The Haunting | Kellic OS

By SaltyyBuffoon

629 38 41

Kellin recently moved into an old house that was infamous of being haunted and possessed by the ghost of a ma... More

Part one.

Part two.

259 19 10
By SaltyyBuffoon

I woke up, panting and sweating. I looked around to see that I was on my bed, but not in Vic's house but on mine. I hastened to stand up and look around. All my things were organized like if I had never packed them. I ran to the bathroom and I turned on the white light. I squinted my eyes as my eyes were getting used to the brightness. I looked myself at the mirror and I saw my hair all messy, but what caught my attention was that I was covered with hickeys and I had a small scratch on my right cheek that looked fresh, since a drop of blood was running down from it. I used water to cleanse it and I rapidly got out of the bathroom. I changed from my pajamas to clothing that I had laying around the floor. When I checked the black shirt I was wearing I recognized it as the one that Vic wore while Justin was in the house. I picked up a leather jacket and a beanie. I grabbed my car keys and the one and only thing that I promised myself to throw away years ago: my dad's gun.
I have promised myself to dispose that gun that my father had for his criminal business since I didn't want to be a disgusting criminal like him and I promised to not hurt anybody, but today I will break a promise for good.

I hopped inside my car and turned on the engine as I put the gun and the ammunition on the front seat. I drove as fast as I could to Victor's house. Once I arrived I noticed a light on and the door was opened. I picked up the gun and the bullets. I loaded the gun and I stepped out of my car, closing the door behind me. I walked to the front door with stealth. As I was getting closer I heard voices.

"Fuentes, you fucked my wife" I heard an angry man which voice I didn't recognize. The voice had a mix of anger and pain, like the man was actually hurt.

"Dominik, I'm gay!" I heard Victor yelling back. I jogged and I noticed that the door was wide open because it was forced.

"So you're a little fag, aren't you?" Dominik barked in anger.

"Shut up, asshole!" Vic defended himself.

"You're better off dead," Dominik said with a lower voice "and I'm the one who kills you"

"Fuck off" Vic copied Dominik's tone of voice. I heard stomping and the rustling of silverware. I heard that as my cue to enter. I enter and I saw Dominik, holding a butcher knife. The knife looked the exact same as the knife that Vic made levitate.

"Dominik, back off" Vic said. I saw the panic in his eyes.

"Now you're scared, jerk?" Dominik laughed and stepped closer. I made my existence known as confidence and adrenaline fueled my veins.

"Lacoste!" I hollered and their eyes were drawn to me. I had the loaded gun pointing at Dominik.

"Kellin" I heard him mumble. Dominik's eyes were full of fright event though he was showing himself tough.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Lacoste laughed as he tried to calm himself down, trying to see me as an inoffensive creature.

"Put the knife down" I ordered with my normal voice. Dominik chuckled.

"You have a squeaky voice, you sound like a female. Are you a fucking tranny?" He smirked, trying to feel loftiness. He raised his arm with the knife and ran towards me. Just when I was younger, I followed what my father told me: never feel mercy.
I shot him on the leg, making him fall and with both of his hands he pressed down on the wound as I heard him groan. He seemed to gain courage and strength as he stood up, with the knife still in hand and jogged towards me. This time I shot him on the other leg and stomach. I looked at him in anger as I felt nothing. I didn't feel pity on him, I didn't feel sorry, I didn't feel anything for him.

"Kellin, stop" Vic interposed. It was interesting to see that he knows my name even though I haven't talked to him but in the appraised dream. I heard sirens at the distance. Dominik, all covered with his own blood, he grabbed the knife again. Vic tried to walk towards me, but Dominik managed to make him fall as he tried to stab him. Vic kicked him back, but Lacoste was stronger. I ran and pulled Vic out of Dominik's grip. In between all of the wrestle I felt something freezing cold on my back that was stinging and aching. Dominik Lacoste stabbed me. I fell flat on my stomach as I felt some blood running down my sides.

"Hands up where I can see them!" I heard a policeman said as many of them were pointing at us with their pistols. I saw Victor raising his hands. Dominik was laying on the ground next to me with pools of blood around him.

"We need medical attention, over and out" An officer said through his radio. I saw them still pointing at us with their guns. An ambulance arrived in less than two minutes since I was aware there a hospital really close to Vic's house. I saw them going for Dominik first and two cops entered to the ambulance too as for 'protection', or that's what a policeman said to the Dominik who seemed uncomfortable. Other doctors were on me. They removed the knife that was still going through my back and they pressured on the wound to prevent it from keep bleeding and they put a gauze. They carried me to the hospital gurney and they put me inside of the ambulance. A doctor put me an oxygen mask. I suddenly started feeling weak and drowsy.

