
By Jillybean65

3 1 0

Just writing some poetry because why not 😂 More

Dear Future Me

3 1 0
By Jillybean65

Not to sound cliche or anything but...
Dear future me.
Please remember that a rough past does not have to lead to a rough future.
Because that crooked path that you think you walk will have long since been paved.
Please do not hold in any of your feelings.
Tell someone.
Because you've tried that before, and remember where that left you.
Heartbroken, down in the dust with your head in your hands.
Please continue to remind yourself everyday that you're beautiful.
Because I suppose you picked up that habbit, right?
These things that I can't bring myself to do now I know I will have learned to do sometime in the future.
If I don't, who knows where I'll end up.
Dear future me.
Please don't be as hard on yourself as you used to be.
Don't beat yourself up because that guy you liked left you on read, or that popular girl you wanted to hang out with made other plans.
Please keep doing what you're doing,
Because I know you have way more confidence than I ever thought was possible.
Dear future me.
Stay kind to others.
That's one of the thing you're best at and you know it.
Dear future me.
Thanks for sticking around.

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