The Girl in Black (Rewriting)

By huzailazahid

19.9K 1K 748

[Rank #1 in Action - thriller (12 June , '18) ] Completed 'You know what? I'll be throwing a party once we g... More

Chapter, 1
Chapter, 2
Chapter, 3
Chapter, 5
Chapter, 6
Chapter, 7
Chapter, 8
Chapter, 12
Chapter, 14
Chapter, 16
Chapter, 17
Chapter, 18
Chapter, 19
Chapter, 20
Chapter, 21
Chapter, 22
Chapter, 23
Chapter, 24
Chapter, 26
Chapter ,28
Chapter, 42
Chapter, 43
Chapter, 44
Chapter, 47
Chapter, 48
Chapter, 49
Chapter, 53
Chapter, 54
Chapter, 55
Chapter, 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter, 45

130 11 2
By huzailazahid

'Shit!' I cursed and ran in the training room only to find everyone dozed off on their desks. The glasses were chattered on the floor and the drinks spilled out.

Seeing them like that felt too weird. Seeing it in movies and experiencing it in real life are two different things. When reality hits you, you stumble and some even fall but you have to get back up. Eventually.

I shook my head, shaking and throwing the vulnerability aside. I can't waste anymore time. I shouldn't. I told myself.

My hands shook of the number of thoughts battling for dominance. Where would she go? What should I do now? Should I randomly follow her?

Busy  in my thoughts, my eyes landed on a object absent from Justin's desk.

The gun.

If luck would still exist for me, surely the chip would be on the gun and so I could track her. I rushed to Justin's table and looked around for other chip and sticked it below my ear. I rummaged under the desks, under their feet, below their chairs, for other chip , but when I didn't find it, for once, I let the happiness of the existence of the ray of hope settle in me.

An iPad was on the floor face-down which must've fallen from Austin's hand. I picked it up and touched HØMÉ screen where it requested the password. The lock screen wallpaper hinted the iPad to belong to Austin.

I stood up, leant Austin back on his chair , and asked, 'Hey,' I slapped on his face. 'Hey Austin,' I held his face in my hand. My eyes lingered down his neck where his veins started to show making it nastier. My eyes widened as I looked around the others.

The same scenario repeated with others. Their faces were paled and their veins sorted darkening. Stretching from their necks up to their faces. It didn't seem to be something common. Fear wrapped itself around me. I pushed down the lump formed in my throat. I can't waste anymore time.  'Hey buddy, what's the password?' I asked.

He opened his eyes for a split second but closed it again. 'Austin, hey, what's your I Pad's password?' I struggled for an answer. 'Austin!' He opened his eyes again, looked around and dozed off. I greeted my teeth. I knew he was doing it involuntarily but you know when panic and confusion mix, it always leads to anger. Or at least that's my recipe of fury.

I shook his by his collar but his head hung. I balled my hand and took a deep breath. Think Elsa...Think.

And I did.

By slapping forcefully across his cheek.

His eyes burst opened and widened. 'WHAT IS THE PASSWORD?!' I yelled and shook him from his collar.

Every passing minute was nothing but a waste and I couldn't afford to lose it. Stella must've gone far away but I couldn't lose hope. I couldn't give  Hades the satisfaction of taking away the only thing we have.

'Will you marry me?' He murmured and dozed off.

I arched my eyebrow. What the hell? But I can't trust Austin, either he was lying , but he can't lie while being dozed off so I typed it. First with capital letters, then smaller, without space and finally 'willUMarieMe.' Turned out to be the actual one.

The iPad unlocked and a screen with a gridded map popped out. A little green spot blinked on the screen indicating the direction of the chip. It wasn't far. But wasn't near either.

I grabbed another gun from Stephen's desks and stormed out of the room. I picked up Leo's car's remote and ran to his car.

I sat in, started the engine. The garage door slid up and I raced out of the house. I set the iPad on a stand and followed the dot.

Please she has the gun. Please tell me she is the one. I prayed.

My blue dot appeared on the map too and it became easier to chase it. The green dot took a left turn and so did I. It took another left turn followed by mine. Another left. So I did. But when it took a right turn, I didn't follow it rather I took a opposite direction.

I pressed the gas and raced passed the streets. The buildings around me blurred as my speed increased with every passing minute. If I'll be late a second later, I'll lose it.

The car skidded to a halt just as i took a sharp turn and stopped in front of a GMC Yukon XL. Stella and mine's eyes locked. I could practically feel the hatred waving from her to me. She shrugged and started reversing her car.

A smirk grew on my lips. I pressed the gas and my car slithered in front of her reversing. There was a dead end so she reversed her car at her left, my right.