"Can I go with him?" I heard Vic asked to the doctor.

"Just family" The female voice of the doctor penetrated my ears.

"I'm his... boyfriend, yeah" Victor said. I later heard somebody entering to the ambulance. The doors were closed as the sound of the siren was giving me a minor migraine. I felt somebody holding my hand and I saw Vic with a worried face. That's the last image I saw before passing out.


I woke up to the sight of everything white with an annoying beeping sound. I sat down but I felt pain on my back. I looked around the room and I saw Vic placidly sleeping on the uncomfortable brown sofa that the hospital room had, while he was snoring quietly. A nurse immediately appeared from the door.

"Hey, you're awake" The nurse smiled as she was carrying a plastic tray with some shitty food as well with a glass of juice and some boxes with pills.

"You're gonna take this pills every six hours and this other ones every twelve" the nurse with the name tag that read 'Danielle' smiled as she put the tray on the side.

"Okay" I replied with a raspy voice.

"I'm coming in a couple minutes to change the serum," Danielle kept her sweet smile "if you need something, feel free to call me or my coworker by pressing the red button that it's to your left".

"Okay" I said as I reached for the glass of apple juice. I took a small sip and I glanced at the couch on which a sleepy Vic was still snoring softly. I moved the small table on which the plastic tray was placed and I started eating slowly, since the food wasn't that good. I ate all my food in silence.
When I finished eating, I placed the tray on the side and I swallowed both pills. Afterwards the phone from the hospital rang and I responded right away since I didn't want to wake up Vic.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Kellin?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Aunt Rosa?" I whimpered.

"Kellin, honey" I heard her sobbing "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, auntie" I covered my mouth to prevent me from keep whimpering.

"You're a hero, Kell" she cried "a hero".

"Am I?"

"Yes, sweetheart. You're all over the news for saving the kid from Fuentes" she said softly.

"How important was he?" I asked Rosa.

"He's the descendant of Victor Fuentes, the owner of the most important industry of the city"

"I didn't know, Rosa" I said half sarcastic half genuine.

"You're all over TV, and your cousin says you're all over the Internet" she said happily "your cousin wants talk to you"


"Kelly-boo!" My cousin Emma was heard on the other side of the line.

"Emmanuel" I joked.

"Ha, ha, never call me like that"

"Why not?" I kept joking.

"Because that's not my name and it will never be. I'm not a man" she uttered and then chuckled.


"So how's my favorite hero doing?" She asked with joy laced to her squeaky voice. People always used to say that we have the same voice since we were kids.

"Kellin" I heard Vic saying. He was standing up next the other side of the bed. I put a hand indicating to wait.

"I'm doing great, my back hurts but it's bearable" I replied.

"That reminds me when we were playing with Alex when we were eight, you were climbing a tree that was in the Perry's property. Do you remember the redhead that used to join us in our shitty tea parties? She was so nice" Emma prattled

"Kellin" Vic called me again. I gesticulated to him to wait. He rolled his eyes and snatched the phone of my hands.

"Hey!" I squealed.

"Yeah, hello? This is Vic Fuentes, Kellin's boyfriend, nice to meet you. I need to borrow Kellin for a couple minutes so he will call you when he's free again. Have a lovely day!" He prattled and then hung up.

"Why did you say I was your boyfriend? They'll kill me and I don't know you!" I yelled. Vic immediately hushed me.

"First of all, why not? Second, why are they homophobic? And the third of all, we do know each other" he crossed his arms and arched an eyebrow.

"First of all, because I'm not, second, they're not homophobes, they're just going to be annoying the shut out me, and third, oh really? From where?" I arched and eyebrow as I was careful with the needles I had on my right wrist. Vic seemed to think it for a bit.

"Actually, you're right. We don't know each other... I just have seen you in— whatever, it's stupid" he looked away from me.

"Have you seen me?" I looked at him as his eyes were fixated on the white cold floor.

"No" he mumbled.

"You've seen me in your dreams, right?"

"I-I... no" he lied.

"Fuentes" I warned.

"Okay, fine. Yes, as creepy as that sounds I've seen you in my dreams, therefore I know you but it seems that you don't" he rambled.

"Tell me about your dreams with me" I said as I rubbed my chin. Vic hesitated for a bit as he blushed.

"We-well, I, you... You came to my house and I was a ghost and we kinda... how can I say this... your friend came and I scared the shit out of him and we later... err... fucked" He said as he blushed as he said the last word. I chuckled as I knew his dream matched with mine.

"Come here" I patted the space next to me as I moved to the side. He walked slowly to the hospital bed and he sat down. He looked nervous, his eyes were looking at his hands as if he was unsure of something.

"You got stabbed and you saved me" he mumbled as he started shaking.

