Ballet With The Bad Boy

By charlottereaddd

423K 11.2K 1.8K

Eliana McCoy. She never spoke a word. Never drew attention to herself. And never caused drama. Her twin broth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: Leo's POV.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Leo's Story

Chapter 6

11.9K 301 40
By charlottereaddd

Despite having my covers and blanket bundled over my head, it wouldn't block out the monstrosity of my brothers music hitting my ears.

It was Saturday so of course, Harvey decides to play his garbage on max volume throughout the house.

Along with the music, I could decipher around three different voices. All male.

Well, I hoped they were all male other wise there's a girl out there who's balls have dropped.

That's it, no matter how much I buried my head into my pillow, the noise wouldn't lessen.

Ripping off my covers, I was left in a bandeau bra and batman booty shorts. Fuck it, this will get their attention enough to turn it down.

I wasn't delicate about it when I ripped my door open, and stormed into the front room where the music was coming from.

My brother, Leo, Hunter and two other guys I recognised from school where gathered on the sofas, two of them playing on the Xbox and the other three chatting.

There were pizza boxes everywhere, as well as cans of various alcohol and energy drinks.

I waited, my hands in front of my chest and most of my weight shifted onto one leg. My hair was still contained in the messy bun I wrapped it in last night with a few strands framing my face that had fallen out from when I slept.

No one noticed me, so I decided to move to the power outlet on the wall that held the extension cable which powered numerous appliances.

Including that of the TV, Xbox and stereo.

They probably didn't realise I was there because of being engrossed with each other.

This changed however when I simply flicked the switch. The music silenced instantly, along with the blaring noise of guns from the TV.

Hunter was the first one to notice me whilst the others all stopped in confusion and shouted their complaints.

"What the hell Eliana?" Hunter shouted, working out that I was the cause. All five pairs of eyes were on me at this point.

I pointed to the clock on the wall which showed it was eight in the morning.

"I don't know what time you think it is in your crazy male brains but last time I checked it was still early and I amazingly like to sleep in on a Saturday morning without music blaring through the goddamn house." I gave all the boys stern looks.

Judging from the boys faces, it looked like some of them had pulled an all-nighter. Probably the reason they were up so early.

"Come on Eli, don't be a bitch." Harvey finally piped up and I raised an eyebrow.

"Me? A bitch?" I scoffed "Last time I checked I was a normal human being who wants to have respect shown from her brother."

"Is she always this moody?" I heard one of the boys who was playing Xbox say and I picked up an empty Monster can off the floor and lobbed it at his head.

"No, I can be a lot worse."

"Fuck off Eli," My brother suddenly snapped and I couldn't help but flinch at his outburst "Go for one of your runs or something."

The whole room went silent. Harvey has never spoken to me like that before and it made me feel like shit.

Harvey's face showed that he regretted what he said instantly but he didn't apologize. No other words were spoken so I flicked the power outlet back on and went to my room without giving him another look.

I couldn't comprehend how I felt right now. Sad? Angry? Offended?

All of the above seemed just about right.

I was gonna do exactly what he said though, fuck off and go for a run because obviously I'm not wanted in our home.

Just as I was changing into my 3/4 length leggings and sports crop top, there was a knock on the door.

"What?" I said loud enough for the person outside to hear. To my amazement, the music from earlier hadn't been switched back on and the blaring sound of guns from the video game had also stopped.

"Eliana, can I come in?"

I narrowed my eyes as I didn't recognize the voice. When I had sorted out my headphones and water bottle, I opened the door to find Leo standing there.


"Want some company? I was gonna go for a run anyway." Leo said and I instantly became suspicious.

I mean, he was wearing some light grey knee-length sweatpants and loose fitting top so he could be telling the truth.

"Fine. Just don't bitch if I leave you." I shrugged my shoulders, walking past him and going straight to the kitchen.

There was a small amount of chatter coming from the front room as I filled up my water bottle.

I wasn't expecting Harvey to come and apologise to me. It's not in his nature and if he ever does I know he usually doesn't mean it.

"Just talk to her."

"No, she's pissed me off."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the voices. Did they really think I couldn't hear them? The kitchen is literally next door to the front room.

I slipped my headphones into my ears and made my way out the kitchen and to the front room. I sensed the boys staring at me as I walked past and slipped on my trainers which were placed by the door.

I sensed Leo coming up behind me as I opened to front door.

"Do you and your brother usually fight like this?" He asked after I'd closed the front door behind us and we'd started walking up to the park.

"Sometimes, he's worse after our parents have gone after a visit. He likes to take the piss after having to put on a happy face for them." I rolled my eyes as the countless memories played in my brain.

"Sounds shit." I turned my head to see Leo looked genuinely pissed off by our situation.

"Yea, it is." I shrugged my shoulders, going to turn down the normal alleyway I walk through to get to the park, only to stop as there were two shady looking guys standing about halfway down it.

"I'll go first, don't worry." Leo nodded his head to me, starting to make his way down the alley.

It's funny, of all the times I had walked this way to get to the park, I've been lucky enough that no one has been down it.

Must have been my impeccable timing.

As we got closer, the two guys looked up. The thing is though, when they saw Leo, a look of familiarity crossed their faces.

"Alright Lion. You got it?" The first one spoke and I was instantly confused. Lion? What the hell?

Leo dug into his pocket and pulled out a couple of small plastic bags.

What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On.

Leo was a dealer?

They shook hands quickly and I managed to spot the exchange they made. Leo gave the guy the bags and in return Leo was holding some rolled up notes.

"See you later." The second man spoke and Leo nodded his head to him. And with that, they squeezed past us in the alley and disappeared not long after.

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