The Sandlot // Benny Rodrigue...

By 80sbieber

752K 14.7K 20.7K

It was the summer of '62 when everything changed. And not for the worse, for the better. It all started when... More



29.8K 646 415
By 80sbieber


The next morning, I woke up, throwing my legs over the side of my bed, and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked over at my alarm clock. It was 9:30 which meant I had 2 hours and 30 minutes until me and the guys had to be at Phillips' field. I was sure Emmy wasn't going to be there, but I really did want her there. I don't even know why I had bet on her in the first place, which was why we had to win. And if we won, I'd be lucky if she even talked to me again. I sighed, standing up and trudging over to my closet, grabbing clothes for the day. "Lets get this over with," I thought to myself as I walked out the front door.

• • •

I crossed the street to the Smalls' house and knocked on the screen door. Scotty was at the door in 5 seconds flat. "Hey, you guys ready? We've got to get in at least an hour of practice before-"

"Benny," Scotty said awkwardly, cutting me off. "We're not going."

"What?" I said. "Neither of you?" He shook his head.

"I'm really sorry, Benny."

"No it's alright," I lied, starting to turn around. "I gotta get to the sandlot." And with that, I stepped off the Smalls' front steps, on my way to the sandlot. I had just lost my best friend and my girlfriend over a stupid decision. I growled in frustration, more mad at myself than anyone.

• • •

I was in the outfield with my glove covering my hand ready to play this game and get it over with.

"PLAAAAY BALL," Ham yelled, pulling his helmet down. "Hurry up, batter. It's gonna be a short game and I gotta get home for lunch." The batter rolled his eyes as he waited for DeNunez to pitch the ball. With one swift motion, DeNunez threw the ball and if flew perfectly to Ham who caught it in his glove. Ham let out a laugh. "That's one."

The batter struck out and the next walked up, ready to hit the ball. "You know," Ham said. "If my dog was as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards." Another out.

"The heater," Ham called as DeNunez got ready to throw the ball again. "Here it comes. I dare you." He caught the ball. "Strike three. You're out."

And it was finally Phillips turn. I smirked. "Hey, is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She's naked." Phillips swung and missed. Strike one.

"Shut up, Porter!" Phillips yelled, getting angry.

"Hey, hey, hey," Ham warned. "I'm just trying to have a little friendly conversation." It was silent again as DeNunez got ready to pitch again. "Come on. You think she'd go out with me?" Another out and then in was our turn. It was time to show them what we were made of. Ham was up first. "Come on, show me your stuff."

"Lets see what you got!"

"Hey batter, batter, batter."

And then Ham was gone, taking off for first base.

"Take him out!"

"Come on!"

"Bring it in!"

Bertram was up next, hitting the ball beautifully into the outfield. I was proud. DeNunez was up, hitting it on the first swing and was off for first. Phillips' team couldn't keep up, they were running everywhere trying to get that ball. Squints was up, doing the infamous Babe Ruth signature point. He hit it and took off, sending Ham and Bertram both home. Yeah Yeah was up, hitting it on the first try, sending DeNunez home.

Tommy went, bunting it and safety reaching first. Timmy was up and he also had hit it on the first time. I was beyond proud of my team. We were up 15 points and I wasn't the slightest bit worried. And finally, it was my turn. The last batter of the game. I hit the ball, sending it flying into the outfield, it hit the back fence and there it was. Our first homer of the game, sending every player home. I cheered as I easily jogged the bases. We had won 18 to 0.

We all met in the outfield, cheering and giving high fives. Then, I remembered our bet. I left the guys as I walked over to Phillips. "Congrats on your new field." He said with a glare.

"We don't want your field, Phillips." I said. "Just leave us alone. Emmy included." He stared at me with a snarl before he turned and followed his team to the dugout. I smiled wide as I turned and ran back to my team. "You guys did great!" I yelled.

"Lets celebrate!" Bertram said.

"Lets go to the fair!" DeNunez said.

"Good idea," I agreed. "Lets all get dressed nice and meet back at the sandlot."

We all went our separate ways to our houses, but first I had somewhere I needed to go.

• • •

Hi :)

Okay, do you guys mind if I don't put the beast in here? comment

question of the day: who's your favorite singer?

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