"Victor, it was nothing" I said "I'm fine"

"You're on a hospital bed" he said as his voiced cracked.

"Shh, it's okay" I hugged him slightly as I hissed in pain.

"You're hurt" he uttered as he was at the brink of tears.

"I may be hurt, but you have hickeys" I said as I saw a couple of purple marks on his neck, exactly where I remember nibbling it. He put one of his hands to hide them as he awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah," he awkwardly laughed again "will you believe these were made by you?"

"Yup" I said as I moved down the hospital gown a bit from my neck to reveal many hickeys that were covering my neck.

"You, I... I did all of that" he blushed as he stroked my neck carefully with his fingers.

"You are not the only one with those dreams, ghost Fuentes" I giggled and I covered my mouth.

"You are adorable" he chuckled and he kissed my cheek.

"You were blushing" I pinched his cheek and he laughed.

"I was just remembering how I was slamming into you with big hard cock," he said seductively "remembering how you moaned my name"

"I-I" I stammered and blushed in a deep red as I felt my cheeks burning. Vic laughed and a nurse entered.

"Hey, my name is Tay and I came here to change your serum... whoa, are you okay?" the nurse asked as she saw the red color that was painted on my pale face.

"Yeah" I muttered and Vic chuckled.

"Anyways, let me change your serum and the gauze on your back" Tay said and later Danielle came in with a big gauze and other products. Vic moved out of the bed and sat down on the couch.

"Danielle, you look familiar to me" I said as both nurses opened the back of my gown.

"I was thinking the same, were you my neighbor?" She asked as I felt they were removing the bloody gauze.

"Oh, so you were the one who joined our tea parties?! Remember? With my cousin Emma" I said excitedly.

"Yeah!" she squealed "I always used to bring cookies that my mom made"

"I remember that, they were always delicious" I said happily.

"I remember once you climbed—"

"No! Hush!" I squealed and I covered my face in embarrassment.

"What did he do?" Vic asked, now interested in my past.

"Kellin climbed up a tree in my front yard and then he was at the highest branch," she giggled at the memory "and then he fell, but his pants were stuck on a branch so he was hanging up like a flag"

"Oh, for fuck's sake" I murmured as I facepalmed. Vic laughed.

"How was he put down?" Vic asked.

"Oh, honey, this is the best part" Dani smiled "the firefighters needed to come and almost half of the city knew about 'Kellin the flag' because he was all over the news"

"Ouch" I hissed in pain as I felt Tay cleaning the wound.

"Sorry, didn't mean to" Tay apologized.

"Oh, by the way, Kellin," Danielle said as she went for the newspaper that was on the table across the white room "you're all over the news, but you're the hero this time, not a flag"

"What?" I asked and she handed me the newspaper.

August 6th, 2012 — The son of [most known criminal] Lucas Bostwick, Kellin Bostwick saved the son of [millionaire] Victor Fuentes, Vic Fuentes from criminal Dominik Lacoste.
"Lucas Bostwick's son is not a criminal, but nobody was really expecting him to be a hero"
It was stated that Dominik Lacoste broke into Fuentes' house and threatened him with a conventional kitchen knife. Fortunately, Kellin knew that Victor was in trouble and did all of the work himself. Our hero, Kellin brought Lucas' most famous gun since it was used to commit several crimes prior his arrest. After the neighbors claimed hearing yelling, a gunshot was heard, triggering the neighbors and making them call emergencies. Afterwards another two gunshots were heard. The police arrived five minutes later, finding Dominik Lacoste on the floor with three bullet wounds in both of his legs and middle region of the stomach; Kellin was found also on the floor with a butcher knife embedded in his back; Vic Fuentes was found scratchless as he revealed his life was saved by the man named Kellin Bostwick.

"All done" Tay said as she finished cleaning and changing the gauce.

"Thank you" I smiled and put the newspaper aside.

"Nice seeing you again, Kells" Danielle said with a smile and she later came and hugged me carefully.

"Nice seeing you too, Dani" I hugged her back. The hug didn't last as she later pulled back and left the room with Tay. The white room was now silent.

"So, Kells, huh?" Vic taunted, breaking the silence.

"Oh, yeah..." I blushed nervously. Vic chuckled at the sight of my red cheeks. He made his way to my bed, sitting next to me. He wrapped carefully an arm around my shoulders and pulled towards him, making me rest my head on his shoulder. With his other hand he stroked some parts of my hair, making me feel flustered yet happy. I had craved being touched like this for years after I broke up with my ex almost four years ago. This felt right to me, my heartbeats were erratic as well as felt something tingly in my stomach that made me happy being next to him.

"So.. About the dreams.." He started with a smirk, I immediately blushed as he returned with our early conversation.

