Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to...

By foggystarrs

11.4K 257 205

Star and Marco are back and better than ever, in their long lasting relationship... Marco and Star are now 20... More

1~ The Big Question...
2~ The Big Answer
3~ In The Dark...
4~ She snapped...
5~ Imposter...
6~ Exposed
7~ Gettin' Wild...
8~ Hidden Wand...
9~ Pain....
10~ Haunting Past...
11~ "The wand is mine"
13~ Traitor.
14~ Trapped.
15~ Attack & Escape...
16- Sacrifice...
17~ Grief...
18~ Wide Awake...
19~ Rescue?
20~ I finally understand why...
21- The End~
~~Bonus Chapter~~

12~ Caught.

363 11 1
By foggystarrs

Have this short Chapter while I try to build up drama. I'm so sorry this is boring... 😭

-Star's POV:

"Come on! This way!" Tom whisper-shouted as we crept around the castle halls, trying to find where they were keeping Jackie.

'All of this for my wand and my so called "friend" who ruined my wedding day....' I shook my head at the negative thought.

It was good she was caught instead of me so I guess she saved me....


The halls were empty for some reason, but that didn't stop any of us from being tense or hiding in case any guards were around.

Tom made a hand gesture telling us to follow him...

I tiptoed behind him, Marco and Kelly in tow.

He stopped abruptly and I tensed, lifting my sword as I heard footsteps.

It was only one guard.

He turned the corner and stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening.



I hit him with my sword on the head, knocking him out cold.

"That's one way to use a sword..." I heard Marco mutter behind me, as I chuckled under my breath.

We turned through one hallway and another without any trouble or sign of guards....

Only when Tom stood up from his crouching position and went to inspect a door did I realize we had found the room Jackie was in.

We all stood up and went to his side as he fiddled with the doorknob.

Before I knew it, Tom angrily hit the door, busting it open.

"In there." He pointed...

"I'll stay out here and watch to see if the coast is clear."

"Okay." Kelly nodded as the three of us went inside....

-Jackie's POV:

I groaned....

Something around my waist tightened as I opened my eyes....

My vision was blurred and I could barely keep my heavy eyelids open...

All I see is a figure pulling on some sort of chain.

But I can't see their face.

My vision is still blurred.


I blinked once or twice but the blurry vision would not go away...

Fear crashed into my chest like a brick crashing into to window.

'Where am I?'

'What happened?'

'Why can't I see?'

Once again, something on my chest and stomach tightened around me.

I felt like I was being squeezed to death...

And as I let out a scream....

Everything went black.

-Marco's POV:

I looked around the room skeptically.

She wasn't here.

All there was, was a hole in the wall that seemed to have been blasted by something and a broken chair...

"There's nothing in here...." I heard Kelly mutter...

Star kneeled down toward the chair and gasped...

"Guys look!"

She picked up a white fabric.

"What's that?" I asked...

"It's the fabric used to make my wedding dress.... Jackie might not be here now but she WAS here."

As I was about to reply I heard slow-clapping.





"Well done, detective Butterfly! You found my hideout and even figured out the peasant was in this very room!"

We all froze at the sound of that voice...

We slowly turned around to look at the figure standing on the doorway...

Wand glowing brightly in her hand.....











It was Eclipsa and Toffee.


Rip Star, Marco, Kelly & Tom:
19(something) -2018


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