She sped up her reversing process thinking that she'll get away but at her left, there was another dead end. The only was out was from the front which was soon blocked from my car. My smirk grew more and more.

Living with Stella for eight hours did tell me one thing: never on earth she'll hurt anyone. Or maybe she could. And I wanted her to try.

She revved her engine and I gripped my steering wheel. If she'll decide to crash over my car ( Leo's car) then I'll reverse it and get out of the left. But she did the unexpected.

She opened her door and got out of it. I did the same. Stella climbed up the roof of the car and jumped on the wall which presented a dead end to her car and ran up for the roof of the house.

I ran for the wall and climbed up and followed her. The roof was  tiled which were worn out so it cracked under my weight as I ran. Stella jumped from the roof to the other one and vanished out of the view.

I picked up my pace. Spreading my arms to keep me balanced, my eyes darted around for her, my body alert and my gun loaded.

I slid off the roof to a window sill and saw Stella running on the road. I climbed off and followed her. The road was jammed and she took the opportunity to climb on the cars , earning horns from irritated drivers, but I couldn't so I ran on the pavement.

The stone shone in the moonlight which was settled on her middle finger. Seeing my property on someone's rushed my adrenaline. I leant in and wished my legs to run more faster. 'Stella stop or I'll shoot.' I yelled.

'Ha! If you'll shoot me, you'll save your friends huh?' With this she disappeared.

I gave up. I climbed on the bonnets's of a car . The driver spat some cursed words but I decided to ignore it as I made my way across the road for Stella who had vanished again.

Rivulets of sweat made their way down my face and my back. I huffed as I climbed down the car and entered a dark street after five minute's of running. My eyes lingered for a blonde bob as I walked in the dark street. The gun began to slip as my hands get sweaty. My chest heaved down and up.

The dog howled from a distant and a the leaves of the tree above me rustled in the gusting of wind. The street became darker and darker with each step. I positioned my gun in front of me ready for any possible attack.

A faint thud of footsteps heard from behind which grew louder and louder. I turned around but was too late as a hard metal rod had already been hit on my head.

My vision blurred an the world around me swirled. I squished my head as it pounded against my skull. I fell on the floor and saw Stella hovered over me. She laughed like a evil and I wanted to rip her head off. Her laugh repeated itself in my head. My eyes battled to shut but I fought it.

'Oh fuck!' I doubled over as the great impact of metal rod against my stomach sent a sheet of pain up to my body with a high velocity only leaving unbearable pain.

She laughed again. A high-pitched humourless laugh. I shut my eyes and for a second, the flash of the day of me and Chloe fighting appeared in from of me in bits and pieces. And then, Dave's face. His numb, paled and lifeless face sprawled before me. He died. They killed him. They FUCKING killed him.

'What's the code Elsa?' Stella spoke in between my thoughts.

My head pounded as if someone's driving nails in it. Her words floated in my head but my mind couldn't function it. The vision blurred and cleared with every blink. My stomach tightened. For a split second, I wanted to doze off too but having Dave's face in front of me restrained me to.

I couldn't fight back. Opening my eyes was a big struggle for me at the second. I saw her feet in front of my face. Fading away and clearing with every blink. I closed my eyes and opened them. She played with her gun in her hand and I wished it to fire it to herself . She kissed the ring and I wished the stone to be poisoned.

When you can't stand up at the moment, you can only wish like this.

Meanwhile her gun fell on the floor which sent another throbbing sensation due to the connection of my chip.

'I asked the code Elsa.' She asked.

'Oomph'. I doubled over agin as she hit me again. I knew my anger could kill her without any weapon. I knew if I just let it go, She'll be beneath me in not a single second but I waited. I waited because acting right away would not only create more damage as well as pain to my organs but I was weaker to act right away. She'll catch me before my reaction.

'What are you talking about?' I asked her and held my stomach while I tried to sat up but all in vain. 'What code?' I murmured and seized  my stomach. Each word was a true stab, a fight for staying.

She snorted. 'The code with which the stone works.' She said. 'With which it gives you the prophecy.'

I thought on her words but my head thumped. What is she talking about? I didn't want to answer stupidly or else I'll lose my opportunity. But I still didn't know the code she asked me.

My eyes landed on the gun beside her. I faked a yelp and pushed my hand to let the gun slide behind her. She didn't see to notice as she already had her rod raised up to charge at me.

'Ok wait wait.' I threw my hands in surrender . I breathed heavily and still clutching the life out of my stomach. I kneeled and managed to propped myself up enough to  my elbows. The head continued with the hammering. 'You mean the code after which the stone gives you the prophecy?' I asked innocently cause at that moment I needed to gain her trust. Not must but enough to let her play along with me.