"Umm.. Yeah" I said, looking anywhere but him. "I still don't know how we were able to do that". He then started to nuzzle in my neck affectionately.

"Um.. Vic w-what are you doing?" I nervously asked, but let him do whatever he was doing without complaining. Eventually, he started to kiss and bite my neck, resulting in me whimpering. "Vic wait.."

"Just relax, darling" he replied. Soon, Vic moved from his place to straddle me. His assault on my neck escalated quickly and I was a moaning mess in no time. He kept nibbling my neck as I later felt his warm hand on my back. He was being careful of not touching my wound. His mouth kept assaulting my neck as he was untying the gown I was wearing. At some point I felt him sucking on a specific spot that made me quiver and release a loud moan that if couldn't contain; he was sucking hard enough to leave a purple mark that was not going to fade away for days.

"Vic" I moaned. He hummed. I opened my mouth to say something else but his lips collided with mine, locking themselves into a hungry kiss that was full of lust and desperation, kiss which I corresponded. While he was still kissing me, he took out the gown from my torso as he later moved the sheets away from my legs to fully take out the gown. When he managed to fully undress me, since I wasn't wearing underwear, he directed his hand to the tip of my dick and started stroking it. With his thumb he brushed it against my tip, making circles on it, provoking me to moan in between the kiss and started arousing completely. Vic, with his free hand, pulled me back using my hair, making us to break the kiss. I groaned at the slight pain as it wasn't bother me. His stokes were starting to be faster as I later felt something wet. I glanced down and I saw Vic cat licking my tip as he was stroking the base.

"Vic" I moaned quietly, considering we're in a hospital.

"Moan for me, baby" He said at my quiet moan. He inserted the tip in his mouth as I felt his tongue still playing with it. I whimpered and arched my back in pleasure, closing my eyes.

"Oh, Vic!" I moaned, losing the control of keeping my moans quiet since now I was moaning loudly. My loud moan triggered something in Vic since he was bobbing his head back and forth, deepthroating me. He looked at me with his big brown eyes as he smiled as he moved his head even faster, using his tongue to add friction.

"Vic please.. I-I need you now.." I moaned, already wanting him to be inside of me. He obeyed and pulled out from my dick.

"Whatever you ask, princess" he smirked, spreading my legs so he could fit in between. He leaned in and kissed me once more. I simply corresponded to his kiss while I felt completely exposed to his eyes. His hands roamed my body shamelessly, breaking the kiss. Vic shuffled closer to the point he was almost sitting on my chest. He unbuckled his jeans and I understood what he wanted me to do. So I did. I pulled his jeans and boxers down as I could, since I was against a hospital bed with an injured back.

"Quiet and obedient" Vic said seductively as he took out his own shirt. He locked our lips together once again. I groaned in between the kiss.

"If your back starts hurting, don't be afraid to speak, otherwise stay quiet" He said with a low voice that I heard back in my dreams. I nodded and he smirked, giving me a small peck on my lips. He positioned himself in between my legs and starting introducing his tip inside of me.

"This might hurt a bit since we don't have lube, but feel free to bite on my shoulder to keep yourself silent" He almost whispered on my ear, biting my lobe as I released a quiet whimper. I nodded. He started to push inside the rest of his length, slowly so he wouldn't hurt me too much. He didn't move as he let me adapt to his size, that quite frankly was a bit too thick and long than the rest of the people I've slept with, which are not a lot. He started moving slowly and I accidentally scratched his back and we both hissed in pain: I because without lube was painful and Vic because I scratched him.
Vic started to slowly move, hesitant about his movements. The pleasure was overcoming the pain with every slow thrust he made. It was in no time when I was begging for more. Vic obeyed me with a smirk as I moan loudly, immediately I felt a hand on my mouth as it muffled my moans.

"I told you to be quiet" he grunted, making me shiver "I told you to bite my shoulder, I don't care"

"Y-yes, Vic" I replied back submissively, a groan later escaping from my lips. I carefully moved a bit upwards to bite Vic's neck, being careful with my back and the needles that were on my wrist. His thrusts were fast and sloppy, being a mess that I was quite enjoying. I could tell by Vic's grasp is that he was being careful with me, since he was holding me like if I was a delicate porcelain doll that could shatter to small pieces if you weren't careful enough. I was holding onto him as I crossed my legs around his waist as he kept slamming into me. There was an specific thrust that made me shiver and bite Vic's shoulder quite harshly as I did my best to lower the volume of my moan or simply not moan. I glanced at Vic's face and he was smiling proudly of himself, like if he just found his lost kitten by himself.

"Vic" I whimpered quietly as he kept hitting the same spot, triggering the nerves that were located there. I bit his shoulder again.

