping, tears welling in her eyes. "Yes." Justine says plainly. "Literally under an hour ago we entered here as a group of 10, and were already down to 8. What the actual hell." Timothy says. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt!" Rosanna cries.

"I know, I know. I promise I'll explain everything when we get to wherever we land next." Joey says solemnly, making a few guests roll their eyes. "That better be true. Because two people are dead and we still don't know what the hell is going on." Gabbie says seriously. "Exactly." Matpat agrees. Joey nods in reply.

"Well. Time to head back into that horrific elevator. This time let's hope we actually get to the top floor this time and get outta here." Justine says. The group simply gets up and walks over to the elevator and notice that only eight people symbols are next to it. "So, every time we get to a floor, one person can't get back into the elevator?" Alex asks. "I guess so. That's terrifying." Matpat says. Same as last time, as each person steps into the elevator, one light for a person goes out. And once everyone has entered the elevator, the doors cause suddenly. Before anyone can press a button for a floor, the elevator starts to slide up the shaft, sending the guests to their next horror.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to vote, comment and press that follow button!
Time taken: 3 Hours
Words: 1834

Next chapter trailer:

To keep the lights on, is to stay alive. Because when all the lights are out, the Slitheryen emerges from the darkness.💡🎻


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