I Don't Have a Choice, But I'...

By rierra4real

32.8K 732 110

It is 2018, "The Secret Garden" is coming back to Broadway and fans around the world are excited. The best fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 5

1K 16 2
By rierra4real


She didn't dare to move because she thought that if she did, Ramin would move out of their comfortable and cosy position. He was so close, she could hear his heartbeat. Was he nervous or something? His heart rate was quite high. Could that be because he didn't like sitting like this? Her heart was beating what felt like a hundred times faster than his, and a thousand thoughts raced through her mind. Still she didn't do anything. Sierra also thought about the fight Amanda and Ramin had before. Last time she asked she kind of felt offended that he had not told her. But it was not her thing to know if Ramin did not want her to, it must be something personal. It still hurt though, she would tell Ramin anything. It was hard knowing that her relationship to him was somewhat one sided.

When the movie ended she didn't remember anything of the movie, all she thought of during the film was the closeness of their bodies. Sadly, it had ended and they were supposed to move so Sierra prepared to move once Ramin felt to move. However, he didn't move. He just sat there, holding her in his arms. She didn't complain at all, she just enjoyed every moment of his presence as much as she could.

- So, what did you think of the movie? Ramin suddenly asked.

She didn't know what to say, she wasn't able to focus on the movie because of a certain person that sat very, very close to her. Therefore, she figured she would go with an all-time working answer.

- I guess it was good.

- Okay, but I should maybe go home now; he said sitting up.

Sierra looked at the clock that hung on the wall. It was still quite early on the day, around 3, but Ramin had to go home and pack up his things. She didn't want him to go but she still said:

- Okay, shall we drive to your apartment then?

- Sure. And Sie, I'm sorry I can't stay any longer, but I need to pack up you know. Rehearsals start tomorrow so I need to be done 'til then.

In fact, Ramin didn't live far away from Sierra, the only reason he took the car was because they had hired it for him.

- I understand Ramen; she said with a smile.

- Great Siruh.

They laughed a little, "Ramen" and "Siruh" were not very funny nicknames but they still found it funny.

Sierra followed Ramin to his flat because he wanted some help to carry his things in and of course she helped him. After helping Ramin carrying in all his stuff Sierra was just about to walk home when he asked:

- Thinking about it, do you wanna help me pack up all stuff?

Sierra wouldn't have wanted to do anything else than that, but suddenly the thought that he maybe didn't want her to help him popped into her head. Sure, he had actually asked her but probably just to be nice. However, he seemed to be quite happy and hopeful, but still, did he really want her to help?

- Sie! Earth calls to Sierra, do you hear me? Ramin laughed waving his hand in front of her eyes.

- Oh, sorry. I just zoned off a bit.

- I noticed that, are you alright? Ramin asked.

- Yes; Sierra answered quickly, even though it was cute of Ramin to ask she felt bad for ruining the mood.

- So, do you wanna help me or not?

- Do you want me to?

- Of course I want to. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked, you know? He said with a little laugh.

- Well, then I'll help you; she said, and they went inside his apartment.

Sierra loved that Ramin just went on going, it was very nice to have her best friend back again.


After unpacking all Ramin's stuff he felt like eating a pizza and go to bed. The only problem was that Sierra was still with him and he didn't want her to leave yet. They sat in one of his couches in the living room and watched some crappy series on the TV not doing anything important. Now they weren't snuggled up as they had been at her apartment, they sat next to each other, Sierra resting her head on his shoulder and he was holding his arm around her shoulders. Sitting there doing nothing a thought came to his head.

- Sie; he said.

- Mmhmm?

- Do you remember what you wrote to me like two days ago, about that fan mail you got, you know?

- Oh yes! We totally forgot it; she said sitting up properly, so his arm fell from the place it had rested on and landed on her waist.

Ramin thought about moving his hand but she didn't seem to care so he kept it there.

- By the way, I think I need to go home now Ramen, we'll have to look on the fanmail later; she said half-jokingly.

- Yeah, it's getting late now, right?

- Yes, and I need to walk home so I think I have to start moving.

- I suppose so; Ramin said standing up while holding out his hand to help his friend out of the couch.

Silently they went to the hallway and he looked as Sierra put on her shoes and coat. He looked into her sparkling green eyes and realized how beautiful they were. Wait, why would he think that? No, it was not that odd, right?