"Kellin, you're so tight" he moaned quietly as I saw sweat running down his forehead. The only sound heard in the room was the vehement hitting of skin, muffled moans and the machine that was registering my heartbeats, which were erratic and fast. I felt my body all sweaty and I was now panting, feeling at brink of ecstasy.

"Vic," I groaned on his ear "I'm gonna come"

"Me too" he warned with a moan.

"Touch me" I blurted out. He didn't seem to think it twice, since I know felt a hand stroking me with vehemence. I didn't last a lot. I came and I got Vic's and I stomach dirty. Couple of seconds later I felt him filling me up. We took a couple of deadly silent minutes to catch our breaths and bring ourselves back to reality. He pulled out from me and he pecked my lips. He put his underwear and jeans back on as well as his shirt, getting it dirty from the inside, since he didn't even bother to go to the bathroom to grab tissues or toilet paper. Later he came up to me and help me put on and button my gown back again.

"Thanks" I muttered, embarrassed.

"No problem" he smiled sweetly "want me to bring you tissues so you can clean yourself up?"

"Please" I looked at him innocently as he smiled back at me. He went to the bathroom and he later came with at least three tissues on his hand. He handed them to me.

"Thank you" I smiled as I grabbed them. I started by cleaning my stomach and later any possible leak that was getting the hospital sheets dirty. When I finished, I tried to put the tissues aside but Vic grabbed them and put them in the bin. I smiled at him. He was being all sweet and nice to me even though we just fucked in a hospital. Is it because I saved him?

"You don't have to be acting all nice to me" I said quietly to him. He walked toward me and sat on an edge of the bed.

"But I want to be nice to my boyf—, to you, Kellin!" He defended himself by crossing his arms, almost saying the word boyfriend. He smiled sadly.

"To your boyfriend?" I questioned him. I saw a pink color cropping in his cheeks as he nervously looked away, completely embarrassed. I pulled the sheets up my legs.

"I... I didn't..." he said, trying to find an excuse.

"You totally said boyfriend" I taunted him.

"No" he blushed.

"You did"

"I didn't" he replied, still not looking at me. I chuckled as I painfully sat down.

"Kellin, don't sit down," he said as he put a hand on my leg "I don't want you to be hurt"

"Like fucking me didn't hurt me" I challenged him.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked, worried "I didn't mean to hurt you, I told you to tell me to stop if I was starting to injure you or something like that, I didn't mean to—"

"Vic, you didn't hurt me" I said, cutting off his rambling "I'm just joking, I'm almost perfect, almost"

"Why almost?" He asked, now looking at me.

"Maybe because I was stabbed?" I chuckled and I saw guilt overflowing from his eyes as well as sadness and remorse.

"I'm so sorry" Vic apologized again. I didn't let him speak because I crashed my lips with his, forming a sweet kiss that was becoming slightly heated. He corresponded without complaining. We kissed for a long period of time until we heard the door opening, which made us break the kiss.

"Vicky?" A lady that was easily in her 50s came while she was holding a bouquet of sunflowers, which were my favorite flowers.

"Mama" Vic smiled as she went and hugged tightly to what I've learned, was his mother.

"Kellin, right?" She asked carefully and politely as if I was somebody important.

"Mrs. Fuentes" I smiled at her and she smiled sweetly. She went to me and hugged me tightly, making me groan in pain since she accidentally pressed my wound.

"Oh, sorry" she apologized immediately "did I hurt you? I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't know the wound was there" she rambled.

"It's okay, Mrs. Fuentes" I replied at her and politely held her hand "I can see where Victor got the idea of babbling apologies" I smirked at Vic.

"Victor Vincent Fuentes," she said with a pissed tone "did you hurt Kellin?" She asked as she hugged the bouquet.

"No!" He hastened to answer "I didn't hurt him, I swear!"

Mrs. Fuentes raised an eyebrow.

"It's okay, Mrs Fuentes"

"Oh please, call me Vivian" she smiled again as she made eye contact with me. I noticed that her eyes were basically radiating thankfulness.

"And I brought you these flowers" Vivian said as she handed me the bouquet "I didn't know which type of flower you liked and Vic told me that sunflowers" She rambled once again. So Vic knew what type of flower I liked the most? How many times has he dreamt of me?
I looked at him and I arched an eyebrow. Vic was blushing as he was awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Thank you both, Victor, Vivian" I hugged the bouquet that was covered with plastic and had a yellow ribbon holding the bouquet together. It was interesting to see that sunflowers are my favorite flowers and yellow is my favorite color.

"Victor called me while you were getting your wound stitched and disinfected" she looked at me "Thank you for saving my son"

"And thank you for saving my brother" said a voice coming from the door. I glanced at the origin and I found a tall man with a lot of tattoos covering his skin. He was let tanned than Vic.

