What I Once Was | √ | Editing

By brownyfae

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HR- #1 25|09|18 When his Father, gets him engaged to a woman he doesn't know, Prince Jamal yusuf runs away fr... More

poem ❤
Cast ❤
Seven| Part 1
Seven | part two
Covers ❤
Author Note !!


942 188 209
By brownyfae

"There are two sets of people in this world, the realist and the dreamer. You'd think the realist would end up with a dreamer and vice versa, Nay. The dreamer needs the realist to stop her from flying close to the sun and the realist needs the dreamer or he'd never leave the ground."

Dedicated to quicklydolan

Four| Fatima

Today was a lucky day for her, her creator had answered her prayers and had sent a distraction. He had sent a new student, so she had stayed under the radar for the first half of school.

She grabbed the diet coke she had purchased on her way to school, she had intended to stay in the class for lunch, but had been curious about the new student. What was so special about him that had made Nafeesa Malik ignore her when she mistakenly stepped on her shoe.

Rerouting, she headed to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was an open space at the back of the school, the table was rectangular shaped and had six chairs. It was filled when she got there. With her head down, she gingerly made her way through the crowd. She had almost reached an empty table when she felt eyes on her, she ignored it at first, but the person was still staring and it made her self concious, so she turned her head and caught a pair of mahogany eyes before long eyelashes fluttered down and concealed them. It happened so fast that she thought she imagined it, so she turned her head back. Before she could even take a step, she felt eyes boring into her and she turned, but she was too slow, he had already averted his eyes. She would have thought she was imagining things, if not for his mouth.

He had one of those slanted smiles on his face. The kind so lazy, only half of it bothered to go to work. And yet, something about the ease of it suggested a near permanence on his face, while its stunted progress implied- well she supposed that was part of the lure. It could really imply anything.

That smile was the kind girls got lost in while trying to unravel its mystery.

Only, Fatima was through trying to read signs and figure guys out.

Apparently, she had been staring for he raised his upper eyelid to look at her, and she saw panic in those dark eyes before he averted his gaze, the tips of his ears red.

She let out an involuntary chuckle at his flustered self and pried her eyes loose from him, she tried to focus at the mission at hand.

Then Splat! She had walked into Farid Rasak alias her bully, he had been holding a tray of  yam pottage- which was now plastered on his white shirt, The tray making a shattering sound as it hit the ground.

It was as if time stopped, and the world slowed down, she could see rage in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," She said at once, "I wasn't..looking, I-m..s-s..Sorry."

She was stuttering, she hated that. It made her sound pathetic, her eyes stung as tears started to form, and she bit her bottom lip for they started to tremble.

"How dare you?!" Farid asked menancingly, his face turned into an ugly scowl.

A lump formed in her throat, dots were clouding her vision, and suddenly it was becoming hard to breathe.

No, not now! She dropped her diet coke, ignored everyone as her right hand drew the rubber band on her left hand to its elastic limit, then let go. And she winced, a tear slipped down her face and she wished it was due to the pain she was inflicting on her self.

She repeated the action again and again.

Just then Farid voice filtered into her ears, his lips were moving but she couldn't comprehend what he was saying. But she did see his raised hand and she did comprehend he was about to hit her, her eyes closed on reflex as she waited for the slap that never came.

She opened her eyes slowly, to see a tall broad shouldered boy standing, his back to her, "You were going to hit her?!" he asked in disbelief, "You were going to hit a female?!" he sounded like he was reprimanding Farid, as the latter shook, the boy was taller than Farid by a few inches and Farid stood at six feet.

"I cannot believe this," he said in a low voice, it sounded deadly, "She already apologized, so you leave her alone, understand?! I should have your head off for this." he said those words with authority, it was as if he was used to having  power over people.

Farid glared angrily at the boy, but the boy stood there, he didn't even shiver.

Farid nodded and went away, not before shooting me a look, that said "This isn't over."

The boy turned to face her, he was tall, dark and handsome in the most traditional sense, broad and tapered, chiseled and cut. All clean lines and classic good looks.The balanced symmetry of him so flawless.

"Are you okay?" he inquired, his voice gentle. He was staring at his feet, his long eyelashes covering those dark eyes.

It was literally unfair, he was a boy, he didnt need eyelashes, and his eyebrows where thick and perfectly arched, this was so unfair! She practically whined in her head.

When he raised an eyebrow, she realized she hadnt replied him, "Yes, thank you." then she added quietly, "You shouldnt have done that, he'd target you now."

That lazy smile again, "He can try."

He still didnt look at her, so she decided to extend an olive branch. "I'm Fatima."

"Im j-." he stopped.

"You are?"

She saw him, look at a jumble of letters, written on his left palm, "Im Omar."

"You need to write your name down, to remember it? Weird."

The tips of his ear turned red again, "You are one of those people, arent you?"

She frowned, "Which people?"

"The captain Obvious crew."

She smiled, then frowned when he put a slender finger under her chin.



"What are you doing?"

"You have gap teeth." he stated as he peered down at her face, his dark eyes concentrating on her teeth. She was glad she had her teeth withened yesterday.

"Ive never met anyone with a gap teeth before," He removed his hand, then spared her a glance, "Its..cute."

Her eyes widened and she could only offer a quiet thank you to which he nodded and went back to his seat.

He thought her teeth was cute, although it wasnt the best of compliments. But it was something, a gorgeous boy thought her teeth was cute.

She relished in that knowledge. But then the bell ringing jolted her and she became all too aware of the glares of the students, both boy's and girls.
She had forgotten, she was in school, she had forgotten everything except the boy.

She wiped away the remaining tears from her face, and headed out of the cafeteria.

Firdaous would be in school tomorrow, she'd be safe.

If she were asked why she had a goofy grin on her face?

She had met a boy,

He was as handsome as sin,

His name was Omar,

And he thought her teeth was cute.


I feel like the story just started lol,


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