A Twist of fate (Currently be...

By OneLovexo

4.4K 123 44

A story of a young girl making a journey of self discovery with a little help from the WWE More

A Call For Help
Give Me Freedom!
Pregnant at 15!?
The Truth is out
I'm a survivor!
The Debut
The Aftermath
Authors note

Cast A Shadow On The Past

509 17 1
By OneLovexo

**(A/N Sept 2012) I love wrestling, I just don't get to watch it as much now, watched it every week but bare with me because I have not watched it for at least 5 years, so all story-lines I base it on will be from back then so John Cena is the WWE Champion in this and Bobby Lashley ECW**

As soon as he entered the door Paul Levesque was speechless at the sight before him. His wife had a semi naked child lying on her couch covered in bruises it didn't look very good. He finally understood why she sounded close to tears, it wasn't a secret that she really badly wanted to be a mother one day. She always had such a kind soul so he knew exactly what she wanted to do, they had to do this the proper way so he sat down in front of her desk and waited a minute before he spoke. 

"Steph, you do know we need to call the police? She's obviously been abused and we don't know what her life is like. What if her parents come for her? Last thing we need is this to get out to the media". He said whilst he looked from his beautiful wife to the young girl was sound asleep on the leather couch. He was already getting the number up on his phone, he didn't want them to be getting accused of kidnapping or something worse if possible. 

"Paul please, we need to find out what lead her here, she seems so scared". She pleaded with him as she reached over to grab his hand but he was already on the phone. She knew he was right, she was really scared that the girls family would just hurt her again when they found her and she couldn't imagine what she must have been going through. 

"We have a girl here, she looks like she has ran from home. She's covered in bruises and she appears to have been strangled. Can we get some police here? Preferably a female officer, i think it might be better". Since getting with Stephanie McMahon he never imagined finding a girl in his wife's office, another woman in a fantasy maybe but nothing like this. He was informed an officer and a lady from social services will be on the way but it might be a while with it being late at night.  

A little while later there was movement on the couch as Alexis woke up, she instantly jumped in fear when she didn't recognize where she was. At first she was scared her parents had found her, she curled into a ball and she was shaking like a leaf, especially since she had no clothes on. She glanced around and as soon as she spotted her rucksack she moved toward it and got some clothes from it. Once she was dressed she sat back on the couch unaware that she was being observed by Stephanie McMahon who hadn't moved from the office since the arrival of this girl. They had heard back from social services that they wouldn't be there now until first thing in the morning so they would be having her staying at their hotel after the show finished.

Lexi looked around the room, she was curious about her whereabouts and it frightened her that she still had no clue where she was. As she glanced around her eyes landed on a monitor and she saw John Cena in the ring doing a rap. She instantly remembered seeing wrestling a few times when she sneaked out to be with Chad but she never thought she would accidentally stumble into the arena. She had found herself moving off the couch so that she could get a closer look as Cena was taunting someone in the middle of the ring and she found herself lost in memories of when she used to watch the wresting with Chad and his family.

It was March 14th 2004 when young Lexi had watched her first wrestling show, it just happened to be Wrestlemania XX. She had loved everything and would ask lots of questions which had Chad laughing. At the beginning of the event The Boys Choir of Harlem were singing 'America the beautiful' and she sang along, she was proud to call herself American and their voices were just so beautiful. She was then glued to the screen as a guy she thought was 'sorta cute' had came out, it being the first match; John Cena vs Big Show for the United States Championship. The match started out with The Big Show beating down on the challenger, Lexi was cringing as she urged Cena to get up and fight. She then argued with the television as  Cena secured only a 2 count after executing an early FU on the giant in which she had Chad and his father in stitches as she called the referee slow. She was completely glued to the screen as the eager challenger John Cena grabbed his chain from the turnbuckle she was cheering him on as he had attempted to attack Big Show with it. However the referee confiscated it before he could execute his attack, at this point the 13 year old girl was screaming at the screen which had then received a comment from Chad's dad.

"Well it's not hard to see who miss cheer a lot is rooting for is it?" She threw a cushion at Chad though it wasn't him who said it, which made his dad chuckle more. Anyone could tell that she wasn't really paying any attention to what was being said. As the referee had his back turned to dispose of the chain, Cena had taken advantage of this moment and hit Big Show with a pair of hidden brass knuckles, quickly hoisting the giant which was The Big Show up on to his shoulders, preparing for his finishing move, the FU. After executing the move perfectly Cena then immediately moved in for the pin, to win the match and the honorary title of 'The United States Champion'.

"I think i love this sport already.." She did a fist bump in the air and giggled as Chad mimicked her and winked his way blushing crazily. She was just incredibly excited to find something that she could enjoy without her parents being near her to stop her happiness and it was with her best friend. She danced to the Theme Song of John Cena, which she had turned up so it was echoing out through the room.

