The Park Down the Street || S...

By Lyrica1melody

9.5K 424 87

Seven young boys grew up together and played in the park when they were young. Everything was changed when on... More

~ •Part One•~
~ •Part Two•~
~ •Part Three•~
Where are they now?
Authors notes


128 7 1
By Lyrica1melody

Yoongi slowly well that night. After the kiss the rain seemed to stop and Yoongi walked home in complete bliss. Both boys agreed they didn't want anyone else knowing what happened, anyone else. The next morning was a different story, Yoongi woke up to multiple messages from Suran.

ISuran: happy anniversary Suga

Oh shit, we haven't broken up.

ISuran: hope you have a good day

Pretty sure I won't

ISuran: I'm looking forward to tonight

I'm not

ISuran: answer me please

You didn't give me a chance to

ISuran: I'll come over early

Please don't

ISuran: I'll be over in an hour

Well fuck

The last message was sent 45 minutes prior. What a great way to start the day. Yoongi got dressed quickly and managed to brush his teeth before Suran came knocking. Yoongi already knew that the rest of the day was going to be filled with fake smiles. He really should've hung out with her yesterday, not Jeremy. But at the same time he wouldn't trade yesterday for anything.

"Happy anniversary!" Suran said excitedly. When Yoongi opened the front door. Before he could say anything her lips were on his. Yoongi didn't even bother closing his eyes. Yoongi invited her in and closed the door behind her. All he could think about was Jeremy, he barely paid attention to Suran the whole morning. She talked and talked, Yoongi just nodded and agreed with her as she spoke. It was like that with their relationship lately. In the beginning they were still friends with each other but they slowly stopped goofing off with each other.

"Wanna go to the park?" Suran asked.

"Sure." Yoongi answered without thinking. He didn't think about weather or not Hobi or Jeremy was there. He really should've, because it never rains, it pours.

"Hey Yoongi! Who's this?" Jeremy asked when the couple walked into the park, hand in hand. Yoongi was looking down and didn't notice the other boy.

Oh shit.

"Um this is Suran... she's my girlfriend." Yoongi said, the last part hesitantly. He could see the surprise in Jeremy, but Suran was completely oblivious. Yoongi put his head down again, he didn't want to see that face. He didn't want to see the disappointment.

"Well, I'll just be on my way. You two have a good time." Jeremy said walking past the couple. Yoongi watched as he left the park.

"Who was that?" Suran asked. Yoongi looked back to her. He felt guilty, he felt extremely guilty.

"That's Jeremy." He said, he couldn't say anymore. He couldn't break up with her on their anniversary. He couldn't let Jeremy slip away either. Yoongi needed to make a decision. He was bad with decisions, he couldn't make that decision now, he couldn't. Oh god, what do I do? what the fuck do I do?

"Yoongi are you okay?" Suran asked her voice soaked in worry. Yoongi wasn't okay, he couldn't do this anymore. Yoongi started pushing his finger nails into his palms, hard. He was almost drawing blood. He frantically bit at his lip, what is happening to me? He was having an anxiety attack, a bad anxiety attack.

"Yoonie?" He heard Suran say but it wasn't helpful, Yoongi was crying and couldn't breath. Breath in, and in and in, he couldn't let out a breath. Yoongi opened his eyes and saw two figures looking at him now, then felt two arms wrap around him and the familiar voice.

"Count to ten... breath in and out and count to ten Yoongi." Hoseok whispered. Yoongi tried to count but he couldn't remember anything, he couldn't think of anything, he just couldn't.

"1, 2, 3, 4 ..." Hoseok said softly in his ear. He felt the younger pulling him towards the bench then sat down. He started breathing, slowly but surely. His tears slowly started to clear and then he was back to normal. He tasted blood in his mouth from biting his lip, he saw the bruises in his palms. Yoongi looked up and saw Suran staring in horror. He looked to his right and saw Hoseok sitting beside him.

"Suran can you just go to Yoongi's house for a minute?" Hoseok asked politely. Suran complied and slowly walked down the field towards his home. When she reached the house she waited on the front steps. Hoseok waited until Yoongi completely calmed down to talk.

"What happened with Jeremy?"

"How'd you-"

"It's obvious, you went to Jeremy's house yesterday and came back looking happier." Hoseok explained. Yoongi was just quiet. He didn't really want to tell anyone what happened, but he has to. He felt like he had to tell Hoseok.

"We kissed." Yoongi murmured under his breath. He smiled at the memory and feared it wouldn't happen again.

"You have to break up with Suran. It's not fair to Jeremy or Suran." Hobi finally says. Yoongi knew he was gonna say that, he knew he needed to do that.

"But it's our anniversary, how do I even tell her. She's gonna be mad and she'll tell everyone I'm gay and then everyone will hate me and my parents will disown me and I'll die on the streets and it won't be good and I'm scared Hobi. I make her happy I can't take that away from her, I can't do that. I can't be like my dad. Life is just too much right now, my parents don't even talk anymore and it's making me sad all the time. I just... I don't know Hobi." Yoongi ranted to his best friend. He needed to, he needed to get everything out. He was still figuring himself out he didn't need the world looking at him while he did that.

"She was your friend before. And you don't need to tell her about Jeremy until your comfortable. And you're not your dad. He wasn't making your mom happy anymore. And about the stuff with your parents there is nothing you can do, you just gotta let them be adults." Hoseok explained. Yoongi just looked down at his hands and listened to what Hobi told him.

"Why are you so much smarter than me?"

"I'm really not, I just watch a lot of dramas." Both boys laughed at Hobi's joke. Yoongi was lucky to have such a great best friend. Hobi stood up and offered a hand out to Yoongi to help him up. The two walked back home when Yoongi reached his house Suran ran up t him and tried to kiss him. Yoongi pulled away before their lips connected. There was silence between the two.

"I think we should break up." Yoongi said, his voice emotionless.

"But it's our anniversary." Suran replied, she wasn't crying but it looked like she was about to.

"I know and I'm sorry, I just... I don't have those types of feelings for you." Yoongi explained, he had a bit more sympathy in his voice this time. Yoongi nervously rocked back and forth while staring at his shoes. Waiting for her to say something, say anything.

"Is it because of me?" She asked quietly. Her eyes were filling up with tears, now his were too. Yoongi's throat was dry he couldn't form words, he just shook his head, afraid if he spoke he'd say too much. He expected Suran to shout at him, to punch him, to hate him but that didn't happen. The opposite happened. Suran wrapped her arms around Yoongi and squeezed him tight.

"Suga, it's okay." Suran whispered to him as they hugged. Yoongi pulled her tighter and said thank you.

"I just want to go back to being friends... I miss that." Yoongi spoke softly when the two detached themselves. Suran gently shook her head, deep down she knew this was the right thing. They were both upset and didn't know what else to do. They seemed to young to be dealing with these problems. They were too young, Yoongi was still trying to figure himself out. Suran has just had her first heart break. It was just a part of growing up, these things would only make them stronger in the long run.

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