Anubis tf stories Collection


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Anubis tg stories Collection Еще

Masking an Anubis
Bride of Anubis
For the love of God!
A New Queen
Bast Returns
anubis Tg
Anubis's Treasure

The New Servant

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  The man couldn't fully recall how he ended up here. All he could really remember was that he was trying to find some cover from the extremely heavy rain that was making the desert a nightmare to get through.

He shook his head, pain rushing through it as he tried to recall the past events.

He'd then came across a pyramid, hoping to use that as a means of keeping out of the rain and warming himself up. When he'd gotten inside, he needed a lit torch so he wouldn't bump into anything or fall down into some trap. Upon getting his hands on a torch, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Jewellery and more valuables of all kinds decorated the interior. Rubies, sapphires, diamonds, jaspers and more. There were even gold cups that looked like they were fit for a king. They all looked so attractive that he couldn't help but stuff a few them into his pockets and then make a quick getaway.

Unfortunately, as he was stuffing the shiny jewelry into his pockets, something hard banged him on the head, rendering him unconscious.

That was all he remembered. Everything else after that was just a hazy cloud.

The man moaned in pain, the stinging sensation kicking in again. Ugh, whatever had hit him must've been made of some REALLY hard stuff. He could only be grateful that it didn't shatter his skull.

"I believe that was the thief moaning. He must be regaining consciousness. I'll unbind him and bring him over to you."

He perked up at the voice. It was close by and most likely coming for him. He heard the voice utter the word 'thief'. Well...he wasn't wrong about that.

A figure came in at the entrance. The man was both surprised and alarmed at its appearance. If he could describe this thing, he would have to say it looked very much like a jackal. It had midnight black fur, ruby-red eyes with black slits for pupils and wore what looked like Egyptian attire. He also carried a small bunch of keys.

"I'm here to release you from those shackles and take you to my master," the jackal said simply. "But don't even think of trying to escape. Not when our master still has to punish you."

He went over and unlocked the chains keeping the man bound to the floor. Deciding not to cause more trouble than he was already in, he slowly walked behind the jackal as it guided him to the throne room.

As they neared the room, he heard a voice speaking calmly.

".......did not think I would be receiving TWO new servants on this day. Clearly I must be blessed."

The two of them stepped into the room, with the jackal bowing to his master.

"My Lord....I have brought him to you." the jackal announced.

"Ah, very good." said the Egyptian god known as Anubis. "You certainly did a good job in capturing the thief, my servant. Now stand aside and wait in the other room. I need to have a little chat with our guest before I execute what I have planned for him."

The servant nodded, getting up and leaving the throne room. The god then stood up from his seat and walked down to the man, who feared whatever was going to come next.

"I honestly didn't think another human would find their way here," he said simply, looking at the thin man in his nude form. "How did you locate my home, scum? Did a traveller inform you of it?"

", sir," panicked the man. "I just-"

A sharp sting suddenly connected with his cheek. He winced in pain as he felt the skin on his cheek tear and blood began to run down his face thinly.

"You will refer to me as 'Lord', scum," hissed Anubis coldly.

" Lord," the man repeated, trying his darndest to keep his panicked breathing under control. "I...was out in the desert, looking for something to shade myself with. Then I came across this pyramid, thinking there wasn't anyone or anything inside."

"But your curiosity got the better of you, and you tried to steal some of my valuables for yourself, didn't you?" the god hissed scarily.

"No...p-please understand...I did not try to-" the man began again. Unfortunately, he should've known better than to lie to a god. Anubis kicked him in the face, then grabbed his hair and wrenched his head forward.

"I will ask you one more time," hissed the jackal, his ruby red eyes glowing with anger. "Did you attempt to steal my valuables? I highly recommended that you answer with utmost honesty, or things will be even worse for you than they currently are."

The man had no choice but to come clean. "....Yes," he said firmly, but with fear still overtaking him. "I did."

"Indeed you did," said Anubis, roughly letting go of the man's messy hair. "And now...I believe it is time for your punishment. You will make an excellent addition to my collection of servants."

The man began to panic, feeling tears form at his eyes. He was going to become a servant to Anubis...with no way of escape or reversion.

"Follow me." ordered the jackal god, walking out of the throne room. "Or must I drag you there forcefully?"

The man got up, his body shaking intensely from unyielding fear. What was he going to do to him? Rip his body from his soul? Take out his heart, thus making him into an unfeeling pawn? The mere thought made his skin quiver.

The two of them reached another room, where there was a large stone table with light from the ceiling shining down on it. There were chains attached at all four sides of the table.

"Lie down on the table," commanded the god. "And make it quick."

Not wanting to anger him again, the man slowly got onto the table, lying down with his front side facing the opening in the ceiling. Anubis then chained him down and stepped back.

"Now, don't think of going anywhere," he said, already knowing the man couldn't escape due to how weak and fragile he was.
"I'm going to get you some proper attire for when your transformation is complete. If you are going to be my eternal servant, I will make sure that you dress like one."

He left the room, with the man unable to say anything.

He looked up through the opening in the ceiling and gulped. How would this transformation of his go down? Perhaps when the clouds parted and the light of the moon would shine down on him. After all, that was how it worked in fiction...

Five minutes passed...then ten...then fifteen...twenty....twenty-five....thirty....

...Until finally, the clouds slowly parted, shining their brilliant light down on his body. The man, who had been a little on the drowzy side, had his eyes suddenly fly open on their own, as he felt his skin beginning to burn and bulge, as if something was trying to get out.

Bit by bit, his skin began to flake away, revealing a liquid black skin instead of pinkish flesh. His scrawny arms, chest and legs gained a bit of muscle as they too began losing their skin. His eyes turned the same ruby red colour as Anubis. His mouth and nose extended into a snout and a tail exploded out of his backside.

And through all of this, his screaming was becoming less human and more animalistic, showing that he was no longer human, but a servant to Anubis.

Lord Anubis finally came back, seeing his new servant lying down on the table, motionless, with remains of his human self on his body.

"Excellent," he said to himself, walking to his servant and brushing off the human remains.
"Tell me, what are you and what is your purpose?" he asked.

"Servant to Lord Anubis. My purpose is to serve under you and protect you. Nothing else matters...but you," replied his new servant, bowing down to his master.

"Excellent," he said again. "Now stand up. It is time to get you into your appropriate clothing. You wish to be a good servant, do you not?"

"Yes my Lord. I only wish to serve and please you. Nothing else matters but you."

"There's a good little servant," Anubis said. "Now...change into your robes. And then afterwards, you may pleasure your god...."

The new servant nodded, changing into his servant gear and then went over to his master to obey his commands.

He could no longer break free from his power. This is what became of the man. Nothing but a thoughtless, serving human-turned-jackal to the Egyptian god Anubis.

He was never heard of again after that. Just rumoured to have disappeared off the face of the earth.  

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