
By thatsshitwritingdude

84.8K 2.3K 888

Life's not been too great for Sam. His dad left when he was 9, his family's broke, and he's not exactly the... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen

chapter twenty

3K 84 22
By thatsshitwritingdude

Authors note:

Last chapter!! Oh boy haha. I've added a little note at the end so I'll talk more about it there instead of rambling here.

Like always, votes and comments are really appreciated! Let me know if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes and I'll fix them.

Enjoy :)


As they were on the way to the girls, they passed a building that Sam was all too familiar with. He stopped, also stopping Noah due to their linked hands.

"One last thing before we leave" he said, pulling his hood up and putting his sunglasses on - cctv. He instructed Noah to to the same and lead them both into the apartment complex. Noah spoke up, confused.

"Sam, what are you doing?" He asked with a yawn. Neither of them slept overly well or long the night before - he was looking forward to crashing at the girls' flat for a few nights.
"I just wanna do something I promised myself I'd do along time ago" he smirked, and the two of them got into the lift.

"Okay..." Noah replied. Sam pressed for the third floor and the lift jolted to life, still not having been updated after almost a year. The doors opened again and they were welcomed by a familiar (well, to Sam) brownish carpet. They walked along the carpet until Sam stopped in front of a door and pounded on it.

Noah was confused beyond words at this point, and only waited and watched. Then a dark haired man opened the door, glaring.
"Who the fu-"
Before the man could finish his sentence Sam had decked him on the nose, then grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed him between his legs. He then shoved him back into his flat and turned towards the lift, shaking out his hand.

Completely stunned, Noah followed and stared at Sam with wide eyes - then broke out into a grin when the lifts doors shut.
"I don't know who the hell that guy was, but Sam, that was awesome" he laughed, which caused Sam to join in.

"I..can't believe I just did that" Sam said in disbelief, running a hand through his hair "how did I just do that?!"
"Who was he, anyway?" Noah crossed his arms. The doors opened and the two of them swiftly left the building.

"That Nathan bloke I was on about" Sam curled his lip in distaste. He looked up at Noah. "After he caused me to get arrested, I told myself I'd punch him the next time I saw him, so..." he shrugged.

Noah laughed "remind me not to get on your bad side then". Sam rolled his eyes with a smirk.
"Well, my Dad did teach me how to throw a punch" he refrained on adding a 'before he left' (he didn't overly want to sour the mood - plus, he had sort of made up with his Dad now? Whatever).

Finally, the two of them made their way back to the girls' flat. By the time they got there it was about 10am, and Noah knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Courtney, tired and still in her pyjamas. She waved for them to come in then retreated to her room, probably to carry on watching some show she was invested in.

Skye was in the living room eating leftover take out pizza from the night before, her short hair sticking up in all directions. She nodded at them.
"Hey" and that was that. No one in the flat seemed to care where the two of them went last night, which wasn't really a bad thing.

Noah led them to the spare room and collapsed onto the springy double bed, the mattress squeaking. He then pulled his hoodie off, Sam doing the same.
"It's too hot" Sam fanned himself, acting like any Brit when the weather reached over nineteen degrees.

"Not as hot as you" Noah winked, and Sam shoved his shoulder with a scoff.
"You big flirt" he laughed, and Noah grabbed his arm and pulled him so he fell onto Noah's chest. Sam smirked down at him.

"Wow, guess I really fell for you, huh?" He murmured, causing Noah to laugh and roll his eyes.
"Now who's the flirt"

Sam shrugged and ducked down to place a quick peck on Noah's lips - to which Noah leaned up and connect their lips once again. Sam propped himself up with his hands splayed over Noah's chest and hummed happily. Noah's hand started to snake its way up the back of Sam's shirt, only to stop when the door swung open.

"Hey guys, how-" Angela began, only to see their current state and clamp a hand over her eyes and turn around "not looking, not looking!"
The two boys groaned and Sam rolled off of Noah, and Noah sat up.
"We're decent" he said, and Angela turned around again.

She was dressed in a loose fitting summer dress (the only girl in the flat who was actually dressed), which indicated she had gone out to get supplies for breakfast.
"Well, I was going to ask how to guys like your eggs but..uhh" she rubbed the back of her neck and appeared slightly flustered "you seem kinda busy".

Sam had his face in his hands out of embarrassment at this point, and Noah just told her that they'd already eaten. Angela nodded and left, closing the door behind her.
"That was so awkward" Sam rubbed at his eyes and Noah laughed. He wrapped an arm around Sam's shoulders then placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek before standing back up again.


The two of them decided to crash at the girls' flat for the next few days. At lunch time, they finally emerged from the spare room and into the living room. Skye was finally showered and dressed, and she was sat with Angela on the sofa.

"You two finish your business?" She smirked at them, and Angela wacked her lightly on the arm.
"Har, har" Noah said sarcastically. He scanned the room, hands on hips "where's Courtney?"

