Troubled // Irondad

By teenparker

1.1M 31K 23.4K

Peter's been through a lot in his life, so when something so horrible happens to his aunt, it messes with him... More



131K 921 709
By teenparker

Peter woke back up after the sun set. He was confused at first but relaxed when he realized he was in Tony's room. Then everything started coming back to him. He remembered the panic attack he had during school and how Tony showed up.

He shook his head trying to get rid of the memory. Shortly after, the door opened and Tony walked in. He sat next to Peter on the bed and leaned his back on the headboard.

"You feeling better?" Tony asked while looking over at him. Peter stared straight ahead when he replied.

"Yeah. I just- I don't know why it hurt so much."

"That's what those sucky panic attacks do. What was it about?" Tony tried to get him to talk about it. Peter hasn't talked about what happened when he was taken at all and keeping it to himself could be what's hurting him.

"Memories," he simply said.

"About when he took you?" Tony asked.

Peter nodded then began to talk again. "It's like I couldn't stop them from coming back no matter what I told myself." Peter was crying now and turned to face Tony. "Felt like it was happing again."

"What'd they do to you Peter, you gotta tell me eventually," Tony said knowing Peter was reluctant on telling him.

The boy shifted a little becoming somewhat uncomfortable, "he- uh, he wanted to know how my powers worked. He didn't even try asking me questions about it, I mean I wouldn't have answered any of them anyways. That's what all the stuff was on my stomach, he was trying to see how I worked."

Peter paused, now looking to the left of Tony. He felt weak which bothered him, he was supposed to be strong, he was supposed to be Spider-Man. But he continued with his story.

"He injected me with this green stuff," more tears came from the memory. "I-I could feel everything b-but I cou-couldn't move."

Tony listened patiently, knowing that it was hard for him to talk about it. But Peter ended up telling him everything. You bet Tony was angry, he wanted to kill that son of a bitch. He kept himself calm though for Peter because the kid was now bawling in his arms.

Tony just held him as he cried. Everything's been so rough for him, the least Tony could do was this. But this was enough from Peter's point of view, someone's company and comfort.

A few minutes passed and Peter calmed down again. Tony spoke, "You hungry? Its around dinner time."

Peter nodded his head and brushed curls out of his face. He took note of the alcoholic smell in Tony's breath, thanks to his enhanced senses. But he didn't speak of it since Tony seemed to act pretty normal.

"Alright good lets go. Hopefully nobody cooked. They're all horrible at cooking," Tony said while getting up. He could hear Peter's faint laugh.

Then they made their way to the dinning room and all the Avengers there greeted them. Peter knew they all knew about his panic attack, he could tell, but no one mentioned it and he was glad they didn't.

"Oh thank god you ordered Chinese," Tony said when he saw the boxes of food.

They all sat around the table and dug in. Peter was feeling better now that he got some food in him. Tony sat on his left while Clint was on his right. Tony's been sitting next to him now a lot around the table. Probably just to make sure he's doing alright.

Nat was on Clint's right, so when Clint looked to the left she would flick more noodles onto his plate. He didn't even notice, he just continued to eat. Peter caught on and whenever he looked the opposite way he'd put some orange chicken on his plate.

Peter and Nat were quietly laughing to each other while watching Clint cluelessly eat all the extra food. He didn't catch on until ten minutes later when Peter threw a piece of chicken and missed the plate as a target. He ended up getting orange chicken sauce all over Clint's arm.

"Peter what the-" Clint was putting the puzzle together while Peter and Nat were dying of laughter, "that's why I had so much food." He started laughing and shook his head.

When everyone finished dinner, Peter and Tony went down to the lab. Peter told him how he wanted to improve his web shooters. He wanted them to have more power to shoot faster and farther. Tony thought it was a good idea. Working in lab was a stress reliever for both of them.

Tony still hasn't let him go out as Spider-Man yet. He can't put Peter through anymore danger right now. They had an argument about it the other day but of course Tony won. Tony felt bad about it though so that's why he and Peter were constantly upgrading his suit. It was something to keep Peter busy.

Peter didn't last very long. He fell asleep within an hour on the lab table. Tony kept a blanket and pillow down there now just in case this happened, so he picked Peter up and moved him to the couch. When Peter was set down, he curled up against the cushions and snuggled with the blanket Tony just draped on him.

Now Tony's rage fought its way back up with the aid of his alcohol intake. He's been keeping it locked away for a while to not stress Peter, but he couldn't bottle it up anymore. Watching him sleep sweetly made him wonder why anyone could do something so horrible to him.

He turned and started to go to his garage. He wanted to get in his car and drive to wherever Louis was. He wanted him to get what he deserved.

But then the elevator doors opened, "hey Tony, wait where are you going?"

"Nowhere," Tony was still trying to make his way over to the elevator.

"No seriously," the voice replied.

"Don't worry about it," Tony said. He pushed his way into the elevator but it was held open before he could go anywhere. "Let me go Steve."

"You're angry and going to do something stupid. Tell me where you were planning on going," Steve kept his hand against the elevator door.

"To see Louis," Tony spat out, staring at Steve with frustrated eyes.

"I told you he was taken care of."

"I don't care. He deserve the worst for-for doing all that shit to Peter!" Tony was yelling now. "He killed his aunt just to torture him! He's just a kid! A kid, Steve."

Steve could see the tears welling up in Tony's eyes. He understood what Tony was feeling, he knew the anger that was burning inside him.

"Calm down Tone," Steve said calmly noticing Tony's heavy breathing. "They took Louis to one of the highest guarded prisons. We took in all his research, there's nothing out there that someone can take to hurt Peter. I told you everything's taken care of."

Tony wiped his eyes quickly and his labored breathing slowed to normal.

"You should get some sleep," Steve said, catching on that he was drunk.

"Ok," Tony replied and started his way back to his lab.

He saw Peter sleeping quietly on the couch and made his way over to him. He moved his legs up carefully to not wake him and sat down. He then rested Peter's legs back on his lap and leaned his head to the side to get comfortable. Pretty soon he fell asleep with the comfort of his son.


Would you guys want me to include stony in this story? Lmk!!

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