Not By Blood.

By Cool__Breeze

9 0 0

When you have a new face in the house it can be kind of awkward. But for Jacob it is more awkward than you co... More

The First Day.

9 0 0
By Cool__Breeze

Jasmine's Pov

I follow Ms.Perez to the door with my luggage behind me as she fumbles with the keys. My eyes are bright and wide. I can honestly say I have never seen a house like this. It is so grand, so big. These people must be loaded. Ms. Perez gets the door open and walks inside gesturing me from behind. My mouth widens as I walk inside. A spiral staircase, a marble floor. This place is amazing!

"You look mighty surprised!" Says Ms. Perez

"I've just never been in a house like this. It's amazing" I say eagerly. She chuckles.

"Well get used to it, because this is your new home." She says throwing her hands up in the air. I cheek from ear to ear. 

Immediately I see a boy walk into the scene. That must be her oldest, the one that's my age. I see a very attractive boy with a curly afro holding an apple. He looks up at me, and his mouth gapes open a bit. We just stare at each other not saying a word. But that's when Ms. Perez breaks the ice.

"Jacob this is Jasmine. Jasmine, Jacob." She said gesturing us at each other. I leave my luggage at my spot and walk up to him. 

"Nice to meet you," He said holding out his hand. I shake it, but that's when I hear Ms. Perez suck her teeth. We both turn around in confusion as she shakes her head.

"You two are family now, stop being so proper. Give each other a hug." She said. I look up into his eyes and he looks down at mine. I awkwardly hold my arms out and wrap them around him. He hesitates, but then his arms slowly wrap around my body. I don't know what it is, but I just feel safe. 

Jacob's Pov

I stand there with Jasmine in my arms without saying a word. I didn't expect her to be this...beautiful. But she is my sister now so I can't try anything right? The doorbell rings interupting my thoughts. My mom answers it and in comes Chresanto with no hesitation. I forgot we had plans to hang out. I let go quickly and so does she.

"Um...hey Santo." I say waving awkwardly. He gives me a funny look and chuckles. "Well aren't you going to introduce me?" He stupidly says. I roll my eyes.

"Chresanto this is Jasmine. Jasmine this is my buddy Chresanto." I said. Santo gasps. "I've been downgraded!" He says. I roll my eyes once again. 

"Nice to meet you," She said holding out her hand towards him. He smiles and shakes her hand. "Well I would love to stay but me and Chresanto have to go upstairs in my room," I said. 

"Okay. Well I guess I'll show Jasmine to her room," Mom said. Jasmine takes her luggage and tugs them up the stairs. Before I could say anything Santo runs and takes her bags for her. They smiled at each other and walked side by side up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind him. I hope this is just an act of kindness from him, because I don't have time for him trying to flirt with my new sister...

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