She stood up , didn't pick up the gun rather stared at me. 'Yeah .' She muttered.

Ok now. Slide back... I thought.

'You don't know the code?' I asked and failed in a attempt to straighten myself.

'No I don't bitch. That's why I'm asking you this.' She raised the rod again. 'Now tell me.' She said in a deadly tone.

More...more... yes.

'What I'll get in exchange?' I asked and saw the flame in her eyes.

'You'll have your life.' She answered. 'Now tell me.'

'Can my friends be saved from Augmen?' I asked hopeful in a positive answer.

Slide back...more...more

And I coughed as loudly as I could to let her not hear the sound of the gun loading.

'Yes they can from anti-Augmen.' She answered ignoring my weird cough and a small smile danced on my lips but I quickly hid it. I didn't want her to think of my weakness.

'Ok then great. You give me the anti-Augmen and I'll give you the code.' I said.

Rise up...

'I don't have it.' She said dryly.

'Liar. You just said before that without you my friends will die and I'm asking you to give it to me in exchange for the code.' I said.

The gun rose enough to stand on its magazine. Pull back the trigger...

The little flick of the gun caught Stella's attention. She turned around to see the source when I jumped on her back. I picked up the gun and pushed her on the floor beneath me. I kneed in her stomach and when she doubled over, I slipped off the ring from her finger and stood up hovering over her.

I pointed my gun towards her. 'Give me the anti-Augmen.' I warned her in  my threatening tone but inside , I was really crying. My stomach and my head were like a nail board driven in by nails.

She snorted and slid her leg beneath me but I dodged and stepped aside. She stood up and tried to run away but I caught her. My gun slipped away from my hand as she punched me in the stomach. 'Oomph! Seriously girl? Why always stomach?' I said.

She pushed her arm back for another punch but I dodged it by looping my arms in her, I leant her in and kneed her in the stomach. She aimed to hit her head in me but her stomach pain restrained her to do it forcefully.

The after results were, I stumbled back and she got the gap to attack me with another punch on my face. I stumbled back more and more. Part of me was letting it.

And when I had a about twenty feet distance between us, I broke into a run with a powerful scream of anger escaping my lips. She started running too. My feet uncontrollably wailed towards her direction until they jumped , made contact with her back and forced her to fall on the ground face-first. I rolled her to my side, sat on her. I felt a movement from her lower abdomen and that's when I turned around to see a knee making it's waking for my head but I abandoned it by catching it mid-way and twisting the life out of her leg.

She screamed a plead but I didn't let her go. 'Give me the anti-Augmen.' I said again though this time, my voice was deadly dangerous.

She didn't act  right away but when I twisted her leg more, her hands frenziedly rummage through her jeans pocket until her hands appeared with a little bottle of glass with a cork. I grabbed it roughly and let her leg go and stood up.

She yelled in pain as she held her leg in her hands. I tore my eyes away from her and looked at my belongings back to me. I walked towards my chipped hand gun and the one I dropped and put one in my waist band and other in my jacket. I slipped the ring in my finger.

I looked at Stella who was still weeping in pain. As much as I hate to admit, I heard the crack from her leg and I guess I cracked her bones. And yes, I feel bad.

Lost in my guilt , a thrum heard far above me. I lifted my head to see a helicopter making its way here. The very first glance hinted me the ownerof such property. Maybe they're here to pick Stella up. I thought but I was wrong. So wrong.

Someone threw a grenade on a house and within a second the house erupted in flames. A bunch of guys peaked from the door of the helicopter and laughed
hysterically at the  piece of art they just created. For some reason, I get the mad vibe from them.

They didn't seem to notice me yet but I know they will soon so I started running towards my car.


Another explosion shook the earth. I looked back and saw another house—the one in front of the fired one—had been erupted too and then my eyes laid upon on a weeping Stella kicking her legs on the ground to keep herself away from the heat.

I greeted my teeth at the instant decision I just made and rushed towards her to help her. I picked her up from her armpits and draped her arm around my shoulder. Dragging her with me , I saw the bunch of boys aiming at another house.

It's was just after a second when the thrumming got louder and I could practically feel them hovering over me.

'Hey! It's Stella isn't it? But who's the other girl?' I heard one of them yell to the other one.

'Who cares. Let's explode them.' Other replied.


Hi guys! How are you? So you tell me how did the chapter go?
Don't be a silent reader give me your reviews and comments and votes if ou liked it.

Thank you so much for reading.
I'll be off now, meeting you on Wednesday.
Love 💕 huzaila

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