"Michael!" Vivian whispered-screamed as she went to him "I told you to wait outside, the doctor said Kellin couldn't have more than 2 visitors at a time"

"But mom—" I heard the man quietly whined, making Vic laugh.

"But nothing, wait outside. I'm almost done" she said as she kicked Michael out from the room.

"Sorry about that" she smiled again.

"Are you sorry about me?" Michael questioned as he had his head peeking from the door.

"Michael" she warned and he sighed, closing the door and letting himself outside. I giggled.

"You are so cute when you giggle" Vic whispered as he positioned himself next to me.

"Anyways, I know you were kissing before I arrived" she smirked as I felt my cheeks radiating heat and were most likely painted in a deep shade of red.

"What?!" Vic squealed.

"Your lips are swollen sweetheart" she pointed out "and it's being a bit too long since your lips were swollen like that"

"I..." Vic was left speechless as he touched his lips. Vivian laughed.

"It's okay, I had this vibe that you two are in love with each other"

"In love?!" Vic squealed once again with his hand still on his lips.

"Deny it then" she challenged.

"I-I... Kellin..."

"You see? In love" she smiled "I'm going to get going, Mike wants to thank you too" she later left the room, entering almost immediately who I know is Mike and another guy that was almost his size and was also covered in tattoos. They were both holding hands.

"Kellin, right?" Mike asked.

"The one and only" I smiled. He went up to me, letting go of the hand of the other guy and hugged me tightly. As soon as he wrapped his arms around me I felt him touching my wound, but he immediately noticed as he moved his arms up slightly so he was not hurting me.

"Thank you for saving my big bro" he smiled.

"Big?" I said, containing my laughter.

"The dwarf is older than me" he smirked.

"Hey, I'm not a dwarf" Vic crossed his arms.

"Yeah and I'm straight" he laughed and I giggled.

"Your laugh is so cute" Mike said, pinching my cheeks. I heard the other man clearing his throat.

"Oh yeah, Kellin, this is my boyfriend Tony. Babe, this is Kellin"

"Hey" I smiled and he smiled back at me, waving his hand.

"He's not much of a talker" he said as he went to Tony and pecked him on the lips. Tony smiled shyly.

"I can tell" I smiled at them.

"I'm just not used to people" Tony said softly and with a lack of confidence.

"Anyways Kellin, thank you for saving my big brother, I owe you my life" Mike said thankfully as he hugged Tony from his waist.

"And I owe you mine" Vic said to me, holding my hand. He caressed my pale hand and placed a soft long kiss on it. Mike looked at me with wide eyes.

"I feel like I'm missing something" he said as he pointed at us "Are you two dating?"

"Yes" Vic said.

"No" I said.

We both looked at each other and I blushed harshly.

"I-I mean, n-not yet" I stammered as I looked away. I glanced and I saw Mike smirking and Tony smiling.

"You two are totally dating" Mike smiled widely and Tony nodded. I was speechless as I no words were coming out my mouth. I started to feel weak and cold. I hugged the sheets that were covering me. I looked at Vic and noticed he was talking to his brother as Tony was silently listening. I reached for the button that was to my left and I pressed it. Like in two minutes and I saw Danielle rushing through the door.

"Kellin" she jogged towards me. I felt her hands on my face. The eyes of everyone else were on me. She placed a thermometer between my armpit and waited a couple of deadly silent minutes. She looked at the thermometer once five minutes passed.

"You're burning" she mumbled. "I'll ask your doctor if I can give you something for the fever, I'll be back in a few" she hastened to say as she left the room.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Vic asked softly as he walked towards me and held my hand.

"You were talking" I waited since I felt I was out of breath "I didn't want to bother"

"Kellin, you weren't going to bother, I literally talk to my brother everyday" he said softly.

"I need everybody to step out but Danielle" the doctor said. Her name tag reading Katelynne. The rest of them nodded and left the room. Katelynne started touching my face as she analyzed the wound again to make sure that it wasn't doing worse.

"You just have a simple fever" she said "it seems that it's a secondary effect of the pills you've taken as well as a your body is trying to kill all of the bacterias that entered to your body while you had the knife still in you" she explained.

"I feel terrible" I mumbled. She sighed.

"It's normal you feel weak" Danielle said. She had a small towel on her hand. She carefully placed it on my forehead. The towel was wet and cold.

"I don't want you to have any pills for the fever yet" Katelynne explained "I'm going to start by the classic method of a pampered towel, if that doesn't work then I'm giving you something"

"Your temperature wasn't that high, so hopefully no pills will be involved" she smiled sweetly "now, get some rest, I'll be back in a couple minutes to see how you're doing"

I nodded as I was feeling drowsy. It didn't take me a lot of time to doze off.

