Falling For The Enemy (H.S)

By jesssss_x

240 10 1


Chapter 1


184 6 0
By jesssss_x

"Stop it Harry! Don't!"

That was 5 year old me begging Harry Styles not to smash my sand castle. Or rather, sit on my sand castle.

Harry tormented me ever since we were 5. Our grandma's met in primary school and have been friends ever since. So I guess you can puzzle together the pieces as to how I know the devil himself. From family weddings to family parties, he was there.

In middle school, I wasn't the best looking girl. Which just caused more bullying on Harry's part. But I have no idea why he cares.

Harry has never shown an interest in girls. Not even the prettiest of the prettiest. Don't get me wrong, he's not gay or anything. He just hates girls.

But that doesn't stop them swooning over him. Whenever he walks into a room, the girls un do a couple of buttons on their tops and sit up straighter. They even try to flirt with him. All except me.

But for all the shits that he gives, they may as well not exist. He hates a lot of guys too. Except for these 4 guys that are his best friends.

As I said, Harry hates girls and I am no exception. We may have known each other our whole lives and my parents see him as a little angel. So do my grandparents. It's like they're completely oblivious to his behaviour.

He does act like an angel around them so it's not really that much of a surprise. But he is covered in tattoos and he has quite a few piercings. Surely they can't not see that.

I guess they don't care though, because as I said, he acts like an angel.

And now onto our good friend high school. Things are going great now. Harry's not here meaning I don't need to constantly think of come backs or put up with his "marvellous" pranks.

His parents decided that after middle school it was time to send him to boot camp due to the fact of his reckless ways at such a young age.

Everyone in our neighbourhood remembers Harry because of his outrageous behaviour. They talk about him a lot, wondering when he's coming back.

I don't know why so many people want that reckless ass back. All he did was cause trouble. One time he got into a fight with our English teacher for not letting him go to the "bathroom" when he was actually going to smoke a joint with a few of his 'lads'.

Well that obviously did it for his parents because by the end of middle school, he was in boot camp. They said they were hoping he would come back a 'better man'. If that's what he ever considered himself.

As far as I was concerned, I would be quite happy if Harry stayed at boot camp forever. But sadly, it didn't matter what I wanted because it wouldn't happen.

He had to come back eventually. But sometimes, eventually is far too soon.

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