Chocolate Kisses

By TheGooIsTrue

627 17 67


1 Kiss
Chocolate 2
Kiss 3
Chocolate 4
Kiss 5
Chocolate six
Kiss 7
Chocolate 8
Kiss 9
Chocolate 10
Quick question
So guys...
Kiss 12
Kiss 13
Luca 14
Kiss 15
Kiss 16
Luca 17
Kiss 18
Luca 19
Is it done?
I'm Back
7 years later
Not everyone gets a happy ending
More info?!

Kiss 11

19 1 7
By TheGooIsTrue

He lied to me for so long.

Luca, a lie.

Not Kyson, a lie.

He had no idea where noodle was, a lie

Lie lie lie.

Where was he Monday night? He proposed on Wednesday, and now it's Thursday, but on Monday he wouldn't tell me where he had been.

His pack wouldn't, either.

Abigail only sadly cried.

I didn't know why. Time to find out.

I flicked the key, and the Porsche hummed with energy. I checked to make sure noodle was ok, and drove. The forest of green spun past me, only a blur of the wet world. I drove away from the sun, and soon had to take a turn that put me next to the sunset. 

Purple blue pink and gold fluffy clouds filled the sky. The huge fire ball that was the sun startled me, as it glowed so bright. I sighed and took the turn into the pack drive way.

I shut off the car and grabbed noodle.

"Knock! Knock!"

Abigail threw open the door and hugged me hard.

"I heard what happened I'm so so so so so so so sorry I never should have let him propose I'm so glad you said no because now your only a little hurt I'm i'm sorry!" She whined. 

"Wait what?"

"You don't know?! THAT FUCKTARD!!"

"Abigail, tell me! "

"Monday night he left the house. No one knew why but Grayson. He told Kyson not to propose and when Ky did he told all of us what happened Monday night." She began sobbing.

"Abigail! Where was he?!"

"He made love to another woman."

I stopped breathing. I loved him so much, but i wasn't ready for kids and that's why I said no to his proposal. But on Monday he told me he loved me more than anything. And he cheated. I felt my heart shatter in pain. The mate bond was made, and he broke it.

"He what?" I whispered. I was heartbroken, but I wasn't a weak girl. I would beat the shit out of him if he cheated.

"He cheated on you!"

I stormed past her, Elliot grabbing her and saying to let me go.

"GRAYSON WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" I screamed to my favorite of the boys.

"Rain.... Wait! I- I'm not supposed to say..." he raced down stairs to tell me.

"Tell me now Grayson. If Lily cheated on you, wouldn't you want to know where she was?" Lily was his mate.

She came to stand by him.

"Grayson, she deserves to know. He is her mate for peat sake! You understand the mate bond, you have one." Lily told him. 

"Rain.. he is in his room... with another girl."

"Fuck that he is getting an ass whopping." I spat. I stormed up the stairs, pausing to look at a hung picture of me and him, kissing. I raced up the stairs and found his door knob. I jiggled it, it opened. I took a deep breath and threw it open. There they where, making love on the floor. 

"YOU FUCKING CHEATING ASS HOLE!" I screamed. He covered himself with a sheet.

"Rain, it's not what it looks like!" His excuse was going to be petty, but I'd listen.

"What do mean?!" I begged, hopping she somehow forced him to. 

"You see, I needed practice!" 



"You know what, Kyson?"

"Baby don't do this."

"I am NOT your baby. I will NEVER be your baby again. You broke my heart!"

He started to say something but I ran out. He chased behind me. At the top of the stairs, Grayson held him back. I cocked my arm and smashed my fist into the photo. I heard his cry, and I felt the pain and saw the blood, but I didn't care. I turned to him, lifting up the now bloody, frameless photo. I sobbed, and screamed

"You lied to me! You said you loved m-m-me! I h-h-hate you!" I sniffed and ripped the photo in half. I dropped it and ran outside the huge house, Abigail running after me. 

"Please take care of noodle. He needs someone put together enough. Good bye Abigail. Good bye noodle."

I sobbed as I held the small puppy. Tears streamed down both me and Abigail's cheeks.

"No! He is your puppy, you can't give him to me!" 

"Please Abigail! Just take care of my baby. I just want to know that he is going to be ok!" 

"Ok l promise, Rain."

I kissed noodle one last time, he whimpered softly. It broke my feeble heart. 

"She is your mama now. Be good, nood." I held him out and Abigail took him. I ran and slammed the car door, opening it back up to say goodbye to Grayson and Elliot and Abigail and Lily and to give noodle his toy stuffed noodle. 

I did all of this, hearing Kyson scream inside.

"LET ME OUT! She can't leave me!" I heard the door start to break so I hopped in the car and drove away, my heart broken. 

Noodle would live a happy life.

Abigail and Elliot would get married.

Lily and Grayson would have little pups. 

Kyson would find someone else.

They would all be happy, and that's what mattered.

Hey guys, it's me!! I'm really sorry about this chapter, you probably hate me now! It had to happen, lol. 

The end!

Kidding! The book isn't over yet. See you soon, MWHAHA! 

Tank Q!

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