- Ramin! Sierra suddenly exclaimed.

- Sierra! He answered.

- Do you know what happens the 20th of February?

- No, tell me; he said smiling.

She lightly punched him on his cheek and he followed her motion with his head.

- Our concert!

- Oh, now I remember; he said with a goofy smile on his face.

He loved when Sierra pretended to be offended because she looked so cute. But sadly, it was time for Sierra to go home so they gave each other one last cosy hug and said goodbye before she went.

Directly after Sierra went he picked up his phone and called the number he had wanted to call for quite some time; the number for the pizza place. His stomach had protested since Sierra and he had come home to his apartment, but he knew that she couldn't stay for very long, so he waited to eat until she went. After he had ordered his pizza a feeling that he was supposed to do something crept to his mind. Something that he must not forget. Suddenly he remembered that he was supposed to call Mandy and check how she and the kids were, so he searched for her number and called her.

After the call was done and the pizza was delivered he decided to log on to his Instagram to post a picture. As usual when he was away from home he uploaded a picture of Mandy and wrote how much he missed her. A quick thought that he maybe would post that he and Sierra did something today passed through his mind. But he reminded himself that Mandy would probably be jealous, so he didn't post anything on Sierra. Or, actually he didn't think that Mandy would be jealous but when he posted things on Sierra it felt like he cheated or did something wrong to Mandy. The jealous part was more of a whitewash for his feelings.


Sierra had waited for this day for so long. It was the 20th of February and that night the "Broadway classics at the Carnegie Hall" concert would be and loads of famous people were supposed to be there singing. Her "Broadway dad" Norm Lewis, Lea Salonga, Laura Onsens, Carolee Carmello, and many others would be there. And of course, her best and beloved friend Ramin would be there too and sing.

Even if she always tended to be a bit over excited this night was extreme. She jumped around in her apartment and sang the lyrics to some of the songs she was supposed to sing that night. The thought of singing with such famous and great people made her nervous but she reminded herself that "you have nothing to prove, only to share" and "you are enough, you are so enough, it's unbelievable how enough you are".

- Ramin! She exclaimed when she spotted him inside Carnegie Hall.

- Sie! he said and hugged her tightly.

She hugged him back, they hadn't seen each other since he arrived in NYC not thinking about the quick rehearsals they had had.

- I'm so excited for tonight, it's gonna be so much fun!

- Me too; he said and smiled.

Someone gave Sierra and Ramin a bunch of papers with the lyrics and then she came up with a great idea. She held up the papers and asked:

- Do you know these songs?

- No; he answered and pretended to be very nervous.

- Are you nervous?

- Yes; it sounded like he was choking.

They laughed heartily and walked hand-in-hand to the stage to have sound check.

- You guys, we're not supposed to be taking video; she whispered into the camera on her phone.

She was posting things on social media as the day passed and during the sound check she had decided to make an Instagram story.

- No video. It's illegal! He said and lunged forward covering the camera lens with his hand.

Even if he tried to act serious they both started laughing and she turned the recording off and posted it.

Sierra was going to sing some songs from The Secret Garden, both alone and together with Ramin. They were going to sing "how could I ever know" and "a girl in a valley" which also were two of her favourite songs from that show. She loved the melodies and tunes of those songs, but of course she loved all songs from Secret Garden, she had listened to the soundtrack of it since she was a small girl.

- Are you excited? Ramin laughed when he saw Sierra doing a small dance just before they were about to go out on stage.

They had now changed to their performance dressing, so Sierra wore a pink dress with pink tulle which fitted her perfectly. Ramin's wore a navy blue thrice-piece suit which she thought suited him very much.

- No, why? She answered sarcastically and giggled. And by the way, I love your suit.

- Thank you! he said and smiled with his illegally cute smile. It's my best thrice-piece suit, as you can see.

- Very nice; she said, smiling so much it hurt in her cheeks.

It was Sierra that started with "Come to my garden" and then Ramin came in and they sang their songs together. When she was done she went out of the stage and waited for Ramin to be done. When he came out from the stage she threw her arms around him and exclaimed:

- You were great out there! And the audience, they were amazing.

- You were awesome! I really enjoyed myself out there; he said and gave her a warm smile.

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