Vic's P.O.V.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked to my mom, who was sitting down, massaging her temples. I was walking from side to side.

"For the millionth time, he's going to be okay" she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Vic, he just had fever, calm the fuck down" Mike said as he was playing with Tony's hair, who was sitting on his lap.

"But I'm worried" I said with fret laced to my voice.

"Vic, he's going to be okay" Tony said soothingly.


"Vic" My mom, brother and best friend warned at unison.

"Come here and sit down, sweetheart" My mom said as she patted the seat next to her. As soon as I sat down, the doctor and the nurse came out and I stood up back again. My mom facepalmed as she mumbled something.

"Before you ask, he's okay" the doctor said, making me feel relieved. "You can calm down now, it's just fever"

"Is he—"

"He's sleeping" Danielle, the nurse, cut me off. I nodded and sat back down, gaining a smile from my mom. Later I saw four guys walking towards us, with sunflowers and a teddy bear on hand.

"Hey... is Kellin here?" The guy with the teddy bear asked to Danielle.

"He's sleeping" she said with a monotonous voice.

"Damn it," the guy said as he hit the teddy bear against the floor "Justin, I told you not go through that street so we can arrive earlier, but no, Mr. I Know Everything didn't pay attention to me and now we're late"

"Sorry, Jesse" Justin muttered. I recognized him from being the guy I scared while I was ghost in my dreams. Another guy picked up the bear and hugged it like a small kid.

"Gabe, you look so cute" a man with black hair kissed Gabe's nose.

"Thank you, Jack" he said softly. I recognized him as being just like Tony: shy and friendly.

"Can I enter with him?" I asked to Katelynne.

"Wait, no" Justin intervene "I'm his best friend, I'm the one who enters"

"I'm his boyfriend" I counterattacked with jealousy.

"He doesn't even have a boyfriend" Justin said as he crossed his arms, tilting the bouquet.

"He does" my brother said, defending me.

"No, Kell-Bell would have told me" Justin arched an eyebrow.

"He doesn't have to tell you everything" I said with a venomous slightly guttural voice, it seemed that I hit a nerve in him since his mouth was agape as he was speechless. The tone of voice I used was the same I used to manipulate and scare Justin in my dreams.

"Gentlemen, I recommend you sit down and maintain silence unless you want to be kicked out from the establishment" another nurse said from behind. Danielle agreed with her as she sat down next her, behind a desk.

"Now, excusez-moi, I have to attend other patients" Katelynne excused herself and entered to the elevator. After that the waiting room was deadly silent, with thick tension in the air. At this point we were all sitting and not talking. I was in my phone playing a game that I downloaded months ago and never used until now; the game was quite addictive to be honest.

"Damn it" I mouthed, making no noise. It was just for us to wait Kellin to wake up back again.

Kellin's P.O.V.

I woke up, being pulled out of my Dreamland. I yawned and sleepily glanced around the room.

"Vic?" I asked. No response. I opened my eyes to see the room empty. I suddenly felt sadness filling me up. Did Vic seriously left?

I slapped myself.

Vic has a life, he can't be behind me because we are nothing but acquaintances. Not even friends. We barely know each other. Dreams are one thing and reality is another. The mind is powerful but not as powerful as people picture it. You could wish something with all your heart and convince yourself you are going to have it, but in the end chances are low for that to happen.

I heard the door opening silently.

"Oh, you're awake" Danielle smiled at me. She headed towards me and placed the tray next to me.

"Yeah, I feel better now" I smiled back at her.

"That's wonderful" she chuckled "I brought you food and your pill that you have to take in an hour"

"What time is it?" I asked confused.

"Two pm" she replied "you took your medication at nine"

"Oh, thanks"

"And I'm also going to take your temperature to make sure you don't need medicine" I nodded to her words. She took the thermometer from her pocket and put it between my armpit. While the time passed, she was talking about the people that were waiting to visit me. Which she said it was quite a lot. She later removed the thermometer and checked.

"You are as fresh as a lettuce" she smiled widely.

"Dani, I don't know, but can you tell just Vic to enter?" I asked embarrassed. I had inner debate about this and I just threw what I think it's right out of the window.

"Sure, remember to eat and take your medicine in an hour" she said as she started walking outside my room.

"Bye" I said and she waved to me. A few moments later, Vic was now in my room.

"You're awake" he said happily and kissed my forehead, making me smile "how are you feeling, darling?"

"Better" I smiled at him and he smiled back, kissing me softly.

"Vic," I said breaking the kiss "can you... help me to... stand up?" I said, taking long pauses since I didn't know how to put my wishes in words.

"Oh, sure" he said smiling "you want to go to the bathroom, don't you?" He smirked.

"I-I do, but that's not going to be an excuse to see me almost naked" I blushed and he chuckled.

"There's nothing I haven't seen yet, kitten" he said seductively and kissed my neck. I groan softly.

"Vic" I said with a warning voice.

"Okay, fine" he said backing off and raising his arms in surrender "I'm gonna need you to start by sitting down like this," He said, helping me in all my actions "then you have to turn around—"

"Ouch" I hissed in pain and directed a hand on my back.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He hastened to ask as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Just help me stand up" I said, getting slightly desperate. He helped to stand up as he held the serum holder. I walked carefully towards the bathroom, Vic walking next to me.

"Can you turn around?" I asked him slightly embarrassed.

"But babe—"


"Okay, fine" he sighed in defeat and turned around. I started to do my business and I caught Vic peeking.

"Vic" I warned. He turned back.

"Not doin' anything" he lied. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit.

"What's funny?" He asked. He was not peeking anymore, he was just facing away from me.

"You peeked" I told him. As I started to walk towards the sink, grabbing the serum holder.

"I didn't" he said turning around and holding the holder for me.

"Vic, I saw you" I started rinsing my hands.

"Okay, what if I peeked?" He challenged with a smirk. I arched an eyebrow as I finished washing my hands. I dried them with a small towel and then looked at him. He was keeping his smirk. I walked towards him and crashed my lips with him. He kissed me back immediately. The kiss was heated and needy. At some point he brushed my lower lip with his tongue, asking for entrance, which I gave without thinking. In a split of a second, our tongues were battling each other for dominance. Even though I'm not dominant, I was giving a battle so I could keep kissing Vic longer. In the end, Vic won. I later broke the kiss as I needed them breathe.

"So that's my punishment?" He quirked an eyebrow and simpered.

"Maybe" I said as I started walking out of the bathroom, Vic immediately grabbed the holder and walked with me. Suddenly the door opened and I saw Justin, holding a similar bouquet as Vivian's.

"Kell" my best friend said and went to carefully hug me. I hugged him back and I glanced at Vic. He had boiling anger and desperation. I could tell that jealousy took over him.

"Justin, I don't know if you two have met but Justin this my boyfriend, Vic. Babe, this is my best friend, Justin" I said carefully, seeming that the words boyfriend and babe had a calm effect on him. And who would have guessed that the same two words were going to be affecting me for the rest of my life.


It was all over the news, the internet, everywhere. It was not just the sensation that Vic Fuentes came out to the world as gay and that was getting married to his hero after six years of the incident.

I remember that days after I left the hospital, Vic decided to formally take me to a date. Even though at first I refused, but he insisted to the point I remember him at the brink of tears, kneeling down and imploring me to go out with him, to at least give him one chance, if I was not convinced, I could push him out of my life. After I deeply thought about it, I gave in and it was the best decision I've taken so far in my life. After that date we went out a lot of times to different places. We will visit from fancy restaurants o simply go out to a small gateway to a small cabin he owns, until he officially asked me to be his boyfriend after we went to a French restaurant. I remember him being all nervous to the point he wasn't even speaking properly, but after dinner he clumsily took out from his pocket a gold chain with a small sunflower pendant that had a small heart graven behind. That night we fucked until the next day I couldn't walk properly, remembering how Vic made fun of my walking as I was blushing most of the time as he reminded me of how good I was in bed and how much he loved me. The worst part of it was that my friends were coming over for a late birthday party and they also made fun of limping as they smirked and made explicit gestures and sounds to reminded me why I was walking like that.

Last year, during my birthday, he proposed to me, in the same restaurant he asked to be his boyfriend. He was being even more nervous than when he asked me to be his boyfriend, but I was not expecting him to propose to me, since I still had the idea that I was off his expectations. I remember him starting off by saying that he love me so much that it was impossible for him to be away from me, then he kneeled down, he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, claiming that he loves me to death. I started crying on the spot as I saw other customers looking at us in awe as some of them were saying 'say yes' as others were even recording the scene with their phones. I didn't wait any longer and I accepted to marry him. In no time, people started clapping and cheering. Vic put the ring with a small diamond in my ring finger and kissed me sweetly as he said how much he loved and he was about to pass out as I wasn't saying anything.

Today, July 3rd, 2017, Victor Vincent Fuentes was getting married to his hero, Kellin Quinn Bostwick.

I remember when I said the words 'I do' my cousin Emma and aunt Rosa were crying their eyes out of happiness.

I was no longer Kellin Quinn Bostwick. I was Kellin Quinn Fuentes, spouse of the heir of the Fuentes' company, Victor Vincent Fuentes.

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