"At her boyfriends" Skye said, then wiped away a fake tear from under her eye "our girls all grown up"
Noah nodded, then he and Sam made it into the kitchen.

Sam opened the fridge and saw nothing but junk food and grimaced.
"My mum would have a heart attack if she saw this, she's all healthy eating"
Noah laughed.
"Yeah, the foster homes I grew up in always tried to force me to eat my veg" shook his head "never happened"

Sam grinned and shut the fridge again. Noah walked over to him and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist, looking down at him.
"I've been thinking" he announced, and Sam smiled.
"Uh oh"

Noah rolled his eyes, walking to lean against a counter and pulling Sam along with him.
"Why don't we...get away" he said, and Sam tilted his head in a confused manor.
"That's what we've been doing for the past, like, seven months" Sam raised an eyebrow (he didn't know how long they'd actually been 'on the run' for, so that was more like a wild guess).

"No, I mean, let's just I don't know" Noah trailed off, his fingerings fiddling with the back of Sam's shirt "get on a boat or something and see where it takes us"
"I think I've had enough adventure to last a life time by this point" Sam laughed, bringing up his hands to lie on Noah's chest "what's one more?"

Noah raised an eyebrow, surprised by the answer.
"So... that's a yes?"
Sam shrugged and bit his lip, looking down to the floor.
"Well, I know my family's fine now, so there's no point staying around for that, even if I will miss them" he sighed, then met Noah's eyes again "but, staying here just means there's a higher risk of getting caught"

Noah nodded.
"My thoughts exactly"


After the next couple days were up and it was evening again, Noah announced that the two of them were going to head off and stay in a hotel for the night, as they didn't want to overstay their welcome. Noah also just liked to keep moving, and felt irritated from staying in the same place for an extended length of time.

"What, so soon?" Angela asked, pouting. She had been enjoying their company. The five of them were all sat in the living room (Courtney had claimed a beanbag as there was only room for a maximum of four on the sofa - which even then was a squeeze). Skye also agreed with Angela.

Courtney sprang up and rushed to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of beer and shaking it.
"At least stay for some drinks" she said "to celebrate your last night here"
Noah shook his head.
"Can't. I'm driving"

Skye looked at him, her face clearly displaying her thoughts of "seriously Noah, now you care about the law?"
"Got me there" he grinned.
Sam spoke up also grinning.

"Well I can have some" he boasted, smirking at Noah. Noah rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair.
"Alright, we'll stay for a few"


A 'few' didn't last long and soon they went from beer to vodka to spirits. Noah drank considerably less, considering he didn't want to drive bat shit wasted, but still didn't hold back too much. Although it was funny watching his friends get completely sloshed.

From past experience, Noah knew that Sam got drunk in quite a few stages, which went something a little along the lines of:
Stage one: just more joking around than usual
Stage two: having literally no verbal filter
Stage three: being emotional
Stage four: denying that he's even drunk
Stage five: being overly flirty and clingy
And stage six, just being dead tired.

He was currently at stage three.

"What's wrong with him?" Skye laughed, pointing to Sam. She was probably the drunkest, seeing as she was the smallest of the group yet still drank more than Noah. Sam was lying on the sofa oh his back, sighing with an arm slung over his eyes.

"Just, snakes!" Sam exclaimed, then waved his arms about. Noah was slumped on the beanbag, beer bottle in hand. He took a swing then replied.

Sam rolled onto his stomach, looking at Noah with lidded eyes,
"They don't have any arms!" He sobbed, face planting onto the sofa and groaning. Which made Skye laugh louder. Courtney was already passed out on the floor and Angela, being the mum friend, had gone to get a pillow and blanket for her.

Noah looked to Angela when she returned, then looked at Sam questioningly.
"Uhh, so?"
Sam looked up at him, exasperated.
"So?" He threw his arms up again "they can't do hand stuff!"

Angela laughed, although not in a mean way like Skye had, as she covered Courtney with the blanket (who was snoring loudly).
"I'm sure the snakes will be fine, Sam"

Sam huffed and crossed his arms, sitting up. Then he clutched his head as the world still seemed sideways and took a while to turn around. He rubbed his eyes and took another gulp of his vodka and coke.

Then Courtney sat bolt up right.
"What about lizards?" She said to Sam, who gasped "they're just snakes with arms" she carried on, Sam agreeing whole heartedly.
"The lucky ones..." he mused.

Noah and Angela watched the whole thing completely confused, as Courtney and Sam seemed on the same wavelength or something. Skye was laughing at a video of a bird on her phone. She rubbed her eyes.

"Guys" she said suddenly, having an idea "I should cut my hair" she sprang up and grabbed some scissors out the bathroom, coming back and holding them to the front of her hair. Only for Angela to grab them.

"Let's not do that!" She said, putting them back down on the table. Noah 'awwd' at the missed chance of Skye's embarrassment. Sam grabbed them off the table.
"I will, Noah!" He grinned, just for Noah to take them off him that time.

"It was funny for Skye to, but I like your hair Sam so no". Sam's face scrunched up as if Noah was the bad guy for not letting him ruin his hair. He stood up to put the scissors back then swayed, although he carried on walking. He chucked the scissors on the bathroom floor then returned, sitting next to Courtney on the floor, then took a drink of something from a bottle.

Noah stood up, swaying just slightly. It took a lot to get him proper wasted, seeing as he was 'a giant' (as both Skye and Sam had described him on numerous occasions).
"Alright, I think we should get going then" he glanced at the clock and noticed it was way past midnight, and he was thinking about where they'd even stay that night.

"Don't you wanna just stay another night?" Angela asked.
"Nah, I wanna just get on the road" he replied. Angela only seemed a little tipsy herself, so he'd trust her to look after Courtney and Skye, who were both already passed out (he wished he still had a phone to snap a pic for blackmail).

He grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him up, only for Sam to yank his hand away.
"I can walk jus' fine, cause I'm not even drunk, okay?" He said matter of factly. Noah sent Angela and look and she giggled. Stage four it was.
"Alright then, Sammy, can you walk to the car?" He smirked at Sam, who nodded and pushed past him.

They both pulled their hoodies on (although Sam took some helping) and waved goodbye, then took the lift downstairs and pulled their hoods up. Noah helped Sam into the car (who begrudgingly let him) and then pulled onto the road. He was just praying they didn't get pulled over - honestly he was lucky they hadn't been already. Even if they were, he'd just have to try outdrive them anyway.
They drove for a rough three quarters of an hour then found a hotel. Noah parked up then got out, walking round to help Sam.

Sam wobbled as he got out and fell into Noah, who held him steady. He then looked up and met Noah's eyes, smirking.
"Hey handsome"
Great, stage five.

Noah decided that the easiest thing to do would just be to piggyback Sam to their room and get him to sleep it off. He crouched down and motioned for Sam to get on, which he did happily, hugging Noah tightly.


Once in their room, Noah dropped Sam off (who complained as he 'felt like a koala') and flopped onto the double bed provided. Sam also flopped down, right on top of him. He then wasted no time and began kissing Noah, cupping his cheeks. Noah didn't protest and wrapped his arms around Sam's lower back, hugging him closer.

It was when Sam sat up so he was straddling Noah, did Noah feel his whole face heat up. He looked up at Sam.
Sam grinned sloppily and stroked his hand down Noah's arm, which he was still on his back.

"Can't believe I've got a boyfriend as hot as you" he said, ducked down for another kiss. Noah laughed lightly.
"Look at yourself" he said between kisses "the reason I was so quiet when you first turned up in our cell was because I was so astounded by the fact I bagged a cellmate as cute as you - had to psych myself up to just say hey"

He ran a hand through the back of Sam's hair, who smiled.
"You're sweet"

The two of them kissed a little longer before finally actually getting into bed. Sam curled up close to Noah, who wrapped an arm around him.

Sleep came quick to them both.


The next day they just set off and drove, all the way down to a harbour. The plan was to just sneak on a big boat and headed somewhere foreign and see where it took them - which, was, a rather shitty plan but they didn't have anything in England holding them back.

They got out the car and just... sort of, left it. It didn't have anything of value in, seeing as they took their minimal belongings in backpacks.

Sam took a deep breath and grabbed Noah's hand, squeezing it tightly.
"We're really doing this, huh?" He smiled, but the nervousness he was feeling was bright as day on his face.
Noah nodded, squeezing Sam's hand back.

"Just you and me, Sam and Noah, against the world" he grinned widely, although he had no idea what to expect either. Neither of them had left the country before, so it would be an experience and a half.

Both of them looked out at the sea, then back at each other, and grinned.

They'd do it together.


Authors note:

Well, this is the end! Honestly, I'm just gonna go ahead and say sorry if you didn't find this a satisfying ending (I didn't really either) but I made the mistake of not planning out this whole story beforehand, so it's just been getting pretty draining and hard to come up with ideas to write. Which is why I just thought I'd tie up a few loose ends with this chapter and just give you guys a load of fluff haha.

I decided to leave it open for a chance at a sequel (which will most likely not happen lmao) so yeah, but just imagine the boys ending up wherever you please.

Also, I may do an off the side one-shots story thing?? I did last time I wrote this story, cause sometimes I miss writing these boys so I just wanna write little one off things from prompts and stuff I see on tumblr lol. So, if anyone wants me to do that, let me know in the comments!

Thanks for sticking around and seeing this story through, I love these characters I've made and it really is fun to write them :)

I hope you've enjoyed, see ya!

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