The next match hadn't really gotten her full attention but it was a Four way tag team match which had been between the teams of Rob Van Dam (RVD) and Booker T, Jindrak & Cade, Bubba & D- Von (The Dudley Boyz) and Rene Dupree & Rob Conway for the World Tag Team Championships which were currently at that time held by Van Dam and Booker T. The match really didn't engage her attention until the end when Conway had been a victim of Booker T's effective Scissor Kick, which was then followed by Van Dam's devastating signature dive from the top rope which had been beautifully executed, the Five Star Frog Splash. The match had ended with Conway unable to kick out of the pin and the two had done it; they retained their titles. Before she could get into the next part her phone had gone off and it was her mother, she had exited the room and sat on the stairs to take the call.

"Hi mom..." She was cut off by a shrill shriek from the other end of the phone, she always got a panicked call from her mother even when she knew where she was.

"It's late, where are you...? Get home now...." Lexi rolled her eyes hearing her mothers voice, she was drunk again.

"Mom... You told me I could stay at Chad's tonight for Wrestlemania remember?.." She leaned her head against the wall, she could tell by Chad's cheers that she was missing a good match just to be lectured by her mother who wouldn't remember a thing in the morning because of how drunk she seemingly was. She then heard a shout to her father then his voice and the shouting dropped and her mother was no longer there, her dad was now on the other line.

"Sorry about that kiddo, have fun tonight okay? Tell me all about it tomorrow if you want okay?" He always tried to take an interest in what she wanted to do but didn't really understand her, she admired his efforts though, then click he was gone. She sat there for a few minutes and walked back through as she sat down, the match had just finished with Christian pinning a bewildered Chris Jericho who then was slapped about by his then love interest Trish Stratus. He was then hit with the unprettier, she could tell Chad was unhappy with Stratus and his face made her giggle.

The next match had her excited as she had seen videos on the website a few days before with The Rock and Mick Foley in them and the next match was them against Evolution and she was cheering for them like a school girl wanting candy or something. She had literally screamed as Randy won with an RKO. She watched and listened to the Hall of Fame, not recognizing any of the names at the time because she hasn't really watched that much wrestling and she phased out afterwards when the Diva's Evening Gown contest came on, she was anticipating the next match as she danced to herself.

She was then back to being glued to the screen for the Cruiserweight open as Shannon Moore walked out, she had been a fan of OMEGA Wrestling thanks to Chad and his dad who were completely obsessed with wrestling. She cheered him on as he started off the match against Ultimate Dragon. However she was disappointed as he was then pinned but she was still glued to the screen as the match had gone on. She had then found herself cheering on a masked Luchador she had learned to be called Rey Mysterio as he eliminated both Kidman and Tajiri. She was so engaged in the match that she didn't realize Chad getting closer and his dad taking a picture of them. The match had ended with Chavo Guerrero's victory with help of his father and the next match had young Lexi's blood pumping as Goldberg had came out

"Wh-whose that? He looks pretty scary" She was pointing to the screen as Chad chuckled again.

"Bill Goldberg, he is an awesome wrestler, i hope he wins this one to be honest..." He grinned at her before going back to watching the screen as the match had went underway.  The match had began with both competitors staring each other down, circling each other with no physical fighting for several minutes, which ended up causing special guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin at one point trying to coax the two into locking up. Goldberg had then successfully took Brock Lesnar down with an extremely effective spear, that only drew a two count after a pin attempt. Lesnar then chose the right time and executed the F-5 maneuver on Goldberg, but also frustratingly resulted in a two-count pin attempt. Afterwards, Lesnar then missed an attempt to knock Goldberg down, which had allowed Goldberg to successfully execute another spear and an extraordinarily effective Jackhammer Powerslam which then led to a three count for Bill Goldberg. After the match, Austin then executed a Stone Cold Stunner on the both of them to the crowd's delight and celebrated with beer in the ring. Lexi then pried herself from her spot and slowly left the room to help Chad's mother Beverly in the kitchen making Hot Chocolate's and with the dishes, she enjoyed helping out because they were always so grateful of her assistance.

The Matches that had truly engaged her attention once she got back into the room were two of the Main Events of the night which had then ended with Eddie Guererro and Chris Benoit standing together in the ring at the end of the night. She was shaken from her memories when she felt a hand on her shoulder she was close to screaming, she jumped back and looked up. It was Steph, she had a bottle of water for her, she placed it down on the desk and moved away she was at a loss of what to do for the girl. She thought she would be okay, she seemed to have relaxed quite a bit when she was watching